geisterland · 22 hours
yeah lol! you know it’s bad when even the UK isn’t defending portugal
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geisterland · 22 hours
Sometimes the angry latino escapes out of me and I have to write about the ways in which Portugal in my story is a deeply flawed person. It’s really nice.
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geisterland · 22 hours
There’s one thing that really separates Portugal from the rest of the “main colonizer countries” (UK, France and Spain. I know there are others) in my mind is that, contrary to certain people in his own government, he just feels such like… Immense crushing guilt and shame about his past all the time. Things that happened during the period in which he was dead (estado novo) such as the wars of Independence of lusophone African countries are things he can sort of abstract as not being his fault, but everything that came before it… But honestly, it’s still a twisted kind of guilt, in a way. Portugal doesn’t necessarily feel bad for the colonization itself - because well, he was just following the country he represents, wasn’t he? he didn’t do anything bad out of his own volition! -, he feels bad about his lack of closeness to his former colonial possessions, for having never been there for them. Whenever he’s with the other Lusophone countries, there’s just such an distance between everyone and Portugal, which is something that personally hurts him.
But he knows that he’s never said anything in the past, knows he never made the effort to be there or to make the situation better for them, so these bridges are pretty much broken beyond repair. Portugal desires a weird sense of fatherhood to them, something he knows he can never have because, well… He’s just never having a colony again. He’s never going to have the “opportunity” to get what he really wants - a deep familial connection. He just can’t be a father to them, time has passed, and really, none of them want it either.
Sometimes he wished he could go back in time, do things differently, perhaps even give Iberian Union the type of attention they never received from him or Spain, but he just can’t. It’s impossible. Time’s arrow only goes forward, and he already messed up irreparably.
In principle, Portugal knows that it’s the colonization itself that was bad, but in his mind… The almost selfish desire to be a father is what matters the most.
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geisterland · 23 hours
new favorite video
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geisterland · 23 hours
Augh I have so many writing ideas I do not know which ones to start first
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geisterland · 3 days
Next time you draw world organizations can you draw mercosul for me thank you
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geisterland · 5 days
Hey, happy pride month!
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geisterland · 6 days
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geisterland · 7 days
The best thing about writing in Portuguese is that when I translate it into English its basically like editing the story already
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geisterland · 7 days
Thinking about east germany and I think she would play chess with poland (although she never ever won. random but I don’t think poland would throw games just to make someone else feel better, even if she likes them)… And I would write something about that but frankly I don’t know anything about chess
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geisterland · 7 days
At some point if you tried to speak English with her she would quite literally go “nooo sorry I don’t speak English” and run away from you
So I was talking with someone today about the Brazilian accent in English and its tendency to add vowels (particularly i or e) where there "are none", and surprise surprise that got me thinking about Brazil the CH character.
For some time she really tried to speak "correctly" and got super unnecessarily stressed about that, to the point where it wasn't really helping and just made her try to avoid speaking it at all costs. This would be exacerbated during moments where her relationship with English-speaking countries is very important. It paused a little during the Vargas era, especially with his push against foreign languages (shutting down non-Portuguese speaking newspapers and schools), but I think the biggest death of her "speaking correctly" obssession was during the Civic-Military dictatorship with another push for appreciation of Brazilian culture that the government did. That and primarily, you know, her fallout with USA.
With Brazil, she tends to get influenced by her government a lot more than she'd like. From the 90s to now, she probably took a more... Ironic of sorts approach to English. She doesn't try as hard to speak the "correct" way and does that intentional abrasileiração of English words as a meme lol. Not to say she still isn't a little insecure about her accent, but that goes for any other language she can speak.
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geisterland · 8 days
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this is how I imagine the communist countries during the cold war
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geisterland · 8 days
So I was talking with someone today about the Brazilian accent in English and its tendency to add vowels (particularly i or e) where there "are none", and surprise surprise that got me thinking about Brazil the CH character.
For some time she really tried to speak "correctly" and got super unnecessarily stressed about that, to the point where it wasn't really helping and just made her try to avoid speaking it at all costs. This would be exacerbated during moments where her relationship with English-speaking countries is very important. It paused a little during the Vargas era, especially with his push against foreign languages (shutting down non-Portuguese speaking newspapers and schools), but I think the biggest death of her "speaking correctly" obssession was during the Civic-Military dictatorship with another push for appreciation of Brazilian culture that the government did. That and primarily, you know, her fallout with USA.
With Brazil, she tends to get influenced by her government a lot more than she'd like. From the 90s to now, she probably took a more... Ironic of sorts approach to English. She doesn't try as hard to speak the "correct" way and does that intentional abrasileiração of English words as a meme lol. Not to say she still isn't a little insecure about her accent, but that goes for any other language she can speak.
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geisterland · 8 days
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germany, austria, and a kitty
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geisterland · 8 days
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(by Aaron Burden)
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geisterland · 8 days
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I always draw flags in my drawings cuz I want people to know who the characters are but some of you have got to some hard to draw flags
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geisterland · 8 days
It was 6 C° today and I'm going somewhere even colder for Corpus Christi. Suffice it to say I'm a happy person currently lol
It finally got back to being cold where I live and it's a really big relief. Well, until next time that climate change starts messing with us again... Never been really good with the heat, I can't really think properly when it's too hot.
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