ghostofscarley · 2 months
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real image of me laying in bed reading cute lil fanfics
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ghostofscarley · 3 months
Gossips and Convenience Stores | Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Gojo x Reader
Status: on-going
Summary: the story of how you single handedly managed to disrupt the equilibrium that is Gojo Satoru’s life.
Themes: hurt/comfort, fluff, smut, angst
Content: enemies to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, arranged marriage, exes to lovers, first love
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I. Prologue
II. New Romantics
You represent everything that Gojo despises in the Jujutsu World yet you've completely enamored him.
III. You Are In Love (March 22)
Navigating the blurred lines between reality and obligation, you found yourself entangled in an arranged marriage with your best friend. Was it all for show or are you really falling in love with him?
IV. Say Don't Go (March 29)
V. I'm Still at the Restaurant
VI. This Love
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main masterlist
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ghostofscarley · 4 months
and just like, my baby is at 2000 (some of which i know are my own due to my excitement with milestones) AND I'M JUST A PROUD FIC MAMA 🥹
Fred Weasley x Reader
Inspired by the movie 'Enchanted'
Taglist: @wolfstardaughter-jj @dayangestre @cobrakaisb @emso12 @wixabear @robincantfunction @lilyswh0re @dracosluvbot
word count: 8.7k
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"you're practically gaping at her mate, subtle much," fred muttered as he glanced at harry who was staring at the fifth year ravenclaw, cho chang, mindlessly as she giggled with her friends, "so much for wanting to keep my lunch down. mate, before you lose anymore pumpkin juice, you'd have more luck going over and talking to her-"
"oh, leave him alone fred," rolling her eyes, y/n gave back the rolled up newspaper to a glaring hermione granger after having smacked the ginger boy on the back of his head, "he is however, miraculously, right in a sorts though harry. you really should talk to her."
"ugh! look at this! i don't believe it, she's done it again. miss granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the bulgarian bon-bon viktor krum. no word yet on how harry potter's taking this latest emotional blow," glaring now at the newspaper article, hermione slams it onto the table, almost knocking over her own goblet of pumpkin juice in the process, "i mean who does she think she is? i can tell you right now, harry seems to be doing just fine."
shaking his head, as if he had been in a trance, harry looked towards his fury-filled friends is confusion
"i wouldn't mind her, mione. you know how that hag of a woman is," shaking her head at the clueless chosen one before turning to in a sympathetic manner to comfort her bushy-haired friend, "the lengths she'd go and the people she'd shine a false light on for the sake of fame and attention. such a bitch."
groaning, fred slid over to his best friend, not so subtly stretching an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl closer, and unbeknownst to the ginger, causing a certain hue of rosy red to spread across the said girl's cheeks
"such a dirty mouth. to what do i owe the honours of being allowed to be within the presence of that mouth?" winking with a sly grin, blowing a single strand out of his eyes and angling his head to get a better look at the girl, he asks, "is the one and only y/n y/l/n blushing because of little, ol' frederick weasley? you flatter me."
huffing, y/n shrugged off the older twins arm that was draped across her shoulders, sending a scowl his way as she crossed her arms
"you wish freddie, and don't say shit like that. weirdo."
"well maybe if someone stopped swearing then-"
"i'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."
hearing this, both y/n and fred looked over to the two youngest weasleys, one of which were holding what looked like old rags of spare lace sewn together, before hermione laughed
"they're not for ginny. they're for you! dress robes."
upon saying this, the friend group all broke into laughter whilst ron's face fell
"dress robes? for what?"
to this, y/n and fred, having calmed down from the fits of laughter at the situation for the younger weasley male, turned to each other, a look of confusion now adorning their faces
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"the yule ball has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament since its inception. on christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. as representitives of the host school i expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and i mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance." groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. the girls seem a lot more excited, "silence. the house of godric gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. i will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."
y/n sent a quick glance to where harry, fred and george were standing only to see the twins murmuring to themselves and thus she shook her head, knowing that it was nothing serious before focusing back on mcgonagall
"now to dance is to let the body breathe. inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight and inside," upon hearing whispers, she turns to glare at ron, "every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance, mr weasley, will you join me?  now, place your right hand on my waist."
embarrassed and a little befuddled, ron almost mutters
impatient, the woman moves to correct the placement of ron's very much awkward placing of his arm
"my waist," the woman states firmly, before the music starts up and the professors leads them into a waltz, inviting others to join
upon the invitation, the girls rushed to stand, only for the boys to remain seated, awkward, some even scratching at the back of their necks
with a smirk, fred walks over to y/n, who had previously been in a conversation with her friend and fellow quidditch team mate, katie bell, when she saw an approaching body out of the corner of her eye, before turning to see fred offering his hand out to her
"if you will, m'lady."
nudging the girl with a giggle, katie pushed her friend out of her seating position and into the arms of the cheeky ginger, winking at the girl before turning to find her own partner
"real smooth, weasley," she stated, placing one hand into his before raising her other arm to rest it on his, "'m'lady', huh? that's a new one. what book did you stumble upon to get that one? oh who am i kidding, you'd never pick up a book. willingly."
"oh ha ha, you're so funny. much laughter. such a comedian," the hand that rested on her waist began to poke slightly at her after her cheeky comment, twirling her and bringing her back into his chest now, "i'll have you know that i didn't find it. i just heard it was all. in one of those silly muggle movies that you love."
"they are not silly," she scoffed, moving her hand to slap the back of his head only for him to grab it and keep a firm grasp on it instead, the familiar heat spreading across her face, "they are romantic. not that you'd know."
"what's that supposed to mean? i'm so romantic i'd knock your socks off with how chivalrous and charming i am."
the girl couldn't keep a straight face at what the boy had said, immediately breaking out into a boisterous cackle which attracted many fellow gryffindors though the girl didn't care. the boy didn't either, a small smile then growing rather large at the sound
"oh freddie, now who's the comedian?" sighing, she moved, well tried, to rest her right cheek on his shoulder, which was now hunched to aid her due to the distinct height difference, "i can't wait. i mean, an actual ball, are you kidding? hogwarts is already magical on its own. can you imagine how wondrous it'll be?"
"oh, do you already have someone in mind as to who you'll take? my, my. and whom is it that has piqued y/n y/l/n's interest?" he nudged at her, wiggling his eyebrows as chuckled at the rosy red cheeks, "it wouldn't happen to be someone i know, would it?"
"what's it to you?" burying her face deeper into his neck, her voice came out as a murmur, "maybe i have found someone i hope will sweep me off my feet."
though the girl couldn't see it, fred's face dropped, after a wave of shock, not expecting what she said
"oh. well that's good," he shrugged, the movement pulling y/n out of her trance, and out of his neck, "can only imagine how wonderful he is. only the best for you."
"yeah," she said, a look of serenity taking over her face as she thought about the boy that was standing in front of her, "he is pretty wonderful."
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"this is mad. at this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. well, us and neville," ron uttered, sharing a chuckle with harry whilst y/n, who was across the table next to fred shared a look of displeasure with hermione, "then again, he can take himself."
before y/n could reply to the younger weasley, hermione had beaten her to it
"how sweet. but it might interest you two to know that neville's already got someone."
a smirk growing, the older gryffindor girl knew that she no longer had to say anything
"well now I'm really depressed."
ron's shoulders drop as his lips form a pout
hearing quick scribbles, y/n turned to read what fred had written before he scrunched it up and threw it at his brother
'get a move on or all the good ones will have gone'
to this, ron looks up from the parchment before turning to his older brother
"who are you going with then?"
fred turned to y/n, who was sat on his right, sharing a smile, as she let out a small giggle, wiggling his eye brows, before turning and throwing a piece of scrunched up parchment at angelina johnson
y/n could only feel her smile drop, her eyes gloss, and the rosy hues fade as she watched the boy next to her whisper at the girl. a girl that wasn't her
"oi! angelina!" acting out dancing movements, he then continued to ask, "do you, want to go, to the ball, with me?"
with a smile growing on her face, angelina turned so her whole body was facing him before resting her head on her hand with a dreamy look
"yeah. yeah, i want to go."
y/n could only see fred wink at ron before she quickly packed all her things and rushed to hand her book to snape, alarming the others as they all watched the girl scamper off, not wanting them to see the tears that had now escaped, her heart broken
"what's wrong with her?" ron could only ask though he got shrugs from both fred and hermione, "well, anyway."
fred could only drown out his brother's words as he watched the girl practically run put of the great hall, before he heard a book slam and turned to witness hermione leaving as well, sending a final glare to his little brother
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the small sniffles from the gryffindor girl, with the occasional break of an audible sob were all that could be heard that wintry evening as the rebounded off the walls of what she thought was an empty corridor, void of students
"y/n? is that you?" the soft voice came from around the corner from where she was sat, the owner of the voice stepping out into the open corridor to reveal adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and a total heartthrob, his face softening as he looked at the upset girl in front of him, "are you ok? what happened?"
she made quick eye contact with the boy before she hurriedly brushed away her tears, rubbing at her eyes and glancing down as she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, not wanting to look at him again
not wanting to seem vulnerable or weak in front of him
"come on," nodding his head to the side, he waited with his hand held out, "let's go for a walk. i promise it won't be a bore. i'm a pretty fun person."
looking from his eyes back to his outstretched hand and then his eyes again and seeing nothing but kindness and warmth in his irises, the girl huffed a little before placing her hand in his, allowing him to pull her up from her seated position
not saying anything for a few moments, the pair walked, hands still in each other's, taking in the sights of the school, the blanket of white coating every inch that was exposed, small, icy flakes fluttering and falling, both from the sky and the branches of trees that had collected hefty amounts
"so, mind telling me what's up?" adrian spoke out, filling the otherwise silent air before freezing up a bit, turning to the girl frantically, "not that you should feel obligated to tell me, if it's something you wish to keep to yourself then i won't pester you about it. but. i am here if you do need to talk."
"you make it seem a lot more... serious than it is, i guess," she responded, wanting to reassure the boy whilst feeling idiotic herself, then scoffing and shaking her head, "i mean, who cries because they watched their crush ask out another person to this really extravagant ball that's coming up? stupid, right?"
now frowning, the slytherin boy turns towards her, shaking his head
"y/n. that is a valid reason to be upset. it's not stupid at all. well, i guess it's their loss."
shaking her head as more tears welled up, she stopped their walk, removing her hand from his grasp before facing him and placing both of them on his shoulder
"it's not stupid at all," he all but uttered, not wanting to scare or upset the girl any further by his usually confident and loud voice, "it's rather valid you know. but anyone would be a blind idiot to not take you."
her crying came to a halt as a look of self doubt lingered in her eyes
"no, adrian. you don't understand. the girl is like. stupid gorgeous. like, her eyes are doe like, you could easily get lost in them. her skin is ridiculously smooth and clear, free of blemishes and pimples and blackheads, not to mention the tone of colour. her hair, looks alone, is so silky and it blows freely in the wind, never a single strand out of place. she's a bloody chaser on the quidditch team so that's a factor alone. her laugh is airy and fucking perfect. her smile is so warm and dreamy and captivating. she's not too short but not too tall. angelina johnson," taking a breath, the girl could feel her senses cloud, losing sight and touch, looking aimlessly past the boy, "she's so fucking perfect and. i'm just. me. i don't even know why i thought i had a chance. but the way he looked at me, smiled at me, with that stupid boyish grin he always wears. i was so sure it would happen. and then it didn't. i was stupid to think fred weasley, the class clown, would ask me to the ball when someone like angelina johnson roams the very same halls. it seems so bitchy to say that too because she's so kind. always the sweetest thing to me and here i am being the grouchiest person ever."
"then go with me," he asked, no stated firmly and without a doubt, "i won't let you downplay yourself like that, comparing yourself to someone who is just another girl. who isn't all that. and that's not because i'm biased or partial as your friend. she may be beautiful, but you radiate beauty. and i won't let you continue to bottle up these thoughts that you hold against yourself when they aren't true. so, i am asking you to go to the yule ball with me, as my date."
"oh ade, i, i can't. i just, i don't want a pity date. just because the guy i wanted to go with asked someone else."
instead of arguing, because him asking her wasn't out of pity, adrian held out his hand to her, waiting until she eventually took it, though not without a look of confusion before he cleared his throat, taking her down the corridor
in a horrible, posh british accent, like more posh than his usual accent, he sang out loud, his voice echoing off of the walls for all to hear
"hee hee"
"ade, what are you doing?"
"my baby's always danCInG, and iT WouLdN't be a bAd tHiNG. BUt i doN't geT nO lovInG, aNd thAt'S nO LiE"
quickening her pace to match his, she couldn’t help but smile, forgetting what had happened in the great hall not too long, spinning whenever he motioned for her to, seeing others who were now exiting the great hall watch on, curious
"wE sPenT thE nIGhT in fRisCo, aT evEry kiNdA diScO. fRoM thAt nIghT i kIsSed oUr lOvE gOodByE."
out of the corner of her eye, she could she a flash of ginger hair, though she wasn't given more time to wonder about who it was before she was dipped and she let out the loudest cackle
"dOn't bLAmE iT on tHe sUNsHinE, DOn'T bLamE It on thE mOoNlIGhT, dON't bLAme It oN ThE gOoD tiMeS. bLAmE iT on thE boOgie."
doing one more spin, the boy left the girl in the middle of the corridor before skipping and spinning and prancing circles around her, her smile growing and lighting up the otherwise darkening hall as the sun set
"i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET. i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET."
now out of breath, the boy dropped onto both knees, gesturing for her hands and asking once more
"i hope that wasn't too embarrassing for you," he chuckles, taking in deep breaths, the musical break out doing more numbers on him than his weekly quidditch practices, "so, i'll ask again. will you, y/n y/l/n, chaser of the gryffindor quidditch team and total heartthrob, accompany myself, adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and also total heartthrob, to the yule ball? i can't promise i'll be as 'extravagant' as i was in this moment, but i'll be the best damn date you could ever wish for."
"well, i mean i don't know, i-" dragging on her words, she looked down at the boy to see his confident grin faltering and she knew she couldn't continue to play along, "of course i will ade. how could i say no after that?"
breathing out a sigh of relief, he went to wrap his arms around her before realising he was still on his knees, getting up and then embracing the girl who was no longer teary eyed and instead glowing, radiating warmth and happiness
whilst most onlookers were applauding the 'proposal' they had witnessed between the two chasers, a certain ginger beater, who was watching from behind pillar, was green with envy, shaking his head before walking off to find george
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it was christmas night. the night of the yule ball and y/n finds herself in hermione's dorm room, getting ready with said girl and the youngest weasley
"ok but can we talk about that proposal again and how cute it was," ginny exclaimed, grabbing onto the oldest girl's hand and twirling, though almost falling due to the wedges that adorned her feet, "i mean. i always saw you two together so i knew he was friendly but. the singing, the dancing, the 'falling onto his knees'. it was so romantic."
"ah, gin," the girl, though smiling, shook her head slightly, straightening up her younger friend, "it was cute, but i just don't see adrian like that. he's just a good friend."
"y/n, y/n, y/n. did you not see the way he looked at you? it was practically heart-eyes. he adores you. he had this soft smile on his face and his eyes glowed. it was like you had hung, no, handpicked the moon and the stars for him. he was enamoured."
"adrian is aromantic, gin. i can assure you he doesn't like me like that. besides, though he's my date, i've always had my eye on someone. the feelings just don't seem to be reciprocated."
ginny's smile faltered as she looked at her friend who was gazing down, twiddling her fingers
"if you're talking about my git of a brother," she held up a finger to the girl, whose mouth was slightly ajar, as if she were to ask 'which brother' "and before you get smart, i'm talking about fred. you're clearly not as smart as i thought you were if you think for a second that he doesn't like you. he's constantly talking about you and whatever you've done that was just 'oustanding' or 'astronomical' when you aren't around.. and then where you are around, he needs to be touching you in some way. if i thought adrian was enamoured with you, fred is gobsmacked, drop dead, head over heels, in love with you."
"then why didn't he ask me to the ball, gin? why did he ask angelina? and why did he do it in front of me? no, it doesn't matter. i don't think i have the right to ask that. just... clearly, whatever feelings he did feel.. aren't there," she looked over to the clock in the room before turning to the bed that had her dress hanging just above it, "come on. we've got just under two hours before the ball, and i would like to do your hair. your dress is beautiful by the way."
"well i know, and yes i understood, adrian does not like you and you do not like him and it's all platonic, but i just know he's gonna be blown away with how gorgeous you'll look. i mean the satin and the deepness of the green, which honestly suits you. even if he wore his house tie, it would still match your dress. you'd look hot as a slytherin. too bad you're too much of a lion to be a snake. platonic or not, this is still gonna be as much of a date as any other date you've been on or could go on. and don't look at me like that, enjoy your night with adrian. you deserve it."
before y/n could respond to the girl after having braided and pinned up her ginger hair into a half up/half down style, hermione's voice echoed from the bathroom
"y/n, could you please help me with my hair?"
"don't think for a second that i'm done with you gin, just give me a few minutes. i've got a choice of words with you."
"ah, would you look at the time. i think neville is downstairs waiting for me. see you soon."
"gin- GINERVA," before y/n could say the girl's full name, she had sped out of the dorm room, leaving the older girl to shake her head and huff, "i'm gonna kill her."
quickly slipping in her own dress, she then knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, to see a nervous hermione granger in a beautiful periwinkle dress that complimented the soft brown of her eyes
"and what is it that i will be doing with your hair tonight, miss?" she asked in a horrible mock posh accent, "would you care to flip through our catalogue? i personally love style 3."
"i was actually wondering if you could help me curl it and then pin it back, i don't want to do too much with it," she requests, finally looking over to her friend before gasping slightly, "the dress is absolutely gorgeous on you, y/n. adrian won't know what hit him. if we didn't already have dates, i'd take you myself. save me a dance, perhaps?"
"oh, of course, kind lady. it would be an honour to get the opportunity to dance with you at this regal ball," she continued with her horrible accent, whilst casting a charm to curl hermione's hair, going to speak again but losing the accent, her tone sincere, "you look beautiful, mione. i just know viktor won't be able to keep his eyes off you. and i mean, i wouldn't blame him. i wouldn't want to look away from you either. you really did a wonderful job at picking the dress. should i ever get married, obviously as one of my bridesmaids, or even maid of honour, i'd have you pick out the dresses without a doubt. ok, all done. what do you think?"
"oh, y/n," before y/n could say anything, hermione threw her arms around her, "it's absolutely beautiful, thank you. ok, take a seat and i'll do your hair and your make up if you'd like. not that you'd need any. your natural beauty alone would blow the minds of the whole school, hogwarts, beauxbatons and durmstrang. veela's have nothing on you."
"granger, you flatter me. surprise me will you? i don't really have anything in mind so go at it however you see fit. and maybe just a clear gloss. that way, i can get absolutely hammered and not worry about having to remove a full face of make up."
at the request, hermione spun the girl so that she was no longer facing the mirror, taking the still charmed wand and curling her hair back to resemble that of beach waves, keeping it soft and light, not overdone, before parting her hair, braiding the top half of the two section before tying it off into two separate ponytails that sat on the top of her head, similar to a half up/half down style. she then applied a coat of clear gloss as requested, as well as a light coat of mascara to really accentuate her eyes, before spinning her again, ready for the reveal.
"i'd like to see adrian try and take his eyes away from you. it'd be with great difficulty, i'll tell you that much. you'll easily be the prettiest girl at the ball."
"oh, mione, you can't say that when you'll be there. if i'm gorgeous, you're absolutely stunning. i honestly am envious that viktor is taking you. though i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. don't hide away too much, yeah? i will be getting that dance," she then hugged the younger girl, careful as to not wrinkle either dress or ruin either hairstyle, "thank you for this. i don't think i've ever felt this pretty. who needs a beauty team? i just need you, my girl. let's go blow everyone away, yeah?"
"let's do it."
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walking down to the great hall, the duo heard gasps and saw looks of awe as they turned heads. y/n saw the youngest weasley standing with neville and her own date before looking around, her eyes settling on a cleaned up fred weasley who looked as handsome as ever. he seemed to have found her too, meeting her gaze
she wanted to smile bashfully and wave at the boy she considered her best friend before she saw the girl whose arm was linked with his. the girl that was hanging off of him. and she removed her gaze from him, keeping the small smile as she looked over to adrian, who was returning the smile as he met her gaze, walking over to meet her at the foot of the staircase
"i'll see you around, mione. blow them all away."
the girls hugged a final time before separating to move to their respective dates
"wow, y/l/n. you look incredible. didn't take you to be much of a green girl but it really does suit you. maybe you should've been sorted into slytherin, would've fit right in."
"mm, i don't think so. too many snakes for me to handle. i'm happy with my little pride of lions. must admit, you do look quite incredible yourself. very handsome. i very much like that your tie matches my dress. you wouldn't have asked one of my friends about the colour, would you?"
"whaat? me? never. that does not sound like me at all. but yes. yes i did. reckon we'll make quite the couple. turning heads left, right and centre."
"maybe i should have worn a burgundy. once in a lifetime opportunity to see you in red. reckon you'd look quite ravishing i suppose."
"maybe not so much. wouldn't want to make a fool of myself. at least you can pull off any colour, miss head-turner. shall we make our way inside now?"
"we shall. lead the way, mr head-turner."
from the other side of the hallway
fred was standing just outside the entrance of the great hall, in a group that consisted of himself and his date, angelina, george and his date, alicia spinnet, and lee and his date, patricia stimpson, when the three girls turned to the staircase to see who was making their way down and gasped
"look at our girl, ang. she looks amazing," exclaimed alicia, pulling george with her towards the girl, though george stopped her, "why are we stopping?"
"the girl still needs to find her date, ali. we'll see her inside, alright?"
the girl pouted slightly before nodding and returning her gaze to their third chaser
"did you guys see pucey's proposal to her? it was so romantic and she looked so happy. if i'm being honest though, i thought you'd ask her freddie. especially after that dance practice a few weeks ago. but you have to admit, she and pucey make quite the cute couple. it had to have been the talk of the school. one of our chasers with slytherin's chaser and heartthrob, adrian pucey. i mean she was left smiling hours after. sure, he can't sing to save his life, but it was adorable. the way he got on his knees and grapsed onto her. the way he spun her. her cackle! i don't think i've seen her so hap-" angelina was cut off mid-sentence
"can we stop talking about how cute pucey and y/l/n would be? this isn't about them."
"woah, what's wrong with you? besides it's the truth isn't it? isn't she your best friend? you'd think you'd be happy for her?"
"she can be with pucey for all i care. he's bloody perfect for her, isn't he?" fred sneered, moving his gaze to look at the girl, his glare dropping as he saw that her eyes met his before she turned away, "i just want the best for her. that's all."
george could only smirk, wanting to slap the back of his twin's head but refraining and he rested his arm around alicia
"it seems to me like your jealous, freddie."
fred could only scoff, his glare returning and focusing on his brother
"shove off. whatever, let's just go inside." he suggested as he saw the girl he longed for enter the great hall with her date
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looking around the now wintry filled hall, y/n couldn't help but gasp, her grasp around adrian's arm tightening
just when you thought the school couldn't get anymore magical
"oh, ade it's wonderful. it's so magical."
"i'm afraid that's to be expected in a school of witchcraft and wizardry, my dear. thought you knew that. this'll shock you. we also have wands each that produce spells and charms. just as magical."
rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless, she lightly shoved the boy before looping her arm through his once more
"shut up, smart arse, you know what i mean."
"i do. but i must say, it's got nothing on you and your beauty. really did me dirty because now i have to fend off the whole school. it'd be considered lucky if i'm 436th in the line of 947. you really have charmed the school, y/l/n."
"you flatter me. look, here come the champions? ugh, my mione is so gorgeous. booked myself a dance with her, i did. luckiest girl in the world i consider myself to be."
"well i guess i'm 437th in the line now. i hope you're ready for your feet to be aching."
"oh stop it ade. if anything, you're 537th. no, i probably won't dance with that many people, to be completely honest. you, mione, ginny, luna, maybe george if i can catch a word with alicia. oh my goodness. look at fleur. she's absolutely stunning."
"again. i mean, yeah she's pretty. but looking at the girl on my arm, she's nothing but a caterpillar next to the butterfly that is you. don't tell her that though. she might send the whole of beauxbatons on my ass and i'd like to be around long enough to walk you back to your common room."
"you're such a flirt. might wanna watch out before i start to believe less and less that you're aromantic."
"why? is the infamous y/n y/l/n scared to fall in love with the handsome, dashing, charming, endearing, loving, kind and caring adrian pucey?"
"not to mention cocky and the lack of humbleness. but no. in fact it's quite the opposite. wouldn't want to break your heart when you inevitably fall in love with me, ade."
"oh because it will hurt for sure. thank you for watching out for my heart," he chuckled, grasping his chest, as if to reinforce the protection he holds over his heart, "i just want to give you the full experience as my date. that includes the corny compliments, horrible jokes and puns and of course my amazing dancing skills. so, what do you say? we go spike the punch, have a few glasses and then hit the dance floor and show everyone what we're made of? not enough to be absolutely wasted, but enough to allow you to feel the rush, enough to be tipsy, enough for you to sober up easily after a couple songs."
"let's do it."
5 minutes later
the dances of the champions has concluded and now other couples are invited to occupy the vast dance room
y/n and adrian, three glasses of spiked punch layer, were just a little tipsy, feeling the rush of the alcohol but were stable enough to find each other's touch and guided the other to the dance floor as a familiar song began to play
something told me it was over
when i saw you and her talking
something deep down in my soul said "cry girl"
when i saw you and that girl walking around
swaying together, the pair moved closer, the warmth welcoming both of them, something nice about being able hold each other like this, whilst knowing that the only thing that would come out of tonight would be a closer friendship
"i love this song. the lyrics tell such a sad story but etta james just captures the feelings that should be portrayed so beautifully. the fact that she'd want to lose her sense of sight than to have to watch the man she's in love with push her to the side as he pursues another."
i would rather, i would rather be blind
than to see you walk away
so you see, i love you so much
that i don't wanna watch you leave me
"the song is rather sad. i must say though. i wouldn't want to go blind when i have you in front of me, dazzling the whole school."
"and so the corny puns start, huh? do your worst, pucey."
"oh darling, don't worry. i plan to."
when the reflection in the glass
that i held to my lips now
revealed the tears that are all on my face
baby i'd rather be blind
than to see you walk away from me
the song then ended, though the pair continue to sway, seemingly lost in their own world as another fan favourite began to play, y/n removing her head from adrian's shoulder to better appreciate the abba song, if you will, grasping the hand that rested on her hand to manoeuvre him around, matching the tempo the upbeat song
you can dance
you can jive
having the time of your life
see that girl
watch that scene
digging the dancing queen
"i swear this song is like every teenage girl's 'anthem', i guess you could call it. i heard this song a lot growing up. mum loved it."
the two would spin each other, the previous stance during the slower dance gone as they were laughing loudly together. they were sure to remember this night for the rest of their lives
anybody could be that guy
night is young and the music's high
with a bit of rock music
everything is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance
"dad always found mum's taste in music a little weird, being a muggle and all, but he loved her and her weird little quirks so much. he loved how happy she got whenever the song would play, so he always played it any chance he got."
"was wondering who you inherited your quirkiness from. figured it was something you picked up on your own. seems that isn't the case."
slapping his chest lightly, she threw her head back, laughing
"oi! how rude. some gentleman you are, ade. feeling real flattered right now. like gosh, i might faint. falling head over heels."
"oh shush."
you are the dancing queen
young and sweet
only seventeen
dancing queen
feel the beat of the tambourine
"i didn't think i'd have this much fun if i'm being honest," y/n laughed as they continued to mindlessly jump and twirl around together, knowing that others were watching, and that they'd probably look at the two weirdly for their assortment of strange dance moves, "but i'm so glad i'm here with you tonight, ade. the evening has been absolutely wonderful."
"your mother was a muggle, right?"
"yes? why?"
"just had to be sure. do you know if she ever went to those muggle balls that they hold in movies? prom was it?"
"i didn't know you watched muggle films," she glanced over to the boy who was now bashful, sporting a small smile, "but uh, no. prom is an american event. mum, however, did go to a formal. who she went with, i wouldn't know. i just know it wasn't dad. she met him a good 5 years after she finished school."
"well, i saw that proms often crown for prom king and queen. if you ask me, who needs a prom queen when i have my dancing queen right in front of me."
she cackled once again, wanting to slap his chest yet again but deciding against it and instead fixing up his tie which had been a little lopsided
"you really are something, you know that."
"i think they have one more upbeat song before they play a final slow song, so what you say we have a few more glasses and sober up before the last dance."
another three glasses later and the second last song began to ring out through the hall
i've got sunshine on a cloudy day
when it's cold outside
i've got the month of may
"this song just makes me so happy. it was my parents wedding song. mum grew up with it and she introduced dad to the song after their second date. dad's loved it ever since. would always sing it to her. it makes me feel warm."
i guess
you'd say
what can make me feel this way
my girl
talking 'bout my girl
"i wish i grew up on songs like these. they just seem so nostalgic even though i'm hearing them for the first time tonight."
"ade, you're joking? you cannot be serious. this is urgent. every time we hang out, no matter what, i will play one song. this just isn't acceptable. i refuse to believe it."
i've got so much honey
the bees envy me
i've got a sweeter song
than the birds in the trees
"what do you say y/l/n? reckon my singing the other week was sweeter than the birds that roam hogwarts?"
"that was singing? well, sweet isn't the first word that comes to mind."
"oi, you should be grateful. i don't give out thise performances for free. only on special occasions. it was a moment to remember forever."
whilst the two swayed and the girl sang to the boy, a ginger haired, sulking, teenage boy was staring off at them from his seated position
"you're staring. the song is about to end freddie, just ask her. i'm sure adrian won't mind. everyone knows you're her best friend."
"why would she want to dance with me, ang? she looks quite content with pucey. what's the point?"
"it's just one dance, fred. besides, you've been frowning all night and that's not like you, it's weird."
"quite the date i am huh? sorry. you would've been better off with harry and he's just as much of a lousy date as i am. at least his date got a dance."
"it's alright. i still got a few dances with alicia and you know i've had my eye on roger davis. got a dance with him so i'd say my night was pretty successful."
"that makes one of us."
suddenly, before the final song was to commence, dumbledore had a final announcement to make
"the yule ball is coming to a close and so i must announce before the final dance that there is to be a change in scene. i ask that you gentlemen or women invite another to the dance floor that he or she did not accompany to the ball."
"see, there's your chance fred. take it."
"if anything, she'd probably want to dance with geor-"
"FRED WEASLEY YOU GO OVER TO THAT GIRL AND YOU ASK HER TO DANCE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I ASK FOR YOU MYSELF! i am sick of your pity party of despair and loneliness. just go for it."
he could only sigh as he stood up from the seat he had been sat in for the last 2 hours, making his way over to the pair, though lord knows his heart was 2 seconds away from pounding violently through his ribcage and out of his chest
whilst fred made his way over, the two were still away in their own world, wanting the moment to last just a little longer
"was hoping i'd get my last dance with you. i've had so much fun tonight and i don't want it to end."
"i've had a lot of fun too. was quite the experience having the prettiest girl in hogwarts wrapped in my arms, swaying to muggle misic. who would have thought. i think i might sit this one out. i don't see myself dancing with anyone else that isn't you."
"are you sure you're aromantic, ade? like, straight up? 100%?"
though he knew she meant nothing by it, he still laughed lightly and hugged her before pulling away so they were both at arms distance
"straight up. if i wasn't, i would have been kissing the hell out of you. i can assure you i feel no romantic feelings. even after having you in my embrace for the last 2 hours, it's nothing but platonic. i just don't see anything happening. that, and i can see a certain ginger making his way over and i don't fancy getting kocked out right now. so, after the dance, i'll meet you and escort you to your common room to see you off."
looking to her right slightly, her heartbeat quickens as she sees a hurried fred weasley making his way over before she turns back to adrian
"are you sure? i could just sit with you?"
"i'm sure. i'll just sit with miles. poor bloke was rejected so he's been sat at the table, drinking. reckon i should go over before he dies of alcohol poisoning because trust me, he will find a way. besides, i think someone wants to dance with you. about time if you ask me."
and with that, adrian placed a final kiss on her forehead before he walked away, sending a last wink towards her before turning and not looking back
she could only watch his retreating back for a moment longer before she felt a tap on her shoulder
feeling like her chest was about to explode, she took a slow, deep breath before turning to see the boy who, after the weeks that went by with distance between them, still had her heart
"hi? um, you look.. good?" his face furrowed, slightly frowning as he shook his head, "i mean, obviously you look better than good. amazing, incredible, gorgeous, spectacular. all eyes were on you tonight and reasonably so. the dark green really stood out against your skin. you and pu- adrian really blew the whole school away. it was really cute. anyway, it was nice talking to yo-"
"fred, do you want to dance with me?"
here she was with her heart on her sleeves as she awaited his answer. fred was flabbergasted
"i- me?"
"i mean, no one else is around," she said as she gestured to the empty space around her, "what do you say, freddie? for old times sake? accompany me for the final dance?"
"how could i say no?"
she let out a breath of relief as she took the hand that was held out to her, a small smile growing on her face as she felt warm
dumbledore moved to the centre of the stage a final time
"now, please join me in welcoming mr jon mclaughlin who has warmly agreed to sing our final song for the evening. mr mclaughlin, the stage is yours."
a light piano echoes through the hall as y/n gazes into fred's eyes, something she hasn't done for a while, something she has missed
she missed her freddie and she finally had him back in her arms and she was reluctant to let go
you're in my arms
and all the world is gone
the music playing on for only two
she wanted to say something, anything. she wanted nothing more than to catch up with the boy in front of her but nothing came to mind
so she just held on tighter, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as they swayed in time, the rest of the world beginning to fade out as they lost themselves to the music and the soft voice of mr mclaughlin
so close
and when i'm with you
so close to feeling alive
he too had a lot on his mind. like how effortlessly perfect she was. from the way her eyes shone as the fire of the floating candles reflected off of them. how her cheeks now adorned its usual rosy hues. how in love he was with her
"you really are beautiful, love."
a life goes by
romantic dreams must die
so i bid mine goodbye
and never knew
"thank you, freddie. i must say, you look quite swell yourself."
"ah, you know. i just pulled this little getup from out of my trunk. curled my hair a little, though it's nothing compared to you. i never thought i'd love seeing you in green so much."
she couldn't help but lean closer, wanting to be as close to the boy as possible
"so, you and pucey, huh? when did that become a thing?"
"is there another pucey running around that i don't know about?"
y/n could only scoff, though it was light-hearted
"smart arse. there isn't a thing. we're just friends. freddie, i don't want to talk about adrian. just. dance with me."
so close
was waiting
waiting here for you
and now forever i know
all that i want is
to hold you
so close
she rested her head on his shoulder, with a little struggle but she got there and and shared a look with angelina, who only winked at the girl. similarly, fred, who now turned was facing adrian who could only raise his drink in acknowledgement, smiling, and seeming to have mouthed the words, 'well done weasley', to which fred just shook his head, the smile never leaving his face
so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
and now you're beside me
and look how far we've come
so far
we are
so close
looking back on their years together, the pair couldn't help but wonder why this didn't happen sooner, why they elongated the pain and sat through the hurt when they could've shared this moment of peace and euphoria earlier
they thought about the weeks they had spent apart and in the presence of another when all they needed was each other. what were they thinking, honestly?
"are you singing, frederick gideon weasley?"
"for you, i'd do just about anything, love."
she sighed happily before she thought back to that afternoon in the great hall. the study session
"i really thought you were gonna ask me. i was so sure, especially when you looked at me with those warm eyes of yours and your happy, boyish grin and i was so excited. but then, you turned and asked someone else. and i had to leave. i couldn't be around to hear all the giggles you both shared whilst i was slowly breaking."
oh how could i face the faceless days
if i should lose you now
"y/n, i'm so sorry. believe me when i say that i was planning on asking you. that afternoon, during dance practice. i was set on asking you then. but then you said-"
"that i might have found someone i wanted to sweep me off my feet. did it never occur to you that i was thinking about you? freddie, i had, have literal heart eyes for you. was it not even a little obvious?"
"i guess not, love," he said, shaking his head at his own obliviousness, "i just. wanted the best for you. and if you had already found it in someone else, then i was fine with that. well, i wasn't but i wasn't gonna let it show. when you said that, i thought someone else had asked. and that you had said yes. so i asked angie, and ended up being a shit date, so i owe her big time. but then when i left to chase after you, adrian was there, singing, in a horrible accent i'd like to add, and in the middle of it all, you just looked so happy, despite the tear tracks that stained your face. your smile was so bright. and then he asked you and you said yes and i just felt. defeated. which is unfair, but i didn't know you were dateless. had i known, i would've asked myself. i just should have asked you about it, but instead, i went and asked someone else, i made you cry and then i pushed you into the arms of another in the process. i was just a downright git who doesn't deserve you. i'm lucky you're dancing with me ri-"
we're so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
let's go on dreaming though we know we are
rolling her eyes, she pulled him even closer, if it were possible, titling her head ever so slightly to slot her lips onto his, shutting him up
and it was like sparks, no, fireworks went off and they lost themselves to each other. this was where they truly belonged
"do you ever shut up? you ramble a lot, freddie. i'd say it's cute and a little impressive but then it kept going on and on and i didn't know when you'd st-"
fred leans in again, the kiss lasting a little longer than the first, the otherwise chilly night feeling rather warm
"fred, you just kissed someone with a dirty mouth."
fred grinned gingerly, leaning in to whisper into her ear
"yeah. and i'm about to do it again."
so close
so close
and still
so far
adrian and angelina, who was accompanied by roger davis, sat off to the side, grinning at the kissing couple, bumping fists under the table
"i reckon she doesn't need me to escort her to the common room anymore. suppose i should take drunk-off-his face over here back to our dorm," adrian says to angelina, gesturing to the shitfaced miles bletchley, "tell y/n i said goodnight. if you get the chance to."
and with that, adrian left the yule ball with his drunk mate attached to his arm and a smile on his face, happy that his friend finally got the guy she wanted
her freddie
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is that a wrap?! i think fucking so. this will forever be my baby because believe me when i say i've never written a fic this long but it was so worth it.. love yall <33
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ghostofscarley · 4 months
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All’s fair in love and poetry… New album THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT. Out April 19 🤍
📷: Beth Garrabrant
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ghostofscarley · 6 months
did i mention that its being rewritten and is almost completed, edited with new scenes in original chapters and new chapters as a whole.
looking for the perfect adrian pucey fanfic? look no more.. itll bring bliss, tears and giggles, whilst creating a storyline of our beloved slytherin.. what more could we want and need.. 36+ hours of new characters, slight heartbreak, humour and of course, a love story with the one and only, adrian pucey
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ghostofscarley · 6 months
THANK YOU HUNNY 🥹🥹🥹 you’re so cute for that 🤍🤍
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ghostofscarley · 7 months
love it just as much as i did the first time 🤭
prince & princess — adrian pucey x fem!reader, soulmate au
Summary: Adrian Pucey and Y/N Y/L/N never got along; everyone knew that. But no one exactly knew why. Heck, even Y/N didn’t know why the Slytherin chaser was out to get her from day one. She wished to simply ignore him until graduation, but fate had other plans.
Warnings: some angst
Notes: soulmate au (share the same mark), reader uses she/her pronouns, sorted into Slytherin, two years older than golden trio, shorter than Adiran, no other physical traits mentioned I believe?
Word Count: 7.3k
A/N: this is kinda different from my other fic so i hope y’all still enjoy! I was determined to post this by midnight but it’s 12:20am now so fail but also win bc i finished so?? i did a fast proofread so sorry for any typos :-)
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First Year
The happiness was radiating from Y/N as she walked through the doors of the Great Hall. She had heard so many stories of Hogwarts growing up, it seemed too good to be true. This was the place where young witches and wizards learned the true extent of their powers. This was the place where her dad met his best friend, who was practically like an uncle to her and all his kids like cousins. This was the place where her mother played quidditch as seeker and went on to win the Quidditch Cup three years in a row. Most importantly, this was the place her parents met and fell in love.
They had been destined together since the beginning. A symbol, unique to each pair of soulmates, marked on their bodies. A symbol that would be the only clue given to help find the person fate put you with. As a young witch, Y/N begged her mom to tell her the story of how she and her dad met. It gave her hope to find a love like theirs one day. She would fantasize for hours about the surreal feeling of being in love with someone who was completely and utterly made for you. Standing here now, waiting to the sorted, her love story would finally start.
Keep reading
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ghostofscarley · 7 months
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tagging my lovers
@wolfstardaughter-jj @pottersbesson @rottenstyx @battinscn
and any other darling who would like to do it 🤭
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Its confirmed 💀
I'm extroverted but otherwise the rest is accurate to an extent hehe
No pressure tags: @somewereinthegalaxi & @🫵 (you behind ze screen)
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ghostofscarley · 7 months
Happy Halloween my darling ghost 🍪
MY BELOVED GRIMMIE 🤭 happy halloween, my baby <3
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ghostofscarley · 9 months
THANK YOU TO MY BABY @midnightmoonytales <3
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favourite book : has to be rewrite the stars of course, fight me @emso12 <3
season : spring
movie : hercules
drink : a good feijoa fresh up
colour : red ❤
animal : sugar glider
character : newt from the maze runner
song : ghost of you - 5sos
hobby : baking
tagging my beloveds;
@wolfstardaughter-jj @cobrakaisb @pottersbesson @volturiwolf @whoetoshaw
& anyone else who would like to join !! 🥰
Thank you for tagging me, babe @star4daisy
rules: name one of your favorite book, season, movie, drink, color, animal, character, song, & hobby
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book: memories of midnight by Sidney Sheldon. season: winter (here don't snow, sadly). movie: the devil wears Prada. drink: Pepsi, from the machines. color: pink. animal: otters. character: bella swan. music: closer by the chainsmokers and halsey. hobby: video games.
I just turned my pinterest algorithm a shit rn
No pressure tags: @somewereinthegalaxi @moonywastakenn @cassiopeia-lu @kquil
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ghostofscarley · 9 months
@whoetoshaw x @myoddessy x @wroetojaw seem to be my dream trio come true 🤭🤭
- W2S x reader
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summary: the internets reaction to their favourite couple’s break up and then getting back together
pairing: w2s (Harry Lewis) x reader
tags: fluff, some angst (not really)
a/n: first fic hope you enjoy!!
warnings: some cursing
inspired by @myoddessy and @whoetoshaw the queens of this tag, love them so much
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ghostofscarley · 9 months
i'm genuinely so happy for them. it's big for them as their first ever goals for what, 5 games in total, it was fucking crazy and vik with the assist for harry ??!?? the babies would need to be in prams because the mum's are 210% out of their chairs.
BESTIE DID YOU SEE HARRY'S GOAL IN THE MATCH. okay but mrs w2s with baby bog's watching on with olive and faith ESPECIALLY WHEN ETHAN SCORED TOO oh my. i was literally crying for both those goals.
bestie!!!! don’ttttt because the match has together the biggest baby bogs mood everrrrr 🥹🥹🥹 the shock on their facesss, the mini kits, i know she’d be like HOLD MY BABY she’d be jumping ecstatically like the wag she is 🫶🏼
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ghostofscarley · 9 months
flashback to december 15th, 2022 when i made a comment about harry having a baby boy and girl. AND NOW THEY'RE HERE SINSKS my heart is so full and warm rn 🤭
LABOUR | h. lewis
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summary: you give birth to your babies. [8k words.]
pairing: reader x bog (W2S.)
notes: woooo!! bb bogs have finally made their debut!! can you guess their names? 😝 i might change them, but for now take a guess! absolutely adored writing this, i hope you can all see my vizion! let me know if you enjoyed! 😌🫶🏼 baby bogs are released, ready for more fic planning! 🤪 but also taking a breather from posting - i want to build up my drafts again! 😌 don’t forget to reblog! <333
“HARRY, GET ANOTHER SONG ON, I need to feel like I'm at a rave.”
Your back was pressed to endless clouds of pillows, feet propped up on the hospital bed and your bump strapped with wires.
You’d been in here almost 12 hours, since the early hours of this morning, when arriving yesterday afternoon concerned and then sent home when told they could do nothing, and then back again at 3:00AM when you’d woken up to the feeling of your waters breaking. You were back in the labor unit.
Nothing big seemed to have happened since, the very odd sharp pain shooting in your abdomen, you must have been dilated at least a couple centimetres, but nothing extreme that meant you could start pushing. So they kept you there, concerned enough to be keeping a close eye on you with having two babies, and medicate you through the pain.
It was now approaching 3:00 and you were just fed up. You’d done nothing but lay in the bed all day. Why couldn’t you have done that in your own room back home? You tried to walk about every so often but it got harder and harder each time which you took to be a good sign. A doctor had took a look at you and told you that within 24 hours of your waters breaking - you should have your babies in your arms - and since then, it had been 12. So, to say you were freaking out knowing you would have babies in your arms this time tomorrow (hoping all goes well!) it was a scary fucking fact.
Which is why your mother-in-law was convinced you were both being delusional as there was no way a set of parents-to-be were so chilled in the ward, reminiscing on your past festivals and parties, playing the songs through the TV, instead of discussing the biggest fucking elephant in the room.
“THERE WAS A T–IIIIIME . . I used to look into my father’s eyes,” the two of you harmonised, Harry playing DJ on his feet all morning while you sang through clenched eyes, ignoring the pain you were in. His mum couldn’t believe the sight of you, singing to each other as if you were partying right now, drunk off your tits and loved up - but no, just pretending like you weren’t about to pop out her first set of grandkids.
She knew the maturity kicked in when the babies were born, but Jesus, she didn’t mean the very second, at least a little beforehand.
What made it worse? The fact her son had supplied you both with sunglasses - you were wearing rectangle-framed shades in a hospital gown.
“—UP ON THE HILL ACROSS THE BLUE LAKEEE, that’s where I had my first heartbreak! I still remember how it all CHAAANGED me!—”
“You two seriously send my blood through the roof,” she watched you play the role of a DJ in his booth, your hand moments encouraging Harry to pull out the moves. “Be quiet!”
“Next song,” you waved on.
Harry did as you said - he was doing anything you wanted at this point, if it kept you happy. Anything else sent you into a flight of rage. The moment you heard the first second of a song that shot you back in time to a time you were dancing sinfully drunk, throwing your organs up the morning after, you immediately cursed, “GET IT OFF.”
It put you in a mood so quickly! You could not ruin the mood.
You were on such a smooth path at the minute, you couldn’t have the bubble burst. When a good song played, you felt at ease.
Harry grew nervous, flicking through the different tunes.
He’d been there since this morning, accompanying you when you’d told him to go home as there was no point in him sitting uncomfortably in a chair when the bed was at home. He complied, and he’d gone to a Sidemen meeting as well, as you’d yelled down the phone that you didn’t need him because nothing was happening, and even then, he had sent you the cutest message that had you sobbing for an hour:
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He felt bad being at home and uncomfortable without you being in his presence, but you’d reassured him you were fine. In saying that, you were pretty sure neither you had slept as you’d texted the whole night. His mum kept you company when he wasn’t there, but now he was back, and doing her head in.
But he was making you laugh.
“Oh my God!” The tunes just brought you back to a specific time in your life, feeling like each one was just yesterday. “I might be, anyone. A lone fool, out in the sun—”
You immediately felt like a teenager again, fresh in your twenties, surrounded by all your friends, your favourite boy who was still by your side, screaming those lyrics and getting as off your head as you wanted. You didn’t have parents to shy from, you had your own home, your own rules. You were a grown up.
Not grown up enough, though, it suddenly felt like, the reality kicking in again, you were about to be someone’s parent.
Christ. You were gonna have a set of twins who would lie just as you did about all the times you went out, getting shit-faced in a field. Fucking hell, wasn’t it karma at its finest?
“Next song.”
“You guys are being too loud. Harry, sit down would you?”
“I can’t,” he shrieked, the nerves automatically getting the best of him if he tried to sit still. He had to occupy himself.
His Mum was playing substitute for your Mum — you were happy enough to have either of them in the room — but your Mum was currently on holiday - drunk on cocktails, living her best life with your Dad before they were crowned grandparents — and boy oh boy, was she excited. Excited for the karma you were about to get with your very own mini-me. She was ecstatic.
You were to blame realistically— you’d told her to go ahead and go on the holiday, that you didn’t think you were likely to go into labor while she was away.
Secretly though, she was more than willing to let Harry’s Mum deal with you in labour. She could (no offense) imagine anything worse.
“Are you still set on that name?”
You and Harry met eyes, lips moving both humorously but irritably as he lowered the song.
You adored his Mum. You loved everything about her. You more than often took her side in an argument against her son, and couldn’t count with both hands you’d spent time together as a pair: monster-in-law didn’t exist to you — you took this woman’s word for everything. You didn’t need to go into detail: she meant a lot to you and whether your own mum knew it or not — you seeked more comfort in her than your own.
This woman would defend you ‘til her last breath; had your back in anything and everything.
Except now.
She, for probably the first time in your life since knowing her, disagreed with you on a topic:
Baby names.
But you were close enough for her to be able to tell you how she felt about the name, which just proved how close-knit you both were.
“Mum, she likes it—” Harry immediately jumped to stop his Mum from angering upsetting you.
“—I know! I know, but I mean,” the name you had picked was lovely, very sweet and not as heard of as much anymore — but she just couldn’t get past the obvious. “I just — I don’t like them, that’s all I’ll think about: a handful of dirty p—”
Your head hit the pillow as she forced herself to stop talking. You really liked the name and you did not want her putting you off it. “Please change the song,” you checked the time, knowing a nurse was due to come in and check you again.
“The boy name is cute, I like it,” she tried to butter you up.
“Just remind me of Baker—”
“IT’S NOT THE SAME NAME, it would be Te—” you held a hand up to stop him having this same recurring argument. To not explain yourself again.
“. . but it kinda is. Y/n—”“
Where is my nurse?! “I swear to God,” you interrupted Harry in his explanation as to why he wasn’t sure about your boy name. Why?! Why can’t everyone just wait and see that the names you had circled were going to fit the two causing unbelievable discomfort in your womb right now! And you know what?! If they don’t — better still: back up names it is! Everyone’s happy!
You didn’t need to hear the beeps to sense your blood pressure was rising.
And then you heard it - the angelic opening: Levels came on.
Your heart monitor spiked up along with a sudden wave of deja vu. “Oh — NO don’t! I’m gonna cry.” You hid your face, your arms getting the same goosebumps every time you heard the start of the song, just like the first time.
“Oh my God. Can we name our boy Avicii?”
“Nah ‘cause I can’t find a reason for saying no,” you waved him off endearingly, both looking for some apprehensiveness to the idea. “I love that.”
“OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE, you’re not calling your firstborn Avicii!”
Harry tutted towards his Mum, spoiling your fun in this stressful moment. “Whoever comes out first gets the name!” He spoke against your stomach, beard tickling your skin despite the inexplicable discomfort occurring around it. He turned it up and the two of you continued your dancing – arm movements from you considering you were strapped to the bed, wires and all sorts connected to help monitor any contractions. And also - you seemed to feel more and more tired.
“We could make it a middle name?”
You shrugged nonchalantly.
You forced a concealed chuckle, seeing his Mum get worked up in the corner with her magazine more than you - who was literally in the process of giving birth.
“Oh my God. We’re so old,” you lay your head against the pillow, realizing it was going to be a long time until your next festival.
His Mum was sending videos into the family chat once asked ‘how’s y/n?’ from Rosie or ‘what’s happening now?’ from Harry’s dad, looking an update on where you were with labor, expecting the pair of you to be sitting there biting your nails, sweating it out, riddled with nerves. They most definitely didn’t expect the two of you to be blasting your Tomorrowland playlists, and yet, it was the most Y/n & Harry thing ever.
Realistically, you both know you were only trying to take your mind off the obvious, and calm your nerves by messing about.
You were obviously shitting bricks, waiting for a nurse to come in and get you started.
Harry noticed your sudden lack of attitude and turned off the music and came to your side. He was nervous as it was but when he seen you look nervous and uncomfortable — it threw him even more off. Made him panic more than anything else.
“Are you okay?” His hand nervously grabbed yours.
You could feel those sharp pains coming back again, causing you to squirm and shift in the bed with discomfort. You lifted the sunglasses on top of your head and clenched your jaw, eyes squeezed shut as another wracked right through you, provoking a loud wince from your lips. “OW! No,” he’d grabbed your hand at the right time ‘cause you were now gripping it for dear life, cramping it in seconds and inflicking your pain onto him.
He knew it wasn’t probably the right time to finally realise it . . but he felt so bad.
Look what he’d done to you.
“Oh my God,” you groaned, trying to find a steady pace of breath.
No. No it couldn't be time. You weren’t ready!
“What? What? What? What?! What?!!” Harry’s head was back to you back to his Mum, back to you, to his Mum when she stood up from her chair and calmed him, “shh! It’s alright! It’s just her contractions!” She took your other hand while the other pressed the button that called for the nurse, “Y/n, are you okay, darling? Shall I get the nurse?” She pulled your hair away from your face, the sight of you bringing back memories she knew all too well herself.
“Oh my God, this isn’t happening,” you moaned, curving your back as another one shot through you.
You know like when you’re on a rollercoaster? And you’re all excited until they strap you in and you suddenly want to get off? This was you wanting to get off.
You changed your mind. “No, no, no, no, no—”
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry!” your boyfriends guilty voice brought you back to reality as he squeezed you hand reassuringly.
You hated him so much right now.
Your back jolted again, a cry bursting through you.
“Oh my, Y/n, i’m going to find a nurse, just relax okay? I know it’s hard but you’re going to be ok, okay?” Your mother-in-law kissed your slightly sweaty head and squeezed your hand before leaving the room, giving off about what the point was having a buzzer if they weren’t going to come at the sound of it.
“Are you okay?”
Harry flinched out of his fucking skin at your monstrous tone, scaring the absolute shit out of him.
Oh no, here it was, what everyone had warned him about — the part where your Mrs becomes possessed.
You covered your eyes with your fingers, trying to keep the tears at bay. You were so scared right now. You weren’t ready. You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t do this twice.
But you were not telling Harry that.
From the moment you’d found out you were having two, and researched how common and natural it surprisingly was, you were on board with the idea of naturally birthing both babies out. So long as the placenta(s) weren’t blocking the way for them to get out - it was all good for you to try! Harry on the other hand was praying the placenta got in the way. That something prevented you from doing this — he was team c-section, he felt more content if you got one. He just had it in his head that something was going to go wrong and you were going to die. He just didn’t feel safe, and didn’t want to take the risk. You’d gotten doctors to tell him endlessly that they could interfere anytime and get the other one out if needs be but Harry was putting his foot down. Why the hassle? No, he told you.
Obviously you wore the pants so what you said, went, and here you were.
But oh God, maybe you were about to rewrite your delivery plan.
“Hey, hey!” he shook your hand to pull you out of your head, “it’s ok. You’re gonna be alright, I’m right here.”
Your heart clenched as he crouched down, not letting go of your hand. “I know,” you wanted to smile, tears forming in your eyes at him. “I’m just so scared.”
“That’s ok! We’re both scared! You’re okay! You’re gonna be fine, Y/n, you were made for this. It’s all going to be fine! You can do it!”
You inwardly whined, heart fluttering at his words — they meant so much because you knew he was freaking out more than you right now and yet, was pushing it aside to help you.
You loved him so much.
“Come on, you can’t cry, you’re ready, you were literally made for this, your body is literally,” he nodded, unable to complete what he was saying just a ‘ykwim’ nod, he made you laugh. He stood up to place a kiss on your cheek and you just wanted to hug him. You wanted him to hold you.
Do the work for you really.
“Oh my God,” you groaned, arm tensing around his neck as you felt the sob from within you. What the fuck were these contractions deal?
His Mum came in with a nurse who quickly told you how you were 8cm dilated and that everyone would begin prepping.
You didn’t know why, but seeing Harry stand there at the end of the bed, biting his nails, squirming uncomfortably at the sight beneath your hospital gown — it angered you.
What was your problem?!
Why the fuck was he standing like that? And looking at you like that?! Why’d he look like that?! You could feel the aggression burning along your limbs, triggering your chest to heavily rise and fall. Say your sweet words and then what?! What do you do now?! Nothing! You’ve done all the hard work getting it in me, now I have to carry them and get them out?! And two of them?! For the price of what?! For the price of your pleasurable 4-minutes?!! If even?!!!!!
They changed the position of your bed and moved everything out of the way, bringing in the table of tools and surrounded you around the bed. The pain didn’t stop. Harry was to your left and his Mum to your right, but her hands were occupied at her lips, finally in shock as she watched everything while Harry held onto your hand.
“Oh my God, I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to do this, please,” you cried, your hair rustling further into the pillow as you felt your arms shake with nerves. “Please, fucking inject me with the fucking . . morphine or heroin or whatever it is!!!”
“Y/n,” Harry said, both at your wording and little aggression towards the doctors.
Your clenched eyes and pained face suddenly relaxed as you slowly peeled your eyes to the left, and Harry’s mother hid the laugh in her throat as she looked away, sensing what was coming.
“WHAT?!” You screamed at him.
“We might be too late to give you an epidural, you’re almost—”
“GIVE ME THE FUCKING EPIDURAL!!!” You screamed at the midwife, clinging to the hands holding you.
Harry was so embarrassed but he knew this was . . somewhat normal. Normal for you. You knew this wasn’t you but you knew they’d understand. It wasn’t personal.
You did get the needle and suddenly — it was like you’d ate a bag of shrooms. “I’m so sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry, mama!”
Trust. They’d dealt with worse.
“Almost there,” his Mum rubbed your hand excitedly. Almost 10cm and you could start.
You were panting through the contractions, feeling your heart leap through your chest, you clawed for the gas and air supply, wishing it was laced with some heavy fucking CBD. It was torturous- you just wanted to start fucking pushing.
“Oh dear,” you whined, your nails digging into the back of your boyfriend’s hand. Time felt so slow yet so chaotic at the same time. Your lower-half felt like it was on fire, the most uncomfortable, unexplainable pain occurring.
He gently pulled his hand back, you were hurting him. “Ow, Y/n.”
“Ow? OW?!” You looked at him, “OH SORRY! DID I FUCKING HURT YOU?! WAS THAT SORE? OH SORRY. NO, LET ME APOLOGIZE, UNLIKE YOU, WHO—” there it was, you knew — you knew it, you knew that was the last one, you were finally 10cm. “OH FUCK!” You got the feeling - the natural urge to push. Your body felt like it was lit on fire, and you exploded. “FUCK YOU HARRY. FUCK YOU. YOU FUCKING PRICK. LOOK WHAT YOU FUCKING DID, YOU FUCKING — YOU WILL NEVER,” you took a deep breath, pushing to your best as the worst pain rocked through you, “YOULLNEVERHAVEITINMEAGAIN—” the scream that left you would have one you an oscar in a horror film. You inhaled the biggest breath, “I CAN’T DO THIS!”
“You’re doing great, Y/n! Just push! Just keep pushing, honey! They’re coming!”
They’re. Two. You had two to get through.
Well that just made you claw at your eyes. “I don’t want to push anymore! I changed my mind!”
“No! You’re acing it! Come on!”
You were gripping onto Harry’s hoodie, stretching it and pulling at it, feeling your legs shake and sweat drip down your forehead - you had never wanted something to be over so fast. How did you even push? Were you pushing right now?
“You’re okay, Y/n, you’re doing fine. Take another deep breath and give me another big push. When you’re ready,” your midwife talked you through, dressed from top to bottom in scrubs with a mask and gloves on.
You tried, you really did, but it was so hard. You were already so tired and one wasn’t even out. You didn’t even know if they’d moved.
Harry kissed your head repeatedly, nerved to his core seeing you in such a state, he would have paid anything to take the pain away. He hated it. He could barely stand it. He could hardly hold his eyes open.
You pushed and pushed for ages, struggling and breathless, afraid you were getting nowhere until you heard them - the golden words. “I can see a head!”
Your midwife pulled Harry down by the end of the bed to see and before you could open your eyes to watch his reaction - a thump sounded in the room.
There was no way.
Your mouth was open seeing your little love on the floor; hitting the deck before anyone could’ve even reached to catch him, he went down like a tonne of bricks.
“Oh my God! HARRY!” His Mum let go of your hand and dragged him to his feet with the help of another doctor, struggling with the size of him.
And you know what you realised? You really fucking loved that boy because suddenly the worry of getting your kids out was suddenly directed on if your man was going to slump it again. You were practically ripping open and now you were riddled with concern, wondering if he was okay.
Were you delusional?!
“Is he alright?! Are you alright?!” Your heart rate spiked again.
“Y/n keep pushing!“
“Is he okay?!”
Your brows squirmed in distress trying to spot him, seeing him move, coming back to life. For fuck’s sake, Harry.
He was slumped against the wall, an eye opening at a time as he came back to earth, reaching for the back of his head.
You let out a sigh of relief, letting your head hit your pillow. “ . . are you serious?!”
He rubbed his head while he looked at you, but his Mum yanked his head.
But he managed. Managed to look again and watch as you gave the hardest push of your life with the most painful cry - your firstborn sliding out with everything still attached; coated in blood — and he fainted again.
Could you believe it.
Went crashing to the floor.
You couldn’t believe you were crying and laughing at the same time during labour, being in the most extruseaging pain you’d probably experience in your whole life - simply because he could not hack it.
He’d always make you laugh at the worst times.
But by the time the second one came — just minutes after and slightly easier – he was awake and sitting, experiencing it all. He’d seen the midwife pull out a much smaller baby and felt his knees go weak, but thankfully; he was on the chair this time.
The sound of the cries rattling the room had your heart stilling and racing at once. It was the most intimidating sound. They’d been placed on your chest for seconds before they were taken to be quickly weighed and cleaned up and you were too in shock to even take it in. You were in a daze. You couldn't believe what went on. What just happened?
What time was it?
What day was it?
How much time had passed?
How long were you pushing?
You felt breathless. The sounds of them felt like a ringing in your ear and suddenly — your heart lept with relief, with excitement — crying. Good. They were alive. They were breathing. The nurses have them. They’re cleaning them. Great. Lovely. I’m so fucking tired.
You snuggled your head into your shoulder for a second.
Amid being in a bubble from hearing the sound of the living beings he created - Harry’s heart dropped at the right of you, and he lept from his spot to your side, immediately slapping your face, eyes almost out of their sockets, “Y/N? Y/N. COME ON NOW!”
“OW HARRY!” You moaned, pushing his hand away.
He let out a breath. “Oh Jesus fucking Christ. DON’T YOU EVER!”
“I’m tired!” You argued, your eyelids weighing a tonne.
“You’re not closing your eyes,” he almost laughed despicably. No way in hell was he letting you drift. You would die.
You were drowsy. Still feeling drugged. “Give me a moment.”
“Y/n, NO!” His hand shook your jaw. You were not leaving him alone. You were not doing this right now. He hadn’t felt fear like this. You hadn’t even met the kids yet!
You lost a little blood which could have explained the weakness - or simply the fact you’d pushed two babies during your labour — that reminder was almost traumatic just hearing it — but either way, you were fucking wrecked. Delusional a little. Probably dehydrated. Your eyes could barely sit open. His Mum brought a bottle to your lips and patted your sweaty hair, and the drink of water seemed to have sparked the smallest bit of life in you as two women suddenly approached your bed with the biggest smiles on their faces. Holding one of each, a living angel wrapped in a fluffy white towel, they leaned to place them in your arms.
You were so confused. You knew they was yours, they were your ones but you were so confused. But you acted like you knew what to do, I mean, you were guessing you were supposed to just take them.
“Congratulations, Mama,” the warmth hit your arm, and then the other, and suddenly — you were with it, you were with them in the room. Everything made sense. The world stopped spinning. Everything went quiet.
Two of the most beautiful little faces lay with their eyes closed, a frown on one of them and the other peacefully pouting, little fists clenched by their cheeks.
Your eyes welled to the brim as your heart rate excelled.
Oh, my God. I did it.
I actually did it!
Oh my God.
They’re here, they’re right here! My babies!
My babies.
Yours. Your babies.
Yours and Harry’s.
He was suspiciously quiet.
You tore your eyes off them to look at him in the seat next to you, and the tears fully flowed at the sight of him — palms digging into his sockets, the tears spilling down him like a running tap. Your heart burst in your chest as a rock formed in your throat, you tried to reach for his face, “Harry.”
Eyes were red, streaks staining his face even though he urgently wiped them away and he sniffed multiple times. He became completely undone in front of you, his heart out on the table. He had never felt an emotion like this before. He didn’t think he could feel like this. The overwhelming feeling of love and adoration he had, and the luck he felt that moment, the life he had been blessed with, the person he’d been blessed with — he was overwhelmed with gratitude. “Why am I fucking crying?” He looked at you, laughing. “I’m just . . this is so weird? I-I’m so happy right now,” he said, voice shaken but tinted with delight. He couldn’t believe the big day was finally here - finally done with.
His world was complete.
It was right in front of him.
For ages you both just gazed at them, seeing them so settled and unexpectedly not crying for anything yet. Harry’s Mum burst into tears too, hand shaking when she touched their little heads, as if to confirm they were here and real.
She kissed you both with the fullest heart, beaming with pride - already had 100 photos to share. “I’ll be back soon for a nurse!” She squeezed you both before leaving to freshen up and let you have your moments as a family of four now. She would be back soon, with the rest of the clan, so they could all see the new additions.
They were perfect.
For ages you sat in silence, the pair of you unable to put your eyes anywhere else. How were they here? How were they yours?!
Your arms hugged them while Harry stroked your head, in complete disbelief staring at them.
“Why did you faint twice?” You laughed, tears drying your face. He laughed also, drying the rest of his.
“I don’t know. You were getting all the attention,” he managed to croak out, bringing his eyes back to his two creations.
He did that.
Or . . he helped with that.
You looked at them two, completely mesmerized and in disbelief still that they were yours. They were in you. That was what the constant pushing down on your ribs were - or kicking you while you tried to sleep. That was who was making you sick 8 months ago when you tried to eat all your favourite food. Jesus Christ.
You felt like you could finally breathe.
“I actually don’t believe it,” Harry sat with his hands over his mouth, unable to take his eyes off them.
This was his life now.
This was his forever.
A midwife appeared and approached your bed. “We’re just going to take Little Girl and weigh her again, she’s a little underweight compared to her brother, but that can be normal!” a soft voice told you, and you nodded understandingly and allowed her to take her, your heart a little upset at her words.
Little girl. Brother. Oh God. You had a son and daughter now. You were someone’s Mum. You were their Mum. You were a Mum.
You were a milf.
“My boy,” you finally spoke to them, removing your eyes from the door the midwife left with your baby to your first born. Your big boy. “How much do you weigh?”
“He’s 5.5.”
“Five and a half pounds!” That was all?! Swear they felt heavier in the womb.
“How much is she?”
Harry shrugged, “I heard 4.”
Four pounds? For a little baby? That was a little worrying, but you trusted the nurse’s word saying it was normal at times.
You suddenly furrowed your brows. “Is their cord cut?”
“Did you cut it?!” You looked at him. He was leaning on his hand, knees swaying in his seat as he stared down at his son. “Yeah.”
“Yes!” He laughed at your response. “Y/n you were looking right at me.”
“Was I?” You definitely blacked out or something.
“Yes,” he smiled, bringing his hand to your head to place another kiss on it. “I love you,” he copied your stare of the boy. “Well done.”
You snickered at his words. “Thanks.”
He was messing a little, but he meant it. He was so undeniably proud of you and understood everything — you did get a new respect for your woman. He felt like he was standing next to a God — a woman who’d done it twice! He would worship you ‘til the rest of his days, not that he already did.
He was so lucky you were his.
“Here’s Baby Girl,” your baby soon returned and the midwife placed her in your other arm and quickly took a seat on a stool. “So, Little Boy is 5 and a ½ pounds, very normal for a twin — Little Girl on the other hand is only 4 pounds, but it’s nothing to be too alarmed about. It can be common. You have to stay in for a couple days anyway so we’ll be able to monitor until you’re ready to leave. It shouldn’t take long for them to fill out once you start feeding and stuff,” she ran over with you, going over a few more little things to expect during your stay and the first few days, just to refresh your memory after your brain had turned a little foggy, and left again.
“Are you going to hold them?” You eventually asked Harry, and you could see the nerves in his eyes, but you and another midwife encouraged he could do it and he would be fine. Just some skin to skin bonding.
“Do I have to take my top off?” he apprehensively pulled his hoodie over his head but you only laughed encouragingly, watching him sit down in the chair next to you.
“Take it off, you big dilf,” you watched his face, preparing to take pictures as the nurses passed them the babies.
Your heart melted. Completely liquidated, a puddle in your chest. You wanted to stay in this moment forever. “Why they so warm?” He pulled an uncomfortable face as they settled nicely on him, the three having a little group hug in the corner. You chuckled at him, taking more photos.
You’d never felt so blessed.
It suited him. A lot. “They love you so much already.” They were bound to know that voice who rambled on to them every night.
He thought it suited you too – especially when they took to you naturally, thank heavens, when you began to feed. Grateful they didn’t put up a fight or have any trouble, although using a bottle wouldn’t have changed anything, you were relieved to hear them drinking ok. It was the first time you’d felt properly soothed and that you were doing something right. Although you couldn’t deny it, you did feel a bit weird. “I feel so used”.
Harry watched them latched to your chest. “I feel so . .” did he say it? Was he really going to make a childish comment at this time? “. . jealous,”
By the time 7:00pm was rolling around, you felt so much better after getting a little snooze (although Harry watched the monitor every single second), a shower with the help of a few nurses, and some new pyjamas, bought specially from your boyfriend: you felt brand new. Currently, you were hobbling around the room after being scared by the midwife you may get clots in your legs if sitting down too long, so you walked about slowly, looking out the massive window to see the city lights of London.
It was so comforting, being in the warmth of the private room whilst looking outside. You kept fiddling with the hospital band on your wrist - the matching ones you shared with your little darlings labeled Baby Twin Lewis (F) and (M).
“It’s so dark outside,” you said, subconsciously digging your hand into the mcdonalds bag on the table for the remainder of chips, and shoved them in your mouth. Harry was in the corner of the room, slouched on the big comfy chair, both babies in either arm, now both freshly cleaned like their mama, and dressed in matching babygrows.
Different colours of course. “It’s almost 7:00, though,” you turned around to see him, and whilst eating the chip, you smiled like the smuggest person in the world, heart thumping. Your three big babies, all cozied between each other. You took another picture, loving how content his babies were snuggled into one of his hoodies just like you did. You didn’t doubt they’d already grown attached to his smell.
Harry had a nerve to look tired - keeping his eyes closed while each hand hung protectively over their little bodies. Tell me about it sister, labour can be so long.
“Harry, I’m starving already,” you mumbled after changing your lockscreen, laying half on your side, drumming your thigh.
Harry unexpectedly laughed, like really began to laugh, and you looked at him insecurely. “What?!”
It was the way you were laying, and talking, seeming so chilled in contrast to hours ago when he was convinced you were going to pull London Bridge down. “Nothin’, you just . . I’m glad you’re back to yourself,” he laughed, confusing you even more. Eh?
“What’d you mean?” You laughed, you'd been yourself all the time?
“You’re just lying there casually, like . . you’re waiting for me to go downstairs and tell my Mum to make us something to eat.” He made the similarities, from when you two only started going together and were too nervous to speak to his family one-on-one, thinking you were the biggest inconvenience for staying over all the time, up in his room.
Now look at where you both were.
“Oh my God!” A soft squeal caught your attention, and you turned to see Rosie walk through the door first, hands on her mouth, a gift bag sliding down her arm. She was not going to cry again. She’d already cried twice from pictures.
Josh followed, along with his Dad and then his Mum with a little trio of balloons, smiling each time he looked at each one’s reaction.
You moved to the windowsill, heart fluttering at the family affair. You were witnessing a core memory.
Everyone was crying again — you were hugging them, laughing as you and Harry had already done this part, and watched them enter that phase of disbelief and realisation dawning. “Oh my God,” his sister said again, sitting at the edge of the bed across from her brother, across from her niece and nephew.
“Do you want to hold them?” Harry grinned as he asked the obvious.
“Yes please,” she croaked, closing her eyes to stop the tears from falling.
“Auntie Rosie and Uncle Josh . .” you casually sang as Harry placed Little Girl first in her arms.
“Do you want to hold this one?” He craned his head to find his brother, who nodded acceptingly. Why? Why did they always make that face at one another? Why did they always look like they were trying not to laugh?
“Hi honey,” his Mum wrapped an arm around you to finally give you your greeting, kissing your head as she watched you look at them all in adoration. “How are you love?”
“I’m alright. Getting the steps in,” you leaned into her.
“You did brilliantly,” his Dad pulled you into him by your shoulder, feeling the pride burst out of him at the sight of you and his son. “I’m so happy for the both of you.”
“Don’t, ‘cause I'm going to cry again!” His wife began to dab her eyes already, walking over to her own kids holding her first set of grandkids.
Dreams come true after all.
“Josh, lad, you need to sit back.”
“I AM!”
“YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE SITTING UP STRAIGHT!” They were laughing so much and you wanted to laugh too if Harry wasn’t hovering your baby in the air with a jolty body. Hurry up and give him to him!
Rosie was already taking pics and videos, completely besotted as you two already were. Harry sat on the arm while Josh eventually got holding his nephew, in awe and a little unnerved by how much he much looked like them - like a Lewis. “I love you so much,” you could hear her mumbling against your daughter's sweet head, while his Mum came and sat next to her, stroking her mitten covered hand.
“How’re they yours,” Josh said to his older brother, slightly disturbed that he was a Dad now. You’d made him responsible not for one life, but two.
You could see his mouth twitching, a smart answer bubbling in his brain and brace yourself. “So, you see when you have sex—”
Josh thumped his fist to his arm, ruining his vibe while looking at this little boy he already couldn’t wait to kick a ball about wirh; torture him a little as Harry had tortured him growing up — or better! Get him to torture Harry as a karma for having his bad big brother moments. “Let me get your picture!”
Everyone got a cuddle, everyone got photos taken to be framed and put in the living room, while you sat on the edge of a seat, eating and going through your presents: a couple babygrows for your little angels and mittens; a pair of pyjamas for you and a bottle of Malibu that had you harshly pressing your lips to Rosie’s cheek. “Comfy there?” Harry asked when you two lay in the hospital bed, scrolling on your phone to show her something you’d seen the other day, as if you were two teenagers chilling in her room.
“So comfy,” his sister answered.
His mum and dad had their turn, cuddling one of each while you stood with your back pressed to Harry, his arm hung over your front as you looked at everybody. He felt so full. So did you. You were both just so grateful and fully absorbed in that baby bubble. Your arms clung around him behind you, pulling him closer to you so you could smell his scent and get it on you.
“Can I post these?”
“No!” Harry deadpanned, looking up from you, “I haven’t even posted anything yet!”
Their parents were rolling their eyes so hard right now.
“Oh. I thought you were just gatekeeping your kids.”
“I’m not gatekeeping them.”
“Like gatekeeping their faces,” his brother butted in with a smirk.
“What’s wrong with that?”
You turned your head at him.
Rosie looked away from her phone, “so can I post their face?”
“We’re not showing their faces?” You looked at him taken back.
“I don’t wanna show their faces,” he looked at you confused, “not fresh out the womb.”
“You don’t?” You were convinced he’d want to show them off and say how he had the prettiest babies.
“No, not right now.” He furrowed his brows.
Oh. “Okay.” Your lip subconsciously pulled to the side as your heart fluttered at the thought — a protective daddy already.
“Great, so I need to put a heart over their faces now,” Rosie huffed as she got to editing.
“I just want to savor it a little bit more, thank you very much,” he said sassily with a closing of his eyes, “have people to judge my babies already.” Fair, you thought. He had his weird notions for privacy, but also, he didn’t like the thought of pictures of his kids being blasted all across the internet, just hours old.
You didn’t argue with him, he seemed to have his foot down.
“. . she does look like a—” his Mum didn’t even say the name as she closed her eyes in defeat which made you laugh.
See! You knew she’d grow to like them, although — now you were apprehensive and took up the offer of some time before printing it in ink on the birth certificate.
“Your Nan thinks you’re a big, dirty coin,” Harry bounced her tiny little hand with his finger.
You were so in love with him.
“I don’t want to leave!”
“I know!” His Mum whined as she stood up upon seeing the time. Visiting hours were almost over and she was already planning on her outfit for tomorrow when she came and seen you again. “My beautiful angel.” She kissed her granddaughter’s hat-covered head. “You are just like your daddy. Sorry Y/n, I know that's not what you want to hear,” she chuckled, handing her over to you.
“It’s okay, I know,” you pretended to angrily clench your fist. But she was right. It was questionable any of your DNA had got in there.
“The genes are strong,” Harry discreetly fist pumped the air in success.
“The genes are strong,” you agreed, taking your baby girl in your arms, “no one can dare question the Dad, they are all him.”
“Identical,” his Dad agreed, staring down at his grandson who looked just as his dad once did.
Harry was so proud. For some reason, it gave him the hugest ego boost while you had no other choice but to get on with it.
“You look more like your Aunt Rosie than me,” you fake cried to the little girl, “look at that face!” you held her up, seeing her scrunch her little legs. I mean she was Harry but a girl, so, she was technically a close look alike to Rosie. She’d look more like you as she grew, though, Harry could already see from the similarities he could point out from your old baby pictures. “They actually — no, d’you know what it is,” you shifted your weight on one hip, “you all look alike but Rosie and Josh look so alike when you see them so close together,” you could feel the clogs turning in your head. They had more similar features. “Josh and Harry look alike until you see Rosie and then Harry looks nothing at all to them.”
“I mean you all look the same.”
“No, I see Josh in him too when I look at him.” His Mum commented as she handed him back his son.
“So, is this the part where you tell me they’re actually Josh’s kids?”
You sighed. “Yeah.“
Josh, disapproving of this joke, shook his head and stood up, ready to bid his goodbyes.
“Well they’re not! They’re all mine,” Harry held your baby boy up in the air before bringing him down to his lips where he smothered his cheek in nonstop kisses, the baby looking unbelievably tiny in his hold.
Everybody couldn’t get over Harry, and just how smitten he was over something already.
The last they’d seen him close to it was with his dog, and at that, he ended up giving him away to the family over in Guernsey. He was absolutely mesmerised. Obsessed.
It was almost uncomfortable.
“Bye! Love you,” Rosie kissed and hugged you tight and gave Little Girl a kiss on her cheek as you held her up to her with a smile. “I will see you soon!” She went and did the same with her brother and nephew as you thanked her again for her adorable presents.
You all got a hug and kiss goodbye, seeing everyone go as you slightly waved the twins’ arms, seeing how it nearly sent Harry’s Mum to tears again.
“Can I see my little girl before I need to go?” You both switched babies, finally resuming your spot comfortably on your bed as he took her from you. He was besotted by both but he knew he already had a bigger protective streak over his baby girl when he discovered her brother had deprived her in the womb, and therefore, made her smaller compared to him.
It was crazy the things he was already promising to do in head head for someone so tiny and he’d only met today. They were his life, and he would, and was, going to do anything and everything for them.
Your baby girl was a doll. If he could balance her, she would have been able to fit in one hand. “My little girl,” he patted her pack, swaying side to side, “my little princess . . deprived by her big brother. Left to starve,” he glanced down at you and your son on your chest. “He’s a big bully. He’s a biiig bully, in’t he,” he shook his head while you laughed at his behaviour. But then he came over, successfully holding Baby Girl in his arms and brought the other one around you, hugging all four of you into him. “I love you so much, Y/n.”
“I love you so much,” you felt the lump in your throat, completely overwhelmed with love and gratefulness. Your family. Your very own family.
He leaned down and gave you a kiss, to which you returned three times short, holding the back of his head. “You’re the best.”
“No, you’re the best.” He kissed you again. “Thank you for everything.” He wasn’t just talking about gifting him his baby boy and baby girl, that included sticking by him since his young hooligan days when he wouldn’t even have blamed you for leaving him. “I’m a very lucky man.”
“Well . . I’m luckier.”
“Mm. Debatable,” he pulled away, moving your hair to the side, and you caught his hand before he pulled away and squeezed it.
“I am the lucky one, I have you by my side. I’m glad I stuck it out,” you laughed, referring to his crazy, unhinged phases. He laughed at you. “No, but you really are the best.” You kissed his hand. “My favourite boy.”
He smiled down at you, and brought your hand to his lips to give it another kiss. “You’re my favourite too.” And then he kissed his baby girl’s head and then his baby boy’s, “and then you, and then you.”
You smiled in contentment, feeling ready for whatever that was yet to come, so long, you had your favourites by your side. Your little family.
How you all couldn’t wait to get back home and show them off to everyone.
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yourusername 1 & 2 ☁️🐣✨🧸
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wroetoshaw ❤️
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1K notes · View notes
ghostofscarley · 9 months
yes it has been a year since i put up a proper post... so have this smau of y/n and adrian being cuties x taylor swift captions :D
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17 notes · View notes
ghostofscarley · 10 months
Fred Weasley x Reader
Inspired by the movie 'Enchanted'
Taglist: @wolfstardaughter-jj @dayangestre @cobrakaisb @emso12 @wixabear @robincantfunction @lilyswh0re @dracosluvbot
word count: 8.7k
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"you're practically gaping at her mate, subtle much," fred muttered as he glanced at harry who was staring at the fifth year ravenclaw, cho chang, mindlessly as she giggled with her friends, "so much for wanting to keep my lunch down. mate, before you lose anymore pumpkin juice, you'd have more luck going over and talking to her-"
"oh, leave him alone fred," rolling her eyes, y/n gave back the rolled up newspaper to a glaring hermione granger after having smacked the ginger boy on the back of his head, "he is however, miraculously, right in a sorts though harry. you really should talk to her."
"ugh! look at this! i don't believe it, she's done it again. miss granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the bulgarian bon-bon viktor krum. no word yet on how harry potter's taking this latest emotional blow," glaring now at the newspaper article, hermione slams it onto the table, almost knocking over her own goblet of pumpkin juice in the process, "i mean who does she think she is? i can tell you right now, harry seems to be doing just fine."
shaking his head, as if he had been in a trance, harry looked towards his fury-filled friends is confusion
"i wouldn't mind her, mione. you know how that hag of a woman is," shaking her head at the clueless chosen one before turning to in a sympathetic manner to comfort her bushy-haired friend, "the lengths she'd go and the people she'd shine a false light on for the sake of fame and attention. such a bitch."
groaning, fred slid over to his best friend, not so subtly stretching an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl closer, and unbeknownst to the ginger, causing a certain hue of rosy red to spread across the said girl's cheeks
"such a dirty mouth. to what do i owe the honours of being allowed to be within the presence of that mouth?" winking with a sly grin, blowing a single strand out of his eyes and angling his head to get a better look at the girl, he asks, "is the one and only y/n y/l/n blushing because of little, ol' frederick weasley? you flatter me."
huffing, y/n shrugged off the older twins arm that was draped across her shoulders, sending a scowl his way as she crossed her arms
"you wish freddie, and don't say shit like that. weirdo."
"well maybe if someone stopped swearing then-"
"i'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."
hearing this, both y/n and fred looked over to the two youngest weasleys, one of which were holding what looked like old rags of spare lace sewn together, before hermione laughed
"they're not for ginny. they're for you! dress robes."
upon saying this, the friend group all broke into laughter whilst ron's face fell
"dress robes? for what?"
to this, y/n and fred, having calmed down from the fits of laughter at the situation for the younger weasley male, turned to each other, a look of confusion now adorning their faces
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"the yule ball has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament since its inception. on christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. as representitives of the host school i expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and i mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance." groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. the girls seem a lot more excited, "silence. the house of godric gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. i will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."
y/n sent a quick glance to where harry, fred and george were standing only to see the twins murmuring to themselves and thus she shook her head, knowing that it was nothing serious before focusing back on mcgonagall
"now to dance is to let the body breathe. inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight and inside," upon hearing whispers, she turns to glare at ron, "every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance, mr weasley, will you join me?  now, place your right hand on my waist."
embarrassed and a little befuddled, ron almost mutters
impatient, the woman moves to correct the placement of ron's very much awkward placing of his arm
"my waist," the woman states firmly, before the music starts up and the professors leads them into a waltz, inviting others to join
upon the invitation, the girls rushed to stand, only for the boys to remain seated, awkward, some even scratching at the back of their necks
with a smirk, fred walks over to y/n, who had previously been in a conversation with her friend and fellow quidditch team mate, katie bell, when she saw an approaching body out of the corner of her eye, before turning to see fred offering his hand out to her
"if you will, m'lady."
nudging the girl with a giggle, katie pushed her friend out of her seating position and into the arms of the cheeky ginger, winking at the girl before turning to find her own partner
"real smooth, weasley," she stated, placing one hand into his before raising her other arm to rest it on his, "'m'lady', huh? that's a new one. what book did you stumble upon to get that one? oh who am i kidding, you'd never pick up a book. willingly."
"oh ha ha, you're so funny. much laughter. such a comedian," the hand that rested on her waist began to poke slightly at her after her cheeky comment, twirling her and bringing her back into his chest now, "i'll have you know that i didn't find it. i just heard it was all. in one of those silly muggle movies that you love."
"they are not silly," she scoffed, moving her hand to slap the back of his head only for him to grab it and keep a firm grasp on it instead, the familiar heat spreading across her face, "they are romantic. not that you'd know."
"what's that supposed to mean? i'm so romantic i'd knock your socks off with how chivalrous and charming i am."
the girl couldn't keep a straight face at what the boy had said, immediately breaking out into a boisterous cackle which attracted many fellow gryffindors though the girl didn't care. the boy didn't either, a small smile then growing rather large at the sound
"oh freddie, now who's the comedian?" sighing, she moved, well tried, to rest her right cheek on his shoulder, which was now hunched to aid her due to the distinct height difference, "i can't wait. i mean, an actual ball, are you kidding? hogwarts is already magical on its own. can you imagine how wondrous it'll be?"
"oh, do you already have someone in mind as to who you'll take? my, my. and whom is it that has piqued y/n y/l/n's interest?" he nudged at her, wiggling his eyebrows as chuckled at the rosy red cheeks, "it wouldn't happen to be someone i know, would it?"
"what's it to you?" burying her face deeper into his neck, her voice came out as a murmur, "maybe i have found someone i hope will sweep me off my feet."
though the girl couldn't see it, fred's face dropped, after a wave of shock, not expecting what she said
"oh. well that's good," he shrugged, the movement pulling y/n out of her trance, and out of his neck, "can only imagine how wonderful he is. only the best for you."
"yeah," she said, a look of serenity taking over her face as she thought about the boy that was standing in front of her, "he is pretty wonderful."
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"this is mad. at this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. well, us and neville," ron uttered, sharing a chuckle with harry whilst y/n, who was across the table next to fred shared a look of displeasure with hermione, "then again, he can take himself."
before y/n could reply to the younger weasley, hermione had beaten her to it
"how sweet. but it might interest you two to know that neville's already got someone."
a smirk growing, the older gryffindor girl knew that she no longer had to say anything
"well now I'm really depressed."
ron's shoulders drop as his lips form a pout
hearing quick scribbles, y/n turned to read what fred had written before he scrunched it up and threw it at his brother
'get a move on or all the good ones will have gone'
to this, ron looks up from the parchment before turning to his older brother
"who are you going with then?"
fred turned to y/n, who was sat on his right, sharing a smile, as she let out a small giggle, wiggling his eye brows, before turning and throwing a piece of scrunched up parchment at angelina johnson
y/n could only feel her smile drop, her eyes gloss, and the rosy hues fade as she watched the boy next to her whisper at the girl. a girl that wasn't her
"oi! angelina!" acting out dancing movements, he then continued to ask, "do you, want to go, to the ball, with me?"
with a smile growing on her face, angelina turned so her whole body was facing him before resting her head on her hand with a dreamy look
"yeah. yeah, i want to go."
y/n could only see fred wink at ron before she quickly packed all her things and rushed to hand her book to snape, alarming the others as they all watched the girl scamper off, not wanting them to see the tears that had now escaped, her heart broken
"what's wrong with her?" ron could only ask though he got shrugs from both fred and hermione, "well, anyway."
fred could only drown out his brother's words as he watched the girl practically run put of the great hall, before he heard a book slam and turned to witness hermione leaving as well, sending a final glare to his little brother
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the small sniffles from the gryffindor girl, with the occasional break of an audible sob were all that could be heard that wintry evening as the rebounded off the walls of what she thought was an empty corridor, void of students
"y/n? is that you?" the soft voice came from around the corner from where she was sat, the owner of the voice stepping out into the open corridor to reveal adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and a total heartthrob, his face softening as he looked at the upset girl in front of him, "are you ok? what happened?"
she made quick eye contact with the boy before she hurriedly brushed away her tears, rubbing at her eyes and glancing down as she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, not wanting to look at him again
not wanting to seem vulnerable or weak in front of him
"come on," nodding his head to the side, he waited with his hand held out, "let's go for a walk. i promise it won't be a bore. i'm a pretty fun person."
looking from his eyes back to his outstretched hand and then his eyes again and seeing nothing but kindness and warmth in his irises, the girl huffed a little before placing her hand in his, allowing him to pull her up from her seated position
not saying anything for a few moments, the pair walked, hands still in each other's, taking in the sights of the school, the blanket of white coating every inch that was exposed, small, icy flakes fluttering and falling, both from the sky and the branches of trees that had collected hefty amounts
"so, mind telling me what's up?" adrian spoke out, filling the otherwise silent air before freezing up a bit, turning to the girl frantically, "not that you should feel obligated to tell me, if it's something you wish to keep to yourself then i won't pester you about it. but. i am here if you do need to talk."
"you make it seem a lot more... serious than it is, i guess," she responded, wanting to reassure the boy whilst feeling idiotic herself, then scoffing and shaking her head, "i mean, who cries because they watched their crush ask out another person to this really extravagant ball that's coming up? stupid, right?"
now frowning, the slytherin boy turns towards her, shaking his head
"y/n. that is a valid reason to be upset. it's not stupid at all. well, i guess it's their loss."
shaking her head as more tears welled up, she stopped their walk, removing her hand from his grasp before facing him and placing both of them on his shoulder
"it's not stupid at all," he all but uttered, not wanting to scare or upset the girl any further by his usually confident and loud voice, "it's rather valid you know. but anyone would be a blind idiot to not take you."
her crying came to a halt as a look of self doubt lingered in her eyes
"no, adrian. you don't understand. the girl is like. stupid gorgeous. like, her eyes are doe like, you could easily get lost in them. her skin is ridiculously smooth and clear, free of blemishes and pimples and blackheads, not to mention the tone of colour. her hair, looks alone, is so silky and it blows freely in the wind, never a single strand out of place. she's a bloody chaser on the quidditch team so that's a factor alone. her laugh is airy and fucking perfect. her smile is so warm and dreamy and captivating. she's not too short but not too tall. angelina johnson," taking a breath, the girl could feel her senses cloud, losing sight and touch, looking aimlessly past the boy, "she's so fucking perfect and. i'm just. me. i don't even know why i thought i had a chance. but the way he looked at me, smiled at me, with that stupid boyish grin he always wears. i was so sure it would happen. and then it didn't. i was stupid to think fred weasley, the class clown, would ask me to the ball when someone like angelina johnson roams the very same halls. it seems so bitchy to say that too because she's so kind. always the sweetest thing to me and here i am being the grouchiest person ever."
"then go with me," he asked, no stated firmly and without a doubt, "i won't let you downplay yourself like that, comparing yourself to someone who is just another girl. who isn't all that. and that's not because i'm biased or partial as your friend. she may be beautiful, but you radiate beauty. and i won't let you continue to bottle up these thoughts that you hold against yourself when they aren't true. so, i am asking you to go to the yule ball with me, as my date."
"oh ade, i, i can't. i just, i don't want a pity date. just because the guy i wanted to go with asked someone else."
instead of arguing, because him asking her wasn't out of pity, adrian held out his hand to her, waiting until she eventually took it, though not without a look of confusion before he cleared his throat, taking her down the corridor
in a horrible, posh british accent, like more posh than his usual accent, he sang out loud, his voice echoing off of the walls for all to hear
"hee hee"
"ade, what are you doing?"
"my baby's always danCInG, and iT WouLdN't be a bAd tHiNG. BUt i doN't geT nO lovInG, aNd thAt'S nO LiE"
quickening her pace to match his, she couldn’t help but smile, forgetting what had happened in the great hall not too long, spinning whenever he motioned for her to, seeing others who were now exiting the great hall watch on, curious
"wE sPenT thE nIGhT in fRisCo, aT evEry kiNdA diScO. fRoM thAt nIghT i kIsSed oUr lOvE gOodByE."
out of the corner of her eye, she could she a flash of ginger hair, though she wasn't given more time to wonder about who it was before she was dipped and she let out the loudest cackle
"dOn't bLAmE iT on tHe sUNsHinE, DOn'T bLamE It on thE mOoNlIGhT, dON't bLAme It oN ThE gOoD tiMeS. bLAmE iT on thE boOgie."
doing one more spin, the boy left the girl in the middle of the corridor before skipping and spinning and prancing circles around her, her smile growing and lighting up the otherwise darkening hall as the sun set
"i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET. i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET."
now out of breath, the boy dropped onto both knees, gesturing for her hands and asking once more
"i hope that wasn't too embarrassing for you," he chuckles, taking in deep breaths, the musical break out doing more numbers on him than his weekly quidditch practices, "so, i'll ask again. will you, y/n y/l/n, chaser of the gryffindor quidditch team and total heartthrob, accompany myself, adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and also total heartthrob, to the yule ball? i can't promise i'll be as 'extravagant' as i was in this moment, but i'll be the best damn date you could ever wish for."
"well, i mean i don't know, i-" dragging on her words, she looked down at the boy to see his confident grin faltering and she knew she couldn't continue to play along, "of course i will ade. how could i say no after that?"
breathing out a sigh of relief, he went to wrap his arms around her before realising he was still on his knees, getting up and then embracing the girl who was no longer teary eyed and instead glowing, radiating warmth and happiness
whilst most onlookers were applauding the 'proposal' they had witnessed between the two chasers, a certain ginger beater, who was watching from behind pillar, was green with envy, shaking his head before walking off to find george
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it was christmas night. the night of the yule ball and y/n finds herself in hermione's dorm room, getting ready with said girl and the youngest weasley
"ok but can we talk about that proposal again and how cute it was," ginny exclaimed, grabbing onto the oldest girl's hand and twirling, though almost falling due to the wedges that adorned her feet, "i mean. i always saw you two together so i knew he was friendly but. the singing, the dancing, the 'falling onto his knees'. it was so romantic."
"ah, gin," the girl, though smiling, shook her head slightly, straightening up her younger friend, "it was cute, but i just don't see adrian like that. he's just a good friend."
"y/n, y/n, y/n. did you not see the way he looked at you? it was practically heart-eyes. he adores you. he had this soft smile on his face and his eyes glowed. it was like you had hung, no, handpicked the moon and the stars for him. he was enamoured."
"adrian is aromantic, gin. i can assure you he doesn't like me like that. besides, though he's my date, i've always had my eye on someone. the feelings just don't seem to be reciprocated."
ginny's smile faltered as she looked at her friend who was gazing down, twiddling her fingers
"if you're talking about my git of a brother," she held up a finger to the girl, whose mouth was slightly ajar, as if she were to ask 'which brother' "and before you get smart, i'm talking about fred. you're clearly not as smart as i thought you were if you think for a second that he doesn't like you. he's constantly talking about you and whatever you've done that was just 'oustanding' or 'astronomical' when you aren't around.. and then where you are around, he needs to be touching you in some way. if i thought adrian was enamoured with you, fred is gobsmacked, drop dead, head over heels, in love with you."
"then why didn't he ask me to the ball, gin? why did he ask angelina? and why did he do it in front of me? no, it doesn't matter. i don't think i have the right to ask that. just... clearly, whatever feelings he did feel.. aren't there," she looked over to the clock in the room before turning to the bed that had her dress hanging just above it, "come on. we've got just under two hours before the ball, and i would like to do your hair. your dress is beautiful by the way."
"well i know, and yes i understood, adrian does not like you and you do not like him and it's all platonic, but i just know he's gonna be blown away with how gorgeous you'll look. i mean the satin and the deepness of the green, which honestly suits you. even if he wore his house tie, it would still match your dress. you'd look hot as a slytherin. too bad you're too much of a lion to be a snake. platonic or not, this is still gonna be as much of a date as any other date you've been on or could go on. and don't look at me like that, enjoy your night with adrian. you deserve it."
before y/n could respond to the girl after having braided and pinned up her ginger hair into a half up/half down style, hermione's voice echoed from the bathroom
"y/n, could you please help me with my hair?"
"don't think for a second that i'm done with you gin, just give me a few minutes. i've got a choice of words with you."
"ah, would you look at the time. i think neville is downstairs waiting for me. see you soon."
"gin- GINERVA," before y/n could say the girl's full name, she had sped out of the dorm room, leaving the older girl to shake her head and huff, "i'm gonna kill her."
quickly slipping in her own dress, she then knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, to see a nervous hermione granger in a beautiful periwinkle dress that complimented the soft brown of her eyes
"and what is it that i will be doing with your hair tonight, miss?" she asked in a horrible mock posh accent, "would you care to flip through our catalogue? i personally love style 3."
"i was actually wondering if you could help me curl it and then pin it back, i don't want to do too much with it," she requests, finally looking over to her friend before gasping slightly, "the dress is absolutely gorgeous on you, y/n. adrian won't know what hit him. if we didn't already have dates, i'd take you myself. save me a dance, perhaps?"
"oh, of course, kind lady. it would be an honour to get the opportunity to dance with you at this regal ball," she continued with her horrible accent, whilst casting a charm to curl hermione's hair, going to speak again but losing the accent, her tone sincere, "you look beautiful, mione. i just know viktor won't be able to keep his eyes off you. and i mean, i wouldn't blame him. i wouldn't want to look away from you either. you really did a wonderful job at picking the dress. should i ever get married, obviously as one of my bridesmaids, or even maid of honour, i'd have you pick out the dresses without a doubt. ok, all done. what do you think?"
"oh, y/n," before y/n could say anything, hermione threw her arms around her, "it's absolutely beautiful, thank you. ok, take a seat and i'll do your hair and your make up if you'd like. not that you'd need any. your natural beauty alone would blow the minds of the whole school, hogwarts, beauxbatons and durmstrang. veela's have nothing on you."
"granger, you flatter me. surprise me will you? i don't really have anything in mind so go at it however you see fit. and maybe just a clear gloss. that way, i can get absolutely hammered and not worry about having to remove a full face of make up."
at the request, hermione spun the girl so that she was no longer facing the mirror, taking the still charmed wand and curling her hair back to resemble that of beach waves, keeping it soft and light, not overdone, before parting her hair, braiding the top half of the two section before tying it off into two separate ponytails that sat on the top of her head, similar to a half up/half down style. she then applied a coat of clear gloss as requested, as well as a light coat of mascara to really accentuate her eyes, before spinning her again, ready for the reveal.
"i'd like to see adrian try and take his eyes away from you. it'd be with great difficulty, i'll tell you that much. you'll easily be the prettiest girl at the ball."
"oh, mione, you can't say that when you'll be there. if i'm gorgeous, you're absolutely stunning. i honestly am envious that viktor is taking you. though i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. don't hide away too much, yeah? i will be getting that dance," she then hugged the younger girl, careful as to not wrinkle either dress or ruin either hairstyle, "thank you for this. i don't think i've ever felt this pretty. who needs a beauty team? i just need you, my girl. let's go blow everyone away, yeah?"
"let's do it."
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walking down to the great hall, the duo heard gasps and saw looks of awe as they turned heads. y/n saw the youngest weasley standing with neville and her own date before looking around, her eyes settling on a cleaned up fred weasley who looked as handsome as ever. he seemed to have found her too, meeting her gaze
she wanted to smile bashfully and wave at the boy she considered her best friend before she saw the girl whose arm was linked with his. the girl that was hanging off of him. and she removed her gaze from him, keeping the small smile as she looked over to adrian, who was returning the smile as he met her gaze, walking over to meet her at the foot of the staircase
"i'll see you around, mione. blow them all away."
the girls hugged a final time before separating to move to their respective dates
"wow, y/l/n. you look incredible. didn't take you to be much of a green girl but it really does suit you. maybe you should've been sorted into slytherin, would've fit right in."
"mm, i don't think so. too many snakes for me to handle. i'm happy with my little pride of lions. must admit, you do look quite incredible yourself. very handsome. i very much like that your tie matches my dress. you wouldn't have asked one of my friends about the colour, would you?"
"whaat? me? never. that does not sound like me at all. but yes. yes i did. reckon we'll make quite the couple. turning heads left, right and centre."
"maybe i should have worn a burgundy. once in a lifetime opportunity to see you in red. reckon you'd look quite ravishing i suppose."
"maybe not so much. wouldn't want to make a fool of myself. at least you can pull off any colour, miss head-turner. shall we make our way inside now?"
"we shall. lead the way, mr head-turner."
from the other side of the hallway
fred was standing just outside the entrance of the great hall, in a group that consisted of himself and his date, angelina, george and his date, alicia spinnet, and lee and his date, patricia stimpson, when the three girls turned to the staircase to see who was making their way down and gasped
"look at our girl, ang. she looks amazing," exclaimed alicia, pulling george with her towards the girl, though george stopped her, "why are we stopping?"
"the girl still needs to find her date, ali. we'll see her inside, alright?"
the girl pouted slightly before nodding and returning her gaze to their third chaser
"did you guys see pucey's proposal to her? it was so romantic and she looked so happy. if i'm being honest though, i thought you'd ask her freddie. especially after that dance practice a few weeks ago. but you have to admit, she and pucey make quite the cute couple. it had to have been the talk of the school. one of our chasers with slytherin's chaser and heartthrob, adrian pucey. i mean she was left smiling hours after. sure, he can't sing to save his life, but it was adorable. the way he got on his knees and grapsed onto her. the way he spun her. her cackle! i don't think i've seen her so hap-" angelina was cut off mid-sentence
"can we stop talking about how cute pucey and y/l/n would be? this isn't about them."
"woah, what's wrong with you? besides it's the truth isn't it? isn't she your best friend? you'd think you'd be happy for her?"
"she can be with pucey for all i care. he's bloody perfect for her, isn't he?" fred sneered, moving his gaze to look at the girl, his glare dropping as he saw that her eyes met his before she turned away, "i just want the best for her. that's all."
george could only smirk, wanting to slap the back of his twin's head but refraining and he rested his arm around alicia
"it seems to me like your jealous, freddie."
fred could only scoff, his glare returning and focusing on his brother
"shove off. whatever, let's just go inside." he suggested as he saw the girl he longed for enter the great hall with her date
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looking around the now wintry filled hall, y/n couldn't help but gasp, her grasp around adrian's arm tightening
just when you thought the school couldn't get anymore magical
"oh, ade it's wonderful. it's so magical."
"i'm afraid that's to be expected in a school of witchcraft and wizardry, my dear. thought you knew that. this'll shock you. we also have wands each that produce spells and charms. just as magical."
rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless, she lightly shoved the boy before looping her arm through his once more
"shut up, smart arse, you know what i mean."
"i do. but i must say, it's got nothing on you and your beauty. really did me dirty because now i have to fend off the whole school. it'd be considered lucky if i'm 436th in the line of 947. you really have charmed the school, y/l/n."
"you flatter me. look, here come the champions? ugh, my mione is so gorgeous. booked myself a dance with her, i did. luckiest girl in the world i consider myself to be."
"well i guess i'm 437th in the line now. i hope you're ready for your feet to be aching."
"oh stop it ade. if anything, you're 537th. no, i probably won't dance with that many people, to be completely honest. you, mione, ginny, luna, maybe george if i can catch a word with alicia. oh my goodness. look at fleur. she's absolutely stunning."
"again. i mean, yeah she's pretty. but looking at the girl on my arm, she's nothing but a caterpillar next to the butterfly that is you. don't tell her that though. she might send the whole of beauxbatons on my ass and i'd like to be around long enough to walk you back to your common room."
"you're such a flirt. might wanna watch out before i start to believe less and less that you're aromantic."
"why? is the infamous y/n y/l/n scared to fall in love with the handsome, dashing, charming, endearing, loving, kind and caring adrian pucey?"
"not to mention cocky and the lack of humbleness. but no. in fact it's quite the opposite. wouldn't want to break your heart when you inevitably fall in love with me, ade."
"oh because it will hurt for sure. thank you for watching out for my heart," he chuckled, grasping his chest, as if to reinforce the protection he holds over his heart, "i just want to give you the full experience as my date. that includes the corny compliments, horrible jokes and puns and of course my amazing dancing skills. so, what do you say? we go spike the punch, have a few glasses and then hit the dance floor and show everyone what we're made of? not enough to be absolutely wasted, but enough to allow you to feel the rush, enough to be tipsy, enough for you to sober up easily after a couple songs."
"let's do it."
5 minutes later
the dances of the champions has concluded and now other couples are invited to occupy the vast dance room
y/n and adrian, three glasses of spiked punch layer, were just a little tipsy, feeling the rush of the alcohol but were stable enough to find each other's touch and guided the other to the dance floor as a familiar song began to play
something told me it was over
when i saw you and her talking
something deep down in my soul said "cry girl"
when i saw you and that girl walking around
swaying together, the pair moved closer, the warmth welcoming both of them, something nice about being able hold each other like this, whilst knowing that the only thing that would come out of tonight would be a closer friendship
"i love this song. the lyrics tell such a sad story but etta james just captures the feelings that should be portrayed so beautifully. the fact that she'd want to lose her sense of sight than to have to watch the man she's in love with push her to the side as he pursues another."
i would rather, i would rather be blind
than to see you walk away
so you see, i love you so much
that i don't wanna watch you leave me
"the song is rather sad. i must say though. i wouldn't want to go blind when i have you in front of me, dazzling the whole school."
"and so the corny puns start, huh? do your worst, pucey."
"oh darling, don't worry. i plan to."
when the reflection in the glass
that i held to my lips now
revealed the tears that are all on my face
baby i'd rather be blind
than to see you walk away from me
the song then ended, though the pair continue to sway, seemingly lost in their own world as another fan favourite began to play, y/n removing her head from adrian's shoulder to better appreciate the abba song, if you will, grasping the hand that rested on her hand to manoeuvre him around, matching the tempo the upbeat song
you can dance
you can jive
having the time of your life
see that girl
watch that scene
digging the dancing queen
"i swear this song is like every teenage girl's 'anthem', i guess you could call it. i heard this song a lot growing up. mum loved it."
the two would spin each other, the previous stance during the slower dance gone as they were laughing loudly together. they were sure to remember this night for the rest of their lives
anybody could be that guy
night is young and the music's high
with a bit of rock music
everything is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance
"dad always found mum's taste in music a little weird, being a muggle and all, but he loved her and her weird little quirks so much. he loved how happy she got whenever the song would play, so he always played it any chance he got."
"was wondering who you inherited your quirkiness from. figured it was something you picked up on your own. seems that isn't the case."
slapping his chest lightly, she threw her head back, laughing
"oi! how rude. some gentleman you are, ade. feeling real flattered right now. like gosh, i might faint. falling head over heels."
"oh shush."
you are the dancing queen
young and sweet
only seventeen
dancing queen
feel the beat of the tambourine
"i didn't think i'd have this much fun if i'm being honest," y/n laughed as they continued to mindlessly jump and twirl around together, knowing that others were watching, and that they'd probably look at the two weirdly for their assortment of strange dance moves, "but i'm so glad i'm here with you tonight, ade. the evening has been absolutely wonderful."
"your mother was a muggle, right?"
"yes? why?"
"just had to be sure. do you know if she ever went to those muggle balls that they hold in movies? prom was it?"
"i didn't know you watched muggle films," she glanced over to the boy who was now bashful, sporting a small smile, "but uh, no. prom is an american event. mum, however, did go to a formal. who she went with, i wouldn't know. i just know it wasn't dad. she met him a good 5 years after she finished school."
"well, i saw that proms often crown for prom king and queen. if you ask me, who needs a prom queen when i have my dancing queen right in front of me."
she cackled once again, wanting to slap his chest yet again but deciding against it and instead fixing up his tie which had been a little lopsided
"you really are something, you know that."
"i think they have one more upbeat song before they play a final slow song, so what you say we have a few more glasses and sober up before the last dance."
another three glasses later and the second last song began to ring out through the hall
i've got sunshine on a cloudy day
when it's cold outside
i've got the month of may
"this song just makes me so happy. it was my parents wedding song. mum grew up with it and she introduced dad to the song after their second date. dad's loved it ever since. would always sing it to her. it makes me feel warm."
i guess
you'd say
what can make me feel this way
my girl
talking 'bout my girl
"i wish i grew up on songs like these. they just seem so nostalgic even though i'm hearing them for the first time tonight."
"ade, you're joking? you cannot be serious. this is urgent. every time we hang out, no matter what, i will play one song. this just isn't acceptable. i refuse to believe it."
i've got so much honey
the bees envy me
i've got a sweeter song
than the birds in the trees
"what do you say y/l/n? reckon my singing the other week was sweeter than the birds that roam hogwarts?"
"that was singing? well, sweet isn't the first word that comes to mind."
"oi, you should be grateful. i don't give out thise performances for free. only on special occasions. it was a moment to remember forever."
whilst the two swayed and the girl sang to the boy, a ginger haired, sulking, teenage boy was staring off at them from his seated position
"you're staring. the song is about to end freddie, just ask her. i'm sure adrian won't mind. everyone knows you're her best friend."
"why would she want to dance with me, ang? she looks quite content with pucey. what's the point?"
"it's just one dance, fred. besides, you've been frowning all night and that's not like you, it's weird."
"quite the date i am huh? sorry. you would've been better off with harry and he's just as much of a lousy date as i am. at least his date got a dance."
"it's alright. i still got a few dances with alicia and you know i've had my eye on roger davis. got a dance with him so i'd say my night was pretty successful."
"that makes one of us."
suddenly, before the final song was to commence, dumbledore had a final announcement to make
"the yule ball is coming to a close and so i must announce before the final dance that there is to be a change in scene. i ask that you gentlemen or women invite another to the dance floor that he or she did not accompany to the ball."
"see, there's your chance fred. take it."
"if anything, she'd probably want to dance with geor-"
"FRED WEASLEY YOU GO OVER TO THAT GIRL AND YOU ASK HER TO DANCE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I ASK FOR YOU MYSELF! i am sick of your pity party of despair and loneliness. just go for it."
he could only sigh as he stood up from the seat he had been sat in for the last 2 hours, making his way over to the pair, though lord knows his heart was 2 seconds away from pounding violently through his ribcage and out of his chest
whilst fred made his way over, the two were still away in their own world, wanting the moment to last just a little longer
"was hoping i'd get my last dance with you. i've had so much fun tonight and i don't want it to end."
"i've had a lot of fun too. was quite the experience having the prettiest girl in hogwarts wrapped in my arms, swaying to muggle misic. who would have thought. i think i might sit this one out. i don't see myself dancing with anyone else that isn't you."
"are you sure you're aromantic, ade? like, straight up? 100%?"
though he knew she meant nothing by it, he still laughed lightly and hugged her before pulling away so they were both at arms distance
"straight up. if i wasn't, i would have been kissing the hell out of you. i can assure you i feel no romantic feelings. even after having you in my embrace for the last 2 hours, it's nothing but platonic. i just don't see anything happening. that, and i can see a certain ginger making his way over and i don't fancy getting kocked out right now. so, after the dance, i'll meet you and escort you to your common room to see you off."
looking to her right slightly, her heartbeat quickens as she sees a hurried fred weasley making his way over before she turns back to adrian
"are you sure? i could just sit with you?"
"i'm sure. i'll just sit with miles. poor bloke was rejected so he's been sat at the table, drinking. reckon i should go over before he dies of alcohol poisoning because trust me, he will find a way. besides, i think someone wants to dance with you. about time if you ask me."
and with that, adrian placed a final kiss on her forehead before he walked away, sending a last wink towards her before turning and not looking back
she could only watch his retreating back for a moment longer before she felt a tap on her shoulder
feeling like her chest was about to explode, she took a slow, deep breath before turning to see the boy who, after the weeks that went by with distance between them, still had her heart
"hi? um, you look.. good?" his face furrowed, slightly frowning as he shook his head, "i mean, obviously you look better than good. amazing, incredible, gorgeous, spectacular. all eyes were on you tonight and reasonably so. the dark green really stood out against your skin. you and pu- adrian really blew the whole school away. it was really cute. anyway, it was nice talking to yo-"
"fred, do you want to dance with me?"
here she was with her heart on her sleeves as she awaited his answer. fred was flabbergasted
"i- me?"
"i mean, no one else is around," she said as she gestured to the empty space around her, "what do you say, freddie? for old times sake? accompany me for the final dance?"
"how could i say no?"
she let out a breath of relief as she took the hand that was held out to her, a small smile growing on her face as she felt warm
dumbledore moved to the centre of the stage a final time
"now, please join me in welcoming mr jon mclaughlin who has warmly agreed to sing our final song for the evening. mr mclaughlin, the stage is yours."
a light piano echoes through the hall as y/n gazes into fred's eyes, something she hasn't done for a while, something she has missed
she missed her freddie and she finally had him back in her arms and she was reluctant to let go
you're in my arms
and all the world is gone
the music playing on for only two
she wanted to say something, anything. she wanted nothing more than to catch up with the boy in front of her but nothing came to mind
so she just held on tighter, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as they swayed in time, the rest of the world beginning to fade out as they lost themselves to the music and the soft voice of mr mclaughlin
so close
and when i'm with you
so close to feeling alive
he too had a lot on his mind. like how effortlessly perfect she was. from the way her eyes shone as the fire of the floating candles reflected off of them. how her cheeks now adorned its usual rosy hues. how in love he was with her
"you really are beautiful, love."
a life goes by
romantic dreams must die
so i bid mine goodbye
and never knew
"thank you, freddie. i must say, you look quite swell yourself."
"ah, you know. i just pulled this little getup from out of my trunk. curled my hair a little, though it's nothing compared to you. i never thought i'd love seeing you in green so much."
she couldn't help but lean closer, wanting to be as close to the boy as possible
"so, you and pucey, huh? when did that become a thing?"
"is there another pucey running around that i don't know about?"
y/n could only scoff, though it was light-hearted
"smart arse. there isn't a thing. we're just friends. freddie, i don't want to talk about adrian. just. dance with me."
so close
was waiting
waiting here for you
and now forever i know
all that i want is
to hold you
so close
she rested her head on his shoulder, with a little struggle but she got there and and shared a look with angelina, who only winked at the girl. similarly, fred, who now turned was facing adrian who could only raise his drink in acknowledgement, smiling, and seeming to have mouthed the words, 'well done weasley', to which fred just shook his head, the smile never leaving his face
so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
and now you're beside me
and look how far we've come
so far
we are
so close
looking back on their years together, the pair couldn't help but wonder why this didn't happen sooner, why they elongated the pain and sat through the hurt when they could've shared this moment of peace and euphoria earlier
they thought about the weeks they had spent apart and in the presence of another when all they needed was each other. what were they thinking, honestly?
"are you singing, frederick gideon weasley?"
"for you, i'd do just about anything, love."
she sighed happily before she thought back to that afternoon in the great hall. the study session
"i really thought you were gonna ask me. i was so sure, especially when you looked at me with those warm eyes of yours and your happy, boyish grin and i was so excited. but then, you turned and asked someone else. and i had to leave. i couldn't be around to hear all the giggles you both shared whilst i was slowly breaking."
oh how could i face the faceless days
if i should lose you now
"y/n, i'm so sorry. believe me when i say that i was planning on asking you. that afternoon, during dance practice. i was set on asking you then. but then you said-"
"that i might have found someone i wanted to sweep me off my feet. did it never occur to you that i was thinking about you? freddie, i had, have literal heart eyes for you. was it not even a little obvious?"
"i guess not, love," he said, shaking his head at his own obliviousness, "i just. wanted the best for you. and if you had already found it in someone else, then i was fine with that. well, i wasn't but i wasn't gonna let it show. when you said that, i thought someone else had asked. and that you had said yes. so i asked angie, and ended up being a shit date, so i owe her big time. but then when i left to chase after you, adrian was there, singing, in a horrible accent i'd like to add, and in the middle of it all, you just looked so happy, despite the tear tracks that stained your face. your smile was so bright. and then he asked you and you said yes and i just felt. defeated. which is unfair, but i didn't know you were dateless. had i known, i would've asked myself. i just should have asked you about it, but instead, i went and asked someone else, i made you cry and then i pushed you into the arms of another in the process. i was just a downright git who doesn't deserve you. i'm lucky you're dancing with me ri-"
we're so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
let's go on dreaming though we know we are
rolling her eyes, she pulled him even closer, if it were possible, titling her head ever so slightly to slot her lips onto his, shutting him up
and it was like sparks, no, fireworks went off and they lost themselves to each other. this was where they truly belonged
"do you ever shut up? you ramble a lot, freddie. i'd say it's cute and a little impressive but then it kept going on and on and i didn't know when you'd st-"
fred leans in again, the kiss lasting a little longer than the first, the otherwise chilly night feeling rather warm
"fred, you just kissed someone with a dirty mouth."
fred grinned gingerly, leaning in to whisper into her ear
"yeah. and i'm about to do it again."
so close
so close
and still
so far
adrian and angelina, who was accompanied by roger davis, sat off to the side, grinning at the kissing couple, bumping fists under the table
"i reckon she doesn't need me to escort her to the common room anymore. suppose i should take drunk-off-his face over here back to our dorm," adrian says to angelina, gesturing to the shitfaced miles bletchley, "tell y/n i said goodnight. if you get the chance to."
and with that, adrian left the yule ball with his drunk mate attached to his arm and a smile on his face, happy that his friend finally got the guy she wanted
her freddie
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is that a wrap?! i think fucking so. this will forever be my baby because believe me when i say i've never written a fic this long but it was so worth it.. love yall <33
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ghostofscarley · 11 months
so i can read all over again in the morning 🤭
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— In which Bakugou Katsuki is a grumpy and sarcastic college student just trying to get his degree and you are his bubbly number neighbor who is determined to become his new “bestie.”
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader
genre: college au, crack, humor, fluff
status: completed
updates: mwf @ 8/9pm pacific time
asks: 💫
a/n: this is my first social media au and i’m super excited for it!! pls enjoy grumpy grump’s world getting turned upside down when bubbly crackhead y/n messages him ;) [p.s. dates/times don’t matter unless stated!]
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📞 part one - grow like a fungus
Keep reading
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ghostofscarley · 1 year
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Hello, little haunts and fellow dreamers!!
I have changed my user from Wealseyloveswishes to MidnightMoonyTales!
My original username was from when I first started writing and even though I have not put many works out, I felt like it was time for a change.
I could not have done it without my darling ghost @ghostofscarley, bc lemme tell yall... I'm indecisive as fuck. I could have spent hours bending over backward just choosing a color to make my profile, let alone finding a new profile picture. And to all the darling people I have met here, you are all so sweet and have given me so much joy to continue writing! You all truly do aspire me @ghostofscarley, @jamespottersdaisy, and @aquanova99. Please go check out their works and show them some love, they are phenomenal authors and are some of the kindest people.
This change has been something I wanted to do for a while now and I actually feel like it's one step towards me getting off my ass to write. Finding inspiration and motivation has been extremely hard, and I've complained about it before - bc fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk is doing anything tiresome T^T.
Reminder: The little things matter...they really do. You are loved and things may not always be easy but I am so proud of you for doing the little things. Even if that was getting out of bed or just brushing your teeth! You can brush this off and say I'm just another stranger but from one stranger to another, you matter, you're doing a great job and I'm cheering you on. Now go kick some ass you handsome/beautiful/majestic thing.
Now without further ado...I'm going to eat another slice of cake bc goddamnit I deserve it.
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