hi dearest i just came over here from ao3 and i was wondering if you remembered the name of the artist that did the picture that’s your ao3 profile pic!! It’s so cute I love it 💖💖
i just want you to know i have logged back into this account after like 2 years of inactivity to answer this because i still love maya to this day and im happy you also appreciate her art ♥️
my ao3 icon was a commission i had done by @perseruna ! pls go show her some love she does AMAZING art uwu
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ohhh please let it be a ponytail or something
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barbie: snip ‘n style
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Little prompt for you: established relationship jeraskier where they go home to meet jaskiers parents and despite jask’s protests geralt is sure they will hate him, who wouldnt be appalled at their son’s lover being a witcher, would not go at all except jaskier has begged him to… but it turns out they looove him. I think the common fanon is that jaskier comes from terrible rich people but what if his family is just as eccentric and free spirited as he is
Despite the humid warmth and the day's sun lingering in the air and the rock beneath him, Jaskier settled as close as he could to his pensive lover gazing out at the sea. The position was so similar to one on a long-ago mountaintop that his brain freely made the leap while steadfastly ignoring the peek it gave him of a not-quite-forgotten drop.
"So we finally made it to the coast," he noted. "Worth the trip?"
A hum was his only answer, but it was an agreeable hum, and Geralt's arm curling around his waist spoke more eloquently still.
"You didn't tell me your family would be here."
"Well," Jaskier hedged, "to be fair, I didn't exactly know they would be here."
Geralt turned to him then, one eyebrow raised in amused suspicion.
"Your mother said they come to this house every year at this time. Have since you were a child."
"True as that might be," Jaskier retorted, nose in the air, "the fact remains that I haven't joined them in several years. For all I knew, they'd sold the place."
Geralt's other eyebrow joined its damnable fellow.
"It's your fault," Jaskier accused. "You wouldn't have come if I'd told you, no matter how much I assured you of your welcome."
Geralt offered another hum of assent before his eyes returned to the sea. His golden gaze glowed, and Jaskier lost himself in comparisons to the glittering waves gilt by the setting sun before Geralt spoke again.
"Your predictions of my welcome have often proved dangerously optimistic."
"Well, that's your fault as well."
Geralt snorted.
"It is!" Jaskier insisted. "I was but a lad splashing in the shallows of your kindness, poking about in the tide pools of your good nature, and then bam!" He emphasized his point with a clap. "I was swept away in the rip current of your noble heart and plunged into regard beyond the hearing of any word of doubt or dissent."
Geralt's soft chuckle grew to open laughter halfway through the declaration, and Jaskier basked in it, more proud of producing that sound than any song he'd ever sung or played.
"Am I a wolf or am I a tide?" Geralt asked. "Make up your mind."
"You're a wolf with the heart of a tide." When Geralt shook his head, Jaskier shoved against his side, threatening his place on their shared perch. "It's a perfectly valid metaphor!"
"For Valdo Marx perhaps."
With a gasp of outrage, Jaskier turned his slight shove into an all-out shoulder slam that sent them both sprawling into the sand. Geralt's laughter rang out again as they wrestled without care for the grit and the damp, and it was echoed by the shouts of encouragement from Jaskier's sisters and their husbands farther up the beach. When he pinned the Witcher beneath him, he didn't let the silly fact that Geralt had allowed it to diminish from his triumph.
"You will answer for your insolence, you blackguard," he declared, and he administered punishment in the form of a crushing kiss, to the vocal approval of the Pankratz clan.
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blood for blood
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and it’s done guys… as I said:  I’m freaking fixing this… enjoying the idea of Jaskier falling through a portal and ending up in a parallel universe with a different Geralt who adores him :3
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goddess of badonkers, i mean some serious honkers, massive dohoonkabhankoloos
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ciris dad
is really where its at
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Fanon Jaskier vs Canon Jaskier
I love them both
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Geralt and Yennefer + Smiling at Each Other
I quite like your nonsense. ♡(ŐωŐ人)
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i know the kindest thing is to never leave you alone
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THE WITCHER 1.01 • “The End’s Beginning”
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I love my rockstar pirate son
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h e l l o ??? I never thought I'd say that, but the hat actually makes it. Like. I am looking.
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You asked for Catralt, so you get him! His sleeping habits are... distinctly feline. Kinda a second part to this.
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#like father, like daughter
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