Ok so I haven’t used this account in ages but I’m finally seeing Queen tonight!
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A/N - right so I wrote this a long time ago but forgot to post it. It’s really short and just a little bit of fluff so enjoy.
Word count - 956
You woke up late on Roger’s. You could see a sunny day from behind your curtains and you could hear the heartbeat of your husband, Roger. Your head was resting against his chest, which slowly moved up and down as he slept. One of his arms was around you, hugging you close to him, as was one of yours. As you lifted your head up to look at him, you couldn’t help but grin at the peaceful expression on his face. His blonde hair was messy and his lips were slightly parted. While awake, he was such a hyper, energetic man, so to see him as calm and quiet as this was a rarity.
Under your gaze, he began to stir. His arm hold around you tightened and he pulled you closer to him, his eyes still shut. His legs intertwined with yours and his free arm wrapped around you. Chuckling lightly, you lay your head back against his chest, just below his chin.
“Morning,” you said to him, knowing he was awake despite his closed eyes.
“Morning,” his voice responded, gravelly and full of early hours. He placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Guess What day it is.” You grinned.
“I think it might be someone’s birthday,” you told him.
“Is that so?”
“Happy birthday.”
You both lay in the most comfortable silence either of you had ever experienced. You both knew that neither of you wanted to do anything more than just lie together under the warm sheets, in each other’s arms. However, you needed to get up. You had to give Roger his gift.
You sat up and looked down at him. He smiled up at you with nothing but pure contentment and you suddenly felt a lot less nervous about giving him his present. You had become aware of the gift exactly one week ago and it had simultaneously excited you and scared you shitless.
“I know we said we’d all give you your gifts when the boys got here,” you said, “but I want you to open this one now.” He raised an eyebrow at you but sat up nonetheless. Leaning sideways, your hand searched under the bed for the small box you had wrapped last week and hid there. You handed it to Roger, your hand shaking a little.
“Are you ok?” He asked, taking the box. You nodded but he didn’t look reassured.
“Umm, the thing about this gift,” you said, “we’ve never spoken about you wanting one but it unfortunately doesn’t come with a gift receipt so you better bloody like it.” Again, he raised an eyebrow to signal his slight confusion and curiosity.
“Alright,” he said slowly. You began to tear at the wrapping paper, setting it aside as he pulled back layer after layer. After all the paper was off, his fingers fumbled with opening the small box. As he saw what was inside, your stomach dropped at the look on his face.
The curious and slightly amused smile fell off his face and the ground with a thud. He looked just about as nervous as you did. You would even go as far as to say he looked scared. “Um,” he muttered, trying to find something to say. “Y/N, I…” but no words came to his rescue.
He tore his eyes away from the contents of the box and stared you. His eyes met yours with such a force that you had to glance elsewhere. He set the gift down and, to your surprise, he leaned forward and hugged you.
“Thank you,” he mumbled into your shoulder. His words were thick and you could tell he was hugging you to hide the fact he had started tearing up. “This is… this is the best gift you could have possibly given me. I know we’ve not talked about it at all yet but I figured it was only a matter of time.” Relief broke out onto your face as you realised they were tears of joy spilling from his eyes.
He pulled back from you and grinned, picking the box up again. From within, he pulled out a positive pregnancy test.
“You’re really happy?” You asked, making sure you weren’t misreading again. He chuckled, wiping his eyes.
“Yeah,” he said, laughing at how emotional he had gotten. “Yeah, sorry, just wasn’t expecting it.” He hugged you again, unsure of what else to do. “I’m gonna be a dad.”
“Yes you are,” you said, beaming. You pulled back on him and was delighted to see the pure joy on his face.
“And you’re gonna be a mum.”
“Yes I am.” You couldn’t help but laugh, neither of you knew what else to do. Rather suddenly, he jumped up off the bed.
“Stand up,” he told you. You hesitated, raising an eyebrow at him. “Up, up!” He shooed you off the bed and your feet hit the cold floor. Roger ran around the bed, grinned at you, and kneeled down in front of you.
“What are you-”
But he silenced you, bringing a finger up to his lips. You watched him as he placed him hand upon you belly. You shook your head, giggling at him as there wasn’t a bump yet. He leaned close to you, almost resting his head against your tummy.
“Hello,” he whispered to your belly. “Looks like someone’s gonna steal all the attention away from his daddy on his birthday.” Still beaming at him, you pulled him up so he stood up straight. You kissed him, overcome with happiness. You could not be more relieved about how everything had went.
Now the only thing you had to worry about was how Brian, John, and Freddie were going to react.
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Shattered- Part 2
Here is the follow-up part of my firefighter! Ben Hardy imagine, thank you for the lovely comments on the first part I hope you enjoy this part. I might be doing another follow-up soon as well.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem​ @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid​ @jennyggggrrr​ @rogermeddow @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog​
Ben Hardy masterlist
Part 1
Summary: Whilst Ben is on a job at a collapsing building, he finds out (Y/n) and their son are there and tries to protect them but he can’t stop them all from getting injured.
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Snapping his eyes as tight as he could manage, Ben gritted his teeth together as he scratched the palms of his hands against the concrete and bis of grit and stone coating the floor. He could hear his overalls scratching against the floor and catching on bits of gravel but he didn’t have the will to care. The moment he was next to (Y/n), he let his body slump down and relax to try and rid himself of the burning agony igniting through his torn muscles and burnt flesh.
Pulling his rather limp and useless legs closer to him, he tried to straighten out his left leg so the dislocated joint could rest but when his eyes landed on his right foot, he felt himself sighing through gritted teeth. His ankle was mangled and useless, there was no way his foot was going to be saved and he didn’t want it to be either. The bone was crushed and so were the muscles, if his foot was stayed connected to his leg it was going to be a useless hassle dragging behind him, he was better off without it.
With a groan of great discomfort, Ben turned his attention to (Y/n) who was laid limp beside him on his left. He had stayed true to his word and was still within Tommy’s sight so the eight year old wouldn’t fret or become worried but Ben knew he was desperate to crawl over here with them.
Keep reading
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ben hardy // roger taylor
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gwilym lee // brian may
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hbd to Brian! <3 it’s not midnight yet, so it’s not too late lol
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Happy Birthday Deaky 🎉 (deacy..?)
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Surprises - part one (Roger x reader x Ben)
A/N - no one asked for this and I’ve still got some requests that I need to finish but, me being the procrastinating disaster that I am, decided to write about everyone’s favourite three way relationship. Hope you enjoy! This is part one of a short series btw. Things will get better!
Warnings - Angstttttttttt, swearing, pregnancy, ughhhh, Roger being an idiot
Word count - 2369
It was pretty safe to say, you were fucking terrified. One hand was gripping the sink, your knuckles as white as the porcelain you were holding onto for dear life. The other held a positive pregnancy test.
You had suspected it for the last few days. You had thrown up every morning this week and tried to convince yourself that you just had a bug. But something in the back of your mind just knew that this wasn’t some illness that would pass in a few days. No, this was something that would last your entire life.
Accepting that you were pregnant was the second most difficult thing about this whole situation. The most difficult would be telling Ben and Roger. Scenarios flew around your mind of them leaving you. You could picture them running off into the sunset together, leaving you with alone with the big belly that was in your near future.
You knew that you would have to tell them together. It wouldn’t be fair to one of them if the other found out before he did. So you called them both. As Ben was higher up in your contacts, you phoned him first.
And he didn’t answer.
Your breathing started to quicken. You didn’t know why this was making you so nervous. He was probably just in the middle of filming - Yes, that had to be it.
Trying your best to calm down, you phoned Roger. Thank god he answered. Otherwise you would’ve probably just cried.
“Hello?” Came his voice. Just the familiar noise was enough to help you feel a little less panicked.
“Hi,” you said, your voice quieter than you had intended.
“You alright, love?” He asked, noticing the way the greeting had been a little shaky. You nodded despite him not being able to see you.
“Yeah, fine,” you said quickly. “How long are you going to be at the studio?”
“I’m actually walking to my car now,” he told you. “We were going to try and finish the song today but we all need a break. I think we’re all getting a little short with each other.”
“So you’re not in a great mood then?” You asked him, panic settling in you again. You heard him sigh.
“Not really,” He said and you could just imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose, “Brian keeps trying to change the tempo and making up sections to throw us off a little. Every second line he uses a different riff-”
“Just seeing if you can keep up with a few surprises,” you heard Brian’s distant and muffled voice say, teasingly. You could tell he was enjoying getting a rise out of his friend.
“No one likes your surprises, Brian,” Roger said, obviously not aiming the comment at you. He addressed you again. “Sorry, he’s just being bloody annoying. Let’s make a deal, from now on, no more fucking surprises.” Despite the slightly humorous way in which he said that last bit, a pit had opened up in your stomach.
“Ok, Rog,” you said, your voice quiet and quick once more. “I’ll see you at home.” Before he had time to respond, you hung up the phone, throwing it down on the counter next to the sink. Your hands were shaking as you picked up the test again, double checking that you had read it right.
You had, of course.
At that moment, you heard keys in a lock before the front door swung open. Your eyes widened and you quickly stashed the test in your pocket, making sure to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down.
You nodded at yourself in the mirror, giving you that wee bit of confidence you needed, and exited the small bathroom. You spotted Ben standing by the front door as he hung his jacket up.
“Hi, babe,” he said when he saw you. He made his way over to you, talking with every stride. “Sorry I didn’t answer the phone, I was driving and-” but you silenced him with a hug. Hugs weren’t uncommon between the two of you but the thing that surprised him was the urgency of which you wrapped your arms around him. “Are you alright?” He asked, concern plain in his voice. He held you as you buried your face into his shoulder.
The second you had seen him, tears had started to form in your eyes. This was the quickest way you had been able to think of to hide your face from him.
Even so, you answered his question truthfully. “No,” you said, your voice muffled by the fabric of his jumper. He wanted to pull back from you, to see your face, but you clung onto him the same way someone who can’t swim clings onto a lifebuoy.
“What is it?” He asked. You just shook your head.
“I-” you said, your voice catching in your throat, “I can’t tell you until Roger gets home.”
“Babe, that won’t be for another ten minutes,” he said, still wanting only to see your face so that he could judge how serious this was. “If something’s wrong, you need to tell me.” You finally allowed him to pull back. His hands found either side of your face and he used his thumb to wipe away a tear. “I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s wrong.” Again, you shook your head.
“Sorry,” you said, your cheek leaning into his palm. “It has to wait until he gets here.” Ben look at you for a long moment. He seemed to decide that, no matter how hard he pushed, you were adamant on waiting for Roger to get home. He nodded, pulling you close to him, and lead you to the couch.
With your back against his chest and his chin resting above your head, you both lay quietly. His fingers intertwined with your own and he examined the way your hands looked together. You had managed to stop crying and you were silently scorning yourself for being so emotional about this.
The truth was, you were just terrified of losing your boys. You couldn’t help but imagine not having Ben to lie with, the way you were lying with him now. Oh how you would miss the way you could feel his heartbeat and the way his chest rose and fell with every breath.
Sensing that, despite the lack of tears, you were still upset, Ben’s lips began whispering sweet words of comfort. He told you how much he loved you, how much Roger loved you. His breath was hot against your ear and the side of your face tickled as Ben’s words blew stray hairs out of the way.
He felt you tense as the two of you heard Roger open and close the front door. “Anyone home?” His voice rang out.
“I’m here, love,” Ben called back. Moments later, Roger appeared in the doorway of the living room. He looked down at you and Ben in each other’s arms, and smiled.
“We need to get a bigger couch,” he commented as he searched for a way to join the two of you. However, his smile faltered a little when he saw the serious looks on both your faces. “What’s wrong?” He asked. The hand that wasn’t clasped in Ben’s reaches out towards Roger and you pulled him towards the couch. He sat down, cuddling into you and sandwiching you between your two boyfriends.
“I- um…” you began. You hated the way your voice cracked. “Rog, I know you said no surprises but- um…” Without looking at either of them, you could tell they had shot a worried glance at each other. You could feel your cheeks growing red.
“Love, whatever it is, it’ll be alright,” Roger told you, sending how scared you were. Still, you couldn’t find the words to tell them. The phrase “I’m pregnant,” was stuck at the back of your throat.
So instead, you quickly dug in your pocket and pulled out the positive pregnancy test. Both their eyes landed on it and their faces fell.
You stayed absolutely silent, trying to work out from their blank faces whether they were pleased or not. You honestly felt like crying again until Ben’s face broke out into a smile. “Oh my god,” he said, breathlessly and with a slight laugh. His hand left yours and immediately went to rest on your belly, despite it not showing any signs of a pregnancy. “There’s gonna be a person in here.”
You could help but laugh. Mostly because of his comment but also because of the relief you were feeling. With one hand still on your belly, the other cupped your face and he kissed you. You could feel his grin against your lips.
After both pulling away, you turned your head to roger, expecting him to want to kiss you as well. Instead, your heart dropped as you saw that he was still wearing that fallen, blank expression.
“Babe?” Ben said. Roger looked up, as if just waking up from a day dream. “You alright?” Roger nodded and his mouth moved to talk, but no words came out. He cleared his throat and tried again.
“Uh, yeah I-” he stood up rather suddenly, causing your leg to fall off the couch “- I just - um - I need a minute.” And without another word, he left. A moment later, you heard the bedroom door slam shut and a sinking feeling rooted itself within you.
Ben, who face had been shocked and slightly angry at Roger’s sudden disappearance, was quickly replaced by a comforting, tight lipped smile when he saw the look of pure panic on your face.
It was like your worst fear had come true. You could not lose Roger.
“Hey, it’s gonna be ok,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to your temple as his grip around you tightened a little. He was shaking slightly and you could tell that he was just as worried about losing Roger as you were. “He’ll come round, he just needs to process everything.”
Loosening his hold on you, Ben quickly excused himself, explaining to you that he was just going to go check on Roger. However, the thin walls of your home betrayed him.
“What the hell are you doing?” You heard Ben demand as he entered the bedroom.
“I can’t do this, Ben,” Roger responded. “I’m not meant to be a- a parent. I can’t do it.”
“Rog, listen to yourself,” Ben said seriously.
“No, you don’t get it,” he said. “You’re always here, you’re always gonna be here. I’m away touring for half the bloody year.”
“So you’re just gonna leave?” Ben said, his voice growing louder. “Don’t you see how unfair that is? Y/N doesn’t have that option, she’s stuck with it-”
“She could abort-”
“You can expect her to do that!” Ben shouted, making you flinch. “She doesn’t even let me kill spiders, you can’t seriously believe she would go through with something like that! In her mind, she’s got to do this! She doesn’t have the privilege of backing out.”
“She’s got you, doesn’t she?” Roger demanded, his voice becoming angry. “It’s not like she’s alone in this! It’ll still have a dad!”
“Because let’s face it! Only one of us is the father! Only one of us is actually going to be this things dad!”
“As if we’d ever actually find that out!” Ben shouted back. “I don’t care which one of us it is! Y/N won’t care either! We’re both it’s dad whether you like it or not!” There was a moment before the harshness in Ben’s voice was replaced by panic. “Rog? Roger, seriously…” You heard the bedroom door open and heavy footsteps making their way to the front door. You leapt to your feet and ran out of the living room.
His hand was on the door handle, he had a bag slung over his shoulder. His head jerked to looked over his shoulder at you but he stopped himself, his eyes lowering to the floor.
“I’m sorry,” was all that he said before leaving. You called out to him again but he just slammed the door in response, leaving you completely speechless. You barely acknowledged Ben’s arm around you.
“He’s…” you began, sinking deeper into Ben’s arms. “Oh my god, he’s gone.” You were too shocked to cry anymore.
Ben, on the other hand, was in tears. It took all of your combined strength to walk the few steps to your bedroom as you silently tried to comfort each other. The two of you parted for a moment as you both got under the covers but you quickly felt him pull you close to him again.
“Ben,” you said, your hand on his chest. Though you weren’t crying, your voice was still thick with what you were feeling. “I think I need a wee bit of space tonight.” He looked at you, quickly wiped his eyes, and nodded.
“Alright,” he said, sliding his arm out from beneath you. He lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his eyes occasionally darting sideways to glance at you.
Instead of returning his looks, you rolled onto your side so that your back faced him. You inched closer to the edge of the bed so that your body occupied the space on which Roger would normally sleep. You could smell him on the mattress. When you closed your eyes you could imagine that he was lying there, just out of reach.
When you awoke slowly the next morning, your body was hugging Roger’s pillow. The bed felt horribly cold as last night’s events crept back into your mind. You told yourself not to cry, not one more tear was to be shed over Roger Taylor.
Turning around to find comfort in Ben, your breath hitched in your throat. He wasn’t there. The duvet had been pulled back and you were suddenly surrounded by unoccupied mattress.
For what felt like the hundredth time in the last 24hrs, panic consumed you.
You were alone, so very alone.
Roger had left, Ben was gone, and your life would never be the same again.
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who gave him the right to be so babie???
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This was amazing! Please tag me if there’s more :)
three hearts - i
in which you can’t stand ben. really, truly, can’t stand him. it’s just your luck that he gets you pregnant.
word count: 4.7k
a/n: this is my first actual real-life series and i’m!! very excited about it. yall know i lovelovelove dad ben so here’s a whole lot of it. three hearts // alex clare
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I got whiplash from the pitch difference in Roger and Ben’s voices.
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But what could be an awkward situation, he just disarmed it straight away. He came straight up to me and just gave me a big hug.
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I will always love Harry Potter. It was huge part of my childhood and I’ll never forget the time it made me happy when I wasn’t.
But you’ll never find me supporting JK Rowling.
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THIS IS THE LUCKY TEST POST (in a text post)
Reblog for good luck on a test you studied fuck all for.
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Anyway I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hope John's taking care of himself.
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if freddie mercury had left me his entire property after his death i simply wouldn't have abused his trust and thrown out his husband and closest friends. rip to mary but i'm different.
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