gcguafub · 2 days
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Round 2 Day 2
Suggestion no.1: Nightmare
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gcguafub · 2 days
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25 posts!
I finally got another Tumblr milestone!
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gcguafub · 2 days
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(raising your mystic kid au -- episode one - part two)
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gcguafub · 2 days
2012 x Rise TMNT: Space-Off!
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Aaa, Piece i did for @turtlestogetherzine !!!! Probably the most chaotic comic pages I’ve done ever, but was so fun! :D
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gcguafub · 2 days
Okok fnf week 7 i cant stop replaying the part where pico just descended from the sky like SIR give me time to prepare... ALSO pico n gf teaming up on bf is gr8 and all but pls CONSIDER- Gf and bf teaming up to absolutely wreck pico and they keep complimenting on how cute he is when hes laughing and how lucky they are to have him reducing him to a flustered mess. And picos laugh is usually a low chuckle but gets very high pitched and squealy when tickled so they both just melt hearing it.. Hhnfg
OK LAST ONE SORRY LOL. While pico and gf has ganged up (often) on bf before (the poor boy sobs) and maybe bf and gf would do the same to pico sometimes, they cant do the same with gf since shes confirmed a demon and can take both boys down with ease lmao. (They did managed to get her once but thats just because she lets them cuz she loves them ssssh 😔)
i am just. in love with pico these headcanons bring me so much serotonin WAAAHHHH
SQUEALY PICO IS ABSOLUTELY PRIME NOTHING CAN BE BETTER THAN SQUEALY GIGGLY PICO i just love the thought of tough carrot boy being reduced to giggles by the ones he loves n trusts the most
i just. i am weak for this poly ship i love it so much sobsobsob
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gcguafub · 3 days
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bf and pico posting ^_^
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gcguafub · 4 days
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FDonnie is still cute in his overalls!!😭💜✨️ but we know that even they can update their design, just wait!✨️
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gcguafub · 4 days
Here’s Bf, Gf and Pico’s stickers if anyone wants them lol
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gcguafub · 4 days
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gcguafub · 4 days
fuck wait gf is a JAGUAR too. that's TWO big cats pouting like the crying cat pics that BF has to deal with now
Anonymous asked: tiger pico pouting is just the many crying cat pics
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gcguafub · 4 days
Meows in inky bubbles
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gcguafub · 7 days
Ok but what if tmnt 2012 au where everything is the same but leo's a hamster
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gcguafub · 8 days
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I'm sorry not sorry. But I had to draw the two! they both cute!
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gcguafub · 8 days
Okay! Because it is the special 400! We are starting my surprise series me and @dallyhall came up with based on the episode "Down With the Sickness"
So pretty much the premise is: you know the captain cuddle cakes or stage 3? We changed that up! Stage 3 becomes the ler stage! When they get sick and enter stage three everything ler wise is amplified (They all fear Mikey)
This is the Stage 3 Series!!! I'm so excited to write this!
We're starting off with Leo! I hope you enjoy!
The people in this: Ler!Leo, Lee!Donnie, Lee!Mikey, Lee!Raph
Tw: some intense tickles sort of! And a Mention of being panicked, That's about it other than that it's adorable!
Thank you all for 400! This is for you guys! I love you all so much! :] /p /gen /pos
-K :]
Stage Three: Leo!
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"ACHOO!" Time seemed to stop right then and there. All three turtles slowly turned to look at their brother in blue.
"Leooo? You okay buddyy?" Raph asked him calmly. Being sick wasn't new to them, and none of them, minus Donnie, were worried about catching anything, but things have changed. Recently, because they have grown, the stage three of being sick for all of the turtles has changed from captain cuddle cakes to the ultimate tickle monster.
Everything was enhanced, it was like having a ler mood times 3000. That's why everyone was shaking in their metaphorical boots right now. It has been too long since one of them got sick, they could not afford this right now.
"Guys, I'm fineee! Don't worry! It's allergy season!" Leo dismissed their worries but the more time went on the more he started to not feel right, did he eat another poison puff?, no no, hmm, uh oh-
"Is it hot in here?"
Their eyes widened as they all looked at him again,
"Stage One!" They shouted in unison, really starting to panic now. Leo sighed and looked at them, trying to calm everyone down.
"Guys really I'm f-fi- achoo!" He sniffed "I'm fine!"
"Quarantine him!"
"No! Guys! Raph! Put me down!" Leo complained before they gently threw him in a room putting up the special sick divider they have for occasions like this.
"This is stupid I'm not sick"
"He's in denial" Donnie said in his normal monotoned voice
"He's moving to stage two!" Mikey said dramatically as he slid down the length of Donnies arm onto the floor.
"Relax! He's in there, when he gets to stage three we'll be safe!" Raph said confidently as Donnie gently and soothingly rubbed the top of Mikeys head.
The three of them went to do their own thing. Mikey cautiously came back with soup which Leo thanked him for, things seemed to be normal. Either he wasn't in stage three yet or stage three went back to captain cuddle cakes but that's impossible...right?
Mikey rushed to get the others "guys! Leo seems normal, were we wrong about him being sick? Has stage three changed back? I don't know what's going on!" Mikey babbled before Donnie shook his head 'no'
"No no, he's definitely sick, maybe he's playing mind games, to try and lure you in for stage 3"
Mikey whimpered in fear before giggling a little in anticipation.
"Shhh Mikey! We can't wake up stage three!" Donnie whisper yelled as the three of them peaked around the corner to check on him.
Eyes widened as they saw that they were staring at nothing.
"Uhhh guys...he's gone" Raph spoke as he looked down "Mikey?!"
"HE'S GOT MIKEY!" They shouted together as they looked around
"He was right here! Great Galileo! we are doomed!" Raph placed his hands on his younger brothers shoulders
"Breathe Donnie, We have the advantage, prepare yourself and let him have Mikey! You know he's the most ticklish anyway! Maybe he'll only go for him"
"You're right! I wish you the best of luck, big brother" he wiped a fake tear as Raph nodded
"It's been an honor, little brother!" Raph saluted him as they went their sepreate ways.
Mikey, on the other hand, had been taken away and put in his room "m-my room? But why?" He was so confused, this was so different than other stage threes before.
He heard a distant giggling, and then a million different portals illuminated the room covering almost every inch of the space but the floor. Mikeys eyes widened as he turned and tried to follow the giggling but it sounded like it was coming from every direction.
"Leoooo" Mikey whined cautiously, aware of the giggles that threatened to spill out from Mikeys lips as they bubbled up in his chest. He felt a poke to his side but when he turned there wasn’t a hand in sight.
Another poke
And another
"Leheheo! Quit poking mehe" Mikey quickly covered his mouth. The youngest knew he was doomed as the low chuckle that once echoed all over the room made itself present again.
Mikey spun around and was now face to face with the man himself "Boo!" Leo said as he pulled Mikey into a portal that took them to the soundproof garage,
"Now I can get those precious giggles of yours all to myself~" Leo smirked as he held Mikeys hands up above his head with one hand.
Mikey couldn't contain the giggles, Stage Three: The tickle monster stage.
"Leheheo plehease!"
"I haven't even touched you yet giggles~" he wiggled his fingers teasingly at him, Leo's classic smirk grew tenfold as he scanned his little brother for the first spot he would go to
"I'm saving those precious knees for last, for right now~ these ticklish sides of yours are calling my name!" He thought out loud before gently squeezing and scribbling alll over Mikeys sides, letting go of pinning him down so he can use both hands.
Mikey squeaked before he lightly tried to push at Leo's hands. "LEHeheHeO! NOhoHoHo!" He giggled like a little kid, which made Leo smile.
"You're too adorable little brother! I knew picking you first was the right choice, Once I heard those giggles it was quite an easy decision~" he booped his nose as Mikeys face dusted a light pink.
"IHihit's a blehehessing and a cursEE HEHE LEHeHeO!" He squealed before the tickle monster in him decided it was time for his littlest brothers stomach to get some raspberries
Mikey lightly pushed at his head as he tried to get away "IHhIT TIhHicKles!"
Leo giggled "I would hope so, hmmm I'm not satisfied yet, let's say we move down, does that sound good gigglebug?~"
Mikeys eyes widened and he chirped as Leo dragged his fingers down his thighs to his knees gently tapping the tops of them
"LEHEHEEO! DohoHon't! Thahat's my tihihickle spot!" He giggled with anticipation and spoke so innocently as if he hadn't been tickled many many times before by his big brothers, especially Leo!
"Oh? Right heree you say?~" Leo giggled as he gently squeezed his knee caps and listened to Mikey snort.
Leo scribbled all over his knees from the tops of them to underneath them leaving no spot untickled.
"Yehehes~" Leo giggled along with him as he gently flipped his youngest brother over and blew raspberries behind his knees.
Mikey chirped and snorted again "LEHEHEO PLEAHAHAHASE IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!"
"Oh does this tickle too?~" he asked with a smirk as he gently nibbled behind his knees
"EEE! YEHEHES-" He snorted again as his fists gently hit the floor "ALOHOHOT!"
"We're almost done cutie pie" he teased him like any big brother would as he gently dragged his teeth from the back of his knees to the back of his thighs.
Mikeys laugh went silent before he snorted and let out his genuine laughter "LEHEHE LEHEHE!"
Leo giggled and stopped as he rubbed away the ghost tickles before gently rubbing Mikeys head "Time to find the others, adios Hermano~" he winked portaling Mikey back to his room and them himself to the living room to start looking for the others.
Leo giggled as he wandered the house, "Raphieeeee come out come out wherever you areee~"
Raphs eyes widened as he covered his mouth. He didn't even hear Mikey get caught how is this possible?! He was hiding behind the biggest arcade machine they have. The sound of the machines rattled with Leo's teasy voice getting closer and closer with every passing second. He had no time to think about it, this was game time if he's caught it's over.
"Raphieeee I'm gonna getchaa!~" He smirked as he popped his head into the arcade "now this looks like the kind of place my big brother would be~"
Raph put another hand to his mouth trying to hold back any threatening giggles that lingered in his throat.
Leo tapped every machine until he got to the one Raph was hiding behind. With a smirk he teased "Oh where could he be!" He giggled a little, peeking his head over the side of it. "I found you my little Raphadoodlee~"
Raph squeaked as he tried to get away before Leo gently pounced onto him wasting no time scribbling all over his spikes
"Leo! Wait!- NOHOHO HAHA!-" Raph snorted mid-sentence as Leo's smirk grew and he continued "Dawww what's the matter? Is Raphiee Ticklwishh?~" He spoke in his baby voice as he switched between Raphs ribs and his spikes
"LEHeheOOHO! KNohoHocK IHit OHoFf!" He tried to squirm without hurting him but his face started to get redder than his bandana
"Look at your face!" Leo giggled before blowing raspberries to his spikes "Does it tickleeeee?~"
"Coochie Coochie Coo wittle Laughy Raphhiee~" He smirked, watching his older brother crumble gently to the floor in order to try and hide his face
"Okahay okahay!" Leo gently rubbed away the ghost tickles before walking out of the arcade. "Be good for me now giggles i've got a scientist to find~"
"Oh DONNIEEEE~" he wandered out of the arcade towards Donnies room/lab.
The purple clad turtles eyes were already wide upon hearing Raphs laughter from his lab, he thought for sure Leo would have been done after both of them but-
"Oh my banana pancakes I am doomed" he spoke quietly before his lab doors were busted open
"Deee Deee~ my favorite twinnn come give your brother some giggles~" Donnie squeaked as Leo was already tackling him gently down to the floor faster than he could blink! Mikey had the strength but Leo for sure had the speed.
Leo smirked and scribbled all over the top of his thighs "Tickle Tickle tickleee~ wittle DonLEE~"
"LEHeheO! COhohoMe OHohon! NOhot Fahair! LehEhet MeHe GohoHo!" Donnies pleads went in one ear and out the other as Leo gently flipped him over and lightly pinched all over the back of his thighs
"Tickletickletickletickle! You know you have the most precious laugh in the whole world Dee Dee~ I could listen to it for hourss!" Leo smiled as he blew raspberries all over the back of his thighs.
"NohOHOHO! NOHOT TRUHUE! LEHeheO sTAhaP IhIHIT!-" He snorted after his sentence making Leo giggle some more before gently bitting all over the back of his thighs
"We're almost done gigglebug~" he gently dragged his teeth down from the top of the back of his thighs to his knees
"LEHEHE LEHEHE!" Donnies face turned crimson as he stimmed happily
"Okahay okay" Leo giggled gently rubbing away his ghost tickles before getting off of him.
"ACHOO!-" Leo sneezed again before he gently fell asleep. Donnie took him back to quarantine before gathering the others.
"It's official stage three is over!" Donnie spoke with great pleasure as he looked at them all, red faced and some still giggling.
"I haven't laughed like that in so long" Mikey said as they all agreed,
"Let's try and keep our distance until it clears and hope none of us gets sick" Raph spoke as they nodded
A few moments later
"ACHOO!-" uh ohhhh...
I hope you all enjoyed this special! I can't wait to write the rest of this series but I'm gonna have everyone vote for who's next!
Also credits to @aninabanina6969 for the Laughy Raphie nickname! That was all her, not me! Credit where credit is due!
Thank you all for 400! You all mean so much to me and I'm so happy for this incredible community, for all of you, for the wonderful people I've met here and more! You are loved, you are appreciated, you are important and valid and I'm so proud of you! Never forget that!
Have an amazing day everyone <3
-K :]
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gcguafub · 11 days
You don't have to...but I wanna see Whitty listening to music with headphones in, and Bf is just curious about what he's listening to. Also they're on a bench, and Bf is sitting next to him looking confused as to what he's listening to.
(My guess? It's a Corpse Husband song, since in my opinion, it goes that way for Whitty.)
sorry it's so sloppy and lazy and probably not quite what you wanted but here
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whitty's just vibin and bf is just hella confused bc yea.. hearing some dude that sounds almost exactly like your crush singing about choking and other such things sounds totally groovy and not all that awkward at all no sir lol
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gcguafub · 11 days
You don't have to...but I wanna see Whitty listening to music with headphones in, and Bf is just curious about what he's listening to. Also they're on a bench, and Bf is sitting next to him looking confused as to what he's listening to.
(My guess? It's a Corpse Husband song, since in my opinion, it goes that way for Whitty.)
sorry it's so sloppy and lazy and probably not quite what you wanted but here
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whitty's just vibin and bf is just hella confused bc yea.. hearing some dude that sounds almost exactly like your crush singing about choking and other such things sounds totally groovy and not all that awkward at all no sir lol
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gcguafub · 17 days
I recently introduced the idea that Mario and Luigi both get service animals to help with their respective problems (Luigi's Thunderhand causes seizures when he's either really stressed or if he just overuses it, and Mario struggles with anxiety and panic attacks), so I decided to draw our good boy/girl respectively.
EDIT! I am no longer going to be portraying Luigi with seizures, for reasons explained in my latest post. Please go read it!
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