ghostlyapivorous · 5 days
Thought I'd start sharing my fics here for the sake of posting. Maybe I'll talk about them a little bit? Hopefully, nobody minds hearing me ramble! ^^;
So, Stray Bullet was my first ever BNHA fic, and I started it at a tremulous time in my life. I was only on ff.net at the time, and several months prior to writing this, I quit writing for another fandom after getting nothing but scathing comments on my work. At the time, my mother had just passed away. The comment that put me over the edge still stands out in my mind, just a rampage of negativity ending with a, "oh, and sorry for your mom."
I stopped writing for months after that. I quit posting on ff.net for YEARS. BNHA on AO3 was my last attempt. I told myself that if this didn't go anywhere, I'd quit writing. So, I wrote one more fic, this one.
I now have 27 BNHA fics under my belt and so much love and support from the community! I'm so glad that I wrote this fic, because it's led to so much good in my life and I don't know what I'd do without the friends I've made on the way.
Alright, enough of the sappiness. If you haven't read Stray Bullet and are a fan of Bakugou Katsuki, then go ahead and take a look! <3
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ghostlyapivorous · 5 days
heeeeeyyy, mod anterior here, um i’m just here to drop some fanart for a lovely fanfic by @anonymoustwit of ao3 called Schrodinger’s Heist it’s great i love it
the fanart is for their character Hamuro and,,, i just love her okay she’s thirteen and she’s traumatized what more could you want in a character
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look at her, adorable
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ghostlyapivorous · 6 days
why does my caladium act like she is starving for light. hang on
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ghostlyapivorous · 6 days
great pyrenees are so fucking awesome theyre just big. if i didnt think that owning one was a supremely bad idea for me in particular id get one. i just think itd become my boss or something. im too lazy for a working breed truly
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ghostlyapivorous · 9 days
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haunted ass photo
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ghostlyapivorous · 9 days
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Team Avatar having a fun time 🦆🐢✨
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ghostlyapivorous · 9 days
This miniature horse in Colombia enjoys cuddling.
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ghostlyapivorous · 10 days
Blog Master Post
Making a pinned post so it's easier to find comics on my blog and other frequently searched posts!
"Change" (Bowuigi Comic): Bowser finds himself frustrated at Mario and Peach's wedding. He strikes up a conversation with Luigi that leads them both down a path they were too stubborn to face before. ( notable tags: Human!Bowser, Miscommunication, enemies to lovers) Status- FINISHED
"Built to Burn" (sequel to "Change"): With a new life and a new future, Bowser ends his alliance with King Boo in favor of a life of peace with Luigi by his side. Enraged at the sudden loss of his only friend and ally, King Boo vows to make luigi suffer-and Bowser his forever. Status-In Progress
"Little Mermaid" AU: Sidlink one-shot comic. I redrew the Little Mermaid scene of Ariel's meeting with Ursula the Sea-Witch as a Sidlink AU. Link goes to Ursula to bargain to be with Sidon. Ursula makes a deal to turn him into a Zora in exchange for his voice. Status- FINISHED.
"Untouchable Things" tribute: Short Sidlink comic of a scene from the Fic of the same name, Untouchable Things. Status-FINISHED.
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ghostlyapivorous · 10 days
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Worked on this all day to make sure I could get this update out earlier than planned lol. Thanks for all your patience over the past 1.5 months waiting for this update!! Anyway big things coming in part two! Please read the tags for this before reading as some content can bother some people. Comments appreciated i worked so hard on this.
previous: chapter 1 and 2
next: ?
This is a sequel! First comic can be found here.
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ghostlyapivorous · 10 days
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Wanted to draw tyler
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ghostlyapivorous · 10 days
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ghostlyapivorous · 10 days
Beyond Belief with Jonathan Frakes except it's tumblr posts
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ghostlyapivorous · 11 days
I despise short form content.
I hate YouTube shorts and I hate Instagram reels. I hate not having control over the time I spend on these 2 particular apps and just how easy it is to get lost — after all, that's what they are designed to do.
If you're on the same boat as me and don't want to download some sketchy shit to stop those urges, let me show how to completely remove ads, shorts, reels and skip annoying sponsors with just the Firefox mobile browser.
Below the cut is an (I hope) comprehensive guide on how to achieve the dream homepage
Before I begin, I need to say that:
I am not sponsored by anything mentioned
This is only tested on an android device
There is a trade off in performance in both apps
Notifications will direct you to the hellscape that is the original app
The font in the screenshots is not something native to Firefox, I just love pixels
Here is a pros and cons list to using my method
YouTube pros:
No ads
No sponsorships (mostly)
No shorts
No community posts
Background play (finicky)
More privacy
Extentions for this are all widely used
Outdated UI
Unable to have a video minimised at the bottom of the screen by scrolling down
Slower to load vids on homescreen (not by much)
Full screen is a bit finicky sometimes
Important to note:
I don't know if this impacts data usage
Video quality is the same
I've been using this for at least a month, imho the pros outweigh the cons by a BIG margin.
Instagram pros:
No ads
No reels
Quicker access to direct messages
Definitely a lot more laggy
Refreshes are sometimes needed
Extention is not used by many
Important to note:
Same as YouTube, but I have not used this for a while. I figured out that what I can do with YouTube is applicable with Instagram today.
Having said that
Let us begin
The thing that this whole "hack" revolves around is the ability to use extensions in the mobile version of the Firefox browser.
Once you have downloaded the browser (it'd probably ask you to make an account, I don't know if it's a necessity), you'd want to go to the settings(top right) then the Extensions menu (fourth one top down). Scroll down to the "Find more Extentions" button and then search.
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Here are the extensions I have
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Not all of these are necessary, this is just my setup. Firefox is my default browser so i use other stuff too.
That's it! Here are some before and afters:
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(thank you matpat for the perfect video for this lol)
(I'm out of pics per post so only the after)
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Hopefully I've managed to be of help. I'll answer any questions that you may have!
Oh, and if you guys want I can give a shorter tutorial on how to add a shortcut to these sites to your home screen.
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ghostlyapivorous · 11 days
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ghostlyapivorous · 11 days
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Ramona edit
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ghostlyapivorous · 12 days
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funniest phenomenon i notice in t4t relationships
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ghostlyapivorous · 12 days
Once my friend Henry was accused of wearing wireless headphones by a substitute so she said for him to hand them over so he took them off and handed them to her. Then later on she asked him a question and he didn’t respond so she said it louder and he still didn’t respond. She asked why he was not responding and he said “I can’t understand you ma'am, you took my hearing aids.”
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