ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Alexander got the Wormhole Generator up and running and managed to make his way to Sixam. So much for heading Cassandra's warning. Curiosity got the better of him when he found himself at a party welcoming him, a celebration of him unification of their world and his.
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They even had an alien drag queen! Not sure what the act is with a violin and a drag queen but he's got an attitude anyways.
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He wasn't quite trusting enough to drink their concoctions but he made himself plenty of human beverages with what was on hand. He observed their behaviours and collected rare samples to observe later in the lab.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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The twins aged up!
Solstice is in white diapers and Jupiter in black. I like the alien outfits for the toddlers and then every other age group just converts to normal human clothes. Alien poop must just be a different breed.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Artemis works hard on her school project and it pays off when she has a really cool model castle to show for it! She did it all on her own too, must get her brains from her father.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Cecelia and one of the twins.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Inky had to go to the vet.
She's not a happy kitty.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Cassandra came over to meet the new arrivals. She was less supportive than Alexander had anticipated.
Alexander: "Twins! Can you believe it? I was stressed enough with the thought of another never mind two."
Cassandra: "yes, it does seem quite coincidental...almost like it was planned"
Her lips were pulled taught and brows furrowed with anxiety.
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They left the nursery and sat in the hallway. She seemed paranoid as she shifted her gaze before she made eye contact again.
Cassandra: "You never wanted children, we both know that. You gave them Artemis because you wanted information, I understand that thirst for knowledge. I'm interested in the unknown too but-"
Alexander: "They're not just aliens Cass, they're mine and Cecelia's as much as they are otherworldly."
Cassandra: "I know. But you have a detachment...I can see you burying yourself in it at work, trying to learn more about them, trying to form a connection."
Alexander: "It's complicated. I'm worried about Cecelia, she puts a brave face on and loves being involved but I can tell she wanted children of her own deep down. Artemis made her realise that."
Cassandra: "It's too late now. What's done is done- but don't let them use you anymore. One more experiment, and you might not come back."
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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The aliens kept their word and allowed Alexander to ward off any future alien abductions
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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The Twins are born!
Welcome Solstice and Jupiter Goth!
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Artemis autonomously walked in to meet them after they were born. They started crying and she decided she was better off being an only child.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Don't wake the llama!
Cecelia looks so fed up lol
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Artemis chilling afterschool with one of Lucy's daughters. I need to learn their names, I think when they become teens I'll make them have a club so we see more of the teenagers in the worlds.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Artemis and Inky <3
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Artmeis had noticed her fathers body changing rapidly. She knew the aliens had something to do with it, and in her dreams she could hear voices calling out to her saying they'd be there soon.
Artemis: "Will they also be like me?"
Alexander was shocked, he wasn't sure what the new babies would be like. He had no way of knowing if they'd used the same race of alien that Artemis was, perhaps their skin tone would be different.
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He laughed uncertainly and got down to her level.
Alexander: "I'm not sure, darling. They'll be loved just the same. You can be their example anyway, that's what big sisters do."
He hugged her and could sense she was smiling.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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I love Cecelia's new studio! It's such a gorgeous house and Inky certainly seems comfortable.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Alexander was at work when he felt the first kick of a new life in his stomach. Right away he knew the last abduction must have resulted in a pregnancy, the feeling was familiar.
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He rushed to the wormhole generator to try and get in contact with the aliens. He was sure it felt different this time but he couldn't quite place it.
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He attempted communication with them and soon the radio picked up the faintest message:
Two lives? Does that mean...twins!?
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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Lucy Burb invited the family over for a catch up. Two of her daughters are around Artemis' age so she had company while the adults spoke.
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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The new Goth manor
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ghoulishsimz · 3 years
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I sent Alexander to the bank to take out a loan for a house fitting of the Goth name. He had saved up just under £50,000 simoleons and this was enough to take out a sizeable loan.
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