galacticguppy · 9 hours
Here's our most requested item: Bob Katter's same-sex marriage speech, in all its unhinged glory
Follow for more Batshit Moments in Australian politics!
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galacticguppy · 9 hours
Frodo: Sam hates Gollum, but that is what I shall become once I have lost myself to the ring… he’ll despise me… 
Sam if Frodo did turn into a Gollum: That’s a very nice fish you caught with your bare hands, Mr. Frodo, and its very smart of you to eat it raw, saves us the trouble of starting a fire. I knitted you a sweater in case you get cold running around in that loincloth of yours. Is the sun hurting your eyes? I’ll kill it if it’s bothering you. I’ll kill the sun
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galacticguppy · 9 hours
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galacticguppy · 9 hours
when i was at walgreens (at 3 in the morning which explains all of this) the cashier was talking to her coworker about how shed rather be a werewolf than a vampire because vampires are condemned to hell but werewolves arent and then she asked me what i thought and i said vampire because im already condemned to hell and she said in the nicest tone of voice “i dont think anybody is condemned to hell….” paused, stared at me for a few moments, and added on “…not even gay people” 
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galacticguppy · 9 hours
ALSO for my d20 crowd i finished an animatic i've wanted to make since i got here. this song is so undeniably kristen and it's consumed the last 3 weeks of my life. cheers‼️
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
Rocky Horror is turning 50 next month and people still act like being gay was invented by Ellen in 1997
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
my 3 rent paying girlfriends (yes they all pay rent)
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
one of my favorite stream-related things is when the chat reacts to their environment, like how rt's chat will use arrows (->) to point at mareep, or dougdoug's twitch and youtube chats battling for screenspace, or that one doll vtuber's chat that revolts whenever they're not in their Special Little Cage. i was watching a pointcrow stream and someone went "why are we tilted" because twitch chat was angled slightly on his overlay. idk i just think it's really cute when chat acts like and is treated like their own Entity within the stream space itself and are just as involved with the performance as their streamer
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
In the latest installment of me Terrorizing Medical Professionals, I got my Wisdom Teeth extracted because one decided to be an asshole and the other 3 were pending assholery, and demonstrated to my dentist that it's entirely possible to out-metabolize Ketamine if you start moving ASAP and also have a freakishly powerful liver.
So yesterday I had my one-month Checkup. It went pretty great, and the dentist asked if any part of my mouth was bothering me.
"Yeah, there's a sharp bit of bone coming out through the side from the extraction in my lower right jaw. The bone spur itself doesn't hurt, but it keeps cutting my tongue, so can you just pull it?" "Oh. Sure! Let me go get everything to do that." she said, and went to go get the tools for the extraction.
...Then there was some kind of confusion at the front desk I could overhear, with someone showing up with an urgent problem and they had to juggle the available staff, so she came back a bit later with the Pliers, said something about something taking "long enough" and went in.
It came out in two pieces, and the most discomfort I had was like, a 3/10 from the extraction itself, but mostly from keeping my mouth open.
...About halfway through, the Hygienist came in, apologizing for being late getting back from the front desk.
"Oh good, you have her the Novocaine!" the hygienist sighs with relief.
"What?" Said my dentist.
"What?" said the hygienist.
Both of them turn to look at the very full syringe on the tool table behind me.
"Honestly this is bothering me way less than the shot would." I said, lightly dribbling blood, and they both turn to me in horror.
"I really hate needles." I explain.
"What." says the dentist.
"Woah." Says the hygienist. "You would have done great in like, The Civil War."
Which is probably the funniest thing anyone's every said about my dangerously high pain tolerance.
Anyway, it was a one-off issue, and a non-issue for me because I think a normal person would have stopped her, so I go back in August if she doesn't recommend me to someone else for terrifying her twice in as many visits.
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
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I love these memes. poor little borzoi doesn't understand the concept of half-life and radioactive decay
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galacticguppy · 18 hours
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anyway happy pride
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galacticguppy · 19 hours
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galacticguppy · 19 hours
Tubbo: Why have they changed it? These colors are awful. I– ew! I actually hate it! Where– what happened to the orange? Why’s it purple?
Tubbo: [Realizes] OH—
Tubbo: Oh, I'm actually– I'm actually a bigot, it’s Ace Race, I get it. Ohhh, ohhh that’s awkward. Ohhh, that's awkward. I’m a bigot. Oh, I'm a bigot. Oh, I'm a bigot. Ohhh. It’s crazy that they let bigots into MCC these days! Well actually, they’ve always done that.
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galacticguppy · 19 hours
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paint a bunch of heads then struggle to fit them all on one canvas
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galacticguppy · 19 hours
the fact that the riddler only had like 500 followers but they showed up to do his bidding is so fucked when you think about it. i have way more followers than him why dont you guys ever do that for me
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galacticguppy · 19 hours
events are probably my second favorite thing to set in motion
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