gabbasposts · 9 days
Hello there! My family needs to leave Gaza out of necessity . I suffer from nightmares that are so closely resemble reality that I no longer Differentiate between reality and a dream.Thank you for taking your efforts and time in reading my plea. There are no words to describe the horrors unfolding in this place,never expected to find myself in this situation. Because of this horrible situation I have decided to come before you guys for a financial support so that I can evacuate my family from this hell that we are into.The funds will be strictly used for the evacuation . I will personally bear any additional expenses incurred.Your support will make a significant difference in alleviating the suffering of my family ,We urgently need any kind of support before it is to late. As time ticking away translates to lives lost in Gaza I'm here and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have.Kindly reach out and connect with me
Hello! ✨
For those who are just scrolling by, please stop and consider reading this.
I understand not everyone has the funds to donate now, but if you can take the time to repost this and visit the account and repost their pinned post, it’d be greatly appreciated and will help a lot with helping this family evacuate Gaza.
The direct link to donate to the family is right here for those who can directly donate:
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gabbasposts · 9 days
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instead of continuously over-donating to ao3 when those running the site are racist zionist sympathisers who shut down support of palestine from its volunteers 1 / 2 (among myriad other issues that u should NOT be funding) please direct your attention to these incomplete fundraisers for people in gaza and various tangible operations doing work. this is a call that if u have donated even a cent to ao3 to a) match that in your donations to palestinians/causes and b) stop donating so uncritically and unconditionally to ao3, pressure them. id like to direct u to @end-otw-racism
fundraiser masterpost by @el-shab-hussein
care for gaza
help gaza's children
operation olive branch
the palestinian children's relief fund
the palestinian red crescent society
buy an e-sim / donate for mass buying
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gabbasposts · 2 months
Okay, already l've spoken abt Palestine and have been trying to help but I want to bring more awareness about it.
Aaron bunshell did a heartbreaking act that as I'm writing this almost has me tearing up. Yall continue to ignore these people who need help. So l'm asking you, are you going to keep ignoring them?
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gabbasposts · 3 months
It is no secret that Israel attacks the most vulnerable and will do so by any means. The truth is in everyone's face yet so many people refuse to see this as a genocide.
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gabbasposts · 3 months
Firstly I’d like to start this off with I’ve been on a break from writing because I have been so busy. Between school and work, I’ve been doing as much as I can to be prepared to move out and stuff but I still have writing I plan to post (how many times have I said I was going to post and haven’t 💀💀 I’m sorry y’all 😭)
I’ve been revisiting fandoms as one does when they’ve completely depleted their current interest of all lore and information, and Devil May Cry is one of those fandoms I use to and STILL (because I’m not going to let a bunch of racist fucks ruin shit for me 💀 spoiler for what I’m about about to get into) fucking love ❤️💙
And all was fun for a minute as I was reading fanfics, replaying the DmC games on my ancient ass Xbox 360, and in general revisiting one of my favorite franchises, until I decided to visit YouTube.
I had been watching old DmC clips, specifically for DmC 5 because out of all the games in the franchise, I put it in second place for being one of my favorites. And while I had been initially watching the info reels on the game, (you know the ones where it’s like “Here’s Five Things You Didn’t Know or Missed about DMC 😁” yeah those.) It wasn’t long before I came across this account…
And yeah, trigger warning for racial discrimination, racial undertones or one of my favorite newly discovered terms for it, subliminal racism. 😬
Because while they’re clearly being racist, they’re doing it in that “”””joking”””” way where they aren’t directly saying slurs or directly targeting someone when they say the shit, but it’s fairly obvious.
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Well, it’s nice to know the DmC fandom on YouTube is r@cist af. 🤨
Like, look at the comments the creator is liking and shit. I’m not surprised considering they’re the ones posting this shit but it’s like damn. What a way to ruin the fandom for people who are just quietly trying to enjoy the content and interact.
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My only question is why… like I know there aren’t many PoC within DmC, if you don’t count Morrison who yes, they did change his race in DmC 5 but there wasn’t anything it added or took away from the general plot and game. So to randomly make characters (because it’s not just Vergil this has been done to) racist is just… why??
And it doesn’t matter that this shit was made two years ago. Two years isn’t a long ass time, and the whole BLM movement was at an all time high just a year prior. This comment was from a year ago, and look at this fucking person who felt,
✨I n s p i r e d ✨
To make more racist ass shit like this. And the person who made the video two years ago took the time to comment and support them for the decision.
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The reason I wanted to post this was to one, let anybody who’s now just hopping into the fandom know about the racist ass following within it. And two, to simply say not everybody who’s part of the fandom is this way at all.
I was fucking shocked by the initial reel when I saw it and I thought the comments would be a bit different and… well, save your braincells and don’t scroll through them if this sort of shit makes you angry. It should because again, it’s fucking blatant racism, and it sucks because the few comments I managed to find where people were like “wtf is this 😕” I had to scroll for a long ass time to find them.
Which makes it apparent that any comments that were probably calling the creator out with people liking it and giving it enough numbers to be seen, were probably all deleted because I was only able to find a literal hand full and that was only after scrolling for like 3-5 minutes after filtering them to the newest comments left.
I find it very hard to believe no one since this video was dropped, called this motherfucker out and there was more of a majority that didn’t agree with it. Again, just blatant racism. And theres a lot blm and Alm jokes in the comment section so they definitely knew what they were doing. 😐
It’s disheartening, and it leaves an ill taste in your mouth. It makes you wonder do you even want to be or interact with the fandom anymore because as a poc myself, specifically Latino what happens if I were to want to go to a con or something? I mean if you go to that persons channel, they’re a fuck load of people who agree and keep making comments like that. Do you really want to be standing near someone who’s probably calling you a slur online or when you turn your back? Fuck no. The comments were being more racist towards black poc, but still. Racism’s is racism, and as a minority myself the shit needs to be called out.
Regardless, don’t let this shit taint your view of the actual content. DmC is good and doesn’t even revolve or mention people’s races at all, and again not everyone is like this. I’m actually glad I stumbled across it before I could start hunting for more DmC mutuals because they would’ve gotten cursed the fuck out if I later found out they’re like this after befriending them.
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gabbasposts · 3 months
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Crash Landing
A/N: I thought I'd give some ESB Luke some love! Feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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“Hmm, I’m not picking up any cities or technology. There’s massive lifeform reading though. Something’s alive down there.” Luke deciphers.
“I wonder what it could be? The planet could just be a giant ocean.” You reply, checking on R2.
“Then we’d be screwed.” Luke bluntly states. 
Descending through the unknown planet’s atmosphere, the double X-Wing is swallowed by a thick layer of fog. Jolting the ship to stay in a straight line, Luke does his best to avoid any collisions. 
In a flash, R2D2 beeps and whirls loudly and frantically does his best to send messages to both of your monitors. Keeping the ship’s Hyperdrive and thrusters in check, Luke begins flipping switches. 
“I know, R2! All the scopes are dead, I can’t see anything! Hang on, Y/N. I’m gonna start the landing cycle.” Luke emphasizes in between shouts. 
Falling further and faster towards the unknown planet, the X-Wing’s nose crashes down into a large river of sludge. Water splashes against the windshield just as Luke realizes the situation he’s put all three of you in. Raising the windshield to fully survey the terrain, the humidity nearly clogs the young man’s lungs as he tosses his gloves down in a minuscule fit of anger. 
Climbing out of his seat, Luke stands on the ship’s exterior hoping to spot where the water’s edge might be. Removing your helmet, you crane your neck to get a better view of Luke, making yourself physically uncomfortable. 
“Luke? What do you see?” You ask. 
Tossing his helmet into his seat, Luke glances over the swampy landscape before walking down the front of the X-Wing, only stopping when the ends of his boots touch the water. Raising himself from his spot, R2 prepares to join his Master, but Luke turns back toward you both. 
“No, R2. Stay with Y/N. I’ll be back.” He orders. 
Climbing out of your seat, you carefully stand on one of the ship’s wings, hoping to get a better vantage point than by being close to the water. Jumping into the murky water, Luke breaks the barrier of mist, and safely swims to shore. Ready to follow him, something bumps into the ship, causing R2 to fall into the water with a big splash. 
“R2? Where are you?” Luke asks. 
“He fell in! Something hit the bottom of the ship.” You exclaim, pointing to where R2 is. 
Slowly making your way down to Luke’s seat, you briefly lose your balance but regain it fairly quickly. Just then, R2’s scanner breaks the surface of the water, beeping happily. 
“You be more careful.” Luke sternly orders. 
Sighing at annoyance of the current situation, you briefly meet Luke’s gaze. His bright blue eyes fixate on your peaceful e/c orbs, succumbing to the look on your face with a silent nod. Sitting into the pilot seat, you look around the small cockpit quietly taking inventory when suddenly R2 is pulled down through the water by an eel twice his size. 
“R2!” Luke shouts, aiming his blaster at the water. 
Watching the foggy water go still, you can’t help but ignore the lump in your throat. Lowering his blaster, Luke doesn’t give up. Running to the other side of the water’s edge, the eel spits out R2, causing him to collide with multiple vines and trees far away from the X-Wing. 
Motioning to move, Luke immediately stops you in your tracks, wanting you to stay put. Comforting the droid, you can hear Luke admit to R2. 
“…it’s like, something out of a dream, or… I don’t know. Maybe I’m just going crazy.” He says through saddened eyes that you cannot see. 
“Was the dream real? How is that possible?” You mumble to yourself. 
Having had enough of waiting, you finally jump into the water to meet with Luke, noticing that the eel is nowhere to be seen. Swimming the shore’s edge, you slowly grip some strong vines to pull yourself up, when your left foot is grabbed by the eel. Kicking the eel with your free foot, you quickly try to stomp it. 
“Luke, help!” You call out, trying to pull yourself up. 
Rushing toward you, Luke makes it to the shore’s edge. 
“Help you!” You shout, reaching for Luke with your free hand. 
Taking your hand, Luke tries his best to pull you out, but the eel tightens its grip around your boot. Removing his blaster from his belt, Luke is able to expose your left foot, and he shoots the eel’s slimy skin. Releasing its hold on you, Luke pulls you into him breaking your fall, and lands on his back. 
Listening to the water return to normal, the feeling of Luke’s gentle hold on you makes a series of butterflies rise in your stomach. Facing him, his eyes are filled with anxiety. 
“You okay?” He asks. 
“Yeah.” You reply. 
Motioning to pull away, Luke doesn’t let you. You can tell that he wants to keep you here, at this moment, just for a little while longer. Supporting your body on his, Luke pulls you closer, and you bend down to press your lips on his. 
Gently kissing Luke, he feels serenity in the air, finally fulfilling this desire to kiss you for a long time. Breaking your lips from his, a large smile fills Luke’s face, and the happy whirls and boops from R2 fills the air along with your shared laughter.
luke taglist ~
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gabbasposts · 3 months
Israel bet that the long-term war would produce this terrible silence, consent to genocide, and getting used to the scene... and frankly, they succeeded in that.
I don't know what the end of all this is, the whole world has let them down and is watching their starvation and displacement
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gabbasposts · 3 months
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Take a good look at the countries leading/have started the legal battles to hold the IOF accountable -their fights to end IOF terrorism and war crimes, as this should have been done months ago, are now beginning.
So many Palestinian people have been genocided, and the rampant global government inaction has caused chaos, death, and destruction of Gaza... I just hope this leads to a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation. I truly do.
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gabbasposts · 4 months
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Those who were once oppressed under an Apartheid regime have stepped up to help those being oppressed under another one.
Meanwhile, the so-called "free" world is still trying to find ways to justify "standing with" and defending Israel's rogue racist Apartheid regime.
They should feel deep shame. They don't. But they all should.
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gabbasposts · 4 months
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gabbasposts · 4 months
Y’all I’m still going to post the Katniss fic, I ended up binging Blue Eyed Samurai and got completely distracted 🤡
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gabbasposts · 5 months
Me: “They scheduled me from morning to afternoon five days this week, I’ll just write a little before I have to go in”
Also me: Remains curled in a ball in bed, staring at the time as I prepare for the inevitable 🤡
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gabbasposts · 5 months
I haven’t even clocked into work and this is how I feel right now.
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gabbasposts · 5 months
Alright 💀 my hunger games obsession has officially been re-sparked. And the Katniss Everdeen x Fem! Reader pool is disappointingly dry so I’m working on something for that 😤
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gabbasposts · 5 months
To this day people will cry over the knowledge and works destroyed when the library of Alexandria was burned down.
And yet no tears are shed as Palestinian archives and libraries are bombed.
Saint Porphyrius Church, built in 1150 and the 3rd oldest church in the world has been bombed.
It's not an accident.
Israel aren't simply killing Palestinians, they are trying to erase that there ever were Palestinians in the first place.
Destroying their livelihoods, trying to to destroy their culture and history and pretend this land was never there's.
It's easy to deny someone's existence when there's no record of them.
Which is why it's so important to look at the atrocities and bear witness to what's happening.
But to also recognise that Palestine is more than it's suffering.
There is a living breathing culture, of art, history, literacy which all come from the Palestinians.
Traditions they've carried for centuries.
So while we mourn the dead, we shall fight for the living. Fight for the preservation of their crafts, amplify their voices as they speak on their culture.
Palestinian history and culture is alive. And no matter how much the world wants to erase that, they cannot and will not.
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gabbasposts · 5 months
Lies of P: P x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Smut, vaginal fingering, hand-jobs, Oral (both f and M receiving), slight masochis kink? Bodily fluids, language, 18+ Minors and ageless blogs will be blocked immediately after interacting with this post
(Gif not mine)
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A/n: bruh I am down astronomically for this damn puppet. I’ve been scouring online for some pure filth with him and Giangio and while I’ve found some gems, I need that itch of mine to be scratched so judge me if you want, I needed this 🤡 the fellow desperate, nasty folks that get it, will get it 😈
I think it’s safe to say as a whole, the fandom knows P is a messy man.
Like, this boy is fast and agile enough to avoid oil and blood splatters, as well as puddles and generally all together, any liquid messes. (rain, WINE apparently too based of a post I saw on here 👀)
But in a weird way, he feels coming back to the hotel covered in any of it shows both just how hard he generally works, as well as what he accomplished on the mission he’s sent on.
(Cue Geppetto, Antonia and Sofia or even you, lecturing him that coming back to the hotel in one piece is enough to show he both kept himself alive and did a well enough job getting rid of the rabid puppets and people who’d wanted to kill him. 💀)
(Annnd of course it goes in one ear and out of the other because again, he feels a weird sense of accomplishment covered in a mess) 🤡)
Because of this, I feel after the first time you and him have sex he immediately wants to go again not only because he’s aroused by sensations he had just felt, but seeing you covered in a thin sheen of sweat, as well as the mess in between your legs that he caused is an undeniable turn on for him…
Like your lying on your back, and pieces of your hair are clinging to your forehead as well as your chest is heaving as you try to catch your breath.
And he’s still sitting on his knees in between your legs that are still spread far apart as he’s starring down at his cum leaking from your pussy/hole, along with the fluids from it around his dick and general pelvis area.
You’ve said his name about three times by now, your voice tired yet worried, and your expression growing concerned as he’s not responding… did he not like it? Was he realizing the act of sex can be a bit gross, and maybe not as appealing for him considering he is a puppet after all?
The answer is no, no, and finally no again ;)
just as you were readying yourself to sit up to cover yourself and break into a ramble of apologies, he moves so fast it honestly startles you… until you feel him again.
He moves so that he’s standing at the foot of the bed now, fully nude and other than the mess on his dick, and his now ruffled hair, he looks far from exhausted or as though he hadn’t even had sex at all.
You don’t even have time to say anything by the time he wraps his hands around your ankles and drags you toward the edge of the bed, so that your ass is almost hanging off.
“P-P, what are you” you don’t have time to finish your sentence as he crouches down and immediately goes to town on your pussy/cock.
Unlike the calmness he initially had the first round with you, (the kitten like kicks, gentle sucks, lack of vocal noise) he’s literally more desperate than he was when he first got in bed with you.
He’s groaning against your core, sending vibrations down your shaft or to your clit, not even bothering to pull away to wipe around his mouth.
He wants to feel your release dripping down your chin or better yet, his face entirely.
The only thing he naturally smells like is oil, and the soap from his clothing that gets cleaned, but suddenly the idea of wearing you release like a cologne has him hard.
He wants you to cum hard at that too, and once he’s done he plans to bring you on your knees so he can paint your face.
Needless to say, sex from that point on is messy.
It gets to the point you might have to start checking the times everyone goes to the lobby so you can sneak past with the cum stained bed spread and sheets to switch them out for more.
Even outside of the room, if your doing something like eating maybe a cake, and a bit of icing falls on your chest or down your cheek, you have to rush to turn around before he notices (he does notice 🫢) because despite his usual stone face resolve, his eyes darken and his tongue might dart out of his mouth and run along his lips quickly and quite suggestively to anyone if they witnessed the entirety of it.
Needless to say, showers are a twenty four seven ordeal with him and you, and even then he might try to refuse if you don’t shower with him.
He’s a messy puppet, what can he say?
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gabbasposts · 5 months
Updated and added spoiler warning. sorry y’all 🫠
]I’m not him…[
Lies of P: P x Fem!Reader
Warnings: !!SPOILERS!!Angst, no use of Y/n, arguments, P stands for pissed and the boy very much is 💀
(Gif not mine)
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A/n: I’ve yet to write angst for Lies of P, so basically here’s a little angst from a P x Reader fanfic I’ve been working on.
For context, this takes place right after P collects Sofia’s Ergo, but Reader and P get into an argument because he has to remind her that he isn’t Carlo, and trying to “help” him remember being him when he simply is his vessel is wrong. (Again everyone has their own headcannons on the lore, personally for this fic, I wanted him to be his own individual and co-exist with Carlo who’s Spector lol)
“C- I mean, P!” The moment the name slipped past her lips, she rushed to cover her mouth, but it was too late. His ears had already registered her words, and his expression told her that much…
His eyes stared at her with a look of hidden rage, as his body tensed. She could only stare as her heart began to race and the shift of his gears filled the sudden silence that had interrupted.
She adverted her gaze, her eyes scanning the ground as she stood there trying to mentally shift through the right responses that could hopefully help ease the tension of the situation and make him understand that she regretted it…
“You don’t understand me at all…” The stillness of his voice suddenly came through, and she lifted her gaze to his face. It still held a look of indifference and stoicism as he continued to stare at her with unblinking eyes, but even behind his mechanics she could sense the hurt and anger that bubbles just beneath his exterior…
He suddenly took a step forward. The action immediately making her take one back in response. She had never seen him angered before despite how he fought, but even then she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, and neither would he…
But he had to convince her to understand him. To listen to truly listen to him, because as much as he wanted the strong and intense emotions he felt for her to be love, he couldn’t deny the fact that she… hurt him to an extent.
Not physically of course, but her continuous implications and refusal to see he didn’t like being compared to Carlo, was taking a toll on him and not for the better…
“I’m not him. I’m not.” He spoke softly, and for the briefest of moments his face softened. But it wasn’t long before his eyebrows furrowed and he glared at her.
“I’m not him. I wish… I wish I could’ve remained clueless to the fact that every piece of me was constructed in his image… I even have his heart, yet I’m nothing like him.” There was an edge to his tone now, and every word stung and couldn’t help but to wrap her arms around herself in a effort to calm herself, as she also fought the urge to advert her gaze from him.
“Ever since Romeo’s message, you imprinted this idea in your head that I must have to remember something from when I was him, to be me again… to find myself when the truth of it all, is that I am a separate entity from him.” He spat out, feeling himself grow more angry but even in his rage, he didn’t want to hurt her. But a small part of him felt good seeing his words finally set in place in her mind.
She recoiled from his tone, turning her head from him in shame, but he didn’t let her. “Did you know Carlo or something? Tell me. My father or more so my creator, has already lied to me enough and now I have to face him. It feels like I’ve been surrounded by nothing but lies since I woke up at Krat station. I’ll have it no more… so tell me.” He hissed and she couldn’t help but to scoff in disbelief, her hurt evident in both her expression and words.
“You know I didn’t! P, I’m sorry, after we found out about the ergo, I-I… I assumed that his soul” she began start, but he cut her off from her explanation quickly.
“-His soul keeps me conscious, and who I am now, but I am not him. You know this.” He bit out, causing her lower her gaze. She felt her eyes brim with tears, and she hated herself for it…
Before this argument, she had wanted him to speak more, and to express himself more around her, but not like this… not in anger that she was the cause of more importantly.
“P… I-I’m sorry-“ she tried to apologize turning to face him, but he scoffed taking a step back.
“From now on, I’ll deal with Geppetto myself. Stay here, and help Antonia or anyone else.” He turned from her, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he made his way down the hall to the main entrance.
She stared at him as his back, watching as his now grey and silver like strands moved with him, as he almost rushed to get away from her…
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