geodethecrow 3 hours
I don't think rice is bad for you. I think it's tasty
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geodethecrow 3 hours
"you would do numbers on tumblr" is something you can say to real life acquaintances without them knowing you are threatening them with Bodily Violence
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geodethecrow 3 hours
Tumblr media
back from the pharmacy
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geodethecrow 3 hours
not raised catholic but my mom was exposed in childhood so i inherited the antibodies (generational catholic guilt)
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geodethecrow 3 hours
Just saw a pigeon walking around with no head
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geodethecrow 3 hours
Tumblr media
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geodethecrow 3 hours
They recorded tinnitus? It's a physical thing?????
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geodethecrow 3 hours
Tumblr media
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geodethecrow 3 hours
Tumblr media
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geodethecrow 3 hours
the human stress response seems so maladaptive!
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geodethecrow 3 hours
Tumblr media
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geodethecrow 4 hours
i never stop blogging even when im really upset i just sit there sobbing hitting buttons and reblogging everything
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geodethecrow 5 hours
I am going to get a good grade in writing an email to a therapist asking if they're accepting new clients, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
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geodethecrow 5 hours
How will you be voting this election as a liberal/left leaning voter?
Not voting
Third Party
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geodethecrow 5 hours
cat: skitters across the room at top speed and stops to stare at me
me: hello
cat: skitters in the opposite direction at terminal velocity
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geodethecrow 7 hours
Now and then I see someone upset that a post has "lost them followers" on tumblr dot com and it has prompted me to wonder... How do they know? Are people keeping close track of their follower counts and triangulating significant changes by what was posted at that time?
This is multiple questions in one but let's just start with...
Please reblog this because I'm pretty sure I don't have very many followers (not that I've checked recently) and I'm desperate for that sweet sweet data.
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geodethecrow 7 hours
big wii sports overlay that says Normal! whenever i do anything so i know im not insane
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