glassygluppie · 7 months
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It’s that bad, folks
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glassygluppie · 7 months
Israel is expanding ground operations in Gaza and proudly announcing their murder plans while everyone watches because they have the full support of the US and other powerful governments. God save Palestine because we are literally seeing unimaginable horros unfold with Israel having a complete freehand in anything their vile brains decide to do.
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glassygluppie · 7 months
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They’ve cut Gaza off from the world
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glassygluppie · 7 months
The absolute silence today is gut wrenching. Leaflets were dropped on the west bank telling palistinians to go to Jordan. Last time they told them to go south and they got bombed. Everything about Palestine has suddenly dropped off trending and we know that staff has been suppressing the tags #free palestine and #palestine. Now its has to be every single tag that was trending, because i just simply do not believe we stopped talking about it over night. I feel so hopeless about this shit but the only thing we can do rn is to not stop talking. We have to stop trying to bury our heads in the sand and keep posting as if it was normal because its not normal. Palestinians don't get a break from the horror, the least we can do for them is to make sure their suffering isn't silent.
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glassygluppie · 7 months
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israel is massacring gaza!
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glassygluppie · 7 months
and let the history books name joe biden, rishi sunak, justin trudeau, emmanuel macron, ursula von der leyen and every other world leader who did not step in to prevent the genocide of palestine as cold-blooded murderers. may they face a shred of the immeasurable pain and suffering they allowed to be committed against 2.2. million innocent lives.
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glassygluppie · 11 months
I would love to see Colin spotting how frequently Philip seems to be staring at Penelope’s chest and being outraged! In reality Philip is trying to bend down to hear Penelope whisper to him and whisper back. I also imagine that Philip knows the truth of Whistledown because Penelope confessed to Marina the truth and though upset at first the two did reconcile before her death with Marina making Penelope promise to watch over her children and protect them when they come out in society.
So yes Phillip does know about Lady Whistledown in the engagement of convince au. Penelope had visited Romney Hall before Marina's death and the two women had hashed things out. During this visit Phillip and Penelope also started to become become good friends and that was in part the reason he went to the Featheringtons when his year of mourning was up.
Part of the reason so many think that Phillip and Penelope's match was a love match, or was developing into a love match, was because how close they get to one another when they speak to each other at balls. They find they way Phillip can't help but admires Penelope's blossom just being the right amount tastefully scandalous. In reality the two introverts are just talking to one another trying to pass the time before heading out with Penelope's next column.
It's not Phillip's fault that Penelope is so short. He has to bend down or she has to stand on her tiptoes so they can hear one another in those noisy ballrooms.
Portia does nothing to stop this, if the ton thinks it a love match all the more reason to continue. Anthony and Benedict had to drag Colin away on more than one occasion when this happened so he couldn't call for a duel.
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glassygluppie · 1 year
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glassygluppie · 1 year
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glassygluppie · 1 year
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The Mass News Media hasn’t covered this story enough
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glassygluppie · 1 year
The problem with hogwarts legacy is not just "a difference of opinion" due to the author, it's because jk rowling is actively giving her harry potter money to anti trans hate groups, to anti lgbtq+ groups, to anti abortion groups and to groups that are pushing for conversion "therapy"
You cannot buy licensed harry potter products without giving jk rowling money. Any money that jk rowling receives will most likely be used to fund some form of bigotry and this will hurt a lot of people.
Buying hogwarts legacy means accepting this fact and deciding that it's OK. And people are allowed to be upset by this.
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glassygluppie · 1 year
This means that Monday is South Korea x Brazil
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glassygluppie · 2 years
god, do I love being neurodivergent and spending my love and soul on something only for that to repay it double
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glassygluppie · 2 years
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Wanted to draw Cat showing little Sansa how to sew.
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glassygluppie · 2 years
reblog to give a strawberry to the person you reblogged this from
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glassygluppie · 2 years
Not to be like this but Europeans immediately turning unhinged at the slightest jab is actually insane to me. Like British people randomly turning into Ludwig The Accursed whenever an American is mildly amused at cultural differences.. going "Well AT LEAST WE DONT SHOOT UP CHILDREN IN OUR SCHOOLS FKSKKDSJSI" and random Dutch people and Swedes immediately turning to racism against the global south because people think it's odd that a lot of them do not invite guests to dinner. Like sometimes you guys are the butt of jokes. Sometimes people will be shocked at cultural differences. You guys have singlehandedly changed the trajectory of the planet because you wanted spice, you guys can handle people laughing at you for once instead of praising your Prisons That Look Like Apartments built on stolen wealth from the global south. Jesus fucking wept. Get over yourselves and learn to say "yeah we suck"
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glassygluppie · 2 years
i hate those posts that are like "what if your mother aborted you?" because it's LIKE. i value my mother as having her own agency above my existence simply because she came first. if she aborted me, id be fine with it because in the fucking hypothetical of un-existence & knowing, id rather her have access to safe abortion than having to carry & birth when she didn't want to like wtf kind of egotistical question is that. do u not value yr mother in the least. whatever joys you've gotten out of life aren't greater than yr mother's choice
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