galactic-grimoire · 10 months
What is Tarot?
Tarot is a divination system that uses a set of cards to gain insight and achieve greater control over issues.
Can Tarot tell the future?
The answer to this is iffy. Technically, no it can't tell you the future, however it can give you insight into what actions will garner what results. It's up to you to decide what the future holds with the information Tarot provides.
How to read Tarot cards.
Tarot beginners will likely struggle to remember the meanings of all the cards and thus may need to reference a data base of some sort. However, each card can have multiple meanings. While they have technically "correct" meanings within the community, they also may have personal reading to each individual reader. Therefore, a reading from two separate readers even with the same cards may mean two separate things. Finding your meaning within the cards is always the most important part of Tarot.
The "scary" Tarot cards
There are three cards in particular that usually always frighten beginners - The Tower, The Devil, and Death. Pop culture has changed the meaning of these cards rather drastically in modern times. So do you best to ignore what you've seen in movies or shows and focus solely on the true meaning of the cards. I'll be going into more detail on these cards later, but for now, know that
- transformation, new beginnings, rebirth and renewal
The Devil
‐ someone else is pulling the strings. You're not in control of the situation. Changes can be made to gain back control.
The Tower
- self destruction if continuing on the current path. Changes can still be made to avoid this end.
The suits of Tarot
The deck is compromised of two types of cards - the minor arcana and the major arcana. The minor arcana is then broken down into four groups ‐ pentacles, swords, wands, and cups. Each suit means something different that we will delve into more later.
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galactic-grimoire · 10 months
The High Priestess
The High Priestess card is associated with a variety of symbols. The colors blue, white, and black, pomegranates, the moons crown of Isis, a veil, solar cross, crescent moon, black and white lotus, pillars (often one black - Boaz which stands for negation - and one white - Jachin which stands for beginning), a scroll with the word Tora on it (which could either reference the Jewish Torah or be an anagram of the word Tarot where the last letter is not visible.)
On the Fool's next stop during his journey, he falls upon a beautiful and mysterious veiled woman between two pillars lit up by the moon. Unlike the Magician, she's very reserved and quiet. The Fool senses that she's a great seer, so he puts his sword, chalice, wand, and pentacle in front of her. He tells her the Magician gave them to him but that he has no idea what to do with them. She doesn't speak but hands him ancient scrolls, which he reads by moonlight. The scrolls give him a better idea about his tools and how to use them. Even after reading, however, he is afraid of making the wrong choice. The Fool reflects on his instincts so that he'll know what to do. As he walks away, he senses there is more the High Priestess isn't telling him. There's more she could reveal to him, but he's decided he's ready and must now leave. He thanks her, and as he walks away, he hears an inner voice coming from her throne that tells him they'll meet again when he's ready for the most secret path of all.
The basic meaning here is to listen to your intuition and not to be over superstitious or deluded.
When in the upright position, The High Priestess indicates intuition, sacred knowledge, the divine feminine, and the subconscious mind.
When reversed, it can stand for secrets, disconnection from intuition, withdrawal, and silence.
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galactic-grimoire · 10 months
The Magician
The basic tarot suits and an infinity symbol can be seen in almost every rendition of The Magician card ‐ a wand, a sword, a chalice, and a pentacle.
On the Fool's journey, he first meets the Magician. The Magician is skillful, self confident, and exudes power. This image mesmerizes the Fool. The Magician asks for the small pack the Fool carries and he obliges. The Magician raises his wand skyward and points to the Earth as he calls on all powers. Magically, the pack opens and reveals all that's inside.
Occasionally, the Magician is standing on a stage as if giving a performance. Sometimes he is seen levitating above the ground to symbolize that he is a master of all elements and not submissive to them.
The Magician is the master of communication, so one of the meanings of this card is that you need to get your point across to a wider audience and sometimes need to be the voice of reason. All the possibilities are laid out and all possible directions are visible: the Sword of Intellect and Communication, the Wand of Passions and Ambition, the Chalice of Love and Emotions, and the Pentacle of Work and Possessions.
The Fool can create and make anything for his life with these four tools. The big question is this : Did the Magician create them? Or were they in the Fool's pack the whole time? The Magician is the only one who holds the answer, and he's not talking. Be careful to avoid compulsive communication and coming off as overly intellectual.
When in the upright position, the Magician can mean manifestation, resourcefulness, power, and inspired actions.
When reversed, it can mean manipulation, poor planning, and untapped talents.
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galactic-grimoire · 10 months
The Empress
Common elements of The Empress card are a gown decorated with pomegranates, a crown of stars, a rod, a heart shaped shield, a field of ripe wheat, and a female figure with child or holding a newborn.
The Fool is impatient to make his future a reality. He stumbles upon The Empress after he's decided what to do with his tools. Her hair is the color of wheat. She wears a crown of stars and a white gown dotted with pomegranates. She's on her throne surrounded by a lot of grain and a beautiful garden. Gazing at her, it's possible she's with child. The Fool kneels before her and tells her of his journey. She smiles at his like a mother would her child and gives him some advice for his journey. She tells him that a new life or a new relationship is fragile and need patience and nurturing, love and attention. Only then will it bear fruit. This helps the Fool to realize that he shouldn't rush into his future. He thanks the Empress and continues on his journey.
The Empress has strong ties to the Goddesses Venus and Demeter. She rules over creation, creativity, and life but also has a hand in love, sex, and passion. The meaning behind this card is to cultivate your need for creativity. Hold pride in the things you create and nurture them into something even better than you expected.
In the upright position, this card can mean femininity, beauty, nature, nature, and abundance.
Reversed, it can indicate a creative block, dependence on others, and hasty actions.
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galactic-grimoire · 10 months
Hello everyone!
I recently found out my mother has brain cancer and is in need of surgery to remove and biopsy the mass. As it is situated behind her eye, she will be losing the eye as well.
She doesn't have any insurance and can't afford the procedure on her own. As such, I'll be doing free tarot readings to anyone who donates or helps share this post and her go fund me, which will be linked at the bottom.
I really appreciate all the help you all ate willing to give me at this time. 💗
All you have to do to cash in your reading(s) is send me an ask or message including a screenshot of your donation or, if you're unable to donate, simply reboot this post and send me your reading question! There are no limits to the amount of readings you can get from this and there are no limits to the types of readings I am able/willing to do.
Once again, I thank you all for all the help during this time.
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galactic-grimoire · 10 months
The Fool
The fool is often pictured in peasant clothing carrying a pack tied to a staff. Sometimes there is a small dog or a cliff. The story goes that with all of his possessions in his small pack, he travels with no real destination. The fool has questions and wants to know what's out there as his head is filled with curiosity and excitement for adventure. He's so wrapped up in this feeling that he doesn't notice the chasm in front of him. The small dog tries to warn him but what isn't known is if the fool listens or continues to blunder blindly forward.
With the fool being card 0 of 21 of the major arcana, it's known to be a card of endless possibilities. The pack that he carries symbolizes that he carries all he needs to complete his journey if only he opens the sack and makes use of what's inside. The fool is on his way to a new beginning. Originality and eccentricity also come to mind.
This card can also carry a warning of sorts. While it's good to enjoy all that's around you, you still need to be careful of how and where you step.
When in the upright position, the fool can symbolize beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and freedom.
When reversed, it can symbolize holding back, recklessness, and risk taking.
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galactic-grimoire · 10 months
The Emperor
Typical symbols found on The Emperor card are a throne, ram's head, orb and scepter, and an eagle.
The Fool happens across the throne of the Emperor by accident. He approaches and becomes enraptured at how each and every command given by the Emperor is immediately obeyed. Not only are his subjects happy, but his Empire is well taken care of and prosperous. At this moment, the Fool knows that he needs to learn the secrets of the Emperor. He asks and receives this reply - "Through strong will and a solid foundation or law and order." The Emperor continues on to explain that while being creative and instinctual is all well and good, any great leader must also be direct, alert, brave, and aggressive. The Fool ponders this lesson and adds it to what he has learned from the ones before and continues about his journey.
In many decks, the Emperor is seated on a throne, which emphasizes his power and superiority over others, except for the Empress. The Emperor is associated with the Ram, or the zodiac sign Aries, and follows after the Empress to show that he does not view himself as someone to boss her around. He provides for both her and their unborn child. Some often equate them to Mars (the Emperor) and Venus (the Empress). He is filled with enthusiasm, energy, and determination, but can also find himself being controlling, impatient, and demanding.
When upright, this card can symbolize authority, establishment, structure, or a father figure.
When reversed, it means domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, and inflexibility.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
The Fool
The fool is often pictured in peasant clothing carrying a pack tied to a staff. Sometimes there is a small dog or a cliff. The story goes that with all of his possessions in his small pack, he travels with no real destination. The fool has questions and wants to know what's out there as his head is filled with curiosity and excitement for adventure. He's so wrapped up in this feeling that he doesn't notice the chasm in front of him. The small dog tries to warn him but what isn't known is if the fool listens or continues to blunder blindly forward.
With the fool being card 0 of 21 of the major arcana, it's known to be a card of endless possibilities. The pack that he carries symbolizes that he carries all he needs to complete his journey if only he opens the sack and makes use of what's inside. The fool is on his way to a new beginning. Originality and eccentricity also come to mind.
This card can also carry a warning of sorts. While it's good to enjoy all that's around you, you still need to be careful of how and where you step.
When in the upright position, the fool can symbolize beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and freedom.
When reversed, it can symbolize holding back, recklessness, and risk taking.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
Hello everyone!
I recently found out my mother has brain cancer and is in need of surgery to remove and biopsy the mass. As it is situated behind her eye, she will be losing the eye as well.
She doesn't have any insurance and can't afford the procedure on her own. As such, I'll be doing free tarot readings to anyone who donates or helps share this post and her go fund me, which will be linked at the bottom.
I really appreciate all the help you all ate willing to give me at this time. 💗
All you have to do to cash in your reading(s) is send me an ask or message including a screenshot of your donation or, if you're unable to donate, simply reboot this post and send me your reading question! There are no limits to the amount of readings you can get from this and there are no limits to the types of readings I am able/willing to do.
Once again, I thank you all for all the help during this time.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
The Empress
Common elements of The Empress card are a gown decorated with pomegranates, a crown of stars, a rod, a heart shaped shield, a field of ripe wheat, and a female figure with child or holding a newborn.
The Fool is impatient to make his future a reality. He stumbles upon The Empress after he's decided what to do with his tools. Her hair is the color of wheat. She wears a crown of stars and a white gown dotted with pomegranates. She's on her throne surrounded by a lot of grain and a beautiful garden. Gazing at her, it's possible she's with child. The Fool kneels before her and tells her of his journey. She smiles at his like a mother would her child and gives him some advice for his journey. She tells him that a new life or a new relationship is fragile and need patience and nurturing, love and attention. Only then will it bear fruit. This helps the Fool to realize that he shouldn't rush into his future. He thanks the Empress and continues on his journey.
The Empress has strong ties to the Goddesses Venus and Demeter. She rules over creation, creativity, and life but also has a hand in love, sex, and passion. The meaning behind this card is to cultivate your need for creativity. Hold pride in the things you create and nurture them into something even better than you expected.
In the upright position, this card can mean femininity, beauty, nature, nature, and abundance.
Reversed, it can indicate a creative block, dependence on others, and hasty actions.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
Hello everyone!
I recently found out my mother has brain cancer and is in need of surgery to remove and biopsy the mass. As it is situated behind her eye, she will be losing the eye as well.
She doesn't have any insurance and can't afford the procedure on her own. As such, I'll be doing free tarot readings to anyone who donates or helps share this post and her go fund me, which will be linked at the bottom.
I really appreciate all the help you all ate willing to give me at this time. 💗
All you have to do to cash in your reading(s) is send me an ask or message including a screenshot of your donation or, if you're unable to donate, simply reboot this post and send me your reading question! There are no limits to the amount of readings you can get from this and there are no limits to the types of readings I am able/willing to do.
Once again, I thank you all for all the help during this time.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
Hello everyone!
I recently found out my mother has brain cancer and is in need of surgery to remove and biopsy the mass. As it is situated behind her eye, she will be losing the eye as well.
She doesn't have any insurance and can't afford the procedure on her own. As such, I'll be doing free tarot readings to anyone who donates or helps share this post and her go fund me, which will be linked at the bottom.
I really appreciate all the help you all ate willing to give me at this time. 💗
All you have to do to cash in your reading(s) is send me an ask or message including a screenshot of your donation or, if you're unable to donate, simply reboot this post and send me your reading question! There are no limits to the amount of readings you can get from this and there are no limits to the types of readings I am able/willing to do.
Once again, I thank you all for all the help during this time.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
Hello everyone!
I recently found out my mother has brain cancer and is in need of surgery to remove and biopsy the mass. As it is situated behind her eye, she will be losing the eye as well.
She doesn't have any insurance and can't afford the procedure on her own. As such, I'll be doing free tarot readings to anyone who donates or helps share this post and her go fund me, which will be linked at the bottom.
I really appreciate all the help you all ate willing to give me at this time. 💗
All you have to do to cash in your reading(s) is send me an ask or message including a screenshot of your donation or, if you're unable to donate, simply reboot this post and send me your reading question! There are no limits to the amount of readings you can get from this and there are no limits to the types of readings I am able/willing to do.
Once again, I thank you all for all the help during this time.
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galactic-grimoire · 11 months
Hello everyone!
I recently found out my mother has brain cancer and is in need of surgery to remove and biopsy the mass. As it is situated behind her eye, she will be losing the eye as well.
She doesn't have any insurance and can't afford the procedure on her own. As such, I'll be doing free tarot readings to anyone who donates or helps share this post and her go fund me, which will be linked at the bottom.
I really appreciate all the help you all ate willing to give me at this time. 💗
All you have to do to cash in your reading(s) is send me an ask or message including a screenshot of your donation or, if you're unable to donate, simply reboot this post and send me your reading question! There are no limits to the amount of readings you can get from this and there are no limits to the types of readings I am able/willing to do.
Once again, I thank you all for all the help during this time.
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galactic-grimoire · 1 year
banishing (how to do it)
yeah this is like all UPG but it works good for me, take what you will and leave the rest behind.
if your response to this is "but most people never ever have to deal with unwanted spirit problems so you're probably wrong if you think it's a spirit! do shadow work and touch grass!" please let me invite you to just not interact with this post at all.
Don't cleanse. Like please don't, why do people do this??
"I am confident an unwanted spirit is in my home and I cleansed but nothing happened."
Okay, an unwanted guest is in your home and you did a bit of vacuuming and washing the dishes, so why are they still there??
Why WOULDN'T they be there?! It's nicer now??? It's better for them to stay?!?!?!
"I want to break up with my boyfriend so I did his laundry but he's still texting me :/"
Cleansing =/= banishing and cleansing should be saved for cleaning up after an unwanted spirit after they are banished, which again, is not accomplished by cleansing.
Stop raising wards that trap the spirit inside.
"I cleansed and put up a protection but that only made the problem worse!"
Yes you did a wash up and locked the spirit inside with you, of course it's pissed off. It's trapped.
If you feel the need for immediate protection when dealing with a spirit problem, craft an amulet that serves as a personal protection for you. NOT one that seals off the entrances to your home.
Once the spirit problem is taken care of and you are confident its presence has been removed, feel free to raise up those wards sky high.
Also, if you are heavy-handed with the warding, spirits can sometimes just get trapped inside regardless. Learn how to temporarily "switch off" wards when you need to so things can leave.
Put your fucking foot down and tell the spirit to leave.
This will solve a surprising number of unwanted spirit problems. Not all of them, and come on, please stop telling people they never need to learn actual banishing skills just because telling spirits to leave works most of the time.
But you gotta do it. And I mean you don't have to be an asshole about it. You don't have to jump right into screaming in the spirit's general direction and threatening all such harm on it.
And there's plenty of good reasons to start with this step, especially if you want to be a spirit worker, but that's neither here nor there. Just tell them to leave.
Go to an area where you think the spirit is, or go where its private and speak with the intent that the spirit will hear you.
(You may also sign or write; would generally not recommend doing this operation entirely mentally)
"Hey, Dude. I know you're here, and I want you to know that you must leave. It is no longer an option for you to stay. I request that you leave immediately, and I request that you do not come back to this place. Leave now and we part ways in peace."
Do not go belly up and beg the spirit. It benefits you to behave with authority and dignity.
DO NOT try to "soften the blow" by twisting your words into something that is no longer a demand that the spirit depart. "Hey, if it's okay with you, I'm hoping you'll leave soon, or as soon as you're able... I don't feel comfortable with you here, and I'd prefer if you went." Great, now the spirit knows how you feel. So what?
Banish the spirit (or human, or whatever).
Presumably we're at this step because the prior step ("bro, seriously just leave and never come back") did not work.
Obtain correspondences heavily associated with banishing, use them to enchant a candle, burn the candle.
Can't use a candle? Try a simmer pot.
No fire at all, including incense? Try a floor wash (test carpets to ensure there will not be staining).
Can't burn things or clean the house? Try a sigil you visualize being imprinted on all the walls of your home.
Can't visualize? Consecrate something to represent the spirit, drop it in a jar of water along with banishing correspondences, swirl it around like a whirlpool, chant about the spirit being washed away.
No waterproof containers? Consecrate something to represent the spirit, stand on the edge of your property, throw it off the edge of the property.
You get my drift -- do magic. Do magic. Do magic that banishes. Use magic specifically to banish. Not to cleanse the vibrations or whatever. Specifically magic intended to yeet a spirit.
At this point, do not try to ignore the problem or keep talking it out. Do not just try to meditate or whatever. Do magic. Do magic that banishes.
Here's a banishing spell if you need it:
Basil, cloves, red pepper
Candle (ideally, red)
Paper and ink
Small offering
Draw the planetary seal of mars and the planetary square on a piece of paper, ideally in red. Dress a candle in oil (*burning your house down is an effective way to banish a spirit but perhaps too heavy-handed; dress with care) and include either one or three dried, powdered herbal correspondences to it.
Dedicate the candle to Mars. ("Planet Mars, someone on the internet told me you'd help me if I asked - I'm asking now. I give this candle to you. It belongs to you now.")
Put the candle near the paper.
Evoke Mars. ("Planet Mars, where your symbol exists so you exist. Where your planetary square exists, so do you exist. The space has been made welcoming to you through the presence of these Martian correspondences.") The martian correspondences are the basil/cloves/peppers, btw ("I ask you to bring your attention now to me. I ask you to dwell fully in this space.")
Read the Orphic hymn to Ares if you'd like a little extra elbow grease behind your evocation.
Petition Mars. ("So please get rid of this spirit, it seriously sucks so bad.")
Offer payment. ("In exchange for this help I know you will provide, I give you this candle and also this [small offering].")
Seal the deal. No, you do not need to be able to receive psychic confirmation from a planet or whatever, but do not proceed if you feel any gut-level bad feelings or suddenly get a ton of anxiety. If that happens, be like, "Mars, buddy, never mind - I get a bad feeling about this, so I'm noping out. Thanks for listening while you did. Leave in peace."
But if you feel fine about moving ahead, just be like, "now I give you Mars this offering, and I light your candle, with full and total assuredness that this spirit will be permanently banished from my space, my life, and my home."
[Light the candle, give the offering]
The spirit should be gone before you put up wards
Residual ickyness can make you feel the spirit is still nearby even if its been banished
Cleanse your space and see if the symptoms of the spirit return.
If symptoms return, the spirit has not been banished.
If they don't return,
Put up wards.
Ya got haunted because ya didn't have a fence up to stop random cows from wandering into the garden of your life and trampling all your hard work. Put up the wards.
Oh, but maybe the banishment didn't work, in which case:
Mitigate symptoms.
I mean yeah, maybe try at least a few more types of magical banishing, call in a priest even. But!
Not every spirit can be banished. That's just the long and short of it.
As humans we have the capacity to intertwine our lives, intentionally or otherwise, with forces that cannot be immediately removed from our presence.
Like if the grand spirit of a forest hates all humans and you build a house in the forest, you're not going to be able to banish the forest from the forest, you feel me?
Sometimes, banishing isn't the solution.
As rare as it is, it happens. Make personal protections, use mirror or other illusory wards to hide from its attention, make reparations if possible, avoid attracting attention, and get on with your life.
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galactic-grimoire · 1 year
Psychic Barrier/Ward Practice
There are many ways you can create a ward/psychic barrier. Here is a process I’ve used and enjoyed enough to put into my journal.
Shut your eyes and tune into yourself. Listen to your breathing and heart beat.
Forget your surroundings and focus on the energy in side you. How it feels, how it moves.
Feel the energy exchange between you and the world. Flowing in and out of your body in an endless and soothing rhythm.
Ground yourself by imagining roots growing from you and deep into the earth. Let your energy mingle with the natural energy of the earth. Drawing in energy from the roots and dispelling any negative thoughts/feelings/emotions.
Begin pulling energy into your hands or chest. Focusing on what you want to do with it. Accumulating it close to your center until your body feels full of light and power.
Release some of that energy with careful control to create a bright orb/aura around you. Again focusing on it’s purpose, a protective barrier.
When engulfed in this orb take a few moments to note how it feels. You’re safe here.
Associate this process with a word or phrase so that you can begin practicing calling forth your ward/barrier at anytime. It will take A L O T of practice before you’re able to achieve it but we all must start somewhere.
Slowly open your eyes. Not how you feel, how you see/what you see. I sometimes see a glow about me in my peripheral vision.
Your Barrier will be up until you call it back to yourself
To Call Back you’re Ward/Barrier
Close your eyes and ground yourself once more.
Begin drawing the energy around you back into the earth. 
Once drawn back in you might feel empty or alone in someway. This is normal. 
Meditate for a few moments to reflect on the experience if you wish.
Once finished focus your attention on your physical body and let your energy move freely once more. 
That is a basic step by step guide to a psychic barrier. A Ward is like/can be a secondary barrier associated with an element (Fire/ water/ air/ earth/ light/ shadow/ fog/ ect.) I personally go through a similar process when calling forth a ward. But focusing on the type of elemental energy instead of just simple energy when calling it forth from the earth.
I hope this is helpful to someone!! feel free to share you’re methods or if you try this one and think it can be improved!!
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galactic-grimoire · 1 year
probably a super weird question, but how do you ward? do you have any preferred techniques or methods for warding? i’m still very very new to witchcraft and i can’t seem to find anything that describes how to ward❤️
hey there, that’s not a weird question at all!
there are many, many ways to ward and it’s ok to prefer one method over the other, I’m going to cover some methods below! for me personally I prefer energy warding, sometimes supplemented by physical sources like crystals or sigils.
energy warding
energy warding uses well, energy to make wards, and this is my preferred method of warding. when you energy ward, you can layer the wards, and energy wards can be used for both physical and astral spaces and are very versatile in terms of programming their function and selectivity.
visualization is a key tool when it comes to energy warding, and so is gathering and shaping energy if you really want to make secure wards. I recommend anyone new to energy warding to start with the basics of energy work first. choosing the energy source for the wards is also an important part of ensuring that they work out, for example energy from the sun for an offensive ward, or umbra energy for a ward that muddles intruders. you can definitely also use your own energy to form wards, but do check on those frequently especially if you aren’t actively funnelling energy into the ward 24/7.
to start off with a basic exercise, you can feel your own energy expanding or start with an energy ball and move it into the shape of a basic barrier around your space, and really make sure you visualize the energy going into every corner and surrounding your space. while you are doing this, you can program the ward by giving it a purpose, for example keeping out malicious entities.
better explained energy ward exercise with steps
physical warding
protective amulets or charms
physical warding uses physical objects to deliver a protective effect to a space. an example would be placing an obsidian stone at a doorway to keep negative energy and malicious spirits away, or sprinkling salt on all the windowsills to stop malicious entities from entering. here’s where some research will come in handy, search for crystal correspondences and which crystals can help with protection (my favorites happen to be obsidian, amethyst, and onyx). as for sigils, you can either draw up your own protective sigils or use someone else’s, as long as you cleanse and charge them up with the purpose of protection. my favorite thing to do with protective sigils is to put them somewhere close to their energy source (e.g. the sun) and program it to charge using this energy source while also fuelling my energy wards.
anything with a protective purpose works for this really. location is strategic and usually one would surround their entire space with protective objects for this method, usually in the four corners for a room.
assistive warding
assistive warding is enlisting the help of spirit companions or other trusted people to help you ward. of course, this is only if you have ensured that you can find someone who is skilled with warding AND someone you trust. a spirit companion can help with warding if they know energy work, but you should still have a say in your own wards.
top ward mistakes I
top ward mistakes II
a very comprehensive post on warding
warding in witchcraft
my ward checkup checklist
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