gatetie24 · 3 years
Easy and ready-to-use SEO tricks
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The acronym SEO (Search Engine Optimization) indicates the activities aimed at improving the organic positioning of a site and its pages on search engines , where organic means not paid. These practices are many and complex, but there are some basic precautions to follow if you want to improve the ranking on Google of a site or a blog article. Here are 10 easy- to-apply SEO tricks . 1. CHOOSE YOUR KEYWORD WELL The first of these ten SEO tricks is essential and consists in  choosing the keyword - or the keyword - for which you want to optimize your home page, a page or a post on your site. A keyword can consist of one or more words, but usually no more than three or four. An example could be “SEO advice”, or “Milan artisan ice cream parlor”, obviously it depends on what type of product or service you are offering. Be careful to choose well, because a very generic and very popular keyword will have great competition, so it will be difficult to position yourself in the first places on Google, while a little used keyword will not generate traffic. The ideal would be to find a good compromise , that is, a useful keyword, used by people and with limited competition. Google AdWords offers some tools for choosing keywords, it might be useful to take a look at it. 2. OPTIMIZE YOUR KEYWORD Once you have chosen your keyword, you need to use it in the right way . That is, you have to use it within your text. There is no ideal number of times: the important thing is that in a medium-length text it appears at least three or four times . And the ideal would be that it appeared in some variants (for example through the use of singular and plural, but not only). But be careful not to repeat it too many times , otherwise Google will recognize your SEO activity as spam. To adjust, there are some interesting plugins, such as Yoast SEO for WordPress , which warn you if you are using too much or too little of your keyword. Another SEO tip: better optimize every single page / post for a different keyword , to avoid internal competition. 3. WRITE THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TEXT Search engines like text. Indeed, there are those who say that the more text there is, the better. This is only partially true, because in addition to the needs of search engines we must also think of those of users, who on the web rarely like too long texts, but it is true that if the text of a page is composed of at least 300 words , this it will help your placement on Google and the like. 4. THE TITLE FIRST The title tag of the post or page is essential not only to attract the attention of readers, but also in terms of SEO: a title that is not too short and not too long (approximately between 40 and 60 characters), which contains the chosen keyword , possibly at the beginning of the title itself, will help positioning on search engines. It is also important that the title reflects the content of the text . 5. CURE YOUR TEXTS One of the most important SEO tips: it is essential that your texts are edited and written correctly , not only because they will then be read by people who based on these will make a first impression on you and your business, but also because Google and other search engines take into account the quality of texts , especially as regards grammatical correctness. 6. DIVIDE THE TEXT INTO SUBCHAPTERS Google loves in-text headlines . Use them to divide your text into paragraphs, as recommended above, but also for SEO purposes, using title-tags such as
. It is also useful that at least one of these in-text titles contain the chosen keyword. 7. DO NOT OVERLOOK THE IMAGES The text is important, but the images also play their part. Associate at least one image with your text and make sure it has an “alt text” , which is an alternative text that is shown in case you don't upload the image. The alt text should possibly contain your keyword. 8. OUTPUT LINKS: NEITHER TOO MANY NOR TOO FEW Search engines appreciate the presence of outgoing links within a text , also because all in all these constitute the connective tissue of the web, which without links would be made up of many worlds separated from each other. But be careful not to overdo it , so as not to lose the so-called "link juice" to your page: according to some experts it is better not to put more than three or four outward links on a page. If for some reason you need to put more, you can always mark them as "nofollow" within the html code of the link. In this way the links will be active, but will lose relevance in the eyes of search engines. 9. GROW INCOMING LINKS Likewise, it is useful for other sites to have links pointing to your site or page , because this makes it clear to Google and company that your content is relevant. In part, the links will come spontaneously, if your content is actually useful and well packaged. In part, you can "nurture" inbound links with a little PR . But beware that systems such as the exchange of links are often counterproductive , first of all because Google "notices" and can judge the link not relevant, secondly because there is the risk of being linked by untrustworthy sites. In this case, the reputation of the site that links you comes into play: if it is a site deemed reliable by Google, one of its links will be evaluated positively , but if it has a bad reputation (for example due to practices branded as spam) , the opposite will be true and being linked from this site will be counterproductive. A little SEO trick is to put your site in a series of  reputable web directories (or lists of internet sites). There are many that offer free listing, although it may take some time for your site to be indexed. On the net there are various directory lists in English . 10. DESTINATION NOT TO FORGET The last of the SEO tricks is a bit technical, but still important:  don't forget the meta description , or the summary description of your content, written especially for search engines. Short and concise, it must possibly contain the keyword you have chosen, and at the same time be appealing to users.
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