fxrris · 6 years
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In moments like this Winter missed Ferris’s sister, the girl would’ve picked up on the jokes, she would’ve understood what she said, though depending on her mood she wasn’t quite sure if she’d side with her in her never-ending teasing of Ferris, but either way, it would’ve at least earned a chuckle she figured. Blue eyes rolled again, waving the girl off as if what she was saying meant nothing, which it did. “They’d tell you huh?” The blonde laughed, “So when they talk to you how can you tell between them talking to you, or your sister? Or do the aliens just drop her off from time to time instead? How’s all that work exactly?”
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it wasn’t necessarily easy for a person to hurt ferris’ feelings. a lot of the time she didn’t even realize people were making fun or her or insulting her but when she did, she simply couldn’t be bothered with the opinions other people had of her, and she just went along her merry way. but when anyone spoke about her sister in such a way, it always felt like a stab to the gut; a sharp dagger twisting up her insides. “ it’s not like that, ” she said, trying to be stern although she ultimately failed herself. if only everyone could see the world the way she did, they would understand. “ my insects and i don’t communicate through words. we have a deep connection. we can sense each other. ” her lips pressed together as she averted her gaze for a moment, even the idea of speaking about her sister not being a comfortable one. “ piper isn’t with the aliens, or whatever. she’s dead. but her spirit is very much alive. as is her voice and her presence. when piper speaks to me, is through her spirit, not her physical body. her body belongs now to the earth. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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cecily sat outside on a bench, her phone out in front of her as she tried to get a photo. the light wasn’t quite perfect, but she liked the backdrop and it would be so perfect for her instagram. with a slight pout, she studied the couple of photos she had taken sullenly, none of them up to her standards. a shadow passed her and she glanced up, brightening at the sight of another person. “hey! will you take a photo for me?” 
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the girl turned, brows raising slightly as the other called out to her. “ —me ?? ” ferris asked, although the answer was obvious after a quick glance to her surroundings, only to see no one else in the vicinity. photography had never really been the redhead’s strong suit, but she would have felt bad for saying no. she couldn’t say no, not even if she really wanted to. “ um—yes, sure. i can do that, ” she decided finally, with a little nod.
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fxrris · 6 years
Kaio hadn’t been talking to anyone directly but he did want to show off his natural talents. His eyes were focused on the spoon as he tried to balance it off the tip of his nose. “Hey-hey watch this.” He mumbled as put all of his focus and attention on the spoon.
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the redhead’s eyes were glued to the book in her hand but she wasn’t really reading it. instead, she found herself spaced out, chocolate hues glazed over as she focused in on no word in particular. before long she was pulled out of her trance by a voice. ferris wasn’t completely sure he was speaking to her to begin with, but there wasn’t a ton of other people around so she figured she’d humor him anyway. “ that’s impressive, ” she said, offering a little nod along with a gentle smile
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fxrris · 6 years
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a small sigh fell from octavia’s mouth before she pressed her lips together. she knew that the fear was irrational, but she’d never really even attempted to control it. so long as she didn’t have any run in with spiders, she was okay. in her perhaps too long list of anxieties, this one would probably place at the bottom. “ honestly, i’m not really sure. they’re just so –– crawly and creepy and ugh. i don’t know. it’s just been that way since i was a child. i could barely get through that part in harry potter and the chamber of secrets with aragog and all his off spring, ” she made a face just at the thought of it. “ but, you know, i’m really not about that whole –– killing spiders life and whatnot. i do believe the world is better off without them, but you know, ” she half-joked, lifting her shoulders in a shrug. “ while they’re here i don’t wanna be the giant who orphans a family of little spiders. even if i do hate them. our understanding is they stay on their lane and i stay in mine. that way no one gets hurt, ” she concluded with a small smile. 
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ferris cocked her head to the side as she allowed herself to fully process the other’s words. as much as she wanted to see where she was coming from, she just couldn’t. perhaps she never would, but that wouldn’t stop her from attempting. creepy and crawly made sense, of course, but it wasn’t an opinion she shared. “ i see, ” the redhead spoke finally with a little nod, after a long moment of contemplation. she’d never seen a harry potter movie in her life, so she couldn’t even begin to imagine what the brunette was on about, but she chose not to ask. “ the world Would be much worse off without spiders, actually. they’re a vital part of the ecosystem. they keep the insect population under control and provide a food source for animals as well. you know, birds and reptiles and that sort of thing. all things exist for a reason. just—something to think about, i suppose, ” ferris went on, lifting her shoulders in a little shrug. “ that’s fair, though. spiders much prefer to avoid humans if they can so if you ever find one bothering you, it’s probably just an accident. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
y’all work was gross & my muse was like.......p much non-existent today buT tomorrow is a holiday so i’ll be around allllllllllllll day i promise luv yall
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fxrris · 6 years
Logan was typing away on her macbook, the musicality of her acrylic nails against the keys echoing from the table in the center of the café. It was her usual blogging spot, where the sun hit the counter just right in the early afternoon and she could see out of the big windows into the sprawling, red desert beyond the building. The coffee was subpar, its dark contents sitting stagnant in its cup beside her. She missed getting her usual venti coconutmilk mocha macchiato from Starbucks every morning. But, this was her only option, so crumbly muffins and sour coffee would have to suffice.
Her lips pursed together in thought, the clacking of her keyboard coming to a halt. Finding the right words was always hard, especially when you’ve been telling the world you’ve been living in ‘Las Vegas’ for ‘work’ instead of running away to the middle of nowhere for no reason at all. Covering it up with some new shoes seemed to be a nice alibi for today.
With her mind so focused on her work, she didn’t even notice absentmindedly knocking over the purse at her feet, car keys tumbling out onto the dark wood floors.
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more often than not, ferris kept to herself and if she could help it, preferred to stay out of everyone else’s business. that way, people stayed out of hers, and she was free to enjoy her time alone how she liked it best. sat tucked away in the corner of the cafe, ferris was truly enjoying her personal space. she sipped slowly on a cup of steaming green tea, eyes scanning over the pages of one of her oldest and most loved books. normally she would be doing the same thing somewhere outside, enjoying the sunshine and the dry air of the desert, but something compelled her to stay indoors rather than take her drink to go as usual. 
and then, as if by some twist of fate, the barely audible clatter of keys to hardwood caught her attention despite the usual bustle of the somewhat-busy cafe. no one seemed to notice but her, not even the blonde who appeared to own the set of keys in question. ferris couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t been there to see it, thinking they might have gone unnoticed and lost forever or stolen by someone else. perhaps that was her purpose for sitting inside that day. it was hard to say for sure. leaving her open book and half-full mug on the table, she got to her feet and approached the blonde slowly, crouching down to pick the keys up from where they sat on the floor.
“ i don’t think you want to forget these, ” she said softly as she got back to her feet, holding them out to the other as she got a good look the other. immediately, she felt timid and shrunk back a little. there was something about her energy, she thought, that was too big for a place like moon valley. too pretty to be hidden away in some small town like this. “ sorry, i um—i didn’t mean to interrupt. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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Winter, despite her usual disdain for the other, was slowly finding herself more and more entertained as she continued to try to assure her that a spider wouldn’t crawl into her mouth. “I want you to get your phone out,” The blonde instructed, gesturing to her, “And google it, because you really just can’t go on thinking you don’t eat your fair share of fucking spiders.” The blonde rested her hand on her hip, waiting for the redhead to do as she said, “If a spider was going to crawl into anyone’s mouth it for sure be yours, don’t you have a like… whole house dedicated to weird bugs? Imagine all the shit that’s been in your mouth Ferris, like seriously.”
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the redhead’s lips pressed together in a firm line as she shook her head slowly. “ i’m not going to do that, ” she protested, although not with much force. partially to do with the fact she didn’t want winter to be embarrassed for being so adamant on something that was incorrect, but mostly because she didn’t have much data to waste on looking up things she already knew. “ i think it would benefit you if you did a little more research on the subject. there’s a lot to learn about arachnid behavior that disproves that theory and you might actually find it interesting to know. ” even though the blonde did have a pretty fair point, ferris still wasn’t buying it. “ i have pets, yes. but they aren’t left to wander freely. none of them have been in my mouth, that’s absurd. i would know because they would TELL me or i would notice them missing. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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Work was important to Noel. In fact, a good work ethic had been pretty much drilled into him from birth considering his military man father was pretty big on it, and while his dad didn’t agree with his choice in career at first, Noel always made sure to prove to him just how hard he could work at doing what he loved… so fixating on the pretty redhead he met when she was admiring a moth fluttering around the headlight of his van the other night was something he knew he should stop. But she was so god damn pretty and there was something about her dreamy and quirky personality that intrigued him, plus she was full of stories, which was good content for his vlogs. So, when he spotted her, Ferris, walking towards one of the little food stands in the amusement park he couldn’t help but walk over to her, camera in hand and a bright smile on his face, “Hey you,” He greeted as he got her attention, pearly white smile spread across his cheeks, “You busy? I was wondering if you could show me any cool places around the park.” @fxrris
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perhaps it was because he was new in town and ferris had grown bored with the townies she saw every day or the same type of tourist that strolled through, but there was just something about noel that she found irresistibly charming. in was his energy, she thought, that made him stand out from the rest of the crazed tourists looking for answers about extraterrestrial life. it had taken ferris a long moment to realize that he was addressing her in the first place, turning slowly to face him as if he had just broken her out of some sort of trance. he did, really. she wasn’t sure what possessed her to stick around the part after her shift had finished but something did. and perhaps, she thought, the two were destined to run into each other that day. “ hi, ” her greeting was timid, the smallest trace of a smile creeping across her face as she met the gaze of the taller boy. already her heart had begun to flutter in her chest. the redhead eyed the camera in his grip for a brief moment before flicking back up to his eyes. “ i don’t know if we have the same definition of cool. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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If it was one thing Ferris knew how to do, it was how to make Hayden smile. He tried to hide it by pressing his lips together and shaking his head but he knew is cover was pretty useless. “When I get cast in an Oscar winning movie you’re going to regret making fun of me,” Hayden retorted before laughing. He dusted himself off yet again, but still kept the wide smile that was creeping onto his face. “Okay, how instead of going to the bar, we can just hang out here?” Hayden offered. The streets were pretty empty during this time of day and there wasn’t really much else to do.
“Maybe we can play a game of ‘Never Have I Ever’? I haven’t played it since high school, but it might still be fun?” Hayden sat back down on the ground and patted the spot next to him. “Oh, or the question game. I used to love the question game back when I was a kid. That was my go-to game to play with girls,” Hayden admitted with a laugh. “But if you have better things to do, don’t let me distract you.”
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brows furrowed slightly. “ i think you should thank me in your winning speech, for encouraging you to follow your dreams, ” she countered, an air of nonchalance surrounding her words as she cooed them. quite frankly, she was a bit taken aback by his second offer. from what she noticed, most people required the influence of some other substance to help them stand her company but still, she found herself quite giddy at the offer, albeit still a little uncomfortable.
despite a brief moment of hesitation, ferris found herself accepting his offer and taking a seat next to him on the ground, knees pulled up to her chest so she could wrap her arms around her shins. “ i don’t think i’ve played either of those games before, ” she admitted with a little shrug. it was true, though. especially as a child, ferris wasn’t often invited to play any games at all unless she was mistaken for her sister. “ no, i never have anything to do. so, uh—sure, i’ll play. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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Bright blue eyes practically rolled back into her head when Ferris decided to turn their little moment into a teaching lesson, a groan leaving her lips while the girl was speaking still, letting it drag out until she finally shut her mouth, and offered a fake smile, “Great. Venom, amazing.” Winter muttered, watching as she set the eight-legged freak on its way to produce more little monsters, snorting some when Ferris seemed practically offended by the idea of killing a spider. “Bitch it happens all the time don’t you know? When you sleep a spider-like, crawls into your mouth almost all the time, look up the statistics, might be why you’re such a freak about bugs, they’re slowly taking over your brain and soon you’re gonna be like Jeff Goldblum in the fly cept with eight hairy legs sticking out your sides.”
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it wasn’t as if she was trying to be pretentious or some kind of know-it-all or anything, it was just her natural instinct to correct others for the sake of them gaining a bit of knowledge. so of course she had to continue her attempt to convince winter otherwise, finding a serious flaw in her logic that caused her brows to knit together. “ i think maybe someone has given you false information. a spider has no reason to crawl into a sleeping person’s mouth. not unless you keep other insects in your mouth that a spider wants to hunt, anyway. spiders aren’t very fond of people, for the most part. and all things considered, you would probably notice a spider crawling in your mouth and wake up before you even had a chance to eat it. ” she ignored the odd attempt at an insult, not really understanding the reference considering the fly was a movie she hadn’t personally seen.
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fxrris · 6 years
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once ferris released the spider in the opposite direction, a breath of relief fell from octavia’s lips as she put one hand over her chest, her heart beat slowly decelerating. having been born and raised so near the desert, she was used to seeing these sorts of creatures more than she would have liked, but the girl never could quite get used to them. the fear was a bit irrational, especially when it came to supposedly harmless spiders, as the one the redhead had held, but knowing that didn’t ease her fear. “ no, no, it’s –– it’s not your fault. i know it’s a bit stupid, but, ” she chuckled, “ i don’t know, i’ve always, kind of, hated spiders. no offense to your little friend. i’m sure neither of you meant any harm, ” she stated with another chuckle, trying to remain polite ( her natural instincts told her to call that spider an actual living embodiment of satan, but she didn’t know how ferris would take that ).
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ferris had never known such fear and quite frankly, she didn’t understand it. to be fair, she didn’t exactly understand most things about other people to begin with but she had always been fond of spiders herself, even as a child. in her experience, people only hated things they didn’t fully understand. most times ferris didn’t think she was capable of hating anything at all, so someone feeling so negatively about something as small and harmless as a spider just didn’t compute. “ it’s not stupid. fear is a normal human emotion, ” she said with a little nod, her partial attempt to make the other feel better about the whole situation. “ but, um—may i ask why ?? why you hate spiders, i mean. ” even though most people ferris knew had the same opinion, she still always felt the need to question it, if not to further her own understanding of how other people thought but also to maybe change their minds just a little bit.
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fxrris · 6 years
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“ ah, the curse of the irish, ” she sighed, now recognizing the scent of sunscreen that she had been trying to place. shiloh never had the need for it — she never burned, no matter how long she stayed in the sun, her skin a constant golden brown due to living in nevada. “ are you irish ? i just kinda assumed with the hair and the paleness and everything. ” sitting down next to ferris on the ground, she stretched her legs out in front of her, turning her hat around so that the sun was actually being blocked. she shrugged at the question, fingers messing with the loose threads on her shorts. “ technically, i guess ? i just really wanted a fuckin’ slushee, and i was looking up some new music to play on my show. gotta keep the people happy, y’know. ”
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the comment was one she wasn’t expecting and quite frankly, she didn’t actually know the answer. it caught her off guard, causing her brows to furrow as she mulled it over. “ i don’t really know all that much about my family history, ” she admitted, lips pressing together. to be honest, she didn’t really care that much either. she belonged to the earth itself before she belonged to any country. “ i know my father was born in south africa, and my mother was born in florida but i don’t know much else. i’m just some mixture of white, i suppose. ” her shoulders lifted in a little shrug of nonchalance. it wasn’t something she typically thought too much about, obviously. “ well, you don’t HAVE to keep the people happy, but it’s nice that you choose to do so, ” she hummed, cracking a little smile as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. 
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fxrris · 6 years
it was kinda weird how well eli got along with ferris. sometimes it seemed like their way of thinking was on the complete opposite sides of the world. it may have just been the past that had brought them together. who knows if they would be talking right now if it wasn’t for ferris’ sister.
 “no no, keep it. if you have some herb to spare for me, that may as well be the payment for that” he slid the money back to ferris. “i’d love to come, for a while at least” eli opened the fridge of drinks behind him, took out a can of energy drink and opened it. “but i need to grab my stuff first” it would be only few minutes and he could be out, so he was pretty much free to go already.
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for a moment, ferris sat frozen, unsure whether or not to accept the money back. of course she wanted him to have it and she felt bad for not handing it over, but at the same time she didn’t want to push it onto him if he didn’t want it. she never knew what to do in such situations, but she took the bill back anyway and slipped it back into her bag, figuring she would just find a way to sneak it back at some point during the night. 
“ sure, you can stay as long as you’d like, ” the redhead nodded. she rested her hands atop the bar, index finger finding a droplet of water only to drag it back and forth as if she were tracing out some pattern. “ take your time. it’s not as if i have any other pressing matters to attend to. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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There were few people that really got under Winter’s skin, considering she was a pretty laid-back girl. But Ferris was one of the few, just one of the very rare instances where her blood practically boiled at the sight of her. She knew it was stupid, to be upset with the odd girl for her twin’s disappearance, and it wasn’t even that it was just… that she continued to go on and on about the dead girl as if she was going to return. Winter hadn’t even noticed the thing Ferris was so intrigued by before the girl flung herself from her chair, making the blonde furrow her brows in confusion as she dropped to her hands and knees to save a fucking spider. “If you get your dumbass bit I’m not sucking the poison out,” Winter retorted as she crossed her arms under her chest, watching Ferris all but coo over the little creature, “You know you swallow like ten spiders every time you sleep at night? So really you kill them all the time.”
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it took a long moment for ferris to lift her gaze to look at the other, brows raising at the blonde’s reaction. there was always an uneasiness in the air whenever the redhead found herself interacting with winter. she was used to people not liking her or finding her strange, of course, but it was something different and a lot more hostile when it came to winter, and she couldn’t exactly place a finger on why.  “ it would be venom, not poison. venom is injected into the body whereas poison must be ingested in some way, ” she stated, lips pressing together as she gazed down at the spider again, uncupping her hands to get a better look at it. “ she’s not venomous anyway. and even if she was, she wouldn’t bite me. i just saved her life. ” she set the bug free then, placing it back upon the ground away from the sidewalk where it might become a victim to another human’s shoe. “ that’s not true. you’ll probably never swallow a spider in your sleep over your entire lifetime. i’ve never killed a spider in my life, i would know. ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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lee puckered his lips as he was looking at the old video camera that purred in his hands. his project of filming the people of moon valley had proved to be harder than he thought at first. it had seemed a good idea in his mind, but considering how his least favorite thing in the world was approaching strangers, he was now stuck in the middle of a sidewalk filming people walking past him.
he kept taking his eyes off the camera, trying to figure out a good angle. he was a little perfectionist. the little things made often a huge difference. he finally settled with the thought that the road would look much better when filmed from the other direction, so he turned, and without watching bumped into someone walking by.
“oh i’m so sorry!” the apology came as a reflex. he didn't really have the time to who’d fault it was.
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it was rare that ferris pay attention to the people around her when she went about her everyday life. she was a lot more in tune to wildlife and nature, more likely to notice a change in wind direction or an ant searching for crumbs that another person trying to catch her attention. the fact that she hadn’t seen the other until they had already collided definitely didn’t come as a surprise to her, though it did send her stumbling back a couple of steps. luckily she managed to keep her balance and she lifted her gaze to meet his with a little smile. “ it’s my fault, i wasn’t paying attention, ” she assured him with a soft tone, offering an even softer smile. almost immediately, chocolate hues dropped to the video camera in his grip and she cocked her head slightly. “ oh—i’m sorry, did i ruin your filming ?? ”
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fxrris · 6 years
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justin’s hands ran through his hair as he tried his best to wipe away the fear that was taking over his body. it was the first time he had gone out of his house in four days. something he could normally deal with, but for some reason the thought of walking further then he needed to was frightening on that day. yet there he was, in a random coffee shop in a new town where he hardly knew anybody. the young man took a deep breath in and picked up the first drink he spotted, not even noticing if it had his name on it or not - that was until he took a sip. turning back around to the nearest person, he tapped them on the shoulders gently, biting his lip before managing to get his words out. “is this your drink? i’m so sorry if it is, i didn’t notice until it was too late. i’ll buy you another one, though.”
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it wasn’t necessarily a rare occurrence for ferris to drift off from reality and find herself in her own little daydream world. nothing like a brief disconnect from everything around her to help get her through the day. she had been staring at her own hand as it rested upon the counter, eyes glazed over and unable to stop herself from questioning which parts of her life were actually real and which were simply figments of her own imagination. a gentle tap on her shoulder was enough to bring her back, at least partially, and she blinked a few times, turning to face the other and taking a long moment to process what had just happened. “ oh, ” she paused, voice barely audible as her lips formed into a small, dreamy smile. truthfully she had forgotten exactly where she was and what she was doing up until that point, so it was hard to say if it really was her drink. “ you don’t have to do that, i’ll still drink it. ” ferris nodded once reassuringly. “ but thank you for testing it out first. is it safe to drink ?? ”
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fxrris · 6 years
elliot smiled at the offer, knowing already that ferris would be nice enough to say that. even though he was super tired, the mother nature, as ferris called it, was calling his name.
“i’m off in like fifteen minutes or so. do you have any plans for tonight?” elliotasked, since he didn’t himself have really anything to do except sleep. he could for sure keep himself awake for a couple more hours though, seeing that the night was closer to midnight than the morning. “just wondering if you’d like to hang out. it’s been a while” elliot offered as he took a handful of dollar bills from his pocket and started counting the tips for tonight. it wasn’t much, since the evening at the bar had been quite quiet, and usually the night hours where the times where the real income came from. “well that’s a shame….” eli muttered by himself while counting thirty-eight dollars on the stack.
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the redhead hummed softly, lifting one shoulder in an initial response to his question. “ i never have plans. things just happen. ” there was something so ominous about the way she spoke, but for some reason she never seemed to notice it herself, going on as usual as if there was nothing unusual about it. “ would you like to come over ?? my mother is away for the time being. not that it really matters, i suppose, but she doesn’t always enjoy having other people around the house. ” it wasn’t as if she would be sleeping anytime soon anyway, so she had no problem with a little company for the evening. leaning forward against the bar slightly, she watched him count out the bills from his pocket, counting along with each one. with a little smile, she dug a hand into her bag to find her wallet before pulling out a crisp ten dollar bill and sliding it towards him. it wasn’t as if she had all that much money to spare, but she wouldn’t be a good patron or a good person if she didn’t leave a tip, even if she did just slowly sip on some free water.
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