me? making actual fanfiction instead of just headcanons? crazy!!
ok but like if i dont post this my friend might smite me with a sword or something so here we are !!
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"You know, reds a good color on you."
Season : 2
Context : Snowball fight, that's it, just something very soft
Luke x GN reader
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It's been years after the apocalypse started, long and tiresome years. It was hard to believe New Year was just a few weeks away... Well, and along with Christmas..
"Hey- HEy- HEY!" Some yelling was heard from the outside of the house. What the hell was going on now? You made your way to the front door, opening it to see none other than Nick laying face first in the snow with Luke trying to piece together a snowman that seemed to fall apart. God, they really did act like children sometimes... More than the actual children.
"What the hell are you guys doing now??" You questioned while leaning against the doorframe while looking down at the two. Glancing over to Nick, who seemed to pick himself back up from out of the snow, that still seemed to be coming down. "We got bored.." The male said as he picked up his hat, shaking it off before putting it back on.
"You BOTH were supposed to be hunting." You spoke while shooting a glance at Luke, assuming it was his idea. "When no animals showed up, we got tired of standin' there.." Luke finally spoke, placing the torso of the snowman back onto the body while doing so. "You're so tense lately, loosen up for a change we'll be fine, we got enough food to last us all winter and then some." Luke added.
He was right, but that didn't change the fact that they weren't doing their job. "Loosen up?? Are you serious right now? Luke, I can't just loose -" You had begun to lecture before getting cut off by a snowball hitting your shoulder. You looked to Nick, who just put his arms up in defense before pointing to Luke. So, you looked to him next, a cocky look plastered onto his face as you felt the remaining snow fall off of your shoulder.
He really knew how to piss you off, huh? Once the snow fell, you took a deep breath before looking at the snow that was gathered onto the deck railing. Making another glance to Luke, who was just smiling like an absolute idiot.
"You know, you're pretty cute when you look like you wanna slam my head into the nearest tree!" He exclaimed while laughing slightly. Getting caught off guard by the snowball that hit him directly in the face, from none other than you. Now you let out a laugh while you watched Luke struggle to get the snow completely off of his face, listening to the small string of curses he left behind while doing so.
You took Luke's moment of distraction as a chance to swiftly make your way off the deck, hiding behind a nearby tree. Preparing another snowball to throw with a confident look plastered onto your face. You couldn't help but notice the sun was beginning to set. This fight would have to be quick. Luckily, Luke wasn't a hard person to fight in a snowball fight. His aim wasn't the best, and you could easily overpower him with your words and flirty remarks alone.
You shaped the snowball as you looked at it for a moment, a quiet laugh soon escaping your lips as you looked behind the tree. Just to notice, Luke wasn't even there anymore, just Nick finishing the snowman. Rather confused, you look to the ground. There was no trail in sight in the snow. "What the..." All was quiet for a few moments before a loud yell belonging to Luke nearly made you jump ten feet in the air. You turn around back behind the tree to look up at the county boy with a huff, "Fucks sake Luke!" you scolded with a sigh.
Meanwhile, Luke just laughed, even up close he still looked as dumb as ever. But in an endearing way. "I didn't know your voice went that high, you know if it went any higher it could almost pass as a mouse." Luke spoke with a soft tone in his voice, filled with comfort and warmth. You two were so close together already you hadn't even realized that he moved in a little more, to the point your cold noses were slightly touching. Looking over the others face, you couldn't help but notice he seemed to be as red as a cherry. "You know, reds a good color on you."
That remark alone made Lukes eyes widen slightly, meeting your gaze. He looked anxious but excited. "Is this... okay with you?" He asked quietly, almost like you two were exchanging secrets back and forth. A smile made its way onto your face as you snaked your hand around to the back of the others neck, noticing how Luke shut his eyes, expecting a kiss of sorts. Just to be met with a snowball getting mushed into his face once again. You couldn't help but laugh at the shocked expression that made its way onto Luke's face, and when he saw you laugh? He couldn't help but laugh too before dusting the snow off. "C'mon, it's getting late, and the temperature is dropping. Wouldn't want you to get a cold now." He said with a smile as he intertwined his cold fingers with your warm ones. "Looks like Nick already went in." You said aloud mainly to yourself as the both of you walked back up the deck and into the house.
Word count : 898
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Relationship headcanons
just a small thing to post to hold people over while i work on some other things !!
also !! requests are open on my blog ! atm its only headanon requests while i work on some fics but maybe some day ill open up fic requests hshsh-
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Characters : Louis, Violet, Clementine, Marlon
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Louis :
He would write music about you, he'd probably be scribbling down different notes while having a moment with you. He writes down different words and phrases that describe you to keep for later when he goes to make lyrics
He doesn't care who's around, he loves public affection. He always has an arm wrapped around you or is holding your hand in some way
while you two are laying down for the night hes the type to play with your hair and hum until the both of you fall asleep next to eachother for the night
He gets easily flustered over small gestures, you kiss him? he cant speak. You flirt? Hes nearly gone. Any gesture makes him smile like an absolute idiot
If you mention something you like you best believe he will be looking for it to give to you as a gift, he likes seeing the way your face lights up when you get something you like :)
Violet :
She likes to sketch, so she often will just kinda draw you while you arent looking, when you come across her notebook one day and ask her about it, all she says is "Since i cant take a picture, i draw you instead..That way i can always keep a little something of you with me.."
She gets very shy with public affection, however she will do that thing where she locks pinkies with you under a table or while you're walking next to eachother
Loves to stargaze with you, though sometimes in the middle of it she'll lean her head on your chest and fall asleep
When you do something stupid she says "Thats not funny" meanwhile she cant stop smiling and laughing
Eventually, you both end up sharing a room, and a part of the wall ends up dedicated to all the small doodles shes made of you (theres alot), sometimes you both pause to just kinda look at it and embrace eachother :)
Clementine :
Something tells me she has somewhat trouble reading due to how when the apocalypse started she was only in 1st grade, so, that being said, she likes it when you read to her. Doesn't matter where, if you two are laying down she rests her head against yours, but if you both are just sitting and doing something she leans against you.
Will fall asleep sometimes while listening to you read, it makes her feel soft and safe :)
Aj probably drew a picture of you both and its hung up in her room
If you were to flirt with her i feel like at first it would go over her head for a moment until she thinks about it more, then she just like "...Oh"
When she has nightmares, you've begun helping her more so Aj can rest. You both made a whole routine to calm her down and it works enough to get her back to sleep
Marlon :
Protective to the MAX, he just wants u to be safe, if somone from another group even looks at you the wrong way then hes pissed
You help him through his issues and in return he becomes soft with you, he says he hates it but secretly loves it when you hug him tightly and reassuringly
tries to act tough but will instantly melt when you hold his hand or something along the lines of that
holds you very close in order to fall asleep, and then you both wake up absolutely tangled in eachother
Rosie instantly also becomes protective over you and absolutely loves you to bits, she follows the both of you around and snuggles with you both :)
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for some reason my twdg phase is back and in full swing so like
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚
these are mainly just some for clem and javi, some take place after s4 and some during s3 :') (simply cause i liked their friendship)
my friend helped me make some of these (ty best friend of mine in the whole wide world)
not that many to start out cause im genuinely so anxious to post these for some reason LMAO-
javi taught clem a little bit of baseball before she left for s4
so, when shes swinging the chair leg around with Louis she uses what javi taught her to show off just a smidge
Clem would teach it to aj with the preface that she learned from javi
“one of my old friends taught me this, i think it’ll come in handy” - Clementine (probably)
when javi meets "older" (still around s4 age) aj he probably goes to find a small bat for him
i like to think that if clem was ever going on a long distance trip with the ecerson kids she would have javi babysit aj
she’d come back and aj would tell her about everything he did with javi
while javi was out on a run he found a tiny jersey from the team he played on before everything went to shit and gave it to aj (he’d wear it as a comfort item)
they get walkie talkies to keep in touch
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