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daniel was still groggy as he rested the back of his head. if he wasn’t too focused on getting food he would have probably fallen right back to sleep sitting right there. “ooh, that’s true.” he smirked at the thought. an attractive waitress always make the meals better. “yeah, it sounds pretty good. doesn’t make me any less hungry though.” at the mention of pancakes his stomach rumbled and he squirmed at the discomfort. “arkansas it is!” he joked, forcing his eyes open so he wouldn’t knock out. bringing his hands to his face, he rubbed at his cheeks, squishing them together. “who? aaron?” names and faces ran through his head until he could answer. “yes? yeah, i think so. yeah. and then we left because you didn’t want to be there anymore.” he stood up, stretching his arms upwards in an attempt to help his back. “then we came back here. slept. now we’re getting pancakes.”
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she couldn’t imagine any guy who works near church street being visually appetizing, “we could travel a bit and go to a hooters.” she nudged him with her shoulder, a tired laugh piercing through the silence. “believe it or not, that’s my favorite restaurant. if i had the tits for it, i’d work there.” she stood up, her legs felt like melted butter. “it’s so obvious guys live here, no mirror in sight.” she trudged towards the bathroom, flicking up the switch and gasping at her reflection. peeping her head out, she spoke out to danny, raising her voice slightly so he could hear her from the living room, “danny, you let me go outside looking like this?! i hope aaron didn’t notice me.” her pitch dropped, “did he notice me?” she asked, quickly adjusting herself in the mirror. “danny, next time, don’t let me leave the house.” she returned to the living room, “you ready to go?”
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howdy y'all, i'm on now until my new video game downloads. probably won't be on much this weekend, visiting a friend so, interact with me now or forever hold your peace! (or until like, tuesday)
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danny sat at the end of the couch, his arms stretched out along the back of the old cushions. his stomach growled at the thought of food. there was a vague memory of stuffing a granola bar in his face the night before, but in the early hours of the morning he rarely ever had time to actually eat anything. he was glad that kiki was on board with the idea and instantly started thinking of where he could take them. “the pancake definitely sounds better than the ‘hottest waiter,’” he laughed.  “i could go for some breakfast right now. there’s never a bad time for that.” daniel was a strong believer that breakfast foods were good at literally any time of the day, and didn’t understand it when anyone said anything otherwise. “what about that place on church street? i don’t know about their waiters, but i do love their pancakes.”
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although mostly everything was fuzzy, (the windows letting in much more light than kiki is used to), she could still make out danny. his hair was doing that thing that guys hair tends to do after a good nights rest. she must admit, it looked much better on him than her brothers. “the hottest waiter could be a waitress!” she countered, all the while managing to get her other eye open. “does that sound better than a pancake?!” she knew the answer was probably a no, at least in his case. “church?” she tried drawing up a roadmap in her mind, “sure, whatever. take me to arkansasfor all i care.” she turned over onto her side, grabbing at her boots that laid beside the couch. proceeding to put them on, she mulled over the events of the night. “did i see aaron last night?” the image of her ex had clouded her mind and she vaguely remembered seeing him. “was he at the restaurant last night?!” she looked to danny with an intense urgency that begged him to answer instantly.
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( * ! &&. daniel — @gasstationhorror.
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having finished with his morning classes and not having anything due for the next few days, daniel really wanted to just get out and actually do something. well, really he just wanted to get some food and spend some time out of his house.  spending time with kiki was  always a bonus, too. that is if he could get her to do anything with him. “so, i was thinking food.”  he said,  plopping down on the couch. “we could go out somewhere. nothin’ fancy or anything. just uh, i don’t  know, a diner,  maybe?  a milkshake sounds good right now. or burger king.  i don’t know, i want food. i don’t want to be home.”
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kiki spread across his couch as if it were her own. she stretched out her limbs as far as they could extend, before retracting to make room for danny to sit at her feet. she has passed out the night before, too inebriated to bother going home since she’d end up back at his house the following day anyway.  his suggestion sounded like music to her ears. “yes, please bring me to the nearest place i can stuff my face.” she scooted up a minuscule amount, wiping crud from her eyes. “breakfast food sounds sooooooooooooooo good right now.” as she held onto the vowel, her voice exchanged from different pitches, accompanied by the most  appropriate of eye rolls. “i want a pancake and i  want it served by the hottest waiter they’ve got.” which, knowing the area, he probably wasn’t exactly going to be male model material. “doesn’t that  sound delicious, danny?” a momentary pause, “the pancake, not the boy!” she added with her signature goofy smile. 
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zipping his pants back up was uncomfortable but he knew within a few minutes the half boner he had would   simmer down and he would be fine. he adjusted himself quickly and then changed his posture as he continued to sit at the edge of his bed. danny wondered what she was looking for and decided to just wait instead of question it. “oh, yeah,” he nodded. “i’m fine, really. i’ll be okay.” he laughed, pushing his glasses back into position. giving in the temptation he finally asked. “watcha lookin’ for?”
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his decision to stay wasn’t too surprising, and she was somewhat relieved since she thought that process was weird. grabbing her drink, she took a swig and continued to look around her bag. his curiosity about the item she was trying to locate led her to the same question. “honestly,” she started, knowing the next part of the sentence would make her sound ridiculous, “i don’t really remember..” her goofy smile lingered for a moment before she finally perked up “oh!” pulling a condom out from a cute vintage pouch she bought from a  boutique a few years back. originally used for coins, now carried several packets of baby-preventers. she tossed a few his way. “a gift.” she stated, “make good use of them, please!” she returned some of the objects back into her bag, moving at a speed resembling an elderly person. 
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danny knew that kiki pretty much did whatever she  instantaneously thought of doing when she was drunk, but out of all the random things he could have come up with that was definitely not one of them. he chuckled at her usual statement, claiming that she wasn’t drunk when he knew damn well that she was. he knew not to argue with her because of course she would have to argue the fact. “well, uh,” he paused. “alright then.” daniel decided to fix his jeans and belt, feeling awkward at the way he was left. “don’t then?” he half suggested. “i mean, if you’re comfortable like that then go for it.”
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plopping down, kiki became one with the floor. she swished around the bag in the search of something, she forgot what, but she knew when she found it she’d remember. pulling things out individually then scattering them around, she took a quick break to look at danny to see what he was up to. “oh, sorry.” she said, realizing she left him exposed. “are you alright?” she asked, wondering if maybe she came on a little too strong. “if you want to like, go to the bathroom you can.” she giggled, “if you need to you know, well, you know.” kissing him, giving him the shortest over-the-undies handjob ever, that was easy for her. saying the word MASTURBATE however, was  still a foreign concept to her. 
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daniel wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to the kiss. he was surprisingly calm and collected. he didn’t necessarily want it to stop but he was also trying to figure out if this was going to be something she was going to remember doing in a few hours. some drunken kiss, she would say. daniel sat down at the end of his bed, not getting a chance to get a word in before she kissed him again. she wasn’t going to take it too far, he was ALMOST completely sure of that. even though his face was completely flushed the moment she stepped back, he was still stunned. “uh, i… um,” he stammered. maybe he didn’t really have an excuse after all. it was just easier to say everything he did because there really was no reason as to why he couldn’t just bring some girl over for a night, or at least a few hours. “i… dunno?”
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she stood motionless, awaiting the answer. her eyes lazily staring into his, searching for some kind of hint to how he was taking all this. when he finally gave not an answer, but a response, she huffed. “maybe i’m drunk, i don’t know!” she said, always using that as an excuse, “but like, i think i made my point. and also i’m like, not even that drunk.” another phrase that she managed to say every time she was. “i’m just saying, like, i think i could have gotten you off by now.” she shrugged then continued to adjust her bra. “i’d do anything to have my own room, you have no idea how lucky you are, if my little brother wasn’t there, you’d never see me, i’d be busy all night.” with a quick wink, “if you know what i mean.” she looked down at the shirt she threw onto his otherwise neat floor. with a prolonged groan, she rolled her eyes. “i don’t want to put that back on.” 
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im going to bed !! bc i have no energy to do anything !! BUT ALSO ITS BEEN A FEW DAYS OF KYLE BEING BACK AND. IM. STILL. HAPPY AS HELL. 
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danny could remember most of what he old room looked like. things that mainly stuck to him only really included the firetrucks, the color of the walls, and the different positioning of his bed and dress. other than that, the changes didn’t really seem to different to him. then again, remembering detail wasn’t exactly his thing. there was a small amount of alcohol in his system, but not even close enough to have screwed with his driving or his thought process or anything. “yeah?” he turned towards her, looking down as she was much shorter than he was. the kiss happened all too quick, he barely realised what was happening and then their lips were touching and ?? daniel looked at her afterwards, exhaling. “uh… alright.”
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the kiss didn't last long, he was too surprised for it to linger like she wanted. she looked up to him, her hand resting on his chest, gently guiding him backwards so he’d be at the bed. pushing him slightly, enough to indicate she wanted him sitting down. her hands went straight for his belt, something she knew how to get off in less than five seconds. she kissed him again, hoping to keep him distracted so he wouldn’t stop her. she  moved quickly in an effort to get her point across. with his pants lose, she quickly slipped her hand under the jeans, grabbing him through his underwear. she quickly stopped, stepping back away from him. “we could have just fucked.” she said, matter of factly. “you could have enjoyed it.” she stated, “see, it’s not weird.” she wasn’t sure she was done making a statement, so she quickly pulled her shirt over her head. “i’m shirtless in your room, and nothing happened. the earth didn’t fall apart, your dad didn’t walk in, you didn’t die.” she raised her eyebrows and shrugged, “so what’s the big deal, danny?”
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i want to make more complex male characters, i have such intricate backgrounds in my mind for most of my ladies, i want to make some better males. i’m going to work on it tonight, so be on the look out for that. ;)
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couple killer plots (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ serial killer couples (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ no humanity vampire couples (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ scary villain couples (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ KILLER COUPLES!!!
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i just realized they added skating to new york to netflix i’ve been waiting foreverrrrrrrr, i missed dylan everett!!!
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daniel had always been the firetruck kind of kid. he was just fascinated by them. aside from that there wa always a love for superheros and comic books, which he still had. the firetrucks not so much. “yeah, i feel the same way. every thing seems smaller when you’re older.” he shrugged. he could remember how big everything felt when he was younger. “nah, i’ll pass for now.”
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scanning the room, kiki eyed the little things that riddled the walls, admiring each one as she walked closer over to danny. “yeah, things change when you get older, even the size of your room.” she smiled, toying with the bottle in her hand before setting it down. kiki had landed right beside him, she wasn’t shocked he had denied a sip of the liquor, although she wanted some in him for what she had planned to do, knowing he’d find it awkward since he wasn’t nearly as tipsy as she managed to become. “hey, danny..” she used the words to grab his attention, then turned so she stood directly before him. she knew if she stuttered he would stop her, and ask what she was doing. so she immediately went in for a kiss, putting her hand around his head to guide herself to her target. 
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danny set his keys down on the cofee table along with his wallet before they made their way to his room. he let her take in the view before saying anything. “yeah? thanks. it’s more… well, less filled with firetrucks. and the walls aren’t that horrible blue anymore.” he was never a fan of the color and that shade was still permanently scarred in the back of his head. “it’s alright.”
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kiki reminisced, the blue was in fact permanently etched into her brain as well, it was so vibrant that it was impossible to forget. “it may have been horrible but, i kinda miss it.” she  smiled, “although this is way less intense!” her fingers grazed the wall, “oh right, i forgot you were a firetruck kinda guy. my brothers were all about the legos and hot wheels.” her eyes rolled so far back it hurt. “it’s much smaller, i guess maybe i’m just bigger.” she smiled. “it’s cozy.” she lingered by the door, not sure about coming further in. “do you want some?” she asked, holding out the bottle.
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“yeah, no problem.” the gas station was on their way back anyway. it would have been silly to say no  to the request. danny unlocked the house and let her in, locking the door behind them as they entered  the place. “my room? yeah, why not.” his room had certainly changed a lot since grade school, honestly. which he was pretty thankful for considering she would most likely say something about it otherwise. “yeah, c’mon.”
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she let danny lead the way, although she vaguely remembers the route. she passed it enough times when she had to take one of those drunk pees.  her eyes filled with amazement as they entered, the differences apparent right off the bat. “whoa, nothing like i remember!” she said, taking a step in, doing a little turn to get a panoramic view. “it looks way nicer now.” she taunted him, closing the door behind her.
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