gc-genshin · 3 months
Unveiled Affections
Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader At Jujutsu Tech, a mysterious arrival shakes things up, piquing the interest of Itadori, Nobara, and Megumi. The unfolding connection the mysterious person has with their sensei, Gojo Satoru, adds a mysterious touch to the atmosphere at Jujutsu Tech.
In the midst of Jujutsu Tech's lively atmosphere, Itadori, Nobara, and Megumi found themselves engaged in their usual banter. Itadori's boisterous laughter competed with Nobara's sharp wit, while Megumi maintained his stoic demeanor, occasionally sighing at the antics of his fellow students.
As their bickering continued, a sleek car pulled up to the entrance of the campus. The trio paused, momentarily distracted by the unfamiliar vehicle. Their attention intensified as the car door opened, revealing a young woman in her late twenties, who stepped out with confidence, her eyes scanning the surroundings.
Itadori, ever the curious one, nudged Nobara. "Who's this? A surprise visitor?"
Nobara squinted at the woman, assessing her with a discerning gaze. "I don't know, but she looks important. Maybe she's lost?"
Megumi remained silent as he observed from a distance. 
The woman, undeterred by the trio's scrutiny, approached them with a friendly smile. "Hey, excuse me. I'm looking for Gojo Satoru. Can you guys point me in the right direction?"
An accent? Itadori, Nobara, and Megumi exchanged glances, still unsure of the woman's identity and intentions. Itadori, always eager to help, responded, "Gojo-sensei? Yeah, he's around here somewhere. What do you need him for?"
Before the woman could say anything, a familiar voice interrupted the scene. "Hey, troublemakers! What are you gossiping about over there?"
The trio turned to see Gojo Satoru striding towards them with his characteristic swagger. His presence commanded attention, and the students quickly shifted their focus to their sensei.
The woman smiled, recognizing Gojo immediately. "Speak of the devil. Satoru, there you are!"
Satoru? Itadori and Nobara thought. Who is this woman?
Gojo's eyes lit up with excitement behind his black, circular sunglasses upon hearing the woman’s voice. "Ah, [Name]! You made it!" Without missing a beat, he closed the distance between them, scooped [Name] off her feet, and spun her around in a joyous whirlwind. Laughter echoed through the corridor as the students, already bewildered, now witnessed a whirlwind of affection unfold.
"[Name], you really know how to make an entrance!" Gojo exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across his face. The unexpected display of exuberance left the students even more astonished.
Mid-spin, Gojo planted a playful kiss on [Name]'s cheek making her laugh more, the act dripping with affection. The duo seemed to exist in their own world, momentarily oblivious to the bewildered gazes of Itadori, Nobara, and Megumi.
Nobara raised an incredulous eyebrow, muttering to Itadori, "Is this real life?” Itadori, equally astonished, could only manage a nod, still processing the spectacle before him. Meanwhile, Megumi only observed with a subtle smirk.
As Gojo gently set [Name] down, he continued to hold her hand, their fingers entwined as they shared a brief, tender moment. The playful atmosphere lingered, leaving an indelible mark on the students' perception of their usually enigmatic sensei.
As the couple turned to close the distance to the trio, Gojo continued, "Guys, this is my amazing wife, [Name]! She flew in all the way from the United States to surprise me!"
The revelation left Itadori and Nobara utterly flabbergasted. So that explains the accent… Their expressions ranged from disbelief to sheer confusion. Megumi, however, remained composed, having known [Name] for years.
"Wait, you're married?" Itadori blurted out, wide-eyed.
Nobara raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Gojo-sensei, you have a wife? When did this happen?"
Gojo chuckled, reveling in the unexpected shock he'd unleashed upon his students. "Oh, it's been a secret for quite some time. [Name], these are the troublemakers I'm responsible for."
[Name] greeted them with a warm smile, unfazed by the skeptical gazes. "Nice to finally meet you guys. Satoru talks about you all the time."
Itadori scratched his head, still processing the revelation. "I never thought Gojo-sensei would settle down. How did you two even meet?"
As Gojo continued his animated recounting of how he and [Name] met, there was an undeniable spark in his eyes, and the air between them crackled with shared laughter and affectionate glances. [Name] listened with a fond smile, occasionally interjecting with playful remarks that only deepened the mystery of their connection for the students.
Nobara, catching on to the subtle romance, nudged Itadori and whispered, "I never thought I'd see the day when Gojo-sensei was a married man. Look at them, like a real-life romance novel."
Itadori chuckled nervously, still trying to process the revelation. Meanwhile, Megumi observed the unfolding scene with a knowing look, having witnessed Gojo and [Name]'s relationship evolve over the years.
In the midst of the chaos, [Name] turned to Megumi and a bright smile formed on her face. "Megumi! It's been months! How have you been?"
Megumi, who had maintained a stoic demeanor, couldn't help but crack a small smile. "I've been managing. Didn't expect to see you here."
[Name] approached Megumi with familiarity, pulling him into a tight hug. "Well, I couldn't let Satoru go on and on about his precious students without meeting the rest of them. It's good to see you again, Megumi."
As Itadori and Nobara observed this warm exchange, Itadori nudged Nobara with a smirk. "Looks like Megumi isn't immune to surprises either."
Nobara rolled her eyes but couldn't deny the subtle change in Megumi's demeanor. There was a softness in his expression as he conversed with [Name], a side of him rarely seen by his fellow students.
Gojo, still reveling in the attention from his wife, interjected, "These two go way back. [Name] has known Megumi for years. She practically watched him grow up."
Megumi's stoic expression softened as he recalled the countless times [Name] had been there for him, offering support and encouragement. "[Name] has been like family," he admitted, a rare sentiment from the normally reserved student.
[Name] reached out, gently placing a hand on Megumi's shoulder. "It warms my heart to see you doing well, Megumi. You're like a son to me."
Megumi's eyes softened, and a genuine smile graced his face. The students, witnessing this unexpected display of warmth, couldn't help but feel a newfound appreciation for the enigmatic woman who had just entered their lives.
“So, Gojo-san, are you, like, a sorcerer too?" Itadori asked with a mix of excitement and confusion.
Nobara, arms crossed, added, "Yeah, are you here to fight curses or something? Because we can handle that ourselves."
[Name] chuckled at their earnest inquiries. "No, no. I'm not a sorcerer. I don't have any cursed techniques or anything like that. I'm just here to surprise Gojo and spend some time with him."
Itadori scratched his head, still trying to wrap his mind around the situation. "So, you're just a regular person?"
[Name] nodded, her smile unwavering. "That's right. I may not have any special powers, but I can handle Satoru just fine."
Nobara, intrigued, exchanged a glance with Itadori. "Well, you seem nice enough. But what's it like being married to someone like Gojo-sensei? He's not exactly your typical husband material."
[Name] laughed, a genuine sound that echoed through the corridor. "Oh, he's definitely not typical. But he's my husband, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We make it work."
Megumi, who had been observing silently, couldn't help but crack a small smile at [Name]'s down-to-earth demeanor.
Itadori, still processing the information, finally asked, "So, you've known Gojo-sensei for a long time, right?"
[Name] nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of fondness and playfulness. "Yes, Satoru and I go way back. We've been through a lot together, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Nobara, her initial skepticism replaced with genuine interest, chimed in, "Okay, spill the details. How did you and Gojo-sensei meet? And how did you end up married to the strongest sorcerer around?"
[Name] chuckled at Nobara's directness. "It's a long story, but it involves a lot of chaos, a few cursed spirits, and a bit of fate. Satoru can be a handful, but he has a way of making life exciting."
Megumi, who had been quietly observing the interaction, finally spoke up. "You handle him well."
"It's all about finding the right balance. And you know a thing or two about dealing with Satoru, don't you?" [Name] winked at Megumi.
Megumi nodded, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I've had my fair share of experiences with him." 
The conversation continued, and as [Name] seamlessly integrated into the dynamic of the trio, the skepticism that had initially surrounded her presence began to fade away. The students found themselves enjoying the company of this unexpected visitor, whose genuine warmth and easygoing nature provided a refreshing contrast to the challenges they faced as sorcerer-in-training.
Little did they know that [Name]'s surprise visit would not only bring joy to Gojo but also leave a lasting impression on the students of Jujutsu Tech, adding a touch of human connection to the world of curses and sorcery.
As Gojo and [Name] shared a moment of warmth and affection, the students couldn't help but observe the couple with a mix of astonishment and curiosity. However, it was Itadori who, keenly observant, noticed a subtle but significant detail—the glint of a ring on Gojo's left hand that was wrapped around [Name]’s shoulders. Itadori's eyes widened as he nudged Nobara.
"Nobara, do you see that?" he whispered, nodding towards Gojo's hand.
Nobara followed Itadori's gaze and raised an eyebrow. "Is Gojo-sensei wearing a ring? Since when does he do that?"
Megumi only stayed silent, having seen his teacher wear the ring on multiple occasions.
The students (save for Megumi) exchanged puzzled glances, realizing that their eccentric sensei had never been one to adorn himself with jewelry, let alone wear a wedding ring.
Itadori couldn't contain his curiosity. "Hey, Gojo-sensei, is that a wedding ring?"
Gojo, still wrapped up in his affectionate reunion with [Name], looked momentarily surprised by the question. He chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You caught that, huh? Of course it’s my wedding ring!” 
Itadori scratched his head, processing the information. "Since when do you wear one? You’ve never worn it before."
Gojo's expression turned more serious. "Well, you see, we've been dealing with some particularly nasty curses lately, and I didn't want to risk damaging this precious little thing." He glanced at the ring with a fond smile. "So, it's been safely tucked away until now."
Nobara squinted at Gojo, a mix of skepticism and amusement in her eyes. "You're telling me the great Gojo Satoru is worried about damaging a wedding ring?"
Gojo chuckled, unfazed by the teasing. "Even the great Gojo has sentimental moments, you know.”
Nobara smirked, realizing there was more to the story than Gojo was letting on. "Sentimental, huh? You must really be in love, Gojo-sensei."
Gojo winked at them, his usual playful demeanor back in full swing. "Oh, you have no idea.” He said as he looked at [Name] with nothing but love and pure adoration, who in return gave him the same look back with a soft smile.
“Now, let's get back to the lesson, shall we?" With that, he led [Name] and the students toward the heart of Jujutsu Tech, leaving behind a trail of curious glances and whispered discussions about their sensei's newly unveiled romance.
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gc-genshin · 3 months
Echoes of Immortality, Threads of Mortal Hearts
Zhongli x Fem!Reader
As [Name] and Zhongli strolled through Liyue, the city bathed in the golden hues of the sunset, memories of their shared history resurfaced. [Name], not originally from Teyvat, had known Zhongli for years by this point. He, along with Xiao, had been one of the first to take her under their wing when she first arrived, a stranger in this unfamiliar realm.
Sharing tales of their past became a journey through time, a testament to the enduring bond forged in the crucible of experiences. [Name] spoke of the initial struggles of adapting to Teyvat, of the guidance and wisdom provided by Zhongli and Xiao during those formative years.
Zhongli listened with a keen interest, memories of those early days etched in his immortal mind. He marveled at [Name]'s resilience and growth, a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity. The bond between them transcended the passage of time, becoming a bridge that connected the mortal and immortal realms.
"You were there when I was just a lost soul in this vast world," [Name] mused, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips. "You and Xiao gave me a sense of belonging, a purpose. It's because of you that I've come to appreciate the beauty and complexity of humanity."
Zhongli, touched by the sincerity of [Name]'s words, nodded in acknowledgment. The sunset cast a warm glow on their shared history, weaving threads of connection that spanned beyond the confines of Teyvat. In that moment, as they continued their journey through Liyue, the ancient archon found solace in the enduring nature of their friendship.
[Name] turned her head and studied Zhongli's enigmatic presence, contemplating the paradox of his immortal existence. "You've observed humans for centuries, Zhongli. What's your take on us?"
Zhongli met her gaze with a thoughtful expression. "Humans possess a curious blend of virtues and flaws. They forge civilizations, yet their ambitions can lead to turmoil."
A soft smile played on [Name]'s lips as she moved closer. "But even with our shortcomings, there's an undeniable beauty in our resilience, our capacity to learn and evolve."
Zhongli felt the gentle pull of connection and reciprocated with a gaze that held a hint of affection. "Indeed. Mortals create stories, build connections, and find meaning in the transient nature of their lives. It's a delicate dance of existence."
Their shared musings became a dance of words, and [Name] sensed a connection blooming between them. "We stumble and make mistakes, yet there's an inherent drive to improve," she confessed, feeling the unspoken warmth between them. "In a way, our imperfections are what make us strive for greatness."
Zhongli's gaze softened further, his proximity conveying a subtle intimacy. "Precisely. Life's impermanence is the catalyst for growth. Mortals, in their fleeting existence, leave an indelible mark on the world."
As [Name] and Zhongli continued their stroll through Liyue, the city wrapped in the warm embrace of the sunset, their shared memories and musings created an invisible tapestry of connection. The ancient archon and the wanderer from distant lands found solace in each other's company, their bond weaving through the fabric of time.
The romantic undertone lingered in the air, subtly acknowledged yet not fully realized by the two companions. Unbeknownst to them, their words and shared experiences painted a portrait of a connection that transcended the boundaries of time and realms—an enduring friendship tinged with a hint of something more.
"You know we might not be the greatest things, but I don't think humans are all that bad," [Name] remarked, a sentiment that hung in the air like a gentle breeze as she looked amongst the crowds of people bustling through Liyue.
Zhongli, the wise and contemplative archon, gave a soft look towards the young woman while she looked ahead and nodded in agreement. "Indeed."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the city in hues of twilight, [Name] and Zhongli continued their journey through Liyue. The shared warmth of their history and the unspoken connection between them illuminated the path ahead, a testament to the enduring beauty found within the intricacies of mortal and immortal hearts.
In the tranquil moments of Liyue's evening, the bond between [Name] and Zhongli stood as a testament to the delicate dance of existence—a dance that embraced the resilience, imperfections, and the ever-evolving nature of both mortals and immortals alike. And so, they ventured forth into the night, their shared journey illuminated by the ethereal glow of a city that held the echoes of their past and the promise of an unknown future.
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gc-genshin · 3 months
Stitching Wounds, Weaving Bonds
Scaramouche x Fem!Healer!Reader
You were currently sitting in your clinic working on some paperwork for your last patient. A Cryo Cincin mage that had severe third degree burns along with bullet wounds after getting into a scuffle with a Pyro gunner. 
Suddenly the whole room began to rumble, knocking items off your desk. You slowly look up with a bored look. Great, now I have to pick these up. You bent down from your desk and started cleaning up. It wasn't uncommon for your work clinic to randomly shake due to the soldiers training and causing elemental reactions. As you stand back up and begin to reorganize your things on your desk, your door slams open. 
Flinching from the loud noise, you turn your head to look at the culprit. You furrow your eyebrows in concern upon seeing Scaramouche standing in your doorway. Bruises and scratches, along with a busted lip, littered his face, and his iconic frisbee-looking hat was missing, showcasing his disheveled hair. 
And boy did he not look happy. 
You could feel the irritation radiating off him in waves. “What the hell happened to you?” You asked worriedly. He stayed silent as you beckoned him over to the exam table. “Here, sit down.” You then start to wash your hands and put on gloves. Still, he stayed silent. 
You give him a glare. “I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened.”
Grabbing your equipment, you set them next to him on the table. Scaramouche continued staring off into space, either refusing to answer you or just couldn't process your words. 
Now you were getting even more worried. Shit, he may be concussed.  You move to stand in front of Scaramouche and tap him on the shoulder. That seemed to work as he finally looked up and made eye contact with you. You could now get a better view of his injuries. He has a busted lip that was still bleeding, a wide cut underneath his left eye that would need a few stitches, a laceration on the same eyebrow and a deep purple bruise on the left side of his face. 
You made sure to keep a neutral expression on your face as you kept eye contact with him because you knew how much Scaramouche hated being looked at with sympathy or concern. 
“Can you tell me your name?” You asked Scaramouche sternly. 
Furrowing his eyebrow, and wincing from the sting of the laceration, he looked at you incredulously. “What?”
“I need you to tell me your name in order to see if you are alert and oriented.” You calmly explained. “Can you tell me your name?”
Scaramouche rolled his eyes. “Of course I can tell you my name.” 
You looked at him expectantly. 
“It’s Scaramouche.” He told you sardonically. 
Nodding, you continue asking him questions (much to his annoyance) until you deemed that he didn’t lose consciousness. 
You bring a penlight out and start shining it in and out of his eyes. Scaramouche squints his eyes at the motion. “What the fuck are you doing now?” He asks, aggravated. 
“I’m checking to see if your pupils react appropriately and are equal. If they aren’t, then that’s a sign of a possible concussion.” You explain while still checking his eyes. After a few more swipes of the light across his eyes, you confirmed that both of his pupils showed no signs of anisocoria.  
“So are you going to tell me what happened?” You ask. A few beats of silence pass before Scaramouche lets out a sigh. “Dotore pissed me off.” 
Wow… shocker there… You nod in understanding. “Is that all?” You ask while bringing a hand under his chin. You gently begin to tilt his face to see if he had any other injuries that you couldn't see. When you couldn't find any, you went back to your sink and grabbed a towel to wet it. 
You also chose not to comment on the slight red that lit up Scaramouche’s cheeks. 
“He landed a solid hit on me…” The harbinger grumbled out. Scaramouche willed himself so hard to not blush at your touch and close proximity but the way you were holding him so delicately, he couldn't help the little bit of vermilion that coated his cheeks and the tip of his ears. She was so gentle… Scaramouche frowned and shook his head. Stop, she's only doing her job. 
You walked back, wet towel in hand, and stopped in front of him again. “Please tell me you beat his ass.” You begin to dab away the blood from his lip, eye, and eyebrow, making sure to keep the pressure light. 
Scaramouche let out a scoff. “Of course I did.” 
You let a small smirk grace your features upon hearing that. “So what did Dotore do to piss you off so much?” You inquired. 
Scaramouche felt his eye twitch, the same one that had the cut, and grimaced. “It's nothing.” He mumbled out. 
You let out a disbelieving snort. “Yeah, okay~ It's totally nothing if you just came storming into my clinic bloodied and bruised.” You grabbed his chin playfully and made him look at you. “Now what really happened?” You asked frowning. You moved from his eyebrow to his eye. While the cut wasn't deep, it was wide and would definitely need stitches. After dabbing away the blood, you then lean around Scaramouche and grab a cotton ball along with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. 
Scaramouche feels his lip curl up in a scowl. The previous ‘conversation’ he had with the Harbinger replayed in his mind which made his blood begin to boil again. 
“As a matter of fact… why didn't I just go and pay [Name] a visit right now?” He taunted with a cocky smirk. “I'll be sure to show her a good time for you~”
A sudden stinging sensation on his eyebrow forced him to break away from his thoughts. He lets out a sharp gasp. “Ow! What the fuck?” He snaps out and glares at you. 
You hummed. “Welcome back. You damn near burned a hole in my table.” You joke while pointing to the exam table. Scaramouche looked down and indeed, there were scorch marks next to his legs where he was gripping the table. You then dabbed the cut once more with peroxide. Scaramouche let out another sharp inhale and shot his hands forward to grab whatever was in front of him to tolerate the pain. 
It just so happens what he death gripped was your waist. 
The sudden pressure made you jump with a grimace. Scaramouche’s hands were still hot from his previous use of electro but they weren't scorching. If anything, they felt nice from their usually freezing temperature. 
Scaramouche's grip on your waist tightened, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his unexpected touch. "Easy there, tiger. Trying to electrocute me too?" you teased, a playful glint in your eyes. As you continued to tend to his wound, the air between you seemed to shift, lingering with a mix of tension and something more.
He smirked, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Well, isn't this a cozy setup? The mighty [Name], healer extraordinaire, nursing the wounds of a Fatui Harbinger. Who would've thought?"
You chuckled, feeling the subtle heat of his hands against your waist. "Just consider it a service to keep you in one piece. Wouldn't want the Fatui losing their favorite troublemaker, now would we?"
Scaramouche's touch sent a tingling sensation through your body, and you couldn't help but meet his gaze. Despite the initial irritation, his eyes softened, revealing a vulnerability beneath the sharp exterior. "Guess I owe you for this," he muttered, his tone less abrasive but still somewhat annoyed. The unexpected closeness created an intimate atmosphere, and you found yourself caught in a moment that transcended the usual banter.
The clinic's ambiance felt charged as Scaramouche's gaze held yours. The banter that usually defined your interactions now gave way to a quiet understanding. His usual arrogance seemed to waver, replaced by what appeared to be genuine appreciation.
With a smirk, you replied, "Owing me one? Well, you can start by not burning any more holes in my furniture." The teasing tone lingered, but there was a newfound warmth in the air. As you continued the delicate work on his cut, his grip on your waist softened, the tension in his frame easing.
Scaramouche leaned in, his breath grazing your ear. "Who knew getting patched up could be so entertaining?" The corners of his lips twitched, a rare, unguarded smile playing on his face.
You couldn't deny the spark of attraction that simmered beneath the surface. "Maybe you should consider regular check-ups. It's a hazardous world out there for a Harbinger," you suggested with a playful glint in your eyes.
He chuckled, the sound surprisingly genuine. "Maybe I'll make it a habit, just for the company." The air between you held a magnetic pull, and for a moment, the line between healer and harbinger blurred in the most unexpected way.
As the final stitches secured the wound, Scaramouche reluctantly released your waist. The charged atmosphere lingered, a silent acknowledgment of a connection that had unexpectedly blossomed in the clinic.
"Well, healer extraordinaire, I suppose I'll be on my way," Scaramouche remarked, his usual cockiness making a subtle return. He stood up, the banter returning to its familiar rhythm.
You handed him a small vial. "In case you decide to scorch anything else, a healing potion might come in handy."
He smirked, pocketing the vial. "Consider me warned. But who knows, maybe I'll drop by again for another 'cozy setup.'"
As he left, the door closed behind him, leaving you alone with the echoes of banter and a lingering sense of connection that defied the usual boundaries. The unexpected encounter with Scaramouche had added a new layer to your clinic's tales, and you couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited in the world of Teyvat.
i live. also i'm in my final semester of nursing school so go me! sorry if scaramouche seems ooc, i literally have not played genshin since starting nursing school over a year ago so that's my bad. anyways, thanks for reading :)
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gc-genshin · 1 year
Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Prologue? maybe?? Warnings: Curse words, violence??
“God… that was awful.”
Those were the first words out of your mouth as you got into your car and slammed the door shut. You sat in silence for a few seconds before you raised your hands and pressed the heel of your palms into your eyes hard enough to see stars, hoping it would alleviate the massive headache you’ve had for the past two hours. When that didn’t help, you ran your hands slowly down your face before falling into your lap.
To say you had a pretty shitty shift was a massive fucking understatement. Having twelve patients, two of whom coded and then were brought back, pissed on, shit on, yelled at by both family members and doctors, almost getting punched in the head by a rowdy patient, and only one CNA to help out (you absolutely love her and can’t appreciate her enough)…
Yeah, it was rough to say the least.
But hey, it’s over now! Go you! You survived the last day of your contract with this wretched hospital, so now all you have to do is collect your check and then you get to go home for two weeks! The many, wonderful perks of being a travel nurse.
As you sat in silence, you contemplated for a moment. “Fuck it, I’m getting boba cause I deserve it.” You decided as you turned on the ignition and left the hospital for the last time.
After your little trip to the boba shop and getting your favorite flavor, you finally started heading towards your rental apartment. You felt dread slowly start to seep in at the thought of having to pack three months worth of personal items but you shoved it down as you continued to sip on the tasty boba in your hand.
You continued on home, music blasting through your speakers from your phone that sat in your lap. Coming through a little town, you slow down and start to dissociate as the adrenaline from your shift had finally started to wear off. What should I do when I get home?
You began rapidly blinking your eyes, trying to fight off the fatigue that started to crawl throughout your entire body. You kept your eyes closed for a second before opening them in a panic when you felt your ass crash into something hard. You whipped your head around and realized you were no longer in your car…
You were sitting on the ground...
In a village…
With multiple people staring at you…
And now they're charging at you.
You let out a horrified scream as you scrambled to your feet, boba still in your hand and your phone somehow now in your scrub top pocket. You heard the people scream in a language you couldn't quite understand as you ran away in a random direction, letting out another scream as an ax barely missed your head.
“Hey! Over here!” You heard someone yell.
You looked over to see a man who was holding a gun. You skid to a stop, practically juking out the person in front of you and making them stumble over their feet trying to reach you, and sprinted to the stranger. Please be good to me! You pleaded in your head. You flinched and covered your head as you heard gunshots near you and weaved out of the way of dead bodies that fell around you.
As you reached the man, he held out a protective arm and pushed you behind him. “Stay close to me!”
“Don’t have to tell me twice!” You yelled back. You stayed glued to the man as he continued to shoot the crowd of villagers around you. You heard a noise behind you and looked over your shoulder to see a villager sprinting at you two. Instinctively, you tap the man’s back twice with your free hand which causes him to swivel around, with you still behind him, and shoot the villager in the head several times. You tapped his back again as more villagers began to swarm your backside.
Your wordless choreograph continued for several minutes as you watched the man’s back and alerted him whenever a villager was close to attacking. After several more minutes, the villagers suddenly stopped as a church bell began to ring. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, watching as the villagers began to stumble off while muttering in the same language you didn’t understand (Spanish? Portuguese?).
You looked towards the man, who still had his gun raised but shared the same confused look as you. Soon, all the villagers had piled into a church and shut the door, locking it behind them.
The man walked around in a circle, gun finally lowered, observing the surrounding area before raising his arms out to the side slightly. 
“Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”
Idk if I even wanna continue this🧍‍♀️
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gc-genshin · 2 years
Oh btw for anyone who's following for my story Monachopsis, a little life update for y'all.
I just got accepted in to nursing school🧍‍♀️
So Monachopsis is on a hiatus until the fall of 2022 (as if it wasn't already lmao), but I will be working on chapters throughout the summer so I'll hopefully be able to update it during that hectic time.
Anyways, if anyone is still around by then just know that you have the patience of a saint and for that I thank you kindly<3
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gc-genshin · 2 years
I've been in a jjk phase recently and was wondering…
Are the any Gojo x reader fanfics out there where the reader has a "kill them with kindness" kinda personality??
Like the reader is obviously aware of what kinda person Gojo is and doesn't fall for any of his advances or tricks yet is just an absolute sweetheart and nothing but nice to him??
I feel like I wouldn't portray Gojo very well so I don't feel confident in writing something like that but if anyone has any recommendations 👉🏻👈🏻
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gc-genshin · 2 years
Itto x reader with a tongue piercing
a/n: itto brainrot go brrrr. This was ehhhh, not super proud of it tbh but oh well. Plus I think we can all collectively agree that itto would 100 percent have a tongue piercing if he could.
The young oni watched as you conversed with Aether. As he was analyzing your face, he noticed something shine in your mouth. Itto furrowed his eyebrows and reached an arm out to grab your jaw, effectively cutting off whatever you were saying to the traveler.
Both you and Aether let out a surprised noise. You soon came face to face with the massive oni that was staring at your mouth. You couldn't help the blush that rose into your face from his close proximity. “U-uhm… can I help you?” You squeaked out pathetically.
“Open your mouth.” Itto demanded without hesitation.
Your eyes widen as you begin to stammer. You look to Aether for help yet he looked just as embarrassed and confused as you. You snap your eyes back to the oni when you feel his grip tighten on your face and you almost pass out when you see that he's even closer, you two practically breathing each other's air.
You clear your throat to prevent your voice from cracking. “W-why?” It did not help.
Itto looked at you seriously. “There's something in your mouth that was shining and I want to know what it is.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion before you realize what he was asking. You practically deflate in relief and if it wasn't for Itto’s hand holding you up, you would've sunk to the ground. Dirty thoughts. Dirty, dirty thoughts, [Name].
You shake your head before chuckling. You reach up and take a hold of Itto’s wrist to force him to let go. “If you wanted to see my tongue piercing, then you should have just asked instead of manhandling me.” You tell him with a playful glare.
Immediately, you stick your tongue out and show the oni your little stud. Upon seeing it, Itto let out a loud, excited gasp. Out of nowhere, he reaches up and starts gently tugging on your tongue to get a closer look.
You let out a squeal when you felt his fingers on your tongue. “Iddo, wha da thuck?!” If you weren't red before, you definitely were now. Poor Aether was so embarrassed that he actually left the two of you during this odd situation.
You see Itto start to lift his other hand while making grabby fingers and you start to panic. Oh fuck! He's going to want to play with the stud! You then start hitting the oni on the wrist to get him to let go, to which he promptly does.
But then he starts spouting question after question while bouncing in place. “Where did you get that? How long have you had it? Was it painful? Oh! Can you do it to-”
“ITTO!” You cut him off, thankful to be able to use your tongue again. “Itto… please don't grab my tongue like that again. It was highly inappropriate, not to mention dangerous.” You scold him gently.
Realization then soon dawned on the oni as he began to sputter and turn red. “O-OH! Right! Uhm, I'm so sorry [Name]! I swear I won't ever do it again!” He damn near screams while clapping his hands into a prayer. But that face you were making was so seductive... I really want to see it again...
You shake your head in amusement. It always cracked you up whenever you saw this giant oni stumble and fall whenever he was embarrassed. “It's okay, Itto.” You chuckle out. “To answer your questions, I got it done professionally a long time ago; the initial piercing didn't hurt, only the swelling did; and can I do it to you? No, I'm sorry.”
You see Itto deflate at your last answer. “But… I happen to know a person that can do it and they'll do it for free if I'm with you~”
Immediately, the young oni perks up and his face brightens at your offer. “Well then, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!” He then grabs your arm and starts to drag you before stopping. “Uh, where is this person at again?” He asks sheepishly.
You barked out a laugh at Itto’s enthusiasm. “They're in Fontaine, are you sure your up for the long trip?”
Itto let out a raspberry. “Pffff... are you seriously asking me, the great Arataki Itto, if he can handle a long trip?” He asked rhetorically with a cocky face. “But I would have to let the gang know beforehand…” He trailed off with a hand on his head.
“I think Grandma Oni would be able to handle your boys for a week or two.” You reassure with a smile and a pat on his hand. “Now let's get to packing!” You exclaim as you reluctantly freed yourself from Itto’s warm hand and started to make your way to your home.
However after only a few steps, you turned around to the oni who was watching you leave. “Oh and by the way! Next time, I would like to be asked out to dinner first before you stick your fingers in my mouth again.” You add with a cheeky smirk.
Before you turned around to leave, you saw Itto’s face burst into a bright red as he shouted out to you, “Next time?! AGAIN?!”
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gc-genshin · 3 years
Chapter Four: Epiphany
Epiphany (n.): a sudden insight or understanding of something.
Pairing: Various x female reader
Summary: You get an idea of what's going on… sort of.
Warnings: Explicit language.
Word count: 12.7k (holy shit my bad)
A/N: Uh… *taps mic* hello?? Is this book still relevant?? Did y'all miss me? Lmao, lot of shit happened the past months so I wasn't really able to focus on this story unfortunately. I hope this extra long chapter makes up for the wait! Plus this isn't proofread and I'll add the taglist later, I'm ready to post this chapter.
Happy reading!
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Your first week of working at the Wangshu Inn was… uneventful, to say the least.
Other than being hectic trying to take care of guests because of Lantern Rite, nothing really surprising has happened. Which you suppose was a good thing.
After your little drinking incident that happened a few days ago…
“Perhaps…” Xiao started and you waited with a baited breath, nervous as to what he was going to say. “You are in need of some assistance, you imbecile.”
You looked at him with hazy and unfocused eyes. In your drunken stupor, you could only respond to him with an embarrassed laugh.
“Aha, yeah…” You trailed off awkwardly. Your eyes then began to droop dangerously low as a sudden wave of drowsiness had hit you. Xiao could only watch as you instantly passed out in his arms while letting out small snores. The adeptus let out an aggravated sigh as he picked up and carried you to your shared room, already regretting the decision of taking care of you.
It was safe to say you didn't see him for a day or two.
Today was Friday. One day before the Mingxiao Lantern was released. Goldet had decided to already pay you for your two weeks because of how hard you were working, which you tried to decline, but Goldet was as stubborn as you so you reluctantly accepted the money.
You were sweeping the reception area, bored out of your mind. You were done with all of your chores but you still wanted to work and be productive. You turn your head when you hear Goldet heave a sigh.
“Lantern Rite is nearly here, why don't we decorate the inn this year?” She asks you.
That line sounds familiar. You tilt your head, feigning confusion. “Lantern Rite? What's that?”
Goldet looks at you surprised. “Oh! Don't you know? On the first full moon of the first month each year, Liyue celebrates the Lantern Rite. It's a festival to commemorate the heroes from the past. After dark, the people release Xiao and Mingxiao Lanterns into the night sky.” She began explaining. “Ah... "May the flames of wisdom spread to all, and never be extinguished." This is the meaning of the lanterns. We believe they act as the beacons in the night, guiding bygone heroes back to their homeland.”
You gaze at her in wonder. “That sounds like a magnificent festival.” If I cried during the cutscene from the game, I wonder how much of a mess I would be if I was able to see it in person.
“Do you want to get involved in the Lantern Rite?” Goldet asks.
You nodded. “From the way you were talking about it, it sounds like a wonderful experience.”
Goldet clapped her hands excitedly. “That's great! The festive period leading up to the day itself is all part of the celebrations. If you're looking to take part, it's not too late.”
You thought for a moment. “Wait, so you're telling me that I don't have to work?” You asked Goldet.
She let out a small gasp as if she was shocked you would even suggest such a thing. “Oh Archons no! I would never ask you to work on a holiday such as Lantern Rite!” She exclaimed. You blink at her a few times, caught off guard by her slight outburst, and she laughed at your expression. “Haha... During this time, we pray to bring peace and ward off bad luck. Liyue locals call it "bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new."
After hearing Goldet exclaim, Huai’an, her husband and the innkeeper, came to see what the commotion was. “Verr, are you alright? I heard you yell.” He asked with a concerned look.
Both you and Goldet turned to him. “I'm fine, dear. I was just explaining to [Name] the history behind Lantern Rite.” Goldet tells him. “Can you believe this will be her first time celebrating it?”
Huai’an gives you a look of surprise. “You've never experienced Lantern Rite?”
From the way they were talking about it, you almost felt embarrassed to say no. You hunch your shoulders and meekly shake your head at him.
Huai’an noticed your timid state. “Well isn't this exciting?” He quietly asked Goldet. He then turned to you. “Lantern Rite truly is a wonderful experience so I have no doubt that you'll enjoy it. Plus I can teach you how to make Xiao Lanterns!” He gives you an encouraging smile.
You give them both a wide eyed stare. “So… I'll be able to go to Lantern Rite? You don't need me for anything?”
Goldet shook her head while laughing. “No, you silly girl. Everybody will be in the city to release lanterns, so the inn won’t be very busy that night.” She gives you a soft smile. “Go and have fun.”
Shit I might just cry. You looked at Goldet teary eyed. “Boss!” You wept comically. “You're too kind, boss! Paying me in advance, giving me a roof over my head, letting me go to Lanter Rite! What did I ever do to have such a wonderful boss?” You cried out and glomped her into a hug. You were totally using your younger appearance as an advantage to act more childish because you would have never done this with any other boss.
Goldet laughed at you, reciprocating the hug. “And what did I do to deserve such a wonderful employee? You've been working so hard since you've started, it would be cruel of me not to let you go and enjoy the festival.” She tells you while swaying side to side. You've come to realize that Goldet was starting to become like the older sister you never had.
You both pull away from the hug. “Plus,” Goldet began, “I paid you early in advance so that you would be able to go shopping.” She gives you a cheeky smirk. “Can't have you wearing my clothes and your uniform the entire time you're here.”
You laugh at that. “You're right.” You grin at her and Huai'an. “Thank you both so much, for all that you've done for me.” You say sincerely.
“Of course [Name]. Now go have fun shopping.” She gestures to the balcony. “I think you've just about swept the floorboards down to splinters.”
You thank Goldet again and give her one last hug before running to your room to change. But as you were making your way up the stairs, Goldet called out to you. “Oh [Name]! Um… also,” she trailed off uncertainly.
You crinkle your eyebrows in confusion. “What's up?”
“If you're able to…” she cleared her throat. “... could you... try to convince Xiao to go with you?” She asked. She then let out a sigh. “We're not close, I wouldn't know how to ask him myself. But it seems that you've grown familiar with him.”
You look at her confused. You? Being close with Xiao? Yeah, the thought sounds nice but there's no way you have already ‘grown familiar’ with him in just a week. If anything he tolerates you at best since you've forcefully wormed your way into his life.
“Really?” You tilt your head. “Xiao doesn't seem to be one for crowds.” Sorry Aether, I might have to steal your idea. “I mean, I'll try and convince him but I can't make any promises.”
Goldet let out a resigned sigh. “I suppose you're right… Anyway! Just thought I'd mention it. You should get yourselves down to the harbor.”
She then shoos you off with a smile. “Get going! If you leave too late, the city will be crowded with people and you won't be able to make the most of it.”
You nod enthusiastically. “Yes ma’am! Happy Lantern Rite!” You wave to her and Huai'an.
They both wave back. “Happy Lantern Rite!”
You burst into your room, practically vibrating in excitement at the thought of having your own clothes. You hurriedly started to strip out of your uniform, unaware of the curious gaze that came from your current roommate.
Xiao was currently leaning against the railing on the balcony that accompanied the room and was wondering why you were in such a rush. As he turned to question you, he instantly turned back around upon seeing you reach behind yourself to start buttoning your dress, keeping his gaze on the scenery before him. Xiao let out a deep breath and rubbed his forehead in aggitaion. I just can't get used to her doing that.
However, when you start to undress, you notice Xiao quickly turn around out of the corner of your eyes. Halting your movements, you call out to the young adeptus as you buttoned your uniform back up. “Sorry Xiao! I didn't know you were there!” And you made your way to the bathroom.
Hearing you say his name made Xiao tense up in surprise and furrow his eyebrows. He was one hundred percent certain that you would have just kept undressing in the middle of the room, being the shameless mortal that you are, but you didn't. You instead moved to change in a different room. Huh… perhaps she does have some decency.
You quickly came out of the bathroom after that interaction, dressed in Goldet’s clothes for the last time. Seeing Xiao still out on the balcony, you walk up to his side while enjoying the warm breeze.
Xiao looked at you from the corner of his eyes, nearly seeing the excitement radiate off you. “Where are you going in such a rush?” He asked. You perk up when hearing his voice and swivel your head to him.
“Goldet is letting me go experience the festival!” You exclaimed excitedly. “Isn't that great?”
Xiao rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. “What's so great about releasing glowing trash into the sky only for it to return to the sea?”
You hummed. “Well, it's like any other tradition I suppose. It's not so much the actual festival or ritual that matters but more of the meaning behind it instead.” You shrug. “Plus it gives me an excuse to go shopping, you coming with?”
You let out a groan and roll your eyes. Even though you were expecting it, you couldn't help but feel a little disheartened at his answer. “Why not?” You question. Although I already know why.
Xiao gave you a look. “I don't enjoy large crowds of people.”
You let out a sigh. “Fiiiiine,” you drawl out, “no means no so I guess I'll stop bothering you about it.”
Xiao raised an eyebrow. Really? She's going to quit just like that? He looked at you dubiously.
“For now.” You added mischievously with a smirk.
There it is. Xiao should have known better. He found out that you were too damn stubborn to give up easily pretty quickly. He shook his head at you. “Do you plan on leaving soon?” He changed the subject.
You nod. “I was going to leave as soon as I changed but then I saw you and just had to talk to you.”
That made Xiao scrunch his eyebrows. “You just had to talk to me? Why's that?”
You look towards him and give him a closed eyes smile. “Because I wanted too! Plus you're my friend and I enjoy your company.”
Xiao gave you a once over. A heavy feeling settled in his chest when you referred to him as a “friend”. That word left a bitter taste in his mouth. Everyone that he ever considered a friend had either died or left him in some way, and he never bothered to keep in contact with the current adepti, so the thought of you wanting to be in his company was worrying. Who knows how long it'll be until his karmic debt finally catches up to him…
And drags you along with him.
Xiao narrowed his eyes at you. You immediately took notice of his tense state and swallowed at the harsh glare he gave you. Uh oh. You let out an uncomfortable laugh. I don't think he liked that.
“What have I told you about getting close?” He asked harshly which caused you to curl in on yourself slightly.
“In the thousands of years that have passed, I have taken countless wraiths,” he began, “so if you want no trouble, it’s best you keep your distance from me.” After he finished scolding you he turned to leave, going to do who knows what. You watched as he seemingly stormed away. Slightly panicking that he was leaving because you had upset him, you steeled your nerves and asked the first thing that came to your head.
“But what if I want trouble?”
Your question made Xiao stop in his tracks. He turned to look at you confused. You wore an expression that was full of confidence that waived slightly.
“What if I don’t want to keep my distance away from you?” You continued. “You told me to “stay out of your way or all that awaits me is regret”, right?” You quickly stride over to him and jab a finger in his chest.
“Well guess what honey? That's a risk I'm willing to take.” You tell him fiercely. “I make my own choices and if I happen to make bad choices then I will deal with the consequences of those choices.” You place a hand on your chest and glare at him determinedly.
“You have no say in what I ultimately can and can't do, Xiao. Only. I. do.” You finally finish and place your hands on your hips defiantly.
Xiao looked at you blankly, trying to process what you had just said. When he finally did, he looked at you sternly. “Is that really what you want?”
“More than anything.” Your eyes bore deep into him, not wavering in the slightest in your decision. “You saved my life. The least I can do for you is offer you my company and assistance in any way for not letting me splatter all over the ground. Even if you don't want it.”
After a few heartbeats of silence, Xiao reluctantly gave in and sighed while crossing his arms. “You are the most troublesome human I've had the displeasure of knowing.”
You smiled triumphantly. “Glad we're on the same page!”
“Well I'll be heading off now. Do you need anything?” You ask as you start heading towards the door.
“Nothing in the city would be of use to an adeptus.” He responds. “Don't forget your blade.”
You promptly made a 180 turn and walked towards your nightstand where a little dagger laid. Since you weren't able to fully wield a bigger weapon and don't understand how they do the whole whooshy thing to make their weapons disappear, I think he called it “particulation” or something like that, Xiao insisted that you had some form of weapon to protect yourself with.
You grabbed the knife and clipped it parallel to your belt, allowing your shirt to conceal it. “I don't see the reason as to why I have to have this thing. Aren't the Millelith scattered along the road to Liyue?” You then turn to Xiao and tilt your head. “Plus I can just call you whenever I'm in trouble.” Though that would probably be a last resort for me.
“I don't trust those lousy soldiers.” Xiao huffed.
You raised your eyebrow and pursed your lips, nodding in agreement. “Yeah… I don't blame ya.”
“Anyways,” you shrug, “are you sure you don't want to come with me?”
Xiao only shook his head. “Best you go alone. There's no need for me to be there.”
You look at him with big doe eyes, trying to convince him to at least walk you to the harbor. “But the road from here to Liyue Harbor is long and full of dangers... I need someone to ensure my safety!” You exclaim, seemingly scared.
“That's why I gave you your blade.” The adeptus gave you a bored look upon his handsome face.
You then startled Xiao when you clapped your hands into a prayer position and brought them to your head. “O Vigilant Yaksha, please escort me safely to the city!” You cry out.
Xiao tensed at your sudden decloration. Normally, Xiao was used to other’s praying to him and hearing their wishes but when you did it, it made him feel… fidgety. You seemed to hold yourself in a high regard that you didn't let anyone have control over your actions, so it was odd to see you with your head bowed to him.
Xiao crossed his arms and looked away from you. “Quit that. There's no need for you to bow to me.”
You perked up, an excited gleam in your eyes. “So you'll come with me?”
“So be it. I won't be going into the city though.” He retorted.
You throw him a smile. “That's fine!” You straighten back up and open the door. “Come on, let's go!” You wave at him.
Xiao shook his head at your antics and began to follow you. And to think that she's a grown adult. “Wait.” He called out.
You stop in your tracks and look back at Xiao confused. “Huh? Why?”
Xiao walks up to your left side and grabs your bicep. You looked at him even more perplexed. What is he doing?
You then began to feel a strong gust of wind swirl around you and in an instant, darkness flooded your vision and a familiar feeling of nausea came over you. When you opened your eyes again, you saw the gates of Liyue below the hill you were on.
You put your hands on your knees, trying to keep from puking everywhere, as you begin to process that Xiao had just teleported you both to Liyue.
“Here we are.” Xiao released your arm.
“Would have been nice to know beforehand.” You groan. After feeling like you weren't going to empty your guts out, you look up and let out a small gasp.
In front of you stood an archway that led to the bridge that entered into the city. Looking beyond that, you could see the beautiful Chinese architecture of the buildings that filled Liyue Harbor with the magnificent decorations of Lantern Rite along the city. You gaped at the scene before you. Holy shit…
Xiao swiveled his head to give a hard stare. “Don't go and cause any trouble.” He warned you.
That caused you to let out a snort. “Yeah, yeah, sure. What are you, my dad?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Why did we teleport?”
“So I wouldn't have to listen to talk my ear off all day.” He responded bluntly, causing you to let out an offended gasp. “And I told you,” he continued before you could tell him off. “so long as you are in Liyue, it is my duty to protect you and not let any harm come to you.” Xiao reiterated.
“Wow… you really are my dad. But that's a pretty big responsibility. You sure you can follow through with it?” You question.
“Are you questioning my abilities as an adeptus?” He asked gruffly. He then leaned in closer to your face. “I always take care of my duties.” Xiao finished while staring you straight in the eyes.
Your eyes widened in surprise at his declaration. The way he said that so firmly and confidently made your chest feel light before tightening, a familiar feeling of guilt settling in, causing you to look away and frown. Shit… not now.
Noticing the change in your demeanor, Xiao tilted his head confused. “What's wrong?”
Shaking your head to get rid of the self-deprecating thoughts that were forming, you look up at him with reassuring eyes. “It's nothing.” You tell him with a small smile.
Going back to your seemingly old self, you give Xiao a look. “Alrighty,” You turn towards him and hold out your pinkie, “pinky promise it then.”
He gave your pinky an inquisitive look. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “You have heard of a pinky promise before, right?”
Xiao squinted his eyes at you. “Is this another strange human gesture?”
“Eh, I wouldn't necessarily say it's strange. More endearing than anything.” You hold your dominant hand and make a “give it” gesture. “Give me your hand.”
Xiao hesitantly puts his hand in yours. You close it into a fist, only leaving out his pinky. You then bring your own pinky and lock it with his own. “Now say your promise again.” Xiao looked at you reluctantly. You let out a groan. “Come on dude, just do it please?” You say giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
Xiao sighed. “I promise, so long as you are in Liyue, that I will protect you and not let any harm come to you.” He looked at your still entwined pinkies. As he said this, a gentle breeze drifted between the two of as if it was sealing the promise between you and Xiao. Xiao watched as the wind suddenly made your hair flutter around you and the way the afternoon sun casted just the right amount of shadows on your features as you looked up at him. At the moment he didn't see the fifteen year old features that made up your current face but the mature, more sharper features that he saw from your most recent pictures and student ID.
“Now what?” Her hands are really warm.
You give him a smile. “That's it!” You then let go of his pinky, bringing your hand back to your side.
He looked at you confused. “That's it? Nothing special happens?”
“The special thing about pinky promises is that the person who broke the promise gets their pinky cut off by the other person who made the promise.” You say to him.
“That's quite gruesome for such a little act.” Humans confused him so much.
“I think it was more of a scare tactic for kiddos than anything really.” You shrug. You then started walking to the city. “I'll see you later Xiao!” You call out with a grin.
“Be careful.” He told you with a subtle nod, which made your smile somehow even brighter, before teleporting away. You then turned back around and practically skipped to Liyue.
You made your way down the hill and soon came upon the gate that led to the city. In front of it stood two guards, you couldn't bother to remember their names, who gave you a nice ‘welcome to Liyue Harbor’ as you walked past them. As you walked over the bridge you saw the Mingxiao Lantern standing tall in all its glory. Continuing on, you finally stepped foot in the city. With a look of amazement on your face, you spun around while trying to take in all of the decorations.
I can't believe I'm actually here… You let out a disbelieving laugh and began to feel your eyes become misty. Am I really tearing up right now? Oh my God I am. You shake your head trying to get your emotions in check. As you carry on walking further, the infamous somewhat creepy shipowner, Bolai spots you looking around like a lost puppy. Which you really weren't, you were just hypnotized by the decorations.
“Hello young lady!” He called out to you. You whipped your head towards him, slightly startled. When you realized who was talking, you made a small grimace. Oh… it's that really creepy guy that I don't like.
As he makes his way towards you, you put your guard up as you straighten your back. “Hello.”
Bolai raised an eyebrow as he stopped short of you. “What a strange accent. Are you perhaps foreign?” He questioned.
You furrow your eyebrows. I have an accent? “Something like that.” You reply with a shrug your shoulders nonchalantly and a ghost of a smile on your face. Ain't no way in hell are you talking about yourself to him.
Bolai narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously. How interesting. “Quite the mysterious one, you are. Tell me, young lady, where do you hail from? Fontaine? Sumeru?”
“Sure.” You tell him halfheartedly. Why the fuck is he grilling me so hard? I should probably give him some sort of answer so he'll leave me alone. “I traveled a lot so I never really had a distinctive place to call home.” You smoothly lied. Well… it wasn't entirely a lie.
Believing your little fib, Bolai’s face softens into a look of realization. A young girl like you didn't have a home growing up? Is that what you were hinting at?
Taking notice of the subtle pity look that crossed his gaze, you groan internally. Great, now he's going to think that I never had a home. Whoops!
“Well just know that you are always welcomed here in Liyue,” He reassured you, kinda. Your eyebrows raise slightly in surprise from that. “And if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, you can always come to me.” He finished ominously while giving you a smile that seemed a little too kind.
You leaned your torso away from the strange man and looked at him mildly creeped out, yet kept a polite smile on your face. “Duly noted… thanks.” Trailing off, you maneuvered your way around and sped walked away from Bolai. A fake shiver runs through your body. Ugh… just as creepy as I remember.
You continued further into the city. Your head was constantly moving from left to right, up and down, taking in the gorgeous decorations that littered the buildings and streets. Pulling out the Mora pouch that Goldet gave you, you recounted the money that you earned from your first week working. 60,500 Mora… that should be plenty right? You paused. Actually, isn't that a lot of money? This seems like a lot for just a week of work. After pondering a few moments, you shrug the thought off.
You made sure to visit almost all the food stalls that were on the harbor to experience Liyue’s cuisine authentically, as well as how to make Xiao lanterns. After doing all the activities you possibly could, you made your way up the gigantic steps that led to the main road of the city.
As you made it to the top, you put your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath. From being on your feet all day from working plus the training the Xiao puts you through, it's safe to say you were pretty damn tired. You're kidding me. I can not be this out of shape! You thought.
Heaving one last breath, you straighten back up. You looked out to see the streets bustling with people with a slight grimace on your face at the crowds of people. You absolutely hated crowds of people because being around them just completely drains your energy.
However, your curiosity and astonishment motivated you to move forward. As you walked through the city, you kept an eye out for any clothing shops because you needed your own clothes, since that's pretty much what you came here for.
Letting your gaze continue to search through the windows of various different shops, your eyes landed on an article of clothing that caught your attention. You quickly make your way to the store and opened the doors, causing a bell above the door to let out a little chime and alert the store owner and other shoppers of your presence.
“Welcome!” They called out. You give them a small wave in response as you make your way over to the outfit. Once you made it, you reached your hand out to feel the smooth silk of the fabric. It was a beautiful sleeveless, purple dress that reached the middle of your thighs. Around the skirt of the dress laid two longer pieces that were a darker purple and draped along the sides. The top of the dress was two different colors, the right being a dark purple that were the same color of the longer pieces while the left was a lighter purple that matched the skirt, and had a high collar and with an opening in the chest area. The dress also adorned what looked like a wide obi belt, but you weren't too sure. The whole dress was trimmed with gold accents and had gold swirls all along it. Next to the dress were a pair of low ankle boots that matched the color theme.
This was the one.
You yoink it off the rack and look around for the owner. When you found them, you asked if they had any dressing rooms to try on the dress to which they led you to one. You begin to strip as soon as the door closes behind you. I really hope it fits otherwise I'll be heart broken.
As you slipped the dress over your head you zipped up the side and fastened the button on the collar. When you turn around to face the mirror, your eyes widen in surprise. Holy shit… I've never had a dress fit me so well. The dress sat magnificently on you and accentuated your curves. However… You looked down at your chest to see that your bra from your universe was most definitely visible thanks to the opening that went from the collar of the dress to the belt. I'm gonna have to do something about that. Looking back in the mirror you took notice of your tattoos. Those as well. You thought for a moment. Plus I don't particularly like wearing dresses unless I have leggings or something underneath it.
You begin to take the dress off and put your other clothes back on. I wonder if they would have some kind of body suit or something… You put the dress back on the hanger but continue to hold on to it. Making your way back towards the racks of clothing you begin your search.
As you walk through the aisles of clothing, you notice a black full body suit hanging on one of the racks. Bingo! You thought with a smile. You made your way to the suit, but you failed to notice the other body that was backing up into you.
Feeling a sudden weight on your right side, you stumble a little due to the force. However, the person that ran into had lost their balance and started to fall to the ground. Eyes widening in surprise, you were quick to catch them by grabbing them under their arms. When you looked down to check on the person to see if they were okay, you felt your breath hitch.
Staring back at you startled are lavender colored eyes that were lined with dark, thick lashes that belong to the one and only Ganyu.
You begin to feel your cheeks grow warm as you look down at the gorgeous half-adeptus in your arms. Ohfuckohfuckohfu– “Are you okay?” You asked worriedly. When you looked up to see what could have caused her to trip, you were greeted with the sight of a man that looked a little too pleased with himself. As he looked away from Ganyu and up to you, you made sure to give him the coldest glare you could manage – which made the man’s smirk falter and back up just a little.
Ganyu blinked as she came back to her senses. “Y-yes! I'm alright.” She gives you an appreciative smile. “Thank you.”
You return her smile. “It's no problem.” As you help her upright, you lean closer to her ear. “Do you know this guy?” You whispered. She looks at you from the corner of her eye and subtly shakes her head no.
You looked up to the creep and gave him an ‘innocent’ smile. “Is everything alright here?”
Realizing the slight hostile undertone in your voice, the man gives you a strained look. “Y-yes, everything's fine!” He stuttered and gestured to Ganyu. “I just thought I'd give this young lady a little help.”
Your eyes flicker from her back to the man. “She looks to be just fine on her own. What does she need help with?”
The man’s opens then closes, trying to think of a good excuse. “I… uh… well, she-!” You cut the man off with a raised hand.
“I'm going to stop you there. You're making yourself look like a fool.” You chastise. “It's obvious what you're doing and you're clearly making her uncomfortable. I suggest you stop now before you keep digging your grave even deeper.”
Eyes blown open and mouth agape, the man stares at you in shock from your words. Was I really that obvious? The man thought. He felt himself cowering in on himself under the heavy gaze of the two girls.
“Well, whatever.” He scoffed while avoiding eye contact, seemingly trying to act tough. “It's not like she was actually attractive.” Yet he received no reaction from either of the girls, as they continued to stare. The man began to fidget from their silence, then quickly turned around and left the store.
Both you and Ganyu let out a sigh. “Thankfully, that's over.” You tilt your head at Ganyu. “Does that happen often?”
“No, that was the first time it has ever happened.” She reveals. She then bows toward you. “Thank you for helping me.” When Ganyu straightens back up, she places a hand on her chest while giving you a sweet smile. “My name is Ganyu, secretary of the Yuhai Pavilion.”
God, she's even more gorgeous in real life… You flush a little as you give her a small bow in return. “It's nice to meet you, Miss Ganyu. I'm [Name] [Last Name].”
“It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss [Last Name]. Again, I do apologize for bumping into you earlier.” She tells you.
You wave your hand dismissively. “Just call me [Name], please. Calling me by my last name makes me feel old.” You joke.
Ganyu tilts her head curiously at you. “If I may ask, how old are you?” She asks innocently.
You pause, processing her question. Damn it. “I'm fifteen.” You manage out. I really hate telling people that because then they'll treat me like a child…
“Really?” She wonders aloud. “You're quite mature for your age and you seemed to know exactly what to do in the situation that happened earlier…” She trailed off.
You freeze hearing that. Oh shit! Has she caught on already?! You let out an awkward laugh. “Yeah, mature…” You say while making a subtle face. Although Xiao would disagree otherwise.
“Anyways, thank you once again for helping me. Is there anything I can do for you in return?” Ganyu asks.
You bring a finger to your chin and hum in thought. “Actually there is.” While Ganyu waits patiently for your request, you give her a smile. “Would you know of any stores that would have a body suit?”
The beautiful half-adeptus perks up in response. “As a matter of fact, this store has the same ones that I wear. Let me show you.” She then beckons you to follow her.
You do so with a skip in your step.
You and Ganyu soon left the shop, with you now wearing your new outfit that screamed main character. Thankfully the body suit was able to cover all of your tattoos. As you continued through the city, making light conversations with Ganyu, you watched as two little boys, who looked to be around the age of ten, chased each other around the streets while laughing. You watched them with a small smile. While you didn't like kids, you didn't necessarily hate them either. Plus it was kind of your profession to be able to take care of them as well. But you definitely didn't want any kids. Well, right now at least.
You watched as they weaved through the legs of strangers, trying to avoid getting hit. However, as the one with light blue hair raised a hand out in order to tag the other little boy with darker blue hair and an asymmetrical cut, a man that wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him went to take a step and kneed the poor boy hard in the head. The pale blue haired boy went down in an instant.
You let out a snort and raised a hand to your mouth to hide that you were laughing. “That poor kid just ate shit.” You couldn't help but let out a few chuckles at the kids unfortunate situation. Ganyu looked at you confused from the corner of her eyes. I'm a horrible person.
“I'm so sorry, buddy! Are you okay?” The young man that hit the boy asked as he crouched down. He received no reply as the boy laid still. The man started to shake the boy, seemingly beginning to panic.
“Hey…” He called out once more. “Are you okay?” He shook the boy frantically. Still, he received no reply. “This isn't funny, kid. Wake up!”
You stopped laughing and straightened your posture as your ‘doctor mode’ kicked in. Now you were getting concerned. Thousands of scenarios ran through your mind as to why the kid wasn't getting up. Is he concussed? Is he faking it? What's going on?
The other little boy that was running away, turned around when he heard yelling. His orange eyes widened in fear. “Chongyun!” He cried out and began running back to his friend.
Realization dawned on you. Those kids were Xingqiu and Chongyun. Your feet moved before you even noticed it as you rushed towards Chongyun and the man. Ganyu jumped when you began running and raised a hand to stop you. “[Name], wait!” But you were too far away to hear her over the people walking around.
A crowd began to form around the two to see what was happening. This caused the young man to panic even more. He looked up to the crowd. “Is there a doctor here? Please, anyone!” He cried out desperately, yet no one made a move to help.
You shook your head at the crowd. I see that the Bystander Effect is still a thing here. Xingqiu made it to Chongyun before you did, then got to his knees as soon as he reached him and started tapping Chongyun on the shoulder. “Chongyun?” He asked. “Wake up ‘Yun!”
You finally made it to the crowd and started elbowing your way through. “Excuse me! I'm a doctor, please let me through!” You yell out to the pedestrians. They turned and looked at you skeptically. Your lip curled up into a sneer at the people's ignorance. I don't have time for this.
“I said MOVE!” You yell out startling them in the process and forcing them to move. “Thank you!” You say exasperatedly, not forgetting your manners apparently. You quickly made your way over to Chongyun and got to your knees behind his head, gently placing your hands on either of his cheeks in order to stabilize his neck, in case he had injured it. Xingqiu noticed you and looked at you with tears eyes, worried out of his mind for his friend.
You looked to the man who started this whole mess. “What's going on? What happened?” You asked hurriedly while you checked Chongyun’s pulse.
The man seemed to be in a daze as he answered. “This kid just came out of nowhere. I had accidentally hit him with my knee and now he's not waking up.” He explained shakily. “Then this other kid just now showed up.” He pointed to Xingqiu. He then looked at you confused. “Aren't you a little young to be a doctor?”
You look at the man and give him a glare. “I don't think that matters right now since I'm the only one who even bothered to step in and help the poor child.” You glared at the rest of the crowd when you finished which made them avoid eye contact with you. Murmurs started to float through the crowd. What was this girl doing? Who is she? She's clearly too young to be a doctor.
You ignore their not so quiet whispering and look over to Xingqiu, giving him a reassuring smile. “Hey buddy,” you started softly. “What's your name?”
The normally composed boy let out a sniffle. “Xingqiu.” He responded. “My friend, Chongyun, isn't opening his eyes! Can you help?” He asked pleadingly.
“Don't worry baby, I'm a doctor.” You tell him, the pet name subconsciously slipping out of habit from when you worked with kids. “I'm going to help him and make sure he's okay.” Seventy beats per minute. Normal heart rate. Nineteen breaths per minute. Normal respiratory rate. If he wakes up soon, it'll most likely be just a slight concussion. You mentally start going down the checklist for head trauma patients when Chongyun finally opens his eyes.
Quickly taking notice, you yell at the crowd. “Everyone back up please! The kid is waking up so give him some space!” The crowd immediately backs away. You look back down at the boy who was wincing from the sunlight.
“Hey honey,” You gently try to get his attention, “can you hear me?”
Chongyun opened his eyes fully and looked at you, confused before squinting from the sunlight. From his position on the ground and the way the sunlight was hitting his baby blue eyes, you were able to see that his pupils were equal in size. Good. No anisocoria, no serious brain damage.
“Wha…?” Chongyun groaned out. With your hands on his cheeks, you gently tapped them to shift his attention back to you.
“Hey honey, look at me.” You instructed. “What's your name?”
The boy paused for a moment. “Chongyun.” He answered.
Alright that's one question. “It's nice to meet you Chongyun.” You smile at him. “Chongyun, do you know how old you are?” You continued.
“I'm ten.” He responded a little quicker this time. You nodded your head at him. That's two.
“Do you know where you're at, Chongyun?” You made sure to keep saying his name so that he would focus on you.
After a moment of silence, he responded. “I'm in Liyue.” He then closed his eyes and let out another groan. “My head hurts.”
“I know, dear. One last question, okay?” You tell him. He nods. “Do you know what happened to you?”
He thought for a moment. “I was… I was chasing Xingqiu,” said boy perked up in response to his name, “we were playing tag. I almost caught him then it suddenly got dark.” He opened his eyes and looked at you. “Why did it go dark?”
You give him a look of reassurance. “Your noggin got hit pretty hard and you fell down. You were asleep for a few minutes but you'll be okay.” You tilt your head. That's the last question. A and O times 4. He's alert and aware. “Does your head still hurt?” You asked as you began to palpate his neck, feeling for any serious injuries. You removed your hands when you found none.
He nodded. “Do you feel pain anywhere else? How about your neck?” He shakes his head in response.
“Good. Do you feel like sitting up for me sweetie?” You ask. Chongyun slowly moves to sit upright with your help and you guide him to the curb to sit on so he was out of the road. Xingqiu crawled over to his friend to see how he was doing, with you reminding him to overwhelm Chongyun. As you look out towards the crowd, you see Ganyu, who was carrying a cup of what you assumed was water, make her way over to your little group. She hands you the cup, which you thank her profusely, and you give it to Chongyun.
“Drink it slowly.” You advise him. “I don't want you choking on me now that you're awake.” You tease gently while sending a subtle wink to Xingqiu, causing the young boy to giggle.
He gingerly takes the cup from your hand. “Thank you ma’am.”
“Thank you, ma’am!” Xingqiu tells you as well.
“It's not a problem.” You reassure both of them with a smile. As soon as they saw that Chongyun was okay, the crowd dispersed and continued what they were doing. However, not without whispering amongst themselves how seemingly a teenager knew exactly what to do when taking care of an injured child.
You continued to sit with the two boys to monitor Chongyun, in case something suddenly went awry. Ganyu stayed as well, astounded at the young girl before her.
“What you did was quite impressive Miss [Name]!” The half adeptus praised. “I didn't know you were so vast in medical knowledge, and at such a young age too.”
You let out a few chuckles. “Well you only just met me today Miss Ganyu.”
She then gives you a sheepish look. “I was surprised to see you help him so quickly,” she leans in closer to whisper to you, “given that you were laughing at him earlier.”
“Oh… yeah,” You let out an uncomfortable laugh. “As long as they're not seriously hurt or in any danger, kids getting hit or falling is hilarious to me.” You let out a wince. “Wow, that sounds awful.”
“Yet you didn't hesitate to help him as soon as you saw that something was wrong.” Ganyu pointed out.
You lifted your hand to pet Chongyun on the head. “Well I've always wanted to be able to put my life to good use and help people in some way, so what better way than this? Helping people in their times of need.” You give Ganyu a cheeky smirk. “I may act all tough but I'm actually a big softie.”
“I'm well aware of that now.” Ganyu chuckles.
As you visited with the half-adeptus and two young boys, you failed to notice a pair of red eyes gazing at you with a look of mischief.
After triple checking that Chongyun was okay and him constantly telling you that he was, you wave the boys goodbye who returned it in full. Ganyu then tells you that she should continue running errands for Lady Nigguang and you may or may not have freaked out a bit inside when you heard her name. Waving to the half adeptus as well, you continue to wander aimlessly through the city.
You soon found yourself at the Wanmin restaurant, chef Mao working swiftly in the kitchen. He soon brought out your order and after paying, you made your way to the south side wharf. As you make your way to the dock, you sit down on the edge and look out at the ocean before you while swinging your legs. You welcomed the smell of salt water and the ocean breeze that fluttered around you, yet it did nothing to quarrel your racing thoughts.
I can't believe I've already been in Teyvat for a week and still don't have a fucking clue as to how I got here in the first place. You slide your hands down your face and clasped them together in front of your mouth. And Xiao has been no help to me in that matter unfortunately. The guy still doesn't talk to me that much anyways. Plus training with him has been difficult as well. I've learned that he's a super strict teacher and I've only managed to construct only two Geo items with him this past week but that was only when I was extremely frustrated or upset, so I have no clue as to how I'm going to be able to properly control the element… or that ‘particulation’ thingy with the weapons as well.
You drop your head in your hands and let out a whine. This is all so confusing! I really wish someone or something just give me some fucking answers!
You then look up and run your hands through your hair. Turning your head to the left, you see the giant Mingxiao lantern that was ready to be released once it was dark enough. You let out a sigh and try to relax. I should probably start looking for a place to watch it when it releases tomorrow. You stand up and start walking back to Feiyan Slope. Soon you crossed over the little bridge that connects Chihu Rock and Feiyan Slope. You decided to stick closer to the buildings to try and stay away from the crowds.
However, as you were too preoccupied to not hit anybody, you didn't notice a hand reaching out from an alleyway until it was too late. You felt a harsh tug on your left arm which caused you to let out a yelp. You quickly caught your bearings and when you turned to slapped your assailant, you froze as you saw a pale face that looked to be thirteen years old inches from yours. Red eyes with strange, floral shaped pupils came with the face and was framed with dark hair that faded into red.
Holy… Hu Tao? You wondered. But she looks a lot younger? Younger than this “me” that's for sure.
You give her a confused smile. “Um… hello?” Am I just going to meet every character in Liyue today?
“You're the one Mr. Zhongli told me about!” She exclaims. “It's nice to meet you! My name is Hu Tao!”
You swore you felt your soul leave your body when you heard his name. ZHONGLI?! HE’S LOOKING FOR ME?! OH SHI-! You're cut from your thoughts when Hu Tao starts pulling you. “Hey! W-wait!”
“C’mon! Mr. Zhongli is waiting for you back at the funeral parlor. It seemed like he wasn't too happy with you so we shouldn't keep him waiting any longer!” She giggles.
Yup, I'm officially dead. Maybe now I can go back to my world and be normal again.
Soon the young girl brings you to the doors of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. You gnawed on your lower lip. Fuck… I'm more nervous now than I was when I was taking the MCAT. Maybe because I'm meeting a FUCKING GOD?! You begin to slightly hyperventilate, the reality of the situation finally sitting in. FUCKFUCKFUCKFU-
You are once again snapped out of your internal freak out by Hu Tao pulling on your arm. The girl pushes the doors open while bringing you with her. The inside is about what you expected from a funeral parlor with coffins lining along the walls along with different types of shrines. After a few twists and turns, you and Hu Tao reach a very intricate door with a plate on it that says “Consultant: Zhongli”. You clench your jaw as you could practically feel the intense aura that radiated from him even through the door.
Without even knocking, Hu Tao busts through his door. “Mr. Zhongli! I found her! This is the girl you were looking for right?”
The wind gets knocked out of you upon finally seeing him in person and your knees about damn near buckle from underneath when you make eye contact with him. If you thought Xiao’s eyes were intense, then you don't even know how to describe Zhongli’s.
The Geo Archon narrowed his eyes towards you. “Indeed it is, Hu Tao.” His deep voice rumbled throughout the entire room and shook you to your core. “You may take your leave now.”
The young girl pouted. “Aw… and I wanted to see you scold her.”
A quick glance from the corner of his eyes was enough to make Hu Tao take the hint and leave, however not without whining on her way out.
As soon as Hu Tao was gone, Zhongli stood up and took large strides towards you, causing you to start panicking. Hu Tao, why did you have to leave me alone with an Archon?! Soon the man towered over you, forcing you to look up at him. The shadows that casted over his being due to him blocking out the overhead light made his striking amber eyes all the more intimidating. You felt like you were about to be pounced on like a mouse cornered by a barn cat.
Then Zhongli lowered his face closer to yours. “So you're the outlander who took my vision without permission.” He accuses. You feel your breath hitch in your throat and your palms beginning to clam up. You had never been more intimidated in your life and you have fought against people twice your size no problem before!
“Oh…! Um, t-that was me?” You stutter out. Your eyes widen when you realize just how fucking stupid you sounded.
Zhongli coolly looked at you. “Of course it was you. I knew that you were not of this world the moment you arrived in Liyue.” He tells you firmly while staring straight into your soul. “Now, do inform me on how you were able to acquire this power without a Vision granted from me?”
The silence was deafening in the room. You thought you were just about to faint until your experience from working under pressure in the emergency room decided to kick in and not fail you as you quickly composed yourself.
“In my defense,” you raise your hands. “it was completely out of my control.”
Zhongli raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.
You let out a sigh. “Here's what happened. A saw a Statue of Seven in Guili Plains, in all of its glory, and as soon as I was near it I felt a pulling sensation. Later that day I was extremely frustrated and all of a sudden a rock pillar just came out of the ground.”
Zhongli hummed in thought before finally standing back to his full height, allowing you to breathe again. He brought a hand to his chin and looked down in thought. “Interesting. I have not heard of such instances where that has ever happened, with me or any of the other Archons.” His eyes met yours again. “So what makes you special? So special that even the adeptus Xiao has decided to look after you?”
You couldn't help the exaggerated laugh that bubbled out of your throat. “Ha! I wish I knew, but your guess is as good as mine sweetheart.” You pause. “I also know that you're Morax too… if you haven't figured that out yet.” You finish meekly. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?!
The Geo Archon’s eyes widen at you. “How did you know that? Where exactly did you come from?” He interrogates.
You quickly explain to him the same thing that you told Xiao, that he was from a video game and that you were aware of what was to come in the future as well as how you somehow physically de-aged.
“Interesting.” Zhongli thought for a moment. “It appears that you come from a similar universe in which our’s exists but in a completely different manner.”
“How much of our universe do you know through this ''game”?” He questions.
“I know of some future events that will happen, but the lore of the story is still a complete mystery. We don't even know how long the main story of the game is.” You say.
Zhongli pondered. “I see. If you know what is to happen in the future, then it would be best to let things run their course and not intervene with it.”
“Yeah, the butterfly effect and shit like that.” Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise as you subconsciously swore. You quickly slap a hand over your mouth. “Sorry… it's a bad habit.” You apologize quietly.
Zhongli decided to ignore your mishap. “So you're aware of what could happen. And since you're already aware of my identity, I presume that you know that I go by Zhongli now?”
You nod your head. “Yes, I do.” You then realized that you haven't introduced yourself. You quickly bowed towards him. “My name is [Name] by the way! [Name] [Last Name].”
Zhongli nodded. “It's a pleasure to finally know the name of the outlander that took my Vision without consent.”
You make a face at his snarky comment. “Is it a pleasure though?” You muttered rhetorically.
“Let's continue with your situation.” Zhongli diverted the conversation back on track. He then looked towards you. “Perhaps if you tried to remember the events that happened to you before you came here, that may give us a better idea as to the reason why you're here.” He then gestures to one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Please have a seat. It will be easier for you to remember if you're comfortable.”
“I do remember being on a bridge but that's the only thing I know now.” Moving to sit down, you tuck your dress skirt underneath you and cross your legs, trying to look somewhat professional. You take a deep breath as you gather thoughts. What happened before coming here? What was I doing? You lean forward and rest your elbows on your knee while interlacing your hands, then put your forehead against them. You close your eyes and your eyebrow twitches into a furrow as you begin to concentrate. [e/c] eyes move rapidly behind eyelids as memories start to form.
“A hospital…” You began. “I was working a shift in the hospital.”
“Hi Miss Bradford!” You cheerily call out as you knock on the door. The old woman looked up from her magazine and smiled at you with dull blue eyes.
“Dr. [Last Name]. How are you doing sweetheart?” She asks softly. Miss Bradford was a quiet old lady in her seventies with salt and pepper hair and the brightest, most gorgeous blue eyes you had ever seen.
That was before she had started chemotherapy.
Miss Bradford was your most recent patient. You had treated her a few months ago when she came to your emergency room with intense chest pains. After taking multiple different CAT scans and MRIs, you and several other doctors had concluded her diagnosis as breast cancer. Although you admitted her to Oncology, she kept having complications when she had started chemotherapy; causing you to see her quite frequently.
Today was the day Miss Bradford would start her third round of chemo and you decided to bring her her favorite lunch before starting. Miss Bradford was hell bent on beating this cancer but after her most recent round she had started to lose her appetite. Which was never a good sign for a cancer patient.
“I'm doing well, thank you. And I thought I told you to call me [Name]?” You grab a chair and pull it up next to her bed.
She gives you a small smile. “But you worked so hard to earn the title of a doctor. I'm only giving you the respect you deserve.”
You shook your head playfully at the older woman. “How're you feeling today?”
She let out a sigh. “Tired, but better than yesterday. I'm ready to get this damn treatment over with.” She grumbled.
“That's good! Do you feel like eating today?” You ask.
She shook her head. “Not really but knowing you, you'll probably force me to eat anyways.” She looked at the plastic sack in your hand. “Whatcha got there?”
“Well hopefully this will bring your appetite back for today. It's your favorite!” You raise the bag higher and place it on her food tray. “Almond Tofu! I remember you telling me that it was your go to desert when you lived in Singapore, so I had one of my foreign exchange friends teach me how to make it.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “I can't tell you how many times I messed up baking this damn dessert.”
Miss Bradford looked at the sweet treat with tears in her eyes. “Oh, [Name]…” She let out a wet laugh. “You didn't have to do that.”
You smiled at the older woman. “I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to.”
She suddenly reaches over as quickly as all the tubes hooked up to her allowed her and brought you into a tight hug. You fretted over her before she cut you off.
“Thank you, [Name].” She whispered. You reciprocated her hug gently.
“You're welcome, Miss Bradford. Though I can't guarantee it'll be just like the real thing.” You playfully warned.
She let out a laugh as she pulled away from the hug. “I'm sure it will be wonderful.” She gives you a grateful smile. She then evenly separates the dessert and gives you half of it. You shook your hands no at the offer.
“No no, Miss Bradford, I made this for you so you don't have to share it with me.” You politely decline.
She glares at you but smiles. “I know I don't have to but I want to.” She quipped.
You gasp. “How dare you throw my own words back at me!”
“Just take the damn dessert, Dr. [Last Name].” She laughed out loud.
Letting out a sigh, you grab the plate from her and begin to eat with her. You both chatted for a couple of minutes after finishing before you were paged to be back down in the emergency room. You grabbed the plastic container the dessert was in and threw it away. As you moved the chair back to its proper place, you looked at Miss Bradford.
Reaching a hand out, you place it over her own. “Thank you for eating today, Miss Bradford.” You tell her sincerely. “I know it's getting hard but all of the nurses are telling me that you're doing great.”
“Just two more rounds and it will be over.” You encouraged her.
The older woman nods as she grasps your hand and gives it a tight squeeze. A nonverbal thank you.
“Do you need anything else before I leave?” You ask.
She shakes her head. “No, Dr. [Last Name]. I'm quite alright. Now go save some lives.” She lets go of your hand and shoos you off.
You roll your eyes teasingly. “I'll be back to check on you after your treatment. Try not to see me this time around!” You open the door and wave back at her. “Good luck! You got this!” You then swiftly leave the room and head back to your station.
As soon as you were gone, Miss Bradford’s smile dropped immediately. She laid her head back and lifelessly looked at the ceiling. Tears started to fall from her cobalt eyes as she thought about you and the gift you had made for her.
“I'm gonna miss you, [Name].” She whispered into the empty room.
After three days, you fortunately had the day off from working so you immediately went to go see Miss Bradford.
You soon made it to the familiar room. “Hi Miss Bradford! How do you feel-” You stop in your tracks upon seeing Miss Bradford lying in front of you. The older woman looked nothing like what you had seen three days prior. Her beautiful salt and pepper hair had begun to fall out and her skin looked like it was barely hanging onto her bones.
You quickly come back to reality. This is what chemo does. And elderly people tend to not survive the drug. You remind yourself.
You take a deep breath and walk towards the bed. “Miss Bradford?” You call out. “It's me, Dr. [Last Name].”
The woman slowly opened her eyes. Her bleary and glazed over eyes tiredly searched for the voice calling out to her before landing on your form. Her dull blue eyes light up in recognition.
“[Name].” She croaked out yet still gave you a smile.
You give a smile right back to her. “Hi Miss Bradford.” You greet softly. You squat down next to the bed so it was easier to make eye contact. “How're you feeling?”
She let out a tired sigh. “Like shit.”
You chuckled quietly before you both sat in silence for a few moments. You open your mouth to say something but the older woman beats you to it.
“I don't think I'm gonna make this round, sweetheart.”
You clench your jaw hearing her statement. “Don't say that.” You tell her firmly. “I thought you wanted to kick this cancer’s ass?”
The poor woman couldn't even manage a chuckle. “Don't all patients say that?” She asked. She looks past you and out the window. “I think it's my time. I can feel it.”
She then closed her eyes and gave you a grateful smile while reaching up to cup your cheek. “Thank you, [Name], for sticking by my side even when my own children didn't. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful doctor to take care of me.”
You held the hand that was on your cheek and gave the older woman a sad smile as if to say “I'm sorry for not doing enough”, yet she seemed to understand what your smile conveyed as she began to caress your cheek as a means to console you.
“Keep saving lives, Dr. [Last Name].”
The steady flat note of a heart rate monitor tells you that your patient has finally passed away.
Her hand that was on your cheek laid flaccid on your own. You closed your eyes and let out a shaky sigh. After a few minutes of sitting in silence with your deceased patient, you press the nurse’s call button. You then place her hand next to her on the bed. Shortly after several nurses come into the room and begin to console you while covering Miss Bradford’s body with the sheet. You watched them as they wheeled her out of the room.
She told you to keep saving lives and you plan on doing just fucking that.
It was dark out when you finally left the hospital after you said your last goodbyes to Miss Bradford. The temperature had dropped significantly causing a shiver to run down your spine and goosebumps form on your arms.
You're not going to lie. Even though she told you that she was ready and already accepted her death, you couldn't help but feel like you failed her; so you were feeling pretty depressed. Everybody was so determined to get her healthy again, to go back to a somewhat normal life again. But it was never that easy.
You passed several buildings as you continued home. Soon you were passing your current town's local park when you suddenly stopped, a sudden feeling of anxiety had come out of nowhere. It felt like there were eyes on you, watching your every move. Your face sets into a hard glare to try and look intimidating. You turn around in a circle trying to find any suspicious people, yet you only found yourself alone in the street which unsettled you even more.
A sudden rustling causes you to whip your head to the right. Your eyes immediately lock onto a bright pair of golden ones that look at you from the tree line. Neither one of you refused to blink or look away, seeing who would back down first.
Your eyes widen when the other set of eyes seem to just dissipate into thin air. After a few moments of trying to process what the hell just happened, you shake your head.
I must be going insane. You thought. When you turned around to continue home, your gaze caught sight of something on the sidewalk. On the sidewalk was what looked like gold flecks of dust hovering in front of you. Being the completely logical person you were, you tried to kick the dust away from you. However doing so only caused more gold flecks to appear and soon a trail of them started to manifest that led into the forest where you saw the pair of eyes. You looked at the trail bewildered. What the actual fuck is going on? You drop your head and let out a defeated sigh.
“Yeah, I'm over this.” You mumble out loud. You walk through the trail dead set on going home and sleeping for the entire day tomorrow. Now you weren't going to lie, yes you do get upset whenever one of your patients pass away, but normally not this upset because that was part of your job; it's bound to happen. But Miss Bradford’s death seemed to be taking a bigger toll on you than you thought.
However, as you tried to walk through the trail it forcefully turned your body to walk to the forest. Your eyes widen as your adrenaline spikes and your fight or flight kicks in as you start thrashing around, trying to release its invisible hold on you.
“Hey, wait! Stop!” You cry out. You whip your head in all directions, trying to look for someone to help you. “Help! Anyone, please!” Yet all you received was silence from the empty street. While the gold dust continued to push you toward, you still tried to fight against it though you quickly began to falter thanks to the mentally and physically taxing day you just went through.
As if it had sense you were giving up, the trail abruptly stopped pushing you. For a split second you thought about running off again but decided against it. You watched as the trail formed and led even deeper into the forest where the bushes and trees were so thick that not even the bright moon that was above could illuminate it. Your eyes flicker down to the trail before going back to the forest then back down to the trail. You grimace at the trail as if you were saying “do I really have to?” to it.
All of a sudden, your head whips up to the tree line as you hear music softly playing from it. From your limited musical knowledge, it sounded like it was a harp or some type of string instrument. You feel your muscles relax and your heart slows its frantic pace as the soft melody coursed around you, like a warm comforting blanket that had just come out of the dryer, and a sense of peace had washed over you.
The logical side of your brain was screaming at you to not listen to it. To not be a dumbass and see where it was coming from. To run away as fast as you could while screaming for help, yet you already knew that wasn't going to work. But the hypnotic song that the harp-like instrument was playing kicked that side of your brain to the curb as it lured you into the forest.
Your feet moved before you even realized it and soon you began to bush limbs away. After a few minutes of trying to follow where the music was coming from, it started to get louder and then light filtered through the trees. You quickened your pace and pushed away the last of the trees, but froze in your place as the music suddenly stopped and at what you walked upon.
In front of you was nothing but a vast and endless bright blue sky. From above where the sun continued to glow brightly but seemed to be twice the size of what it was before, to below you where you could see a single hint of land anywhere. Clouds rolled by thanks to the gentle breeze that blew past you and tall pillars were littered throughout the area, some were even floating!
You turn back to the forest behind you with a confused expression before looking back at the open sky. Wasn't it just night before? And why is this… oddly familiar? Where have I seen this before? You wondered.
You jumped nearly ten feet in the air when you heard a noise at your feet. You look down to see individual slabs of concrete form a bridge several feet out in front of you and the gold trail resumes onto the bridge.
You stare at the bridge processing what just occurred. You could practically hear the Jeopardy theme song playing in the background. You sharply inhale and your eyes widen when finally realized why this was all familiar.
Motherfucking Genshin Impact! I thought I recognized this loading screen!
You place a hesitant foot on the bridge, expecting it to crumble but it stood sturdy. You take another step, then another, and after four steps the bridge begins to form out again. You keep walking as the bridge does so. You do this for a few moments, giggling to yourself about what is actually transpiring.
“I really have gone insane.” You laughed. “Ah, and my future was so promising.”
A loud boom from below cuts you off from your self deprecating thoughts. What the hell? You get down on your knees and crawl over the edge of the bridge to see a huge black rip in the sky.
“Outlanders,” A voice boomed out. “your journey ends here.”
And out stepped the Unknown God.
Oh shit. You gasp quietly as your heart rate accelerates at the sight of her. She's hotter in person. You looked around for the twins and quickly spotted them on a platform just below the Unknown God.
“Who’re you?” The queen herself, Lumine, calls out.
“The sustainer of heavenly principles.” The Unknown God summons a black cube in her hand. “The arrogation of mankind ends here.” She then creates a cube below the twins, forcing them to jump out of the way. They spin in the air and summon their, much cooler than the ones in the game, wind gliders with swords in hand.
The Unknown God sends multiple horrifying trails of cubes after the twins, forcing them to fly and twirl out of the way of them while causing the whole sky to rumble somehow. Soon the twins fly towards the Unknown God and collide with her creating a huge explosion.
The explosion caused the bridge you were on to shake due to the force. You grabbed on tighter to the ledge in hopes of keeping your balance, but an aftershock made you slip off from the edge. You let out a terrified scream as you suddenly began to fall.
Your scream caught the trio's attention and made them look at you. The twin’s faces morph into a shocked and horrified expression as you fall while the Unknown God’s eyes narrow in recognition. “There you are.” And sent cubes after you, yet you are completely immune to what's happening around you thanks to the wind that was blowing in your ears.
Lumine quickly yelled to her brother. “Aether, catch her!” She diverted her attention back to the god. “I'll take care of this!”
Aether jumped into action and quickly flew to you. He willed his wind gliders to move faster than the cubes and was soon on you. He then flies underneath you and catches you bridal style. You let out a loud “oof” as you roughly collided with something and opened your eyes, which had subconsciously closed when you fell, to see Aether flying away with you in his arms and away from the cubes.
Aether looks down to your wind blown form. “Are you okay?” He asks gently. How you could hear him over the wind, you didn't know, but you could only stare at him in shock, not actually believing that he was real.
Taking in your silence as being in shock from the fall, he flies higher in the air and turns to the Unknown God to see his twin getting sucked into the god’s cubes.
“Lumine!” He cried out. He looked between you and his sister before ultimately throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while keeping a firm hold on your thighs. He zooms to the god at high speeds which catches you off guard.
“What the fuck?!” You screech. You were starting to get a little motion sickness from all of the sudden movements.
Aether dips behind the god and swings his sword at her which causes an even larger explosion than before. You let out a scream at the loud sound. You could feel Aether’s chest rising and falling rapidly under your legs due to him panting. You hear him gasp and you turn over his head to see what was happening, though you already knew.
However, the sight of the smoke from the explosion coming back and encasing Aether’s hand was more terrifying in real life than it was in the game.
“Hold on!” He orders then quickly readjusted you so that he had a hold of your waist. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and cover your face in his shoulder, bracing for any sort of pain. Soon your vision started to turn black, but before it covered it entirely you heard Aether scream out to the Unknown God.
“Wait, don't go! Give my sister back!”
A/N: Kazuha is now officially the ninth member of the harem. Also, y'all... Inazuma? Lord help me I want to add Gorou and Thoma to the harem as well.
Side note, for all of the male characters that have a "young adult" physique like Aether, Kazuha, Xiao, etc. they're taller than they are in the game, from 5'6"-5'8" (Xiao still being the shortest) while those with an "adult" are anywhere from 5'10-6'2", because I said so lol.
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gc-genshin · 3 years
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gc-genshin · 3 years
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Uh… shit. I'm horrible at being sentimental but thank y'all so much for 500 followers. I never expected to ever have any followers let alone that many! But I'm glad you guys are here and enjoy my very very slow to update story.
Again thank y'all for sticking around for so long and just know that I'm extremely appreciative for every single on of you.
Until the next chapter of Monachopsis which is coming soon!
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gc-genshin · 3 years
Lassitude (noun): a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
Pairing: Diluc X female reader
Warnings: One swear word
A/N: This is part of a future chapter for my ongoing series Monachopsis but can also be read as a stand alone! Happy reading!
Sitting cross legged on the chair next to the fireplace at the Dawn Winery mansion, you enjoyed the warmth it radiated and hoped that eventually the crackling sound of the flames would lull you to sleep. 
You blankly stared at the flames with half lidded eyes as your head sat atop of your fist that was propped on the armrest of the chair. However, your eyes widened slightly when you felt the familiar warm presence that all Pryo vision holders radiated before you heard the creaking of stairs as it made its way down. But his was fainter than usual. 
You straightened up in your chair and turned to look at the owner of the winery. As you watched him, you instantly became worried as you took in his appearance. His form was sluggish with his shoulders slouched and his hair was disheveled, loose from his normal ponytail. You knew something was wrong. 
“Diluc?” You softly call out, as to not startle him, when he made it to the bottom of the stairs. 
You saw Diluc tense slightly when hearing his name. He turned to look at you and you immediately took notice of the dark circles that he adorned and the exhaustion that laid in his vermillion eyes. “Is everything alright?” 
Diluc examined your form. They way that it was illuminated by the soft orange glow of the fireplace, giving you the perfect amount of shadow and highlight, the way your face was contorted with concern for his well-being and the way your (e/c) eyes shone with not just worry but also with adoration and warmth. 
Adoration that he did not deserve. 
He slowly walked to you. He took note of the way you quickly became more alert. As he moved closer, he took in your facial features. How your hair frames your face to how your (s/c) skin was scarred and blemished yet looked perfect in his eyes. The curve of your nose, your cheekbones, your bright eyes, the dip of the Cupid's bow on your lips, to your toned yet slender body from the many battles that you had fought. It was all perfect to him. 
You were perfect to him. 
“(Y/n)…” He said as he finally made it to your seated figure. You tilt your head and give him a small, encouraging smile as you patiently wait for him to say what he wants to say. 
The fact that you knew him so well, the fact that you knew something was bothering him.  It never ceases to amaze him. From the first time you both met, to the accident, and now to the present. You were always able to read him like an open book and was always so patient with him. Never once looking at him with hatred nor resentment, but with understanding and compassion. 
He did not deserve your kindness. 
You stared up at Diluc. A few moments of silence passed before Diluc averted his gaze from you. This made you even more concerned, but you calmed down as soon as you saw him slightly open his arms out to the side. A universally understood gesture that asked for a hug. 
But he wanted to be selfish. Like how you told him that it was okay to be. 
You didn't hesitate to stand up from your chair and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, having to step on your tiptoes in order to do so. Diluc immediately snaked his arms around your waist and squeezed as if you were his life line. He buried his face deep into the crook of your neck and shakily inhaled.
Your heart clenched at the sound. This young man that has been through so much, that carries such a heavy burden on his shoulders. A burden that he was willing to carry. You began to card your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp every once in a while in hopes that it would soothe him some. 
“Oh Diluc…” you began, “you break my heart.” You tell him softly. You begin to slowly rock side to side as if you were calming down a young child. 
Your statement made Diluc tighten his hold on you. “I'm sorry.” He whispered, which made you tighten your hold on him in return. 
“I prayed every night, to whoever was listening, to look after you,” You began to tear up. “to keep you safe.” Your voice cracked. “Seeing you bear so many burdens and responsibilities… you really do break my heart sometimes.”
Diluc was a silent crier. He never made any noise when he did cry. So when tears began to fall from his eyes, all he could manage was a quivering exhale. You prayed for him. You worried about him so much that you would ask the gods to watch over him. You cared for him so much and he was just now realizing it. 
Archons he was so fucking stupid. 
You began to feel your neck become wet. Your eyes widen at the sensation and you felt a few tears fall from your own eyes. Not once have you ever seen Diluc cry. But you didn't pull away from the hug. You knew Diluc hated showing any kind of weakness to anyone and you knew that you were no exception, so you patiently waited for him to calm down while continuing to sway back and forth. 
After he had finally settled down, you slowly pulled back from him. As Diluc kept his head down to avoid eye contact with you when you looked at him, you brought both hands to gently cradle his face. Feeling your warm hands against his cheeks made him look up at you. His eyes widened when he saw your own glazed over with tears but before he could do anything about them, you ran your thumbs underneath his eyes to catch the stray tears that had fallen. You held him with such tenderness and looked up at him with eyes full of reassurance telling him that it was okay to cry, that it was okay to let everything out every once in a while. 
You both just look at each other in silence, with your smile never once leaving your face. You slowly brought your forehead to rest on his own as you both basked in each other's warmth. 
And with one last exhale… Diluc returned your smile, finally feeling at peace in your presence. 
This was my first attempt at writing anything remotely sad so it’s pretty ehhhh, but hopefully when I actually get to this chapter I’ll have more experience and tweak it a little bit.
Anyways, thanks for reading! Comments and constructive criticism are always welcomed!
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gc-genshin · 3 years
Would you guys be interested in a sneak peek of a much, much later chapter of Monachopsis?🤔
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gc-genshin · 3 years
Hello im literally the worst author ever lmao i finally have the motivation to write again😌
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gc-genshin · 3 years
Chapter Three: Rubatosis
Rubatosis (noun): the unsettling awareness of your own heart beat. 
Pairing: Various x female reader.
Summary: Xiao gets to learn a little more about you. 
Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of blood, underage drinking?
Word count: 7.2k (yikes, they keep getting longer…)
A/N: Not me getting writer’s block on only the third chapter🙄 Sorry for the long wait! I'm honestly not entirely proud of this chapter and will probably change it down the road. It's kind of a filler chapter but it's still somewhat plot relevant. Despite that, I hope you guys still enjoy the chapter. 
Happy reading!
(Slightly edited for better comprehensibility because the author is a dumbass)
     Chapter Two          Chapter Four
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The walk back to the inn was long and tiresome. 
Mainly because that little shit of an adeptus just upped and disappeared on you without a trace. You hadn't had a clue where he went. 
Finally making it back to Wangshu Inn, you made your way towards the elevator, exhausted from this morning. 
Leaning against the railing you tilt your head back and stare at the ceiling. So what the hell happens now? Am I a replacement for Aether? If so then why? You let out a scoff. That's the big question isn't it? It's not like I'm anyone special. You slouch your shoulders and sighed. I have a feeling that I'll be asking that question a lot. 
Feeling the elevator stop, you quickly walk out before it could go down again. Making your way to the lobby area you wish nothing more than to just sleep and not wake up for a week. Since when did I get so out of shape? 
Goldet noticed you dragging your feet towards your current room. “Tired?”
You let out a grunt. “You have now idea. Ugh, Xiao… he didn't hold back at all.” You slouch over her desk resting your head in your arms. 
Goldet let out a snicker. “Looks like you have your work cut out for you.”
You let out a long groan in response. You hopefully will be able to get back into the swing of things again soon. A shiver runs down your spine making you sit up straight, on edge and ready for anything bad to happen. A voice from your left side sent your heart nearly out of your chest. 
“You called?” Xiao asked with his arms crossed. His sudden appearance made you jump and lose your balance, smacking the side of your head on the edge of the desk in the process. 
“SHIT!” You exclaimed on the way down. Xiao and Goldet both watched in surprise as you fell to your unfortunate situation. “Ow, ow, ow.” You manage to laugh out at your predicament. You playfully glared up at Xiao. “Don't do that, you fucker! You just about scared me half to death!” You gave out a sad sigh. “Now I'll only live until I'm 84.” 
You raised your hand to your head. Feeling something wet you pulled your hand back to see that there was a good amount of blood on it. Go figure. Now it's just going to keep bleeding and bleeding. You let out a groan, the pain of smashing your skull finally starting to sink in and the headache that comes along with it. Both Xiao and Goldet looked at your bleeding head in shock, Goldet’s expression being more obvious than Xiao’s. 
“Oh my Archons! Are you okay?!” Goldet asked as she came out from behind the desk to your left side. You looked at the ground blankly. Obviously not since my head is fucking spewing blood. Okay that was a little dramatic, but to be fair it was bleeding a lot. Xiao came to your right side to inspect your wound. 
“Foolish. You truly expect me to believe that you would be able to travel on your own when you're startled by the smallest of sounds?” Xiao asked rhetorically. He grabbed your wrist and slowly pulled it away from your head. A decent sized laceration decorated your right temple and fortunately it wasn't deep. “Humans are so fragile that they become injured over such small things. You're lucky it's a small wound, but it's bleeding quite heavily.” Xiao huffed out but was slightly concerned with the amount of blood you were losing. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Yeah well news flash hun, I'm not immortal like you,” You snatch your wrist from his grasp and place your hand firmly over the cut, “and don't you know that keeping pressure on a wound keeps it from bleeding out? I'm sure Goldet would appreciate it if we didn't get blood on her flooring.” 
You let out an aggravated sigh. “Head wounds tend to bleed and bleed due to the amount of blood vessels there. The scalp has thick skin and with its extensive blood supply, even small lacerations to the head can cause large amounts of bleeding.” You explained to Xiao and Goldet to distract yourself from your headache. You had a habit of rambling out definitions and procedures for different injuries that either happened to yourself or to your patients as a way to keep yourself calm in stressful situations and to help walk through the process of what happened and how to fix the injury. 
Both Xiao and Goldet leaned back and looked at you, curious yet fascinated with this seemingly fifteen year old’s in-depth knowledge of how to fix injuries and of human anatomy. While Xiao knew that you were experienced with taking care of other people and healing them, seeing you display that knowledge in person without any hesitation and to speak with confidence was truly impressive. 
You look towards Goldet. “Do you think you could get me a towel or something? My hand is starting to get sticky from the blood.”  
Your question seemed to snap Goldet out of her stupor. “O-of course! I'll be right back.” Hopping to her feet she made her way to where the medicine was, wherever that was. You sigh, the pain from your gash was starting to dull and your headache made its way from your temple to your entire head.  I should have asked for some medicine. You opened your eyes and glanced at Xiao from the corner of them, seeing him look at you with what looked like a soft astonished gaze. 
Caught off guard, you groan out, “What? You're looking at me like some kind of proud dad.” 
Xiao blinked, snapped from his thoughts, and glared at you slightly. “I'm not looking at you like that.”
You let out a snort. “Yeah and I'm Rex Lapis.” You leaned in closer to his face. “A penny for your thoughts?” 
Xiao just rolled his eyes at you and shoved your face away, causing you to let out a yelp and say something about being injured. “I wasn't thinking about anything.”
“You're such a terrible liar, it's written all over your face. Now tell me because I'm not going to stop pestering you until you do.” You squint your eyes at him, demanding him to let you into his thoughts. You and Xiao have a stare off for a few moments, both of you being too stubborn to back down.  
Xiao was, surprisingly, the first to break letting out a sigh. “Your quick display of wound care and your ability to stay calm despite being hurt was…” he trailed off, “remarkable to say the least.” Xiao managed to compliment you. It seems that giving others praise was not his forte. 
You raised your eyebrows. A small smirk tugged the corner of your lips. “Oh~ so you're impressed?” You let out a quiet chuckle. “It's nothing to be impressed about really. Just basic human anatomy, plus it's a small cut so I'm not too worried about it.” Your smirk falls into a gentle smile, “Thanks for the compliment though.”
Xiao looked at you, with your hair messed up and blood pooling out of your hand, yet you didn't seem to care, and let out a sigh. “Don't let it get to your head.” 
You hum. “I don't know… that's a pretty big ego boost~” You sang out. “A compliment from the great Guardian Yaksha himself? I don't know if I could keep quiet about that.” 
He scoffed. “As if people would believe you.” What is taking Goldet so long?
You let out an offended scoff. “Rude.” You pout. Scrunching your eyebrows, you look around the room. Where the fuck is Goldet? How hard is it to find a towel?
You hear footsteps come up the staircase. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Goldet finally came back with a wet towel. “I'm sorry for taking so long! I had to go all the way down to the laundry room to get a towel.” You grab the towel from her outstretched hand and place it on your head. 
“Thank you. Now I can finally wash the blood off of my hand.” You laugh. Xiao grabbed the extra gauze that Goldet also brought and started to wrap it around your head, securing the towel in place. You looked up at him surprised. “You don't have to do that. I could have done it.”
“I'm already here so I might as well do it.” The room falls into a comfortable silence after that. With Xiao’s gentle touch on your head and training all afternoon, it's safe to say that you're pretty damn tired. You feel your eyelids begin to droop and you let them close, too tired to keep them open. Your head begins to lull to your right side, hitting Xiao in the chest. 
Just as he was finishing up your bandage, Xiao felt a sudden weight on his front side that caused him to look down. Seeing you lean against made Xiao slightly tense up. Your eyes were closed and you were breathing softly as if you were asleep. He looked up to Goldet, who looked at you with concern. “Geez Xiao, what did you do to the poor kid?” She asked softly as to not wake you up. 
“I didn't do anything to her. We were only training.” He motions towards you. “What do I do?” He whispers. 
Goldet shrugs her shoulders. “Just wake her up.” 
“But that's the thing, she seems to be a heavy sleeper.” Xiao retorts. Goldet perked up as she seemed to remember something. 
“Speaking of sleep,” Goldet spoke softly, “[Name] has asked for a job here and gets a rundown of everything tomorrow so she'll need a place to stay while she works, but like I said earlier the inn is full because of Lantern Rite and I won't have an available room until it's over.” 
Xiao rolls his eyes at the mention of Lantern Rite. Another year of that meaningless festival. “What are you trying to get at?”
“I'm saying that after the festival is over she'll have her own room to stay in and out of your hair.” She explains. 
Xiao thought for a moment. He should be delighted to hear that you'll be out of his personal space and in your own room, but he wasn't. In fact, he felt oddly apprehensive about it. 
Xiao shook his head. “She can stay with me, it's fine.”
Goldet raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Really? Are you sure?”
He nods. “Yes. It will help me keep an eye on her and she won't have to take up a room for your future guests to stay in.” 
“Um… okay. If you're alright with it then.” Goldet agreed hesitantly. She looks out towards the balcony. “In that case it's almost dark. I suggest taking her to bed since she starts work early tomorrow.” She stands up and begins to walk back to her desk. “I trust that you'll tell her everything I told you?” She asked Xiao. 
Oh great… looks like I'm a part of some single bed trope. “I heard everything you said.” You suddenly spoke up, causing both Xiao and Goldet to jump slightly. “I wasn't asleep. Just resting my eyes. Though my current bed is pretty warm and I don't want to really move.” You snuggled deeper into the crook where Xiao's neck and shoulder met. This caused Xiao to tense up even more, not being used to such affection. You could feel Xiao’s carotid artery start to pulse faster due to his heart rate rising under the bridge of your nose. Cute. A small smile graced your lips at that revelation and you went to stand which let Xiao who, not so subtly, release the tense breath he was holding in from your close proximity. 
Goldet looked at you worried. “Are you doing okay?” She moves to stand next to you with her hands raised in the air, just in case you decide to fall. “You looked like you were about to pass out a minute ago.”
“Hm?” You tilt your head at her. “Other than the raging headache I have right now, I'm good.”
“Would you like some painkillers?” Goldet hurriedly asked. 
You shook your head. “Nah, I'll just drink some water. I'll be okay.” 
Goldet hesitantly backed away. “The way that you were able to stay so calm when injured was impressive. Has this happened to you before a lot?” She questioned. 
You give her a laugh. “Kinda. When I was younger, I would rough house with my younger brother a lot. Both of my parents were doctors so I was bound to learn something from them since they both work in the same profession and decided to follow in their footsteps.” You explain. 
“Oh… I see.” Goldet nods in understanding. “And that's why you knew what to do immediately when you got hurt. Because of your parents, right?”
“Pretty much.” You chuckle. 
“Well that's admirable. Not a lot of people strive to help others, so we need more people like you.” Goldet gives you an encouraging smile. 
You give her a smile back. “Thanks Goldet. I really appreciate it.” You look towards the floor where Xiao was, kind of forgetting he was there, to see that he was gone. Mostly back to his room. Goldet noticed that he was gone as well. 
“I guess he was done socializing.” She jokes. You snicker at that. “You should go on ahead and get some rest. You do start work tomorrow morning.” Goldet reminds you. 
Oh that's right! I can finally start earning my own share! When you had asked if Goldet was hiring she immediately said yes saying that she would never turn down help. You'll mostly just be helping with signing guests in, taking orders and preparing them with Yanxiao, laundry, those types of things. You've had several jobs over the years that had some kind of chore like those, like waitressing or at some type of clinic where you had to talk to people, so you weren't too nervous about it. 
“That sounds great. I'll see you in the morning!” You say as you wave to her. You then bid her goodnight and made your way to where you currently reside. 
Walking into your now shared room with Xiao, you looked around for said adeptus. Looking out onto the balcony you noticed him leaning up against the railing. You slowly crept up to his left side to not startle him and leaned on the railing next him, but Xiao noticed your presence as soon as you walked into the room. 
You both sit in comfortable silence, neither one of you feeling the need to speak. Xiao glanced at you from the corner of his eye and the bandage wrapped around your head. 
“How's your head?” Xiao decided to ask. You turned your head and looked at him. He still had his normal indifferent look on, but you could detect a small trace of worry in his eyes. 
“It's good. At least right now.” You reply while smiling.
Xiao redirects his gaze out to the dark scenery of night. “Good.” He muttered softly. You watched him for a few seconds taking in the sight of his facial features that were enhanced from the moonlight. You let out a small, almost wistful exhale and then turned to go back into the room. 
“I'm going to wash up. You're more than welcome to join me if you want!” You call out to Xiao, throwing a wink his way and ruining the calm atmosphere that you both just shared. 
He gave you no reaction, fed up with your antics already, and just looked at you. “Aren't you technically a minor?” He tells you bluntly. Your eyes widened then you face palmed, remembering that you were technically a minor. 
“Ugh, damn it! I keep forgetting that I look like a fucking prepubescent kid.” You give out a hefty sigh. Would it be considered wrong even though I'm actually an adult? “Well, then I guess you'll just have to wait a few years then.” You cheekily reply. 
Xiao gave you a blank look. “Just go.” He clipped out then turned away from you. You giggle at him, taking notice of the faint vermilion color that stained the tips of his ears, proud that you achieved some kind of reaction from the handsome adeptus even though he didn't acknowledge it. 
You give Xiao a two fingered salute. “Yes sir.” You then made your way into the bathroom. Closing the door behind you, you turn on the water to the bath adjusting to the right temperature. Once you were satisfied, you begin to strip your clothing off. You start with your top and pull it over your head, leaving you in just your bra. Before you continued on to other articles of clothing, you look at your tattoos, reminiscing the memories behind them for some had deeper meanings to them while others were just drunken mistakes that you cherished. However, looking over your dominant arm you notice something different. 
You looked at your arm confused. “Well that wasn't there before…” On it was a completely blacked out arm band that went around your arm, located just right below your elbow. Inside of the band was what looked like the Geo vision symbol, the gold color clashing against its dark background. I'm going to safely assume that if I obtain any of the other visions then their symbol will pop up… interesting. You decided you wanted to get Xiao’s opinion. 
“Hey Xiao, come check this out!” You call out to the adeptus. Hearing the doorknob rattle, thanks to Xiao twisting it, he walked straight into the bathroom. Hasn't this dude ever heard of knocking? 
“What do you wa–?” Xiao cut himself off, flustered at the scene before him. Before him was you, standing in just only your bra, not even bothered by the situation. Mind you, while you weren't necessarily big, you weren't necessarily small either. Your breasts were definitely noticeable even at your young age. Xiao continued to gape at you, seemingly unable to form any coherent sentences, before he slammed the door close. 
“I… you're…!” He stammered from the other side.  
You look at the door unimpressed. “Are you done?” You asked. Your voice managed to snap him out of his current dilemma. 
He gave an appalled look that you couldn't see. “Have you no decency?! What if someone sees you in such a vulnerable state?” He managed to ask you. 
You raise your eyebrow at him. “You're the only other person here, why did you think I yelled for you? Plus you’re the one that walked in without knocking!” You shrug your shoulders. “Anyways, quit acting like a virgin and come look at this!” You beckon him in. Xiao very hesitantly opened the door and made his way over to you, staring at your face while trying to ignore that state that you're in. 
You noticed the way he stiffly walked towards you and rolled your eyes at him. “Would like for me to put a shirt on?”
Xiao’s gorgeous amber eyes met your own [e/c] ones. He swallowed, trying to alleviate the dryness that his throat was experiencing. The many years that he has lived he has never been in this type of scenario with a woman, one that seemed to not be ashamed to show herself to a complete stranger. Though to you, he really wasn't a stranger. The fact that you would put some much trust in a person that you had never met before and have only heard stories of was concerning to Xiao. She could get hurt if she puts too much trust in the wrong person. 
Watching Xiao and seeing the embarrassment and discomfort in his eyes, you took that as your answer. Quickly shuffling away from Xiao, you looked for your shirt to put back on. FUCKING IDIOT! Why would you do something like that? Now you've gone and made him uncomfortable! You're not in your dimension so you can't get away with these types of things! You scream at yourself internally. You spot your shirt and hurriedly put it back on, but freeze when you think back on the last sentence you thought. 
That's right… I'm not in my dimension. I'm in a place where I'm not even supposed to be in. In a world where I don't belong. 
Letting out a defeated sigh, you address Xiao. “I'm sorry Xiao, I don't know what came over me. I was just surprised to see the mark appear that I wanted to show you.” Turning towards him, you continued. “You may have figured this out that I'm pretty open with a lot of things, but make no mistake!” You raise your finger for emphasis, “I'm only like this with people that I trust with my life and you've already saved mine once.” 
You moved to grab your left bicep, knuckles almost turning white from hard you were gripping it. “I don't think I've fully processed the situation that I'm in and honestly I'm terrified.” You start to feel tears well up in your eyes. “I'm so confused as to why I'm here even though I've only been here for like what, two days? It's not like I'm anyone special, what purpose do I even serve here?” Damn it, why are you getting so emotional? You're probably making Xiao even more uncomfortable now! You give out a wet laugh, choking up from your tears. You quickly turn your back to Xiao, not wanting him to see the state that you're in. You sniffle unattractively sucking up any snot that dripped from your nose. 
“Sorry.” You laughed out pitifully. “I don't typically get this emotional. I'm usually better at keeping it together.” Wiping your tears from your eyes you look up to keep anymore tears from falling and let a shaky exhale fall from your lips.
You turned back around to face Xiao and gave him a sardonic smile. “Eh… oof, anyways. Um… I'm good now or will be in a minute.” You shrug your shoulders seemingly not caring that you just about broke down in front of him. 
Xiao watched you closely. Seeing your emotional walls crack just a little bit then seeing you immediately rebuild in just a matter of seconds was surprising to him. Never had he seen a mortal human seal their emotions that quick in front of others. It was as if you had rehearsed it a hundred times. A lot of the humans he had seen mostly wept just at the sight of him but you… oh you. You were a completely different case. While he put up a tough front and had an aloof personality, you were outgoing and seemingly a happy go lucky person. You seemed to see things on the brighter side but now that he's looking at you more closely, he could see that was just a façade. Like you were repressing your emotions.
Hearing Xiao say your name made your heart skip a beat. It sent a pleasant tingle down your spine hearing him say it. “Y-yeah? What's up?”
He looked at you with familiarity in his eyes. “Holding in your emotions isn't good for your health.” He told you sternly. 
You let out a loud snort. “Ha! Are you the pot or the kettle?” Xiao just gave you a confused look. 
You sigh playfully while rolling your eyes. “That means to criticize someone for a fault you also possess.”
“So you mean to tell me that I do the same thing?”
“Precisely.” You reply with a cheeky smirk. 
Xiao only rolled his eyes, appearing to be back to normal. “What was so important that you had to show me?” He asked. 
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion for a second before remembering. “Oh! Check this out!” You raise your dominant arm’s sleeve up to your elbow revealing the new tattoo that was on it. 
Xiao looked at the tattoo intrigued. “Did you have that before?”
You shook your head. “No, but now I'm wishing I did cause it's pretty badass. But I  wonder…” you trail off in thought, “since this showed up after I was able to resonate with Geo then, if I am able to obtain the other elements, will the remaining element symbols show up?” You shrug. “I don't know just an assumption.”
“That is interesting.” Xiao murmured. “What could the reason behind it be?” 
You let out a scoff. “Your guess is as good as mine hun. Maybe it's just to look cool.” You joke. “Anyways! Did you finally decide to come and join me?” You ask while wiggling your eyebrows. 
A door slammed in your face was your only response. 
Xiao shook his head as he walked away from the bathroom door he just shut and soon heard water running. She's such a brat. Xiao deeply exhaled and made his way over to the bed. As he did so he felt himself kick something and heard it slide across the floor. He gave a look of confusion to the floor. What was that? 
His gaze roamed along the floor until he spotted an unusual rectangular object. Tilting his head, he reached down and gently picked up the strange device holding it between his thumb and index finger. As he flipped it over, your phone was suddenly illuminated with the Geo symbol for a few seconds before going back to your Home Screen which showed you and a few other people. Xiao looked at your phone with furrowed eyebrows. What on Celestia is this?
He looked back to the ground to see if there was anything he missed and saw a card that had a picture of a young woman. He bent down to pick up and examine the card. On it was a picture of a woman that undoubtedly had the same facial features as you but more mature. It also had your name, the name of what he assumed was a hospital, and the words ‘resident’ and ‘medical student’. He then went back and focused on your picture a little more. He looked at the way your smile beamed and your eyes shone, despite the tired look in them, and he could feel the confidence radiating from you in just the picture alone. She's actually kind of pretty…
He then heard the water turn off. “God damnit!” Xiao jumped hearing your muffled shout from the bathroom. Xiao twisted his face in sudden concern. Is she alright? “I can't believe I forgot to shave my knee! Ugh, I hate when I do that.” He heard you grumble to yourself. You came out of the bathroom wearing a cute little night gown, courtesy of Goldet, and a towel wrapped around your head. Thankfully the cut on your head had stopped bleeding so you didn't need to put new bandages on it. 
You stopped when you saw Xiao holding your phone and your student ID. “Uh… where'd you find those?” You ask pointing to the cellular device. 
“They were on the floor. What is this anyways?” Xiao questioned you in regards to your phone. “Is it some sort of weapon?” He was on guard now that that thought crossed his mind. How could he be so careless in picking up such a strange object?!
You let out a huff and rolled your eyes. “No it's not a weapon, ya ding dong.” You snatched from his hands and unlocked your phone. “This was our main source of communication back in my world. It's one of the many cellular devices called an iPhone and we're able to use them to talk to other people that were as far away as other countries.” You tried explaining the somewhat complex concept as simply as you could to the poor, confused Xiao. “It's also used as a camera and it's able to answer almost any question you could come up with.” 
The handsome adeptus eyes sparked with curiosity, yet he outwardly didn't show it. This little device was able to do all of that? You watched as his eyes seemed to glimmer with what looked like with fascination but it was hard to tell with the neutral look on his face. 
“Would you like to try it out?” You offered. “I know for sure that the camera works and that all of my photos are still there, but I wonder if my music would still play?” You move to sit on the bed, patting the spot next to you to urge Xiao to sit by you. Though Xiao would never say it out loud, he was definitely curious about your phone. He makes his way next to you making sure to keep some distance just in case it was some sort of bomb. 
“So…” Xiao started. “How far were you able to communicate with someone else?” You smiled at the question. It seems he's letting his guard down a little. You thought back to the leaked map of Genshin. If that map is accurate then either Snezhnaya or Natlan would be the furthest nations from Liyue. 
“Let's say that if someone in Snezhnaya or Natlan also had a phone then I would be able to talk to them easily!” You answer. 
Xiao looked from you to the phone captivated. “What else can it do?”
You gave him a big grin and began to explain the wonderful mechanism that was your phone. This went on for several minutes with him asking you questions about the device and you answering as best as you could. You showed him the camera, even though he already knew the basic function of it from their version of it. 
As you were looking through your photos, Xiao spotted a picture with you and what looked like another man huddled close together. Interest piqued, he points it out. “Who's that?”
Blowing the picture up you realized it was a picture of you and your ex-boyfriend. “Oh that's my ex, Zayne. Real prick he was.” You joked but had a hint of spite underneath. Xiao caught on to that and was curious as to what he did that made you break up with him. 
“What happened?” He asked, seemingly bored that you were telling him about your past yet curious all the same.
You let out an annoyed sigh, not at Xiao but at the thought of your ex. “He was just constantly back and forth from wanting a serious relationship to just fucking around. He was really sweet during the beginning of our relationship but he just wasn't mature enough for a relationship.” You explain while shrugging your shoulders. 
“He was a lot of my firsts in a relationship but he just treated it like a summer fling and then had the fucking audacity to ask for a second chance.” You were rambling at this point. “It's safe to say I was pretty heartbroken and depressed for a little bit.” 
Xiao watched as continued to vent. What kind of human thinks it's alright to play with another's emotions? He may not experience human emotions himself but he's seen what could when they were manipulated. 
“He sounds like an utter moron.” 
You look at Xiao surprised, yet laugh when you processed what he said. “Ha! Yeah, he was.” You look back to the picture fondly. “Yet… no matter how much of an asshole he was, we still had good memories together and I think he'll always have a special place in heart.” You shake your head pitifully. “Guess that's what I get for wearing my heart on my sleeve, huh?”
Xiao hummed in agreement. “That's what happens when you're vulnerable to the wrong people.” He mumbled. 
“I know… but the thing is that you don't really know who the wrong people are until you let them into your life and they fuck you over…” you pause, “but they also could turn out to be one of the greatest things to ever happen in your life.” 
You shake your head, getting rid of those thoughts. “Look at me trying to sound all wise and shit. Enough of my life! Do you want to listen to some music?” You asked him excited. Xiao examined your face. She doesn't seem to be upset talking about her past. It's as if she's come to terms with it and has accepted what has happened to her. There was a lot more to you than you let on. 
“Sure.” Your face lit up in response to his answer. It was then that Xiao seemed to understand you just a bit better. 
It was now late in the night. Xiao had told you he had some business to attend to and wouldn't be back until early in the morning. 
But you have yet to fall asleep. Your body seemed to be getting back into its old sleep schedule that you had back when you were in school. You look towards the clock on the wall. 3:17 am. That's how your nights typically went. Going early into the morning without feeling the need to sleep.
You were currently sitting in bed, looking at pictures on your phone. Scrolling through the photos and videos, you couldn't help but get a little homesick. Will I ever be able to go back? You pause. Do I even want to go back? It wasn't like you had a lot going for you back in your world. You were just going through motions of going to school, working on the side, and just being a stupid young adult. You were only twenty-two, not even a quarter way through your life; you still wanted to be a dumbass and have fun. 
As you were reminiscing, you felt your stomach growl. You weren't really surprised at that, since your sleep schedule was fucked up that also meant so were your eating habits. You turned your phone off and got out of bed with a grunt, not wanting to leave the warm confines of it. You made your way to the door and quietly left your room. You softly padded your way to the kitchen to see if Yanxiao had any leftovers or something. 
As you scoured through the kitchen, you found a box of crystal shrimp and decided to eat that. You grab the box and make your way to the table that was in the kitchen. You ate in silence which unnerved you. You were so used to your two roommates making a ruckus in your guys' shared apartment, with Milanea and her boyfriend constantly visiting or Aiden talking your ear off while you both ate together. You frown at the thought of them. Even though they were both older than you by a year and you had to take care of them sometimes, you missed them both dearly. Milanea was studying to be a biochemist to make pharmaceutical drugs and Aiden was studying to be a physical therapist and help rehabilitate people. You three actually made a well rounded group, with all of you bouncing off and helping each other whenever you guys managed to actually study together. 
A creak from the staircase startled you out of your thoughts. Quickly whipping around behind you, you hurriedly thought of an excuse as to why you were pillaging their kitchen at three of the morning in case it was Goldet or Yanxiao who caught you but you relaxed when you realized it was only Xiao. 
You and Xiao looked at each other for a few moments. You were the first to break the silence. “Don't tell Yanxiao.” You say guiltily. 
He looked at you confused. “Why are you still awake? Don't you humans need sleep in order to function properly?”
You nod at him. “Yup. We need at least eight hours every night, but no one actually does. Especially me.” 
“Why's that?” He questioned. 
“I'm used to staying up late, whether it's from pulling all nighters to study or doing my rotations in the hospital. I once went three days without sleep just because I was constantly stressed and running on adrenaline from back to back emergencies.” You explain. You chuckle sheepishly. “Kind of ironic that a person who likes to take care of other people and help them get better doesn't even take care of herself, huh?”
Xiao chose not to answer your rhetorical question. He instead looked at you sternly. “You need to sleep.”
You make a face at him. “Nah, I'm good. Thanks for your concern though.” You move to shove another dumpling in your mouth when you remember something. “Oh! Lookie what I found!” You pull out from under your chair a glass bottle, labeled Osmanthus Wine. You show it off to Xiao as if it was a prized possession of yours which it definitely wasn't. 
He looked at you bewildered. “Where did you find that?” He then gave you a pointed look. “You were being nosy again weren't you?” 
“Hey, in my defense I came across it while looking for food and Goldet said since I work here now I can help myself to whatever I find!” You argue. You then raise your eyebrow. “Want some?”
Xiao crossed his arms. “I have no desire for such things.” 
You jut your lip out in a pout. “Party pooper. Can you even get drunk?” You wondered out loud. Xiao only rolled his eyes in response. He walked over to you and reached to grab the bottle from you, yet you were quicker and weaved away from him, bringing it close to your chest. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” You exclaim softly. “If you wanted some you should at least ask!”
Xiao gave an indignant look. “I don't want any. Need I remind you that you shouldn't be drinking because you're a minor?” 
“And need I remind you that I'm most definitely not a minor!” You retort. “I am twenty-two years old damnit! Hell I started drinking even before I was fifteen.” You were starting to get really frustrated with being treated like a kid. 
Your sudden revelation caused Xiao to reel back. You were drinking alcohol illegally before? “Just how old were you when you started drinking?” He wondered. 
You look up to the ceiling in thought. “I think I was fourteen?” You said unsurely causing Xiao’s eyes to widen a tad. 
“Your parents allowed you to do that?” Xiao asked incredulously. 
You give him a lopsided grimace. “Not really?” Your voice went up in pitch at the end of your sentence. “I was just a bad–no,” you cut yourself off, “an… adventurous kid when I was younger.” You chuckle sheepishly and start playing with your earrings in embarrassment, still holding the bottle of wine.
“It wasn't like I was an alcoholic at fourteen, it's just I was so sick one time that I was coughing non stop and my parents were sick of it so they gave me some whiskey to numb my throat.” You laugh at the memory while explaining. 
“Man when I tell you whiskey warms the soul.” You close your eyes and let out a wistful sigh, remember the pleasant burning sensation that came with drinking your first alcoholic love named Fireball. 
You make your way to a cupboard and start looking for some glasses to allow Xiao to process what you just told him. When you found them you pulled two glasses out, just in case. You walked back to the table and put the cups down along with the bottle. You looked over the label to see that it was twenty percent alcohol. It also felt like it was almost empty. Hmm… we'll see how this goes. You unscrew the cap and begin to pour yourself a glass. 
The sound of liquid pouring snapped Xiao out of his thoughts and he quickly snatched the half full glass from your hands, making you let out a whine in protest. 
“[Name], you are not drinking.” He told you sternly. 
You gave him a deadpanned look. While Xiao did manage to grab the cup from your hand, it seems that he forgot that you were still holding the bottle. You quickly bring the rim of the bottle to your lips and chug the remaining wine straight out of the bottle while keeping eye contact with the young adeptus out of the corner of your eye as if to say ‘try me bitch’. You nearly snorted the wine out of your nose when you saw Xiao deflate in defeat. 
You grimaced at the taste of the wine when you finished it off. “Ack! That shit was super sweet.” You give off a faux shiver as if you were disgusted. “It was like pure sugar, I couldn't taste any alcohol at all.” You made your way back to the table to finish your little meal. 
Xiao let out a tired exhale and placed a hand on his forehead. “You are a disgrace.” 
“Wouldn't be the first time babe~” You reply cheekily and give him a peace sign. You quickly finish your meal then bring the dishes to the sink. You then suddenly had to brace yourself on the counter thanks to your vision starting to swim slightly. “Hey Xiao?”
“What?” Xiao grits out annoyed. 
You glance at him sheepishly. “So… you may have to help me back to the room…” you trailed off. While you were mentally sober and able to think coherently, it seemed that your body had other plans. Though you didn't have that hard of a time walking to the sink, you could slowly feel the intoxication taking over your little body. 
Xiao gave you a nasty glare. “No. You got yourself into this mess, you figure it out.” He told you harshly. He turns to walk away but you stumbled after him and caught his arm. However, the momentum of you staggering forward caused you to fall into Xiao’s chest and force him to catch you by your waist with you gripping his biceps to help steady yourself. 
You turned your head up to him to apologize but freeze upon seeing the close proximity between your faces causing your breath hitch in your throat. You're acutely aware of your heart racing, whether it was the alcohol or because you were leaning on probably the prettiest person you've ever seen, you didn't know; and you're positive that Xiao can feel it too. 
Xiao wasn't any better. He tensed the instant you landed on him and he felt a growing warm sensation on the tip of his ears. He too could feel his heart rate start to pick up from how close your presence was. He was extremely uncomfortable with physical touch and was tempted to shove you away but he couldn't do that given the current state that you were in. 
You avert your gaze, embarrassed, and start to pull away from Xiao to apologize profusely to him but his grip tightening around you made you stop and look up at him confused. 
“Perhaps…” Xiao started and you waited with a baited breath, nervous as to what he was going to say.  
“You are in need of some assistance, you imbecile.”
[Name]: Man, I only see you awake. Do you ever shut down or stop running?
Xiao: Oh, I'm always running. 
Xiao: The question is from what. 
 As always, please feel free to leave suggestions and constructive criticism! Thanks for reading!
@craptainlou @lucys-art @dilucsz @i-put-the-dying-in-studying @softyakult @lumi-ying @fraeppuccino @ayachii @cher7ybear @genshin-idiot @creation-magician @alessia--winchester @thehoneycookiecrumbs @hnpriscilla @kiwiialoe @lurkerarmy @patata52 @salty-hearts @simping-4-fictional-men @syllything @lyraarinnehatsue @chr9llo @sukerforgenshinboys @jasmoniom @sequel-to @bookcrazybby @watamoteru @ba-ba-boey @just-some-stars @tenshi-san​ @k-ohkay @pen-observing @spqcebun @thatxiaosimp @venti-loving-hours @ichor-halogen @ashlovelies @livrahne @fatgaymx @patata52 @anahixie @ventislyre @outrodepression @bloomhasuke @puripuri83 @lukerarmy @macaronbun @riyummy @21jox @lyraariannehatsue @osmiumtrash @ruggies-gf @izumi-ursa @crisythedonut @charvaiot @verawarble @serenity-wants-to-nap @miko47 @galaxy-style @afrin2006 @sweetstrawberrybabe @ttriviaseok @get-me-a-life @astrophile253 @floralcrypt @chamelion05 @pannachaa @c-r0w5​ @icescreamonthewall​  @dariannicolaileightoncaudwell​ @pinachs​ @enma-reblogs @hillichurl​ @htnicayh​ @seli-beli122222005 @minofjupiter​ @call-me-soap​ @sosillymei @mokuchan @dragonessgalactica​ @kimezle @greatbiscuitworld @steezchileez @ceo-of-stfu​ @p--e-r-s-o--n @slowlyfriedicecream​ @onceonafullmoon​ @inlustris-but-obey-me​ @shr3ik​ @skatingiswalkingincursive​ @pearfluorescent @reiikonee @albedosfiance @ieatbutterfliesinthemorning​ @erandiny​ @akaasht​ @kiriiqt​ @strawberisapphic​
551 notes · View notes
gc-genshin · 3 years
Fellow writers do you completely neglect the current chapter that you're supposed to be working on because you're just too excited to write for future chapters? Because that's what I'm dealing with rn…
Anyways, chapter three of Monachopsis will be coming out this week!
13 notes · View notes
gc-genshin · 3 years
Chapter Two: Numinous
Numinous (adjective): feeling both fearful and awed by what is before you. 
Pairing: Various x female reader.
Summary: You learn something new about yourself.
Warnings: Explicit language, innuendos??
Word count: 6.6k
A/N: Sorry for the long wait but here's chapter two! I had this chapter written out, edited, and ready to post last week but google docs decided to be a bitch and say “nah, not good enough” and delete the chapter. 
Anyways, this one's pretty long. Let me know if you y'all would prefer longer or shorter chapters. 
Happy reading!
     Chapter One          Chapter Three
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You woke up to darkness all around you. 
That was a lie. The light coming from the moon was fucking bright.
Opening your eyes, you damn near squinted at the moon like it was the sun. Holy shit, since when did the moon get so bright? Your eyes opened completely. Oh. That's right, I'm in a fucking video game and not at home.
Realization was finally starting to hit you. You were still at the Wangshu Inn with Xiao, and not in your apartment back on campus. A tightness started forming in your chest. So it really wasn't a dream. 
Looking around, you noticed that you were in a bed. You looked at it confused. I thought adepti didn't need to sleep? You paused. We're in a fucking hotel, of course there's going to a bed. You looked to your left, nearly jumping out of your skin seeing Xiao sitting next to you on the bed, leaning against the wall. 
He had his arms crossed against his chest and his eyes closed. You could see the steady rhythm of his chest going up and down with his breathing. Wow… he has really prominent pectorals… no, bad [Name]! Stop being perverted! You shook your head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. I hope I don't have to experience the same hormones that I had when I was fifteen again. You looked at Xiao’s face. He looked so young and peaceful with his eyes closed and face relaxed, and not like the two-thousand-year-old adeptus he was, carrying the weight of who knows how many ‘sins’, as he put it, that he had. You tilt your head, letting out a small smile. I guess adepti really do sleep. 
You looked away from Xiao, very reluctantly might you add, to examine the room. It was pretty much empty, save for the bed and a few dressers, which doesn't come as a surprise to you. Xiao didn't seem to be the type of person to collect trinkets. Over on the right side of the room, there were two big windows that let in the moonlight. Overall the room was small and quaint. 
Skimming your eyes across the room, you notice a few bottles sitting on top of the dresser. Are those…? Slowly moving out of the bed, keeping an eye on Xiao for any signs of him waking up, you tiptoed to the dresser. Carefully picking up a bottle, you examined it for a prescription label but found none. 
Since it seemed that child proof lids weren't a thing here yet, you quietly opened it. Inside were the pills in question. So Zhongli really does give him painkillers. You furrowed your brows. I can't even imagine the constant pain that he's in if he needs to take drugs. I wonder what they're made of since Xiao is the only one that can take them? Sighing, you put the lid back on and placed the bottle back down. Not important right now [Name]. Quit sticking your nose in places where it shouldn't. 
You looked back to Xiao, making sure that he was still asleep. It's obvious that I can't stay with him since he’s dealing with so much. I'd just be dead weight to him. Looking around for your hoodie that you dropped when Xiao transported you to his room, you found it on the ground next to the bed. Slowly creeping towards it, you squatted down to pick it but as you did, you felt something hard in the front pocket. 
You don't think your eyes have ever gotten as big as they did just then. Gasping quietly, you reached into the pocket pulling out the object you forgot about since arriving in Teyvat. 
It was your phone. 
You had been so busy running off adrenaline and processing the situation you were in that you had completely forgotten about your most prized possession. How the hell did it even stay in your pocket when you were falling? You couldn't care less right now, shock filling your entire body. 
Does it still work? Tapping the screen you about screamed in joy when it turned on. HOLY SHIT! I can't believe it still works! And even better, it was fully charged! How convenient! Letting out a quiet, disbelieving laugh, you scrolled through your phone to see if any of the apps worked. They obviously didn't since smartphones don’t exist in Teyvat, but the camera still worked so there was that. You then turned your phone off and reached into your jacket pocket again to see if there was anything else in there. 
It seems that there was and you grabbed it wondering what it was. Pulling out said item, you realized it was your student ID badge from the hospital that you worked at. Memories started flooding back. That's right… I remember doing one of my night shift clinicals now, but that's all. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you look at the card. On it was your full name, the name of the hospital, and a picture of your older self. You deadpan. Proving my age to Xiao would probably have been a whole lot easier if I remembered I had this… oh well. Shrugging your shoulders, you put your hoodie on then slipped your items back in the front pocket. 
I should get going. You slowly crept to the door, trying your best to avoid squeaky floor panels. It feels like I'm trying to sneak out after a one night stand. As you reached for the doorknob, you turned and looked at Xiao one last time. I hope this isn't the last time I see him. Exhaling, you grab the doorknob and start turning it. 
“Where do you think you're going?”
Jumping nearly three feet in the air, you let out a yelp and whipped around towards Xiao, who now had his eyes open and was staring at you. “JESUS CHRIST XIAO! Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?!” 
“Where are you going?” He asked again, still sitting on the bed. 
You looked at him confused. “I thought adepti didn't need sleep?” 
Xiao looked at you blankly. “We don't. You still haven't answered my question.”
You feel yourself tense up. So he actually wasn't asleep? “You were awake this whole time?” You were dancing around the question. 
Annoyed, Xiao glared at you. “Yes. Now answer my question. Where do you think you're going?”
You start clamming up under his intimidating glare. Why were you all of a sudden nervous to tell him? Was it because of his cold gaze on you? Maybe it was because he caught you snooping around? Or was it because you were afraid of him agreeing that you should leave? 
Taking in a shaky breath, you try to calm your nerves down. “I was just leaving.” 
Xiao raised an eyebrow at you. “Where would you go?” 
You shrug your shoulders. “I don't know, probably Liyue? It isn't that far of a walk, right?”
Xiao furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't like this laid back attitude of yours. What kind of person goes out into the wilderness without any type of plan in mind? It made no sense to him. “It's an all day trip on foot to Liyue from here. I don't think you would survive the night.” He bluntly tells you. 
Letting out an offended gasp, you put your hands on your hips and glare at him. “Hey! I've had plenty of experience being outdoors! I think I would be just fine, thank you very much.” 
“Do you even know how to use a weapon?” He asks pointedly. 
You pause. “No… but I'd say I'm a pretty good shot when it comes to throwing rocks.” You state proudly. 
He deadpanned at you. “Rocks won't do you any good against hilichurls or Abyss Mages.”
“You don't know that. I bet with enough force and speed I could concuss them.” You argue. Damn, you were one stubborn girl. 
Xiao glares at you. “You're not leaving.” He finally stands up from the bed and starts walking towards you. 
Gaping at him, you exclaim to him. “But Xiao, I can't! Not when you already have so much to deal with! I'd just be a burden to you and slow you down!” You try to convince him otherwise. 
He stops a few feet in front of you. “It is my job as the Guardian Yaksha to protect the people of Liyue. Even though you do not hail from Liyue, I am willing to protect you so long you don't think about getting close because if you do, all that awaits you suffering.” 
That shut you up real quick. He was willing to go out of his way to protect you? That doesn't seem like him. The game portrayed him as someone that would keep people at an arm's length away and not get close. You should feel honored, having the great Guardian Yaksha watch over you, but you didn't. If anything, seeing him standing in front of you with rays of the now rising morning sun casting a gentle halo around him, you felt guilty only seeing it as you were another problem he had to deal with. 
He looked so ethereal. 
Taking your shocked silence as acceptance, he starts walking towards the door. “We start training in the morning.” He tells you, leaving no room for argument. 
Coming back to reality, you looked at him quizzically. “Isn't it already morning though?” You tease lightly, giving him a small smile. 
Xiao furrowed his eyebrows and turned around to look out the window. “I suppose it is.” He looked back at you. “We're wasting time then. Let's go.”
“Um, actually…” You hesitated before asking him a question. He stared at you, waiting to finish. 
“Would it be possible for me to wash up first? After trekking through the forest yesterday and then sleeping in the same clothes, I feel pretty gross.” Crossing your arms, you then asked hopefully. “Would that be okay?”  
Xiao thought for a moment. “Fine. Wait just a moment.” He then teleported away. 
You just blinked at the spot where he previously was. “Um… okay…?”
Sitting on the bed, you waited for Xiao to return. I wonder where he went?
A few minutes later, Xiao returned with what looked like toiletries and clothes in his arms. You raised your eyebrows surprised. “Where did you get those?” 
“The boss. Now hurry up.” He responded curtly, handing you the items and then pointing towards a door that you assumed led to a bathroom. 
He even got me a change of clothes. You look at the items with admiration. I would have been fine with what I have on now, but I'm grateful that he brought these. You looked at him with appreciativeness and gave him a smile. “Thank you Xiao.” You spoke gently. He only nodded at you. You then took off to the bathroom, excited to be clean again. 
When you were gone, Xiao released a sigh then made his way out of the room again and headed towards the kitchen to talk to Yanxiao. The image of the different faces Verr Goldet’s gave him when he asked her for spare clothing still bounced around in his head. From her eyes nearly bulging out of her head to the slight smirk she gave him, he was curious as to what those looks meant. 
Humans were such odd creatures. 
You got out of the bath fifteen minutes later, which was a new record for you. Mentally patting yourself on the back, you start getting dressed. You thanked Verr Goldet a million times over for the clothes. I wonder what her reaction was to Xiao asking for women's clothes? You snickered. If she's anything like me…
The clothes she gave you were simple. A pair of dark, form fitting pants, a white long sleeved blouse with a lace up collar and a corset, which you assumed was to hold up the girls. Thankfully, you came with the bra and underwear so you decided to skip the corset for now. These look more like what the people of Mondstadt would wear. You thought for a moment. Well Verr Goldet is from Mond so it makes sense that she'd have clothes from there. As you were putting the top on, you remembered the tattoos that were all over your arms. I'm glad he remembered that I had them or else I would have constantly had to come up with excuses as to why I had them. After twenty minutes, you were finally dressed. 
Taking a look in the mirror, you examine yourself, with your [h/l] [h/c] hair [pulled up/down], your somewhat tired [e/c] eyes from the stress you've been under looking back at you and the dark bags to compliment them thanks to the countless all nighters you pulled studying. Having a closer look, you noticed two small holes on your left nostril and on your septum from the piercings that were previously there. You had to take them out whenever you were on call at the hospital because they weren't “work appropriate”. I wonder if I'll be able to find some jewelry for them? You thought. 
Tilting your head to the left, you look at the four earrings on your right ear; three on your lobe and an industrial bar. You then tilt your head to the right, showing your left ear that had six piercings on it; three on your lobe, a conch, and two helix's. You proceed to stick your tongue out, showing off the metal ball that sat in the middle of it. 
I can't believe these all stuck. I must look like a freak to anyone that sees me. You shake your head at the thought and let out a short laugh. As if I cared what other people thought of me. You then left the bathroom and went to put on your converse. I don't really think these are considered ‘fighting’ shoes. 
Although Rocky did. 
Before doing so, you looked around the room and noticed Xiao was gone. You scanned the room for him, confused. Where did he go? On the dresser, you saw a note. Next to the note was a plate of Almond Tofu. Picking up the note, it read:
Meet me at the waypoint marker near Guili Planes. I trust you know what those look like, but I have gone ahead and marked them on this map. Remember to use it. 
Smiling, you looked at the map. It was the same as the video game. Folding the note back up and sticking it in your pocket, you grab the plate of Almond Tofu. You were excited to see what the real thing tasted like. Sure, you had tried making it at home and it turned out alright, but you were sure nothing could beat the real thing. Taking the first bite, you almost melted in pure bliss. You now understand why it's Xiao’s favorite meal. You swiftly finished eating then began to put your shoes on. After doing so, you promptly left the room and made your way down the stairs to the reception area. 
Verr Goldet noticed you before you did her. Instantly recognizing her clothes on you, she realized that you were Xiao’s ‘unwelcome’ guest. 
“Good morning!” She called out to you, startling you in the process. “A very familiar sense of style, defined yet atypical facial features, and emerging from the very top of the hotel. Hmmm… I would take a guess that you're the mysterious guest of Xiao.” She said, smiling politely. You returned her smile. “You would have guessed correctly. I’m [Name].” Introducing yourself, you stick a hand out for her to shake to which she grips it firmly. 
“My name is Goldet and I come from Mondstadt. I am the boss here at the Wangshu Inn. Lest you think I was the boss' wife. I'm the boss, with a capital "B-O-S-S." You chuckle at her introduction. I already knew that, but go off sis. 
“Well it's nice to meet you Goldet.” You tell her. 
“Likewise.” She then looks at you curiously. “So what's going on between you and Xiao? He's normally the type to keep away from other people and not have guests.” She leaned across the desk. “Are you friends with him? Or perhaps a secret lover? I didn't know Xiao was into younger girls.” She asked with a raised eyebrow. You let out a small laugh, sweatdropping. “No, no! It's nothing like that.” You told her calmly. I totally forgot that I look fifteen. You didn't see a reason to overreact to her assuming that you were Xiao’s lover, seeing it as a reasonable question. You would have been curious too if you saw your normal introverted and reclusive friend with someone other than yourself. 
“Uh-huh, right…” Goldet said skeptically. “Well I can see that you're just as mysterious and secretive as him. Anyways, Xiao left not too long ago if you're looking for him. Said to tell you that he was going to Guili Planes.”
“Oh right, I should get going.” You then made your way out of the hotel. “It was nice meeting you! And thank you for the clothes!” You called out to Goldet. She waved as you were leaving. “Happy to help [Name]!”
But before you left, you stopped turned around back to Goldet. “Actually there's something I want to ask of you.”
“What is it?” She asked. You rubbed your neck sheepishly. 
“Would you happen to be hiring any new employees?”
“What took you so long?”
Those were the first words Xiao spoke to you when you finally met up with him. 
“Good morning to you too Xiao.” You said rolling your eyes. “I'm surprised you waited for me. Goldet caught me on my way out here. She was very curious about our relationship.” 
“And what did you tell her?” He asked sternly, seeming on edge for your answer. You took notice of this and raised your hands up in mock defense. “I told her that we were only acquaintances. Nothing more.” You told him gently. He relaxed slightly and crossed his arms. “Goldet should stop sticking her nose in places where it doesn't belong.” He then glared at you. “That goes for you too.”
“Hey!” You exclaim. “I didn't mean to do it on purpose!” You totally did. Curiosity killed the cat. 
“Then why were you looking through my belongings?” He just stared blankly at you. 
“I… uh…” Shit. You slouched your shoulders, defeated. “You got me there…”
Xiao just shakes his head at you. “Whatever, let's go. We're burning daylight.” He then starts walking off. You quickly follow after him. “So where are we going?” 
“To a more secluded area away from people.” He responded without looking back at you. 
You, being the little shit that you are, raise your eyebrows and give him a teasing smirk. “Oh? I never took you as a guy to bring a girl out in the woods to seduce her.” Xiao stopped and quickly whipped his head towards you, aghast. “That's not what I'm doing! You know that I'm far from human and can't make much of emotions.” 
You tilt your head back and laugh at him. “I know I was just pulling your leg!” You cross your arms behind your head and continue to follow him. Xiao looked at you, appalled. How could someone easily joke about that kind of situation? It made no sense to him. You made no sense to him. Was this how everybody was where you were from? 
You looked at him curiously. “What's up? Why're you staring at me?”
Xiao then growled at you. This motherfucker just growled at you. And it scared the living shit out of you. You jumped and tried to put some distance between the two of you, not that you were close to him in the first place. 
“Hey hey! What did I do?!” You exclaim wondering what you did to irritate him so much that he fucking growled at you. “As attractive as you growling was, I'd much prefer you do it in a different type of scenario.” You said with a wink. Xiao glared at you with such ferocity that it nearly knocked the wind out of you. I should probably tone it down a notch. I don't think the poor boy is used to such innuendos. 
“Have you no shame in saying such indecorous things?” Xiao practically snarled at you. You've never seen him this irritated ever, not even in the game. “The way you act makes no sense to me and it frustrates me that I can't figure you out.” 
You tilt your head at that sentence. I thought he just said he couldn't make much of human emotions? You traded your teasing smile to a more sincere look and bowed your head towards him. “I apologize for my crudeness and didn't intend to offend or make you uncomfortable, Xiao.” You spoke softly then looked back up to him, “It's just that people are more open to talking and making jokes about sex from my world given that it isn't really considered as taboo as it is here.” You give him a shaky smile, still wary of what his next action might be. “I'm sorry for being insensitive towards you.”
Xiao noticed your now timid and more reserved form as he stared at you, contemplating his next move. Xiao didn't expect this type of reaction from you. He thought you would have been more hard headed and rebuttal him, but you didn't. If anything you were so quick to apologize to him that it almost seemed to give him whiplash. He has to remember that you're from a completely different world from his and that you're not used to the customs of Liyue yet, even if you're somewhat familiar with the history of it. He then just realized what situation you were both in, with you being from a universe that was far beyond his, probably confused out of your mind, and him personally overseeing and taking care of a mortal being which he never thought he would do in his couple millennia of living. He also realized that you brought out human emotions from him like confusion and frustration, which rarely ever happened, which made him even more confused and frustrated. How could just one person be so infuriating? 
Xiao softened his glare and sighed. Perhaps you did have some redeeming qualities. You knew when to own up to your faults, even though they weren't entirely just yours but his as well. “Just try to be more aware of what you say in the future. That tongue of yours is going to get you into trouble if you aren't.” He turns around and continues on. “C’mon. We're almost there.”
You perked up at his response. He didn't slice my head off, thank fuck. You were very tempted to make a comment about how your tongue could do a lot of other things besides getting you in trouble but decided against it, seeing as you were walking on thin ice with him right now. After walking for a few minutes in silence, you decided to ask. “So you said that we start training today?”
“Yes. While I said that I was willing to protect you, I will not always be by your side. It would be best if you knew how to at least defend yourself.” He responded without looking back at you. 
You tilt your head to that. “Who said that I was defenseless?” When you replied to him you noticed a certain tall Geo Archon statue ahead. Holy shit! A real Statue of the Seven! 
As you and Xiao neared the statue, you felt an odd pull-like sensation in your chest as if someone had a string around your heart and was tugging it. You scrunch your eyebrows and look down in thought with a hand on your chest. That's strange… my heart just skipped a beat. It's probably because I'm stressed and dehydrated. I can't remember the last time I drank water since arriving here. You looked back up at the statue. Or is it because…? You shook your head and scoffed. No, that would be ridiculous. And too plot convenient! If I was able to have the ability to resonate with the archons then that would make me like Aether. You brushed off the feeling for now, putting it on the back burner of your mind. 
Xiao noticed you stopped, holding your chest while staring up at the statue of Morax. He looked mildly concerned, at best, for your well-being. “Are you alright?” 
You looked away from the statue to Xiao, giving him a smile. “Yeah I'm good. My chest was just fluttering a bit. Most likely because I'm dehydrated.” You looked back to Morax once more with stars in your eyes. “I can't believe I'm seeing an actual Geo Statue of the Seven! It's taller than I imagined!” 
As you admired the statue, and the Geo daddy that sat atop of it, Xiao mulled over what you had said to him. ‘Who said that I was defenseless?’ Is she implying that she knows some combative skills? Xiao looked at you perplexed. “What did you mean when you said that?” 
You looked back at him, also perplexed. “Said what?” 
Xiao deadpanned at you. This girl. He just rolled his eyes at you. “You said ‘who said that I was defenseless’. Are you suggesting that you know how to fight?” 
Walking away from the statue, while also ignoring the pulling sensation that seemed to get stronger the further you walked from it, you stood in front of Xiao with your arms crossed. “I'm saying I know how to protect myself. I don't go around randomly picking fights with strangers just to start a fight with them.” Unlike a certain Fatui Harbinger I know. “That being said, the people I've fought were normal people that didn't use Visions nor were they adepti.” You paused. “But I am pretty good at hand to hand combat and I've had some training in weapon disarming. So while I don't think I'd dominate the battlefield unlike you or Vision holders, I'd say that I would be able to survive and that's all that matters.” You finished your monologue with a shrug and a smile. 
Xiao looked at you, confused. “But I thought you said you were a healer?” 
You nodded at him. “I am. But who said I couldn't do both? I liked to train as a hobby and to keep in shape, since I was constantly running around the hospital.” You put your hands on your hips then shifted your weight over to your right leg. “I like to call myself a Jack of all trades, master of none.” You proudly state. 
She's so strange. Xiao thought. He then turned around and started walking towards the tree line behind the statue. “We'll just see how good you really are at surviving.” He told you, teetering between confidently and threatening. You couldn't really tell. You quickly ran up to catch him, ducking under branches and pushing leaves out of your face. “So… uh… is this going to be a fair fight?”
“There's no such thing as a fair fight.” As he pushed away the last branch, he walked into a niche opening out into a large, secluded, naturally formed pit-like clearing with high rock walls and a lake in the middle of it. Your eyes widened at the sight. It looked like something straight out of the How to Train Your Dragon movies. “Okay~ don't get mad at me when I play dirty then.” You teased as you threw him a playful look.
Xiao scoffed at you. “As if you could even lay a hand on me.” You chuckled. “Yeah, you're right. I'm totally gonna get my ass handed to me fighting you.” You both came to a stop in the middle of the clearing. 
Without warning Xiao kicked his leg out and swept your feet from under you, with you letting out a surprised yelp as you fell to the ground. You just sat on the ground processing what just happened. He's so fast! Not even two seconds in and I'm already flat on my ass. As you tried to sit up, your neck almost came in contact with the tip of his Primordial Jade Winged-Spear. Freezing in place you look up to Xiao. “Don't you think this is hardly fair to me?” 
He just stared at you. “I told you. There's no such thing as a fair fight. And I thought you said you knew how to disarm weapons?” He asked with a raised eyebrow and pulled his polearm away from you. You stood up and dusted off any dirt that gathered on you. “Well, yeah but I meant as in smaller weapons as in knives and guns, and not giant ass spears! Though I don't think you guys have any guns yet.” 
Xiao tilted his head. “Guns? What are th–?” You cut him off waving your hand at him. “Don't worry about it, I'll tell you later. But you're right. There is no such thing as a fair fight and I won't get any better if I don't learn how to protect myself against these types of weapons.” You looked at Xiao with fierce determination in your eyes. 
In that moment, Xiao saw you in a different kind of light. Gone was the sassy teenage version of you that he had come to know and in front of him was now the mature adult woman you claimed to be, glowing with a desire to better knowledge yourself of this crazy world you were thrown in known as Teyvat. 
Xiao gave a determined look of his own and summoned his polearm again. “Hmph. Don't expect me to go easy on you.” 
You gave him a sly smirk then got into a fighting stance. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”
Xiao lowered his body into a fighting stance and readied his spear. He shifted his weight towards his back leg seemingly ready to strike. Noticing this, you slightly raised onto the balls of your feet and brought your hands close to your chin; staying loose and relaxed. However, as he was about to rush towards you, he teleported away. That made you tense up slightly and swivel your head around looking for him. Xiao then appeared right in front of you swinging the body of his spear into your stomach, knocking the wind out of you in the process. Your body flew back from the force and collided with the ground again. You laid on the ground coughing, trying to catch your breath from the hit. Damn. He really isn't holding back. You groaned as you slowly got up and turned to him. 
“Again.” You tell him. 
Xiao prepared himself once more. This time he did lunge at you aiming to strike you in the head. Your eyes widened at the speed he was going, you quickly lowered yourself and slipped to the left of the blade, albeit a little sloppy. Notice that his stomach was open, you aimed to throw a right hook even though you knew how predictable that was. As you suspected, Xiao saw through you and dodged to your right, moving behind you. You took this as an opportunity to throw a donkey kick straight back in hopes of hitting him somehow, but the little fucker decided to teleport again. 
The momentum of you kicking the air brought you up and you prepared yourself for him to show up again. As you started to straighten up, Xiao appeared behind you and kicked you in the back, sending you to earth once more. Recovering quickly, you rolled onto your back and kipped-up back into a fighting position. It caught Xiao slightly off guard that you were able to do an acrobatic move, but he shook it off quickly. Xiao rushed at you then disappeared again before meeting you. As you began to understand his pattern you quickly turned around and met Xiao face to face. Surprised that you caught on so soon, Xiao swung his spear horizontally as if he planned to cut your head off. You tried to bend backwards swiftly like you were in the Matrix to avoid the attack but your balance sucked ass and you fell. As Xiao turned around back to you, he brought his spear down to stab you in the stomach. 
Panicking, you let out a short scream and rolled out of the way of the attack then went to your knees panting. Your face was flushed with heat and exertion along with sweat dripping down your chin and your hair stuck to your face. You looked like a hot mess. I can't get close to him until I get rid of the stupid spear. That was your new objective, get Xiao away from his spear. 
You made the first move this time sprinting towards Xiao. He composed himself, polearm at the ready waiting to see what you would do. As you closed in on him, you threw a right round kick towards his ribs. Xiao went to deflect the kick with his polearm but you quickly redirected the kick to the blade of the spear. Since Xiao’s grip on his spear was further away from the blade, the spear didn't have enough support at the top where you kicked, sending it flying out of his hands. The shock on his face was a look that you would remember forever. As his polearm was twirling in the air, you quickly put your foot down and attempted to sweep Xiao’s out from under him with your left leg.
But of course, that would have been too easy. As you did so, the young handsome adeptus teleported to his spear and easily caught it, with you watching him in dissatisfaction. You let out an annoyed groan. “God damnit! I almost had it!” You yelled with a stomp of your foot. However, when you stomped your foot, the pulling sensation you've felt ever since you saw the Geo Statue increased ten fold and you grasped your chest in surprise, nearly falling to your knees from the feeling. A shock wave was released from your stomp and a pillar eerily similar to Zhongli’s pillars came out from the ground under Xiao and sent him flying into the air. Shock coursed through your veins watching the sight unfold. Oh no… no, no, no! That couldn't have been me right?! 
As you were suffering through your inner turmoil, Xiao quickly recovered from the shock of what happened and a familiar feeling of pure anger surged through his veins. So she’s had a vision this whole time?! He instantly teleported to you and knocked you to the ground while you were distracted. You let out a surprised scream when he hit you then looked up at him, disoriented. 
Noticing the position you were in, you couldn't help but flush a little bit. Xiao sat on top of you straddling your waist with one hand holding both of your wrists down in his above your head and his spear deathly close to your neck. His face was so close to yours that both of your noses were almost touching and his eyes that normally had a bored look to them were now gazing at you with a glare so cold that it could put Kaeya’s vision to shame. It was then when you looked at him, sitting on you with the light from the setting sun enhancing his handsome features with the an almost murderous look on his face, that you were filled with fear, for this was a Yaksha that had dealt with death for thousands of years, but at the same time you were filled with fascination for the young adeptus before you. 
“You said that you weren't from this world.” He said deathly calm and that terrifies the shit out of you. You would much rather deal with Xiao yelling at you then talking calmly. 
You begin to squirm a little bit under his gaze. “I'm not! I swear!” You quickly tell him. He glared at you even harder, if that was possible. “Then explain to me how you were able to summon a Geo pillar, one that looks exactly the same as Rex Lapis.” He pushes the blade of his spear closer to your neck, almost drawing blood. 
You start to panic. “I don't know! Maybe it had to do something with my chest hurting?!” Xiao looked at you puzzled. “Like what you said back at the Statue of the Seven?” You nod at him. “Yes, I think so!” He stared at you for a moment, you looking at him pleadingly  and your form almost trembling under him. He looked for any signs of lying but he found none, only you looking at him with your eyes, asking him to believe you. 
Xiao very reluctantly pulled his spear from your neck. He didn't release your hands, but pulled back enough so that you could breathe. “Explain your reasoning. What do you think this has to do with the Statue?”
You took a deep breath then shakily exhaled. “So my hypothesis is that when I first showed up at the Statue and when I complained of my chest feeling strange, it felt more of a pulling feeling. Like someone was beckoning me closer, to touch the Statue. And surely Rex Lapis knows that I'm here and that I'm not from this world, right?” You ask him. He doesn't respond. You harshly swallow and continue your explanation. “So maybe Rex Lapis felt pity for me? That's the only logical explanation I can think of.” You stared up to Xiao, patiently waiting for him to process this new information. After a moment of contemplation, Xiao released your arms and stood up off of you.
You sat up, rubbing your sore shoulders then a hand came into your view. Xiao was looking off to the side avoiding eye contact with you. As if this was something completely out of his comfort zone, which it probably was. You wordless grabbed his hand and he helped you up.  You both stand in silence for a minute, trying to understand what had just happened moments ago. Does this mean I'm like Aether?
“So… what now?” You drawl out. Xiao crossed his arms and thought. What do you even do in this sort of situation? Both of you were at a loss on what to do. 
“I don't know.” Xiao replied gruffly. “But it would be unwise to let you travel given your current situation. So until you have some basic knowledge of your newfound ability, it would be best if you stay with me.” He then looked towards you. “Perhaps we might even pay Rex Lapis a visit.”
That surprised you. Xiao suggesting you, a dumbass mortal girl, to stay and travel with him, an extremely attractive and powerful adeptus? That doesn't seem like him at all. You shake your head in disbelief and put a head to your forehead. “If I really can resonate with the Archons, just how more cliché could this get?” You give out a chuckle. “What's next? I become part of a harem?”
Oh how you wish you'd never said that. 
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