glamgriffin · 3 years
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glamgriffin · 3 years
First of all Bowie is an amzing name for a dog and if it means you’re into his music this is a big plus on us having a potential friendship. Hey puppies will always have things like this happen but in the end you will always look bacl at those and smile, I grew up around so many animals on my parents farm and to be honest the clumsy and misbehaving young ones always leave a lasting memory and just make you love them all the more as you see how much they mature or in some cases don’t. Hi Madi nice to meet you I’m Danny
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❝  Ugh, I brought my puppy, Bowie to the studio with me today and as much as I love him I think that was a bad idea, he managed to chew a microphone cord and peed on my producer which I found to be a little bit funny but my producer… yeah not so much. Anyway, hi, I’m Madi nice to meet you if we haven’t met before. ❞ @theglamliststarters​
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glamgriffin · 3 years
Ugh, I’m so jealous, that sounds like a dream. I want to work in Ireland and look all sexy and windswept! This isn’t fair. Hey Danny, just imagine me wrapping a nice warm blanket around you, and I’m sure you’ll warm up in no time.
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the rain and the cold do i need to worry about you mate becuase it almost sounds like you’ve away from the uk for too long i bet if you came back for even a couple days in the rain you would regret those words. Well now that is a nice thought when can you catch a plane to be my personal blanket?
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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danny griffin for wonderland pt. 2
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glamgriffin · 3 years
Okay so i don’t what it is about ireland i love filming here but fuck it’s freezing already and summer isn’t over. I get that the UK is pretty shit when it comes to weather and we have what a week of summer max usually but it’s mid august and I’m out here throwing on a scarf and wind proof jacket between shots at night and in the day time right now and we’ve already had to pause shooting because of the rain it’s only been a week. Thank god i have a good cast so the time we have to hide out in the trailers or tents between shooting are hilarious. Hi i’m Danny and someone explain some beautiful warm day they’ve had recently because they say if you visualise warmth on a cold day it helps and i want to check if it’s ture 
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glamgriffin · 3 years
I feel so bad for the people who work in customer service, it’s the worst and people treat you like shit. The girl that worked there told the lady to go to the back of the line but obviously it didn’t help. That Karen said that she’s a nurse so she doesn’t have the time to stand there and wait for her turn like a decent person. Well, I didn’t care. Aw, thank you! WHAT? Is she mental? I don’t know why these kind of people just ASSUME everyone have to give them what they want…
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Honestly i truly don’t envy them and at the same time wish they got more recognition for what they are put through on a daily basis. Honestly the fact in the uk we have posters and warning about not abusing staff at plsces like hospitals and postr offices is horrible. I mean surely they have a right to refuse to serve her, i know in the uk there is a right o refuse service and ask someone to leave if you feel it is needed. I mean great respect to nurses and medical professionals but no proifession makes it so you can treat other people as inferior to you. I think the thing with a lot of people like that is people have bent over backwards in the past and given this people a feeling of self worth that they think they deserve and if it’s not given straight away they feel bullying it out of people is the way to go.
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glamgriffin · 3 years
How many years has it even been since glee i don’t i could hold a grudge that long against someone i actually knew, I swear my sisters were watching that show like ten years ago. I’ll be honest since the show came out i have mostly hidden myself away and not gone out much but i have has some fun with fans on twitch i think that is the only way i have interacted with them outside conventions so i don’t really have any that one fan moments yet. 
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Today I got slapped in the face because I flirted with Blaine. I was mad but also tried not to start laughing because of this. I had to calmly explain that it was not me who said it but my character Sebastian Smythe on Glee. Hi, I am Grant, and what is that one fan moment you’ll never forget?”
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glamgriffin · 3 years
imessage ↬ OPEN
dua: SO. major news.
dua: incredibly big and important news. are you sitting down for this?
dua: what i'm going to tell you will change the fate of your life forever.
dua: ..... in exactly TWO days..
dua: is my birthday 🎉 what are we doing for it?
Danny: I mean i feel like its a mistake that ypu're sending this to me somehow Dua Lipa asking me how we should spend her birthdaya seems super surreal.
DannY: but my suggestion would be surfing followed by brunch at a beach cafe, head on to do something fun like ziplining or even just hiking somewhere, then go on to spending the evening drinking a little dancing and just having fun
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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danny griffin for wonderland
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glamgriffin · 3 years
Not going to lie, my mom is adorable -  but thank god the show isnt reality tv. I mean I love the cast to bits and I adore the boysI get to film with but…its messy af and I dont have that kind of..energy? I dont even know how to explain it 
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I bt she is precious. what i get from that is you are certainly not the time to end up on love island or some kind of show like that where it’s all about trying to find ssomeone to hook up with and not caring about your dirty laundry being on show. I get that i’m a very pivate person, i don’t like people knowing my buisness and as of yet thankfully no one really cares about my buissness. 
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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DANNY GRIFFIN as SKY in Fate: The Winx Saga
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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DANNY GRIFFIN as SKY OF ERAKLYON Fate: The Winx Saga - A Fanatic Heart
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glamgriffin · 3 years
Oh god having seen the show with my ex i can say that would have been something i’m sure most parents would have been a bit taken a back byt you did a good job. I haven’t done any sex scenes yet on ffilm which i’m suire my mum dad and sisters are very glad about but i hacve died on screen which my mum was not happy about said it traumatised her. Hi pheobe i’m Danny, um things about me avid gamer have a twitch when i’m not working, loves horses go on riding holidays when i can 
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My parents were relieved to know that my sex scenes on Bridgerton are over and I can’t blame them. My mother’s an actress too but I’m sure there’s a weird feeling seeing your daughter on screen like that. They loved the first season besides that. This next season we’re filming shows my character as a different woman now and I’m excited for that. Need something to look forward to right now as a distraction. Anyway, I’m Phoebe. Tell me something about yourself. @theglamliststarters
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glamgriffin · 3 years
Oh see now i find some of the worst in people comes out in consumer situations. But thank god you spoke up but also i hope the staff said somethign too i can understand if they diddn’t see it happen but what annoys me is if the staff see and don’t say soemthign because of everyone they are the ones that have say in who they serve even a simple “Sorry but that womans been here before you got here can you got to the back of the line” would have fixed things so i’m sorry you had to step in but i admire you for standing up to her becuae i would have been all british and apologised to her for being an inconvinence even though she was in the wrong. My karen story oh god um, i watched a woman get angry at a barista for the fact they didn’t stock soya milk and she said she would wait for one of her co workers to go and buy soya milk for her, which wasn’t offered to her she just assumed they would do that for her to cater to her request even thought there were four non dairy alternatives. 
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So, this morning I had the most annoying day and it all thanks to one precious Karen. I was standing in line waiting for my morning coffee, literally before I even woke up and drank my coffee a women cut in front of me while I was next in line  to order. I calmly asked her to move to the back of the line because it’s super rude and, that bitch had the nerve to tell me to fuck off. Of course, I gave her a piece of my mind and when I was done the whole coffee shop clapped. I don’t care who you are, it’s just not cool. Anyway, I’m Zendaya and now after a coffee I’m feeling way better! Also, what’s your Karen story? 
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glamgriffin · 3 years
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okay but if he can keep the scruff for season 2 I would not be mad at all
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