she cogito on my ergo til i sum
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fuckk that’s creepy as hell. makes me feel sick n disgusting. i love it i need more of it right fucking nowww
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When she griddle on my harrow till I hark. Is this anything
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camilla hect’s flat affect is so special to me
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Absolutely disgusting to use generative images and try to sell your work. It doesn't matter if you have the skills to do it the long way around, there is zero excuse for cheating using image theft technology.
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Gideon is about to break couple bones
close ups:
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My grandfather and my godfather (a beloved neighbor and dear family friend) had a long standing bet- for one dollar- about who would die first. Both of them being slightly pessimistic (in the funny way), they both insisted that they themselves would be the first to die. Any time my grandfather had a health scare, he’d gleefully call up my godfather to boast that he’d be passing “any day now” and he was sure to win the bet. It was a big family joke and they were always amiably sparring and comparing notes about who was in worse shape, medically speaking.
When my grandfather was in hospice care dying of liver cancer, my godfather was quite ill also. It took him great effort to make the journey to see his dying friend. As he came into the room, supported by a family member, he shuffled to my grandpa’s bedside and silently handed him a dollar bill. He was ceding his loss of the bet, as they both knew who was going first. My grandpa had been in quite bad shape for a while and was no longer able to speak but let me tell you he snatched that dollar with unexpected strength and literally laughed aloud. He knew exactly what the gesture meant and he couldn’t help but find the humor within the grief. It was the last time any of us heard my grandpa laugh, as he passed shortly after.
When I talk about my appreciation for “dark humor” I’m not so much thinking about edgy jokes, but rather the human instinct to somehow, impossibly, both find and appreciate the absurdity that is so often folded into the profound grief of life and death. When I tell this story I think it kind of perturbs people sometimes, but it’s honestly one of my favorite memories about two men I really deeply admired. I could never hope for anything more than for my loved ones to remember me laughing until the very end, and taking joy in a little joke as one of my final acts.
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mercymorn the first + fragrant is my many flower'd crown, lingua ignota
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really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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James baldwin’s the artists struggle for identity. Btw.
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I saw this question posed on tiktok, but I think Tumblr would really enjoy it too.
If a fae creature offered to give one million dollars for a bone chosen at random, how many bones would you allow them to take?
Light clarifications; The fae is not the one choosing the bones. The bone is taken at random. Each bone, no matter the size or importance, is worth a full million dollars. You must also declare the exact number first, you can't go bone-by-bone. You either say 2 or you say 10, you can't work your way up to a higher number. The bones are removed instantaneously, and the money is given immediately as well. You will not get in government trouble for acquiring the money.
Tell me in the tags/replies how many bones you'd let the fae take. And as always, reblog for bigger sample size.
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im adopting the ‘dark jock’ aesthetic. i’m going to lurk around crumbling old institute buildings in a black tanktop with a skull on it and a backwards ballcap and i’m going to get dark academia people to write my essays for me while i call them nerds and doofuses and prep for the big dark football game
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A soldier who has never been good at praying
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I can't stop thinking about Camilla's “I never lose sight of him.” in GtN and what it must have meant for her when she found out Palamedes was dead.
My girl has never lost sight of the person she is unconditionally, completely devoted to, probably in her entire life. She has always been by his side, making sure he didn't walk on his glasses or something , for their whole lives. She has never lost sight of him the whole time they were on the Sixth, where probably the biggest threat is books falling on your head.
The one time she let's him out of her sight he goes on and dies. More than that: she didn't go look for him, probably because Gideon said he was likely to be checking on Dulcinea and Cam didn't want to intrude. Probably the only time Cam let's her feelings get in the way of a logical decision, because obviously the logical decision for a Cavalier was to go look for him (especially because there's crazy newly-Lyctor Ianthe going around and the mysterious threat that killed like 5 people up to that point) even if he was being all lovey-dovey with Dulcinea. But this time Cam doesn't go looking for him. Maybe because she wants to give him space to be with the woman he loves? Maybe because she thinks he doesn't need her in that moment (he's with her, after all)?
And he straight-up dies (worse, he blows himself up).
No wonder she doesn't ever want to separate from his bones with BoE.
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Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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I think a lot of the discourse around "John is a rapist" is that some people are imagining rape as a literal, material, tangible action involving forced sex, including all the assumptions that come with that.
But literary analysis has been discussing rape in the abstract for decades. It is a staple in gothic horror. That's the basis on which people doing literary analysis are saying "John is a rapist", and it's important for you to understand that if you're going to engage with these arguments.
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