ghostthatdoesthibgs · 24 minutes
What is... Deus Ex Machina?
Deus ex machina refers to a scenario that seems impossible for the character to believably get themself out of. It's an unsolvable problem that suddenly gets solved by external forces that often don't seem very plausible.
This could be a situation where the author wrote themself into a corner and created a scenario that the character is not logically getting out of.
It can be a simple but implausible solution like a bomb is about to go off and a background character trips over a cable that diffuses the bomb. Or in its literal translation ("god out of the machine") it's a god-like intervention that suddenly fixes everything. Often used to save characters from their otherwise inevitable death.
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ghostthatdoesthibgs · 3 hours
As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:
It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.
Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.
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There is a recent surge of people scared good omens is going to have a poor ending due to david Tennant's comment at a con. I won't ask how good omens ends because I don't want to know yet, but can we confirm that it's how sir Terry Pratchett would have loved to see it?
I love that David says at a con that yes, it will have a Good Ending and that is immediately interpreted by a nervous subset of Fandom as It Is Going To Be A Terrible Ending That Terry Would Have Hated.
It's the same ending Terry and I came up with in 2005. And it's a Good Ending. Stop worrying.
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Drunk six of crows thoughts (I’m drunk)
Thinking about Kaz and how he is effectively the third representation of addiction in books where addiction is one of the main themes and although it’s mostly presented through Jesper (if I see one more person poking fun at/making jokes about/undermining his gambling addiction I’m gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyy) and Nina (probably quite clear but parem) but KAZ
Kaz straight up tells us that nothing he can ever do to Rollins will ever be enough to quench his thirst and you know why???? Because it’s an ADDICTION. And it started smaller, with the roper (Fillip, tortured and then left dead with a wind up key shoved in his throat) and the bank (cost him the break of his bad leg, but he was never deterred and his cane became symbolic of everything he was working for and everything that had happened to him and etc I mean COME ON) and also whilst we’re here I am FREAKING OBSESSEd with that bit in Crooked Kingdom when Haskell has the fake gaudy cane to mock Kaz and he holds them both side by side omgggggggggggg the symbolism is so loud I’m so obsessed but anyway I’ve gotten sidetracked
Kaz is addicted to vengeance and burning is every going to be enough to quell the fire or the need Kaz would literally not have survived without the hope of vengeance but it has begun to actively eat at him and it’s almost sad to see but also in a fascinating way we still want him to keep seeking revenge??? Like he deserves to achieve his vengeance but even though the reader knows he is never going to be fulfilled by it they still want to see him try?? It’s a very strange thing to have running parallel to the encouragement the reader feels towards pulling Jesper and Nina away from their respective vices whilst we actively root for Kaz to follow the path of his and I think it kind of speaks to us some kind of acknowledgment that we would be allured the same way he is????
Anyway there is like 99% chance these are nonsense thoughts lmao, I think in done now and I’m tired and still drunk so goodnight y’all
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I'm fascinated by how the formatting of different social media sites affect how text is read.
For instance, a line break on Tumblr indicates a new idea.
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I know I shouldn’t be surprised by any ship ever cause someone ships everything, but I didn’t realize until I saw a Dean x Michael post how much I ship Michael and Adam. Like, the “destined by fate”/“true vessel” connection is nowhere near as attractive to me as “you weren’t meant for me but I chose you anyway” Destiel and Midam both fall into that category for me of being romantic for having gone against fate to choose one another.
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you should probably have a broad enough social reach that for any given demographic you can say the sentence "I know that [group] is not comprised of inhuman monsters, because I know a member of [group], and that member is just, like, a person"
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*grabbing mlm shippers by the shoulders* guys nobody needs to be the twink. nobody needs to be the sub. nobody needs to be the femboy. they can both be big fat hairy men who bask in each others masculinity or they can both be unspeakable monstrous creatures with inhuman genitalia it’s okay I’m holding your hand. Let me show you the way
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Mythbusters have 3 categories of myths
the general public doesnt know how physics works
the general public doesnt know how lying works
oh crap this ones real
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My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.
He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.
"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"
"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."
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i was thinking the other day how we tend to draw cas and dean (correctly tbh) like
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but in doing so we are betraying another fundamental dynamic of theirs which is more like,
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I've been astonished by how much people seem to love my weird and experimental project held together by duct tape and string, especially since so much of it flies in the face of the way I've been taught publishing is supposed to work. The conventional way authors survive online is to release books for sale as frequently as possible - whereas I've been focusing on giving each project as much time as I can, and releasing them slowly (so far I've done a Dracula-inspired novel.) I’ve been making the sort of transgressive queer writing that mainstream publishing is too nervous to touch right now, and I've been giving it away in my newsletter for free.
I want to keep telling stories for free, forever. Only there's one problem: I'm going to need A Lot more subscribers to my newsletter. I have just under 5000 readers right now - I’m going to need at least double that.
Conventional wisdom also says that Tumblr is a dead end, but I'm convinced that this is one of the last places on the internet that capable of fostering real, counter-cultural queer expression - precisely because we are so often left out and forgotten by the mainstream. Half the reason I'm on this website is because of the culture of absolute resistance to advertising. Unfortunately, that also makes my job here rather hard. If things continue to go well, between Patreon, sales of special editions, and a couple small ads, I think I can just about get away with doing this. But I need your help.
If you're someone who's hungry for good stories and:
❧ You're sick of being sold superficial, safe, and sanitized queer stories that shy away from genuine expressions of socially unacceptable desire
❧ You see sexual freedom as inseparable from queer liberation, and you want to see that explored in metaphor via a vampire seducing a priest
❧ You want to read modern queer fiction that's aware of the deep and rich history of queer culture
❧ You want to help foster a project that would create new avenues for underground and transgressive forms of queer expression
Then you should subscribe to What Manner of Man! It's sexy and boundary-pushing and kinky, with fire in its veins.
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If this works, I'll be able to take on bigger and more ambitious projects than I ever have before (it's mad scientists next, and I have some pretty mad ideas!)
Thank you for your time! Reblogs deeply appreciated.
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sometimes I think about Lancelot saying to Merlin "you're the bravest of us all and he doesn't even know". and then about Arthur saying to Merlin "I always thought you were the bravest man I ever met". so then I think about the fact that Arthur didn't even need to know about Merlin's magic to know how brave he is. and i cry a little.
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I made my first gif!
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andrew being in the foster system for 13 years before juvie, his home with nicky being his 13th, bee being andrew’s 13th therpaist, the ravens scoring 13 goals in their first match against the foxes on the 13th of october, there are 13 ravens drills, neil’s interrogation with the fbi lasting 13 hours, andrew and neil’s numbers adding to 13
andrew: do you believe in luck?
neil: only the bad sort
13 being the ‘lucky number’ of the series despite it being a superstitious sign of bad luck. mirroring the subversion of expectations within the series that starts with andrew and neil beginning to understand each other after a shaky start, and ending with the foxes beating the ravens.
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my personal argument for open borders is really simple it just boils down to "i believe restricting human movement and barring certain people from certain places on this earth is a human rights violation"
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I knew Cardan was down bad from the second he stepped halfway into the water in TCP. like, Jude slipped and went under and when she came back up, he's one foot in the water and she thinks hes excited to watch her drown but i really think he was about to risk it all and save her bc he obvs didnt want her to drown
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