frogdeerbrains · 2 hours
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I was just thinking about Charles when I made the original post, but @lumi-of-the-universe added tags bringing up Crystal and I felt they should be added to the post, because I honestly see even less of Crystal than Charles
I see so much more about Edwin than Charles, as if Charles isn't also a main character, so I just want to make it clear that while I am deeply attached to Edwin, he's wiggled his way into my brain and I doubt he'll ever leave, Charles is actually my favorite character, and my second is Niko, and I think y'all should acknowledge him more than I've been seeing, this is not the Edwin Payne show, and Jayden did too much of a good job for it to not be as appreciated
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frogdeerbrains · 2 hours
3…2…1… HAPPY SODOMY!!!!
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frogdeerbrains · 3 hours
I see so much more about Edwin than Charles, as if Charles isn't also a main character, so I just want to make it clear that while I am deeply attached to Edwin, he's wiggled his way into my brain and I doubt he'll ever leave, Charles is actually my favorite character, and my second is Niko, and I think y'all should acknowledge him more than I've been seeing, this is not the Edwin Payne show, and Jayden did too much of a good job for it to not be as appreciated
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
my own grandfather's obituary was fucking paywalled because it was originally only in print and then digitized, and the newspaper that ran the original obituary has a paywalled website. my grandfather's obituary is paywalled. he died when i was a toddler. i don't know where he was is buried. and the only record of his obituary is paywalled. like, i know it's a minor thing and i can easily get past this. but damn it feels a bit dystopian, don't you think?
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
new sex position were you dont touch at all. in fact one of you dies
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
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give them blood blood gallons of the stuff :)
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
was vulnrable for a minute and they exploaded my organs forever
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
every day I'm clocking in for my shift at the not making sense factory . we don't know what we're making only that it's not sense.
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
Plenty of highly intelligent people end up getting sucked in to cults because they just wanted people to hang out with. There are antivaxxer nurses. Your ability to act on empirical reason breaks down fast if your social and emotional needs aren't being met.
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
Baby aces, please read this as I am seeing these terms swapped out and misused a lot lately.
Sex-negative, sex-neutral, sex-positive. These words are about your cultural perception of sex. What value do you assign to sex in a general sense? Is it something that is dirtybadwrong and should never be talked about or is it a potentially positive experience between two consenting adults? Should we teach kids comprehensive sex ed? What are your attitudes about kink?
Sex-repulsed/ sex-averse, sex-indifferent, sex-favorable. These words are about your personal perception of sex. Does thinking of yourself actually having sex make you feel completely grossed out or just give you an overwhelming sense of "meh"? Would you enjoy it or be willing to do it under certain circumstances or is it just icky and off the table forever?
You can be sex-repulsed and still be sex-positive. Most aces I know are sex-positive!
I've seen the aphobia rising again on tumblr and, obviously, fuck those people forever. Thinking about them is not worth the time or effort. But I do worry this growing trend I see of aces proudly proclaiming they are sex-negative when they probably mean sex-repulsed is contributing to confusion in people who would otherwise be allies. Because that first set of words is common outside of the ace community. If you tell somebody who is active in queer and leftist spaces, but knows next to nothing about asexuality, that you're "sex-negative," they are probably going to jump to very wrong and unfavorable conclusions because sex-negative attitudes are inherently anti-queer.
Edit: I put the link to AVEN's section on these terms in the replies.
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
"please learn about my disorder so you understand why I react the way I do" and "my disorder is not an excuse to be an asshole" should co-exist and people should understand the difference
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frogdeerbrains · 4 hours
I was just scrolling around ao3 and accidentally clicked the "graphic descriptions of violence" warning and then absolutely lost my entire shit imagining the hypothetical person who does that on purpose. imagine the guy who goes on ao3 to read fanfiction of absolutely anything at all as long as it has Graphic Descriptions Of Violence. things he likes in his fanfiction: 1. violence described graphically 2. any other thing, who cares
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frogdeerbrains · 9 hours
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drew them in the hades style :-]
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