gamethyme · 2 months
Number of Goblins, ranked
One Goblin - That's just a goblin. He's probably just getting his groceries or something. Leave him alone, you asshole.
Ten Goblins -- That's a fairly normal amount of goblins. There's generally around ten goblins in any given situations. They're just here for aesthetic, so you know it's a fantasy world. Remember to tip them when you leave.
One Hundred Goblins -- Ok this is too many goblins, but this is a reasonable amount of too many goblins. Like, this is maybe an army of goblins or something? My point is that they're probably here for a good reason. Best not to mess with them, they're likely load-bearing in some way.
One Thousand Goblins -- This is probably a goblin town, in which case this is really more a case of One Human, which is a completely different list only available on goblintube. If not, all these goblins are lost. Return them to the goblin town. The orcs are worried.
One Million Goblins -- A million goblins? I'm not sure I've even seen a million things in my life , and now there's a million goblins? That's, like, all the goblins. Why are you at a convention of all the goblins? Are you a goblin? Actually, no, that would make sense. Yeah, that's probably what's going on here. Sorry you had to find out this way.
One Billion Goblins -- Ok, look, at this point you have clearly been sent to a future time where humanity is extinct and goblins have inherited the earth. I can think of no other explanation for a billion goblins. This sadly means that you're the weirdo, and you have to go be a cryptid now. At least you can find a phone and read the goblin creepypastas about you.
One Trillion Goblins -- How? What is happening? This is more goblins then there are birds, and they'll all in your house? How is your house this big? Wait, forget the goblins, how is your house this big? Are the goblins here to guillotine you? Probably! Move out of your stupid mansion and let the goblins have it, you weird rich bird-hoarding freak.
One Quadrillion Goblins -- One quadrillion? I'm only like 80% sure that's even a real number! Luckily, you won't have to deal with a quadrillion goblins for long, because soon they'll collapse together under their gravity, forming a far more manageable single planet-sized goblin. Picard's not gonna be happy about this one!
More Goblins -- Fuck off, you do not have more then a quadrillion goblins. Why are you lying? Are you worried I won't like you if you don't claim to have an implausible number of goblins? Don't worry. Your worth is not dependent on your goblin numbers. Go back to the actual number of goblins secure in the fact I love you, no matter how few goblins you have <3
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gamethyme · 6 months
Back in the 80s my friend Tamara was a cool, funny, and sweet rock 'n' roll chick at my high school in Las Vegas. Now she's a disabled caregiver facing homelessness for herself and her elderly mom, who has dementia. If you can donate or share the link, anything helps.
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gamethyme · 6 months
If there’s anything worth living for, it’s kittens trying to imitate their moms.
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gamethyme · 6 months
Every time I get frustrated with a tool or appliance I think about the bit in 17776 about how people crave a little bit of inefficiency, how if everything always worked perfectly and instantly we would lose a lot of the joys of being human, how deeply humans want to want, and I try to find the joy and humanity in what's frustrating me and enjoy that it's not perfect
but this does not apply to printers. absolute bastard machines
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gamethyme · 6 months
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WELL, you can HEAD ON OVER to my kofi shop, where they are now all available for purchase! Click Here for my Shop! If you just want to get everything in ONE BIG BUNDLE, I've got you covered, too! ABOVE are all the designs you can find there RIGHT NOW!
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gamethyme · 6 months
Dec 3: Cookle
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I asked chatgpt4 to tell dalle3 to generate "a "set of Christmas-themed images, clearly labeled in capital letters as an aid to someone learning English." and between the two of them, this is what they came up with.
Interactive version of the full advent calendar
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gamethyme · 7 months
generated by dall-e3: your guide to the thanksgiving table
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gamethyme · 7 months
I always wondered why the Western Zodiac and the Chinese Zodiac were both called zodiacs if one was associated w astronomy and the other w time in general. Like what defines a zodiac that the word is only used to describe these two things? Looking up the word “zodiac” in the dictionary didnt help bc it only talked about the western one.
Well, I decided to look up the etymology for zodiac and it turns out it comes from the Greek for “circle of little animals.” I love humans
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gamethyme · 7 months
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gamethyme · 7 months
Google Ambient Chaos if you ever need background noises for writing! It's a customizable soundscape website.
Anon, when I first saw this ask, I thought it was going to be one of those mixers of nice, traditional sounds, like rain or a coffeeshop. And it is! And there's lofi hiphop, my favorite sound to write to! Which means this is legitimately an excellent tool for writers, and I love you for introducing it to me.
But I also want to say. There are some choices here. That I need to point out. Because they're either fantastic or questionable, and I can't decide.
Things like . . .
Couple arguing.
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Medieval battle.
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Beehive, where you can write to a fuckton of bees.
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Crime scene.
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And actually the perfect soundscape for NaNoWriMo.
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(It's here, for those curious.)
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gamethyme · 8 months
Scholastic blinks
Via Cole Haddon on Twitter, who summarizes: “‘We did not anticipate authors and other reasonable people would take issue with our totally well-thought-out plans to segregate the stories of people of color and other marginalized groups away from the books that make cishet white people feel the world was made just for them.’"
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gamethyme · 8 months
Astronaut sculpture from an ex-physicist (Source/Credit)
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gamethyme · 8 months
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gamethyme · 8 months
they should introduce a "mean old neighbor" to every professional baseball field. if the ball lands there it then becomes a challenge for all the strongest and fastest of the players to survive and retrieve the ball
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gamethyme · 9 months
happy @blaseballzinejam day!! it's been amazing seeing what everyone's been working on and getting to collaborate with so many talented people. everyone did such a fantastic job!!!
just wanted to shout-out a little something i organized: if you're interested in seeing some of the fanteams the blaseball community has brewed up, then please consider checking out THE ELSEWHERE ECHOES!! i organized it, and some very cool collaborators contributed pieces!!! it'd mean the world if you checked it out!!
regardless: happy jamming, everybody!!!
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gamethyme · 10 months
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gamethyme · 10 months
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