Overall I am really happy with the writing of my exegisis I feel as I had pulled through a lot in comparison to the one I had written last semester. I do feel as there is still a lot of room for improvement but also feel as that is with everything. I think that there are more chapters that are stronger than others and fear that the weaker ones might weigh me down. But with that there are some which I am very pleased with.
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Handing it in
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Handed in the final PDF of my exegesis.
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Putting it on an Indesign doc
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I went and put in all my writing and all the legal stuff that go into the exegesis on my design doc. As well as adding photographs and making sure all the figures match up and are added into the contents of images.
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Critical Commentary
I'm not going to lie I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and had a nice flow to it when writing. It was easier for me compared to some of the other chapter because I was able to discuss all of my decision maknig and why I did it all. I feel as because I had sooo many ups and downs I was able to speak on it why i did what i did at the end and how it all worked out.
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My paragraph and research on practise-led research and reflective inquiry
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Above are the articles that I got research from to back it up and referenced in my actual exegesis.
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Updating methodology chapter
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For the methodology chapter I wrote an introcution which is kinda going over the whole chapter and it what will be in it. Later in the chapter I think I will discuss practise led research and reflective inquiry.
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Editing the positioning
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I went over and started editing some parts of my positioning becasue I felt as it needed more refinement and there was a lot of jumpy text and words that needed explaining for the reader.
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Introduction and conclusion
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I started writing my introduction this was super easy to format because all I had to do was add in what each chapter will talk about and just structure it all.
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Same went for the conclusion I just wrapped up all my key points that I went over in each chapter as well as talking about my final outcome and how it allowed me to grow as a designer.
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Activity 2 Abstract Planning
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For the second half of the class, we started planning out our abstracts. This was super helpful because it allowed me to dump the ideas I had under each of the different sections. As well as writing down some sentence starters and potential ways to word things- this was either through what I read or some suggestions that Tatiana said.
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Wk 11 Activity 1
In this activity, we had to read 2 different abstracts from previous students. It was a super useful activity because it allowed me to refresh my memory on what the abstract should have inside. Going over all the points that should be added to the abstract to ensure that it discusses all the points needed. Such as the topic overview, research question, contextual knowledge, methodology/methods and relevance/significance.
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While highlighting all the different sections of each abstract also had to go over 5 key words that we saw come up while reading.
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Later then discussed it with the 3 other members of my table.
The last abstract I have to say was super confusing for me and didn't really understand. While the second to last one I analysed was a lot more straightforward and easier to understand. I also skimmed through and read some of the other examples so I can just get a better idea for when I am planning out my abstract in the next activity.
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Critical Commentary Activity 2
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For the second activity, we had to plan out what are some potential topics we would talk about in our chapter. Critical ideas I came up with are Macedonian influences - architecture, stobi mosaics, traditional clothing, and the lion. Existing drink labels - spirits. Positioning Za Život with other brands in the market. The user experience - opening up the box how and how it feels.
Some other important points I also wrote down to remember were like a summary at the end of the chapter to talk on how all the aspects work together. Personal language.
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Critical Commentary Activity 1
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In our table groups, we had to read a chapter of a past student's Critical Commentary.
add more..
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Critical Commentary notes
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Before we started any activities we went through what are some components that would be good to add to this chapter. This was super essential because it allowed me to refresh my memory on what is needed for the Critical Commentary chapter.
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Week 10 Lecture
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In today's lecture, we had some of the master students present their work. I just wrote down some interesting things that I got from some of the speakers.
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Formative Feedback
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I'm going to go over my feedback and change anythings that Tatiana commented.
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Lecture WK9
In today's lecture we had 5 students present their work and show their overall process. It was interesting to see what they have done and look at the process they take. And how we all work super different to one another. I took note of some interesting things that I wanted to consider.
Because I'm feeling in a bit of a rut with my design especially iterating my label design further. Some things inspired me to research and look further into such as,
Macedonian Myths - could be interesting to look into
Look into the Art Movements in Macedonian history
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Making a start on writing
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Made a start on writing about the methods I am using and how they are beneficial processes to the creation of my brand. Printing it out for Wednesday's class for the feedback session. I am yet to add some references to back it up and also add an introduction- because I'm not 100% sure yet what to add in it. Also need to research and speak on methodology itself.
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