glindalovesshoes · 6 years
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Another day, another surprise that awaits you on the Outlaw Queen Advent Calendar’s website. Check out The Tavern to view the unlocked G I F T S for December 6th. Many thanks to @glindalovesshoes & @thequeensxthief for today’s beautiful gifts!
Alternatively use the links below: Direct Link The Forest Contact Us
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glindalovesshoes · 6 years
Liquor Love II
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Merry Christmas to all of you lovely people out there! I hope you spend your days with laughter, guy, cookies and hot cocoa. Please don't let the gift shopping and business of this time of the year ruin your mood. Find a quiet moment for yourself every day, preferably with the OQ Advent calendar gifts. This is for day 6 of @onceuponanadvent
This year's page looks simply amazing! The girls have done such great work and we are all blessed to have such talented young women work hard for our fandom and to keep the OQ spirit alive.
I am so happy to tell you that I was allowed to continue last year's OQ Advent Calendar story "Liquor Love". You do not necessarily have to read the first chapter again, as I have given you a quick and accurate summary on what happened down below. For those who want to reread anyways: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12264195/1/Liquor-Love. A huge thank you goes out to the people who have helped me get through this. Miles who put up with my tantrums, Alex the most fabulous beta of all times, Shay and TreNesha! You're all so wonderful! Thank you!
Now I hope all of you enjoy yet another day on the short journey to Christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone, and much love,
Previously on Liquor Love:
After the news of her father's death, Regina decides to throw her mother's Christmas plans in LA over board. Instead, she drives up to Storybrooke, Maine, where she lived for the first six years of her life, before her mother decided to rip her away from her beloved father on the day before Christmas twenty seven years ago. Regina is exhausted from the drive and being back in Storybrooke after all this time is a more emotional affair than she first thought it would be. So, she decides to drown her sorrow in a bottle of whiskey. A store called "Merry Spirits" run by a certain Robin Locksley, is her destination. Her original plan consists of buying a bottle and be out, however Robin invites her to a whiskey tasting and during their talk, it turns out Robin knew her father very well. Things get emotional and awkward when Robin takes her for a walk in the snow to her father's grave on the cemetery. Because of Regina's clumsiness when it comes to climbing the cemetery wall, they topple over and kiss. When she is about to go home to her father's house, Regina decides she does not want to be alone on Christmas Eve, so Robin invites her to stay over on the couch at his place.
Liquor Love II
 Warmth. Warmth and comfort and the smell of bacon and pancakes. That's the first thing she notices when her mind starts slowly waking up from her deep slumber. There's a hint of a headache in the back of her head, but it's not bad, so she can ignore it for the moment. Something tickles her nose, and then pokes her shoulder, but Regina just sighs before cuddling back into her blanket. Just five more minutes, then she might consider getting up for a glass of water and aspirin for the headache that she knows will come at one point. It's okay though, she's a grown up, she can deal with headaches - if only whatever was poking her would leave her the hell alone. Seriously.
She moves, lets out a groan, which is followed by a giggle. Wait, what? A giggle? Where the hell did that come from? Where the hell was she - what? Pancakes? Bacon? Breakfast? Oh. OH!
Regina cracks one eye open, blinks a bit, blinded by the bright light that is flooding the living room. This is definitely not her father's house, definitely not his couch. Right, right, memories of yesterday slowly come crawling back into her conscious mind. There was whiskey, and Robin, more whiskey, more Robin, snow, kissing… and she'd gone home with him. Oh God. Awkward, how very awkward. Leave it to her to do the walk of shame on Christmas morning. Well, she hasn't slept with him; she has nothing to be ashamed of, right? But she's kissed him… and that is making her a tiny bit uncomfortable. Not the kissing itself but the fact she's enjoyed it and doesn't regret it.
She wanted to be out of his hair, didn't want to spend Christmas morning. Now here she is, on his couch and the man is making breakfast. Is he expecting her to stay?
Another poke, another giggle and Regina finally shoots up, fully awake now. There's a little boy standing in front of her dressed in forest green pajamas decorated with little red and white candy canes, and a stuffed monkey tucked under his arm. His curls are dark brown and wild, his dimpled smile ever charming. The first thought that strikes her is that he doesn't look much like Robin, but these dimples… the dimples are totally his. Now what is his name again? Rudolph? Ronald? No, Roland, his name is Roland.
Roland is still giggling, looking at her with wide, happy eyes.
"Roland, what are you doing?" It's Robin in the doorway, a plastic spatula in his hand, which he's probably used to turn the pancakes and bacon before he heard noises coming from the living room.
"It's Christmas, Papa!"
Robin laughs, saying 'yes, it is' but he knows that he's not allowed to climb out of his bed by himself, knows that he should call Robin once he wakes up so they can get ready for the day. He ruffles his boy's hair, giving Regina a quick wink to acknowledge her, muttering a "Merry Christmas", which she answers with a smile and nod.
"Papa, I wanted to see if Santa brought me my present! Look, he did!" The little boy exclaims happily.
Robin's eyes wander over to the Christmas tree and the presents underneath, which makes Regina laugh, because it's just typical for a child to open all the presents without the parent being present. They're both surprised to find the presents untouched, no wrapping paper lying around. Nothing is missing from under the tree.
Regina eyes the little child that is still standing in front of her, staring at her awestruck with big, happy eyes. She notices a burnt smell coming from the kitchen, but she's afraid to say anything because Robin looks at his son with confusion and worry, crouching down next to him, asking carefully.
"Roland, what present are you talking about?" The little boy giggles once again, his arms clutching the monkey tight to his small body.
"I asked Santa for a new Mama! And look, there she is!" He's laughing, launching himself at Regina now, who can't help but catch the little man who is hugging her as tight as he can. "I'm Roland!"
She doesn't reply, her tongue is heavy as lead.
Robin's eyes are wide with shock, his mouth slightly opened, not knowing what to say at the scene that just unfolded in front of him. They don't know what to say, just stare at each other, letting the awkwardness of the situation rise.
It's Regina who gets her power of speech back first, still holding the babbling and overly enthusiastic child in her arms. "I think your breakfast is burning."
"Oh bloody hell!" He darts off to the kitchen, leaving his son and Regina alone in the living room.
This is not how either one of them has imagined Christmas morning. Not at all.
Continue on ff.net or AO3
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
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Day 5 - @oqfixitweek - Regina spends time with Baby Isabella a.k.a. Peanut (which happens to be hers). I think it’s fixed! :
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
ONCERs Unite for Miles’ Paradise
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This is a relief fund for @FraiseDandelion. Her home #PuertoRico was destroyed during #Maria please help!
We have had 53 supporters so far via Twitter with an AMAZING and overwhelming result, but I am sure we can reach a wider audience via Tumblr as well! If you don’t have the means to donate anything, please help us spread the news!
About the fundraiser:
“My little paradise,” is what my friend Milenys always calls her beautiful island home of Puerto Rico. ‘Miles’ is one of the sweetest and most genuine people I know, who only ever spreads hope and is the first in line whenever someone needs help. This girl is one of the most dedicated EvilRegals and she’s always there for everyone, even for people she has never met before. Now she and her family need our help.
I don’t know if you have followed the news recently, but hurricane Maria hit the island directly and left a path of destruction behind. Maria is the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in more than 80 years. It destroyed hundreds of homes, flooded entire cities, leaving thousands of people without shelter. Furthermore, Maria knocked out power across the entire island and it might take months to restore it. My dear friend Miles lives in Humacao which has suffered some of the worst destruction from Maria’s eye. I have not heard from her as the island is cut off from all communication services. I am worried for Miles and her family and hope that they are okay. What is clear is that the island and my friend are in need of help, help which every one of you can provide. The aim of this donation is to raise money for her and her family, in order to support them financially with the reconstruction of their home and lives.
*UPDATE!!!!!!* We have just heard from Miles. Her family and she are safe!!!! *UPDATE!!!!*
Here is her message from Sept 26:
I have no words you guys. I have no words. This honestly shocks me and makes me so emotional and thankful to each and every single one of u You guys have no idea how much I’m crying right now. I love you all so so much. You guys keep me going. U guys remind me that it’s going To get better, one of these days. That it’ll get normal. It’ll get good again and we won’t have to see so much devastation daily. I’m living for these short minutes I can communicate with you. Things are tough. Crime is increasing. Food & supplies are decreasing. Dessperation is growing. And so far it feels like we’re at a stand still and the help isn’t arriving. So seeing THIS is relieving & A breath of hope and just… it’s amazing. No words. 
*UPDATE!!!!!!* We have just heard from Miles. Her family and she are safe!!!! *UPDATE!!!!*                                                                                               
In case Miles should not want or need the money, as she is very proud and always puts herself before others, it will be donated to an organization of her choosing which will help rebuild Puerto Rico and restore her island to the little paradise it once was.
This is our chance to do good. If we, as a fandom, stick together, we can help one of our beloved own recover from this catastrophe and bring back a little bit of normalcy. Every dollar/euro/pound will help!
Thank you very much for your time, effort and donation. In case you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me here, via Twitter @GlindaLoveShoes or email [email protected].
Link to the fundraiser: https://www.youcaring.com/milenysfraisedandelion-961282
Tagging some of my friends to help share and spread the news:
@starscythe @the-alpha-incipiens @teresa-ortiz @believingispowerfulmagic @queen-of-the-merry-men @audreysl0ve @regal-pixiedust @misslane1981 @daggzandarrows @idoltina @mysterious-song @lala-kate @ninzied @lillie-grey @thisisamadhouse @onceuponahappytime @x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x @brookeap3 @grace-and-poise-of-a-queen @nephelite @willow1411 @ussjellyfish @katmtan @sometimesangryblackwoman @thewisdomtooth @onhowtobecrazy @pt159 @dee-thequeenbee @reachfortheschuyler @cruellasdarling @gray-autumn-sky @givennotstolen @repellomuggletum15 @sgtmac7
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
ONCERs Unite for Miles’ Paradise
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This is a relief fund for @FraiseDandelion. Her home #PuertoRico was destroyed during #Maria please help!
We have had 53 supporters so far via Twitter with an AMAZING and overwhelming result, but I am sure we can reach a wider audience via Tumblr as well! If you don’t have the means to donate anything, please help us spread the news!
About the fundraiser:
“My little paradise,” is what my friend Milenys always calls her beautiful island home of Puerto Rico. ‘Miles’ is one of the sweetest and most genuine people I know, who only ever spreads hope and is the first in line whenever someone needs help. This girl is one of the most dedicated EvilRegals and she’s always there for everyone, even for people she has never met before. Now she and her family need our help.
I don’t know if you have followed the news recently, but hurricane Maria hit the island directly and left a path of destruction behind. Maria is the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in more than 80 years. It destroyed hundreds of homes, flooded entire cities, leaving thousands of people without shelter. Furthermore, Maria knocked out power across the entire island and it might take months to restore it. My dear friend Miles lives in Humacao which has suffered some of the worst destruction from Maria’s eye. I have not heard from her as the island is cut off from all communication services. I am worried for Miles and her family and hope that they are okay. What is clear is that the island and my friend are in need of help, help which every one of you can provide. The aim of this donation is to raise money for her and her family, in order to support them financially with the reconstruction of their home and lives.
*UPDATE!!!!!!* We have just heard from Miles. Her family and she are safe!!!! *UPDATE!!!!*
Here is her message from Sept 26:
I have no words you guys. I have no words. This honestly shocks me and makes me so emotional and thankful to each and every single one of u You guys have no idea how much I’m crying right now. I love you all so so much. You guys keep me going. U guys remind me that it’s going To get better, one of these days. That it’ll get normal. It’ll get good again and we won’t have to see so much devastation daily. I’m living for these short minutes I can communicate with you. Things are tough. Crime is increasing. Food & supplies are decreasing. Dessperation is growing. And so far it feels like we’re at a stand still and the help isn’t arriving. So seeing THIS is relieving & A breath of hope and just… it’s amazing. No words. 
*UPDATE!!!!!!* We have just heard from Miles. Her family and she are safe!!!! *UPDATE!!!!*                                                                                               
In case Miles should not want or need the money, as she is very proud and always puts herself before others, it will be donated to an organization of her choosing which will help rebuild Puerto Rico and restore her island to the little paradise it once was.
This is our chance to do good. If we, as a fandom, stick together, we can help one of our beloved own recover from this catastrophe and bring back a little bit of normalcy. Every dollar/euro/pound will help!
Thank you very much for your time, effort and donation. In case you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me here, via Twitter @GlindaLoveShoes or email [email protected].
Link to the fundraiser: https://www.youcaring.com/milenysfraisedandelion-961282
Tagging some of my friends to help share and spread the news:
@starscythe @the-alpha-incipiens @teresa-ortiz @believingispowerfulmagic @queen-of-the-merry-men @audreysl0ve @regal-pixiedust @misslane1981 @daggzandarrows @idoltina @mysterious-song @lala-kate @ninzied @lillie-grey @thisisamadhouse @onceuponahappytime @x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x @brookeap3 @grace-and-poise-of-a-queen @nephelite @willow1411 @ussjellyfish @katmtan @sometimesangryblackwoman @thewisdomtooth @onhowtobecrazy @pt159 @dee-thequeenbee @reachfortheschuyler @cruellasdarling @gray-autumn-sky @givennotstolen @repellomuggletum15 @sgtmac7
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
ONCERs Unite for Miles’ Paradise
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This is a relief fund for @FraiseDandelion. Her home #PuertoRico was destroyed during #Maria please help!
We have had 53 supporters so far via Twitter with an AMAZING and overwhelming result, but I am sure we can reach a wider audience via Tumblr as well! If you don’t have the means to donate anything, please help us spread the news!
About the fundraiser:
"My little paradise," is what my friend Milenys always calls her beautiful island home of Puerto Rico. 'Miles' is one of the sweetest and most genuine people I know, who only ever spreads hope and is the first in line whenever someone needs help. This girl is one of the most dedicated EvilRegals and she's always there for everyone, even for people she has never met before. Now she and her family need our help.
I don't know if you have followed the news recently, but hurricane Maria hit the island directly and left a path of destruction behind. Maria is the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in more than 80 years. It destroyed hundreds of homes, flooded entire cities, leaving thousands of people without shelter. Furthermore, Maria knocked out power across the entire island and it might take months to restore it. My dear friend Miles lives in Humacao which has suffered some of the worst destruction from Maria's eye. I have not heard from her as the island is cut off from all communication services. I am worried for Miles and her family and hope that they are okay. What is clear is that the island and my friend are in need of help, help which every one of you can provide. The aim of this donation is to raise money for her and her family, in order to support them financially with the reconstruction of their home and lives.
*UPDATE!!!!!!* We have just heard from Miles. Her family and she are safe!!!! *UPDATE!!!!*
Here is her message from Sept 26:
I have no words you guys. I have no words. This honestly shocks me and makes me so emotional and thankful to each and every single one of u You guys have no idea how much I'm crying right now. I love you all so so much. You guys keep me going. U guys remind me that it's going To get better, one of these days. That it'll get normal. It'll get good again and we won't have to see so much devastation daily. I'm living for these short minutes I can communicate with you. Things are tough. Crime is increasing. Food & supplies are decreasing. Dessperation is growing. And so far it feels like we're at a stand still and the help isn't arriving. So seeing THIS is relieving & A breath of hope and just... it's amazing. No words. 
*UPDATE!!!!!!* We have just heard from Miles. Her family and she are safe!!!! *UPDATE!!!!*                                                                                               
In case Miles should not want or need the money, as she is very proud and always puts herself before others, it will be donated to an organization of her choosing which will help rebuild Puerto Rico and restore her island to the little paradise it once was.
This is our chance to do good. If we, as a fandom, stick together, we can help one of our beloved own recover from this catastrophe and bring back a little bit of normalcy. Every dollar/euro/pound will help!
Thank you very much for your time, effort and donation. In case you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me here, via Twitter @GlindaLoveShoes or email [email protected].
Link to the fundraiser: https://www.youcaring.com/milenysfraisedandelion-961282
Tagging some of my friends to help share and spread the news:
@starscythe @the-alpha-incipiens @teresa-ortiz @believingispowerfulmagic @queen-of-the-merry-men @audreysl0ve @regal-pixiedust @misslane1981 @daggzandarrows @idoltina @mysterious-song @lala-kate @ninzied @lillie-grey @thisisamadhouse @onceuponahappytime @x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x @brookeap3 @grace-and-poise-of-a-queen @nephelite @willow1411 @ussjellyfish @katmtan @sometimesangryblackwoman @thewisdomtooth @onhowtobecrazy @pt159 @dee-thequeenbee @reachfortheschuyler @cruellasdarling @gray-autumn-sky @givennotstolen @repellomuggletum15 @sgtmac7
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Pearls Of Time II
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Here we go! It’s the last day of @oqpromptparty and I’m so proud to present you a new story in this verse here!
A huge thanks goes out to my betas waterbaby, Allie and Trenesha as well as Shay and Miles, who helped me a lot when I was getting frustrated. These are all amazing ladies. Also a special thanks to Jen, who hosted OQ Prompt Party, gave out prizes and organized everything! She’s a true treasure and we can be lucky to have her in this fandom.
Prompt 104: Sex on the kitchen table (counter)
Prompt 101: Kissing in the rain
Now, I really hope you like it and I’d love to hear about your thoughts and feelings either here or on Twitter or in the upcoming review week we will be hosting since you all got flooded with so much material this week. Please send some love to all authors and artists out there who worked their asses off to brighten your week with different contributions each day.
Now let’s go back in time…
Pearl Harbor, 26th November 1941
It’s the day before Thanksgiving, when Robin finishes his flight training for the day. Today has been fun - more than he’s had with David in a long while. They’ve done the double outside loop - a move they’ve been secretly training for weeks with one of the new airplanes their squadron has gotten. Back on the ground, they are met with cheers and jubilation from their mates. Their planes are parked in perfect sync, the propeller still slightly turning as they open up the cockpit windows and climb out of their second home.
A group of men is running toward them, have their hats flying high into the air, and many pads on the shoulder are given. Questions such as ‘How’d you do that?’ or 'You need to show me!’ have both friends laughing. Even if the others wanted to, they wouldn’t be able to pull it off. They’re best friends, know each other’s moves, trust each other blindly. Robin Locksley and David Nolan are  the two best pilots of the squadron, that’s why they’ve just recently been promoted to the next rank.
Robin smirks at David, who’s holding his hand up for a high five which turns into their usual handshake and chest bump. “Well done, Second Lieutenant Nolan.”
David bumps his shoulder with his fist, clearly enjoying the use of his new title. “Couldn’t have done it without you, Second Lieutenant Locksley!”
The jubilance is about to continue, when someone clears his throat audibly. Shit. The group of men grows silent, some even shrink down, and like the sea in front of Moses, the men step aside in order to reveal Robin and David, who both have to bite the insides of their cheeks in order to stop grinning. Getting caught is bad, getting caught by Major Midas is worse.
Nobody says a word as the Major stands there, his eyes focused on his two best pilots in annoyance. “You two. My office. Now!”
Continue on FF.net or AO3
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
The Stories Before
AU in which the curse backfired and Regina is left physically scarred.
For the OQ Prompt Party; Robin teaches Regina how to shoot an arrow and Robin sees Regina’s curly hair for the first time. This is also based upon some art work from ages ago (I forgot who made it) but an AU where the curse backfired leaving Regina scarred from it. That’s the bases of this one-shot. Hope you enjoy :) Read here for ff.net
They keep moving constantly, never stopping for more than a few hours a day. It’s better that way. They won’t get caught. From or by what, Robin’s unsure, but he knows that it’s best to just keep moving.
She’s quiet most days, keeping to herself, her hood drawn up least anyone sees her face. Sometimes Robin wonders if it was a blessing or a curse to take her from the ruins of her palace, to let her tag along with them. Maybe that’s what they’re running from. Very man in this pack knows just what’ll happen if they’re caught with the banished ex-evil queen.
He’d never met her in person, not until a few weeks ago, anyway. He heard the stories, most of them drunken exaggerations but with most exaggerations, there were some glimmer of truth behind them. He’d managed to escape the village which she later torched, lucky.
He’d heard the stories of her banishment, too, of the failed curse, how it backfired and scarred her beyond recognition. He sat in taverns and pubs listening to nearby men say how her beauty had been wiped away, how there was nothing left but a distorted face that only now held the remnants of a once beautiful creature.
The whole thing was a exaggeration.
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Pearls Of Time II
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Here we go! It's the last day of @oqpromptparty and I'm so proud to present you a new story in this verse here!
A huge thanks goes out to my betas waterbaby, Allie and Trenesha as well as Shay and Miles, who helped me a lot when I was getting frustrated. These are all amazing ladies. Also a special thanks to Jen, who hosted OQ Prompt Party, gave out prizes and organized everything! She's a true treasure and we can be lucky to have her in this fandom.
Prompt 104: Sex on the kitchen table (counter)
Prompt 101: Kissing in the rain
Now, I really hope you like it and I'd love to hear about your thoughts and feelings either here or on Twitter or in the upcoming review week we will be hosting since you all got flooded with so much material this week. Please send some love to all authors and artists out there who worked their asses off to brighten your week with different contributions each day.
Now let's go back in time...
Pearl Harbor, 26th November 1941
It's the day before Thanksgiving, when Robin finishes his flight training for the day. Today has been fun - more than he's had with David in a long while. They've done the double outside loop - a move they've been secretly training for weeks with one of the new airplanes their squadron has gotten. Back on the ground, they are met with cheers and jubilation from their mates. Their planes are parked in perfect sync, the propeller still slightly turning as they open up the cockpit windows and climb out of their second home.
A group of men is running toward them, have their hats flying high into the air, and many pads on the shoulder are given. Questions such as 'How'd you do that?' or 'You need to show me!' have both friends laughing. Even if the others wanted to, they wouldn't be able to pull it off. They're best friends, know each other's moves, trust each other blindly. Robin Locksley and David Nolan are  the two best pilots of the squadron, that's why they've just recently been promoted to the next rank.
Robin smirks at David, who's holding his hand up for a high five which turns into their usual handshake and chest bump. "Well done, Second Lieutenant Nolan."
David bumps his shoulder with his fist, clearly enjoying the use of his new title. "Couldn't have done it without you, Second Lieutenant Locksley!"
The jubilance is about to continue, when someone clears his throat audibly. Shit. The group of men grows silent, some even shrink down, and like the sea in front of Moses, the men step aside in order to reveal Robin and David, who both have to bite the insides of their cheeks in order to stop grinning. Getting caught is bad, getting caught by Major Midas is worse.
Nobody says a word as the Major stands there, his eyes focused on his two best pilots in annoyance. "You two. My office. Now!"
Continue on FF.net or AO3
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Pearls Of Time II (Sneak Peek)
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DAY 6 of @oqpromptparty here prompt 104: Sex on the kitchen table (counter). It’s a sneak peek of the new chapter of my Pearl Harbor AU that will be posted fully tomorrow!  So be on the lookout for more :)
"Hello, Lieutenant Locksley."
Ever since he got promoted she calls him Lieutenant and damn, it does things to him. She knows, he can tell from the smirk on her face she knows what she's doing to him and she's severely enjoying the power she knows she holds over him.
"Hello, Mrs. Locksley. You're home early today. I wasn't expecting you until later this evening."
"Well, the hospital has more than enough nurses to coddle that poor officer who's still not feeling better. I thought I should use the time more wisely and prepare the lasagna for dinner tomorrow." Regina entwines herself from his embrace and is ready to tug her apron back on. "One for us and one for David on Friday."
Robin hums appreciatively. "I already told him he's welcome to come over on Friday… He's going to love you. My wife bewitching my fellow comrades with her magical cooking skills. Should I be worried?"
"Never!" Laughing, Regina tiptoes once again to press a hiss onto his cheek, this time not bothering to wipe away the lipstick. He doesn't care. When they're at home, she can leave her marks on him as much as she wants. "I might bake my lasagna for my friends, but my apple-raisin pie is only for you."
"Because I'm the only one who likes to have raisins in it," Robin counters, making her laugh. She bites her lip, ready to throw a comment back at him, but instead Robin kisses her again, this time a bit longer. Carefully he reaches behind her, making sure the counter is clear of any chopping boards and knives before he walks her two steps backward and lifts her up onto the surface. Regina giggles into the kiss, moans when he does that thing with his tongue and leaves her lips in order to pepper kisses and licks onto her skin all the way down to her neck.
"Mmmh, Robin… h… how about you go… go get changed while I… finish… mmmh, yes there."
He's close to her ear now, nibbling at her earlobe before he grins. "How about I finish you first…" It's not what he should be doing right now. He should ask her to sit down with him because he has to tell her something, but there's this selfish little voice in his head that insists he should cherish the moment, the easiness that's still between them, which will be destroyed the moment he opens his mouth about the subject. Pretense is easy, and right now that he has the choice between pretending everything is fine and feasting off his wife or telling her he is leaving to fight in the war three days from now, he would be stupid to pick the latter.
Regina seems more than eager to follow through with his plan, spreads her legs and grasps his uniform in order to find some balance. Brushing up the skirt of her dress, Robin makes quick work of unclasping the garter from the nylon stockings which he let slip down to her feet, careful not to rip them. There is a shortage due to the war and he won't have her throw another tantrum because he ripped one of her precious pair of stockings because he's just always a little too overeager when it comes to sex with her. The appreciative hum she gives him shows that he's right. The underpants turn out to be more of a challenge and in moments like this he just wishes she wouldn't wear anything underneath.
Robin presses his hand against her core, can feel the warmth but not the expected slickness just yet. It's fine, they've just started. In teasing little twirls, he rolls his thumb over the fabric, earning a gasped 'Robin!'. Teasing her is fun, but not very much so when he feels himself grow hard in his uniform. It's not like he wants to make this a quick affair, he's promised himself to always finish her off properly, but he needs to… wants to… One finger slips underneath her underwear and damn, she’s much wetter than he expected already.
“I need these off immediately!”
“Not stopping you,” she breathes out heavily and fuck, he loves the deep tingle her voice gets whenever she’s aroused. Robin draws away from her with one last lingering kiss, waiting for Regina to find support with her own hands before she pushes herself up slightly so he can pull down her garments in one swift practiced move. Everything below her waistline is bare now. Regina’s skin is smooth, and once again he’s amazed at how much time and care she invests to keep her body perfect like this. He never asked her to do that… though he’d be lying if he said her beauty wasn’t one of the things he fell in love with the first time he saw her.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” Robin whispers, his voice lined with obvious need. Regina doesn’t hesitate but pulls his face back on hers, catching his lower lip between her teeth and pulling lightly at it. Robin’s on her within seconds, sucking at her already sweet swollen lips until she finally opens up and he can devour her with his mouth. His forefinger traces up her inner thigh until he reaches her middle, pressing down gently and making her hips buckle forward in response.
Even though he knows all she wants is a quick release, Robin teases her clit with his thumb, swiping from the top right down to her soaked entrance. She’s hot, how and pounding and she’ll probably hate him for having scrub the counter clean with alcohol once their done, but now he enjoys her being putty in his hands, aching for him. He sucks at her tongue the moment his middle finger slips into her, earning a surprised moan from her that strikes him right down to the core. While his cock is twitching in his pants, eager to be let out, he tries to ignore his own needs and make this about her. Maybe later, when she’s mad at him she will remember… but please, none of that now.
Regina seems to catch up on his mind’s distraction, breaking the kiss. “What’s wrong?”
Robin shakes his head as if the movement is going to erase his thoughts before a seductive smiles pulls up on his lips. “Just thinking of all the things I want to do to you.”
She bites her lower lip again and what did he ever do to be blessed with a wife that was Regina former Mills now Locksley.
“How about instead of thinking about them, you actually start doing the… eeeeh...mmmmmh!” Regina goes when he curls his middle finger and presses up, hitting the spot that makes her almost see stars.
“You were saying…?”
“Yes, Robin… More… Please!” Who is he to let his wife beg? While he continues the play with his middle finger, he slowly sinks down, adjusting his knees on the cold tile floor, not caring they're going to hurt like hell come morning. He's at just the right height now, breathing in the significant smell of her juices. For a second he considers licking his finger, but when he looks up he sees how far gone she is, with her head leaned back against the hanging cupboards behind her, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. Later then.
"I love you," is all he mumbles before he spreads her folds with his free hand and leans forward, taking first one, then a second tentative lick. Fuck. Delicious. Who needs dinner when he can have her? She's the best thing to ever happen to him, he's one lucky bloody bastard.
The sound Regina makes the moment he licks through her folds, sucks at her clit just a moment before curling his finger to hit the spot inside her is anything but meant for public. Robin loves that he can make her feel like this, make her feel so damn good about herself. She's gorgeous, perfect and thinking that come Sunday he might never…
"Robin… I need you, please!"
With his head back in the game, he dips forward, his tongue wrapping around her, licking, sucking, while his finger pumps in and out of her, making sure to curl every time at just the right moment. Regina is close, he can feel it, can see her thighs trembling and hands shaking. Her breathing is down to quick short breaths, only interrupted by small moans and groans and it's only a matter of seconds before she comes right here, right there…
The second finger he adds is her undoing. She half gasps, half yelps, hands now firmly manifested in Robin's hair while her orgasm overcomes her. Robin doesn't pull back even though it hurts, licks and sucks and pounds through it, until her shaking body has slipped so close to the edge she actually threatens to fall down. It's too much for him, pleasuring her, making sure she won't fall off the counter, his own cock that's pressing violently against the fabric of his pants. So he stops pumping his fingers, only licks at her clit until she's quieted down.
The moment he finally decides to look up, he sees her smiling down at him, lipstick slightly smudged and hair tousled, but gorgeous and satisfied nonetheless. Robin lifts his fingers to his mouth, sucking her juices off while looking at her and the love in her eyes is clear. Slowly, he gets up, knees slightly hurting from the floor but he won't complain, not when she's looking at him like this.
"I love you," Regina whispers back, drawing him in for a soft kiss which she hopes expresses her gratitude.
"I love you more," he answers chuckling, burying his head against her neck, breathing her in.
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Songs of Arrows
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In honor of @oqpromptparty, I would like to introduce you to my new multi chapter which fits prompt 98: Robin tries to steal Regina’s cab.
This story has been written partly for over 2 years but I swore myself I wouldn’t post it until either Roses or PUS is finished. So until that happens, there won’t be an update. However, I want to let you know that this is my baby and I’m really proud of what is going to come!
So I want to thank my beta waterbaby and Miles, as well as Isabela who encouraged me to write this years ago! I hope you like it! Enjoy!
“This is the last call for passenger Ariel and Eric Nixe for flight BA 6567 to Barcelona. Please proceed to gate C 39 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Ariel and Eric Nixe.”               “Security advice: Please do not leave your luggage unattended.“               “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is the pre-boarding announcement for Lufthansa flight 1996 to Cologne/Bonn. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.”               “Attention, Ladies and gentlemen…”               London Heathrow airport is crowded, noisy and loud just like she’s expected it to be the moment she landed at the Queen’s Terminal on a rainy Wednesday evening, jetlagged, grumpy and allergic to the overly British politeness she was greeted with before she even left the plane. Why could people not calm down? Perhaps it is because everyone is happy to be here, except for her. Maybe that’s why she was one of the last people to leave the plane. No, it was rather because people were too stupid to stay in their seats and let the rest of the passengers leave row by row. She rolls her eyes. At least it is the same like in any other country.
Everyone is trying to reach the immigration counters and luggage bands before the others, elbowing their way through the crowd, stumbling over hand luggage and bumping against people who stopped for no reason in the middle of walking. Tons of tourists mixed with the locals, who seem obviously annoyed but would never say so, because they’re British and friendly.
She ran into one of these people mere moments ago, a businessman whose first move after landing had been to turn his phone back on answering missed call after missed call.
              “Sorry,” he immediately excused her bumping into him and, oh yes, if she didn’t think so before, she definitely was in England now. He would have apologized if she’d accidentally kicked him in the balls. Hello Britain, country of Queues and Politeness.
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
A Better Place
- My first entry for @oqpromptparty - Regina and Robin go look for Daniel’s grave and they happen to find both his and Marian’s stone. Both tipped over and Regina and Robin share an emotional moment.
Her heart is thumping hard in her chest, so hard she’s surprised he can’t hear it as they walk side by side through the graveyard. She passes her father’s stone, managing the smallest of smiles at the sight of it broken in two and laying flat on the grass - she’s sure her mother’s looks just the same but she pushes that thought from her mind, she’s said her goodbyes to her parents - startling a little when Robin’s hand catches hers and he squeezes reassuringly at her fingers.
There are three possible outcomes to this and she’s not quite sure which it is that she’s hoping for.
Still, she walks on with Robin by her side, her frown deepening with every cracked stone that they come across. From what they’ve seen so far, she’s not quite sure she has the strength of imagination to even begin to think of a place worse than this. She feels as though she hasn’t taken a proper breath since they’d arrived here and though they were all practically dead on their feet - no pun intended in the slightest - sleep was a mere memory at this point.
The air tastes of ash and she’s never quite hot enough nor is she ever cool enough. It’s an awful humidity that has the hairs on her arms standing up constantly. She cannot wait until they are able to get out of here to the sweet relief of home.
Robin’s gasp pulls her from her thoughts, has her wide-eyed and nauseas as she whips her head around to find his eyeline. Her stomach flips as he pulls her towards the stone, eyes tracing over the block capitals of Marian’s name. It’s broken cleanly in two and laying on a patch of grass.
His fingers slip from hers only when he reaches the stone and leans down to touch the harsh lettering. There are tears shining in his eyes but a gentle smile curling his lips when he lifts his hand to press a kiss to his fingertips before pressing them to the stone once more and standing.
She watches the deep breath he inhales, his eyes closing and head tipping back to bare his face to the faux Underbrooke sky as he takes another long moment.
He’s had to say goodbye to Marian so many times - too many times.
Regina holds out a gloved hand when he begins making his way back to her, swiping away a stray tear and returning her sympathetic smile as he catches her hand once more.
“You okay?”
He nods, “She’s at peace.” He leans in to press a quick peck - more for comfort she thinks - to her lips and entwines their fingers before he tilts his head and encourages her forward.
Her heart is thumping harder the further they move through the graveyard, her eyes blearily scanning each new headstone they come across until all breath is pulled from her lungs and she lets loose an almost inhuman sound of grief because there it is…
Daniel Colter
It’s just as simple as Marian’s was and it to is laying flat on the ground, broken clean in two from the bottom but her fingers tremble as she slips from Robin’s grip and moves to kneel beside the stone, tracing her finger along the great crack that runs diagonally through it.
She isn’t sure how long he leaves her to cry for but she finds she’s grateful both for the space and for his instinct to comfort when Robin comes to kneel beside her with a palm curled around her shoulder.
“He was in so much pain,” she whispers, shaking her head as tear drops dampen the hard stone and her chin trembles.
She’d told Robin of Daniel’s resurrection once before, when he’d spoken of the pain of seeing Marian again to find out it never truly had been her and he’d listened greedily, desperate to share that hurt so she’s unsurprised he remembers when he replies, “But you set him free, Regina.”
She nods. It still hurts to see the effect Whale had on her first love but she finds comfort in the knowledge that he’s gone on to a better place now and that, perhaps, she had something of a hand in that.
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Songs of Arrows
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In honor of @oqpromptparty, I would like to introduce you to my new multi chapter which fits prompt 98: Robin tries to steal Regina's cab.
This story has been written partly for over 2 years but I swore myself I wouldn't post it until either Roses or PUS is finished. So until that happens, there won't be an update. However, I want to let you know that this is my baby and I'm really proud of what is going to come!
So I want to thank my beta waterbaby and Miles, as well as Isabela who encouraged me to write this years ago! I hope you like it! Enjoy!
“This is the last call for passenger Ariel and Eric Nixe for flight BA 6567 to Barcelona. Please proceed to gate C 39 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Ariel and Eric Nixe.”               “Security advice: Please do not leave your luggage unattended.“               "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is the pre-boarding announcement for Lufthansa flight 1996 to Cologne/Bonn. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you."               "Attention, Ladies and gentlemen…"               London Heathrow airport is crowded, noisy and loud just like she’s expected it to be the moment she landed at the Queen's Terminal on a rainy Wednesday evening, jetlagged, grumpy and allergic to the overly British politeness she was greeted with before she even left the plane. Why could people not calm down? Perhaps it is because everyone is happy to be here, except for her. Maybe that's why she was one of the last people to leave the plane. No, it was rather because people were too stupid to stay in their seats and let the rest of the passengers leave row by row. She rolls her eyes. At least it is the same like in any other country.
Everyone is trying to reach the immigration counters and luggage bands before the others, elbowing their way through the crowd, stumbling over hand luggage and bumping against people who stopped for no reason in the middle of walking. Tons of tourists mixed with the locals, who seem obviously annoyed but would never say so, because they're British and friendly.
She ran into one of these people mere moments ago, a businessman whose first move after landing had been to turn his phone back on answering missed call after missed call.
              "Sorry," he immediately excused her bumping into him and, oh yes, if she didn't think so before, she definitely was in England now. He would have apologized if she'd accidentally kicked him in the balls. Hello Britain, country of Queues and Politeness.
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Hit by Fate
Prompt 171 for @oqpromptparty  Regina gets hit by a car and Robin is a good samaritan who helps her.
It’s a dark and snowy December evening when Robin runs his last errands at the Whole Foods on 6th Ave and 42nd street. The weather report looks pretty bad and he’s sure by tomorrow New York will have called out a state of emergency. However, in comparison to many others, Robin stays calm. If he’s survived harsh winters in Northern Canada and Alaska, he’s surely going to survive a snowstorm in New York City. Judging from their stressed faces, it’s just too bad the majority of people running their last errands in the grocery store tonight don’t seem to think so.
The cereal aisle is practically empty, which is almost more annoying than the fact the store apparently ran out on mac'n'cheese boxes a good three hours ago. His basket is carrying two boxes of canned beans and bread so far but he won’t survive his day off tomorrow with only this. Sighing, he reaches for the last box of Kellogg’s when he’s interrupted by an upsetting groan behind him. Robin turns around, to see a heartbroken looking, heavily pregnant brunette looking sadly at the last box of cereal he just put into his basket.
“Seems like this store is out of everything,” she sighs, before sending a tight smile over to him.
“It is… Uh… You wanted the Kellogg’s?”
She’s pretty, practically glowing. Shiny dark her, full red painted lips and dark chocolate brown eyes. Her coat is only buttoned halfway, revealing part of her belly which is covered by a thick wool shirt.
“I don't… he does.”
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Hit by Fate
Prompt 171 for @oqpromptparty  Regina gets hit by a car and Robin is a good samaritan who helps her.
It's a dark and snowy December evening when Robin runs his last errands at the Whole Foods on 6th Ave and 42nd street. The weather report looks pretty bad and he's sure by tomorrow New York will have called out a state of emergency. However, in comparison to many others, Robin stays calm. If he's survived harsh winters in Northern Canada and Alaska, he's surely going to survive a snowstorm in New York City. Judging from their stressed faces, it's just too bad the majority of people running their last errands in the grocery store tonight don't seem to think so.
The cereal aisle is practically empty, which is almost more annoying than the fact the store apparently ran out on mac'n'cheese boxes a good three hours ago. His basket is carrying two boxes of canned beans and bread so far but he won't survive his day off tomorrow with only this. Sighing, he reaches for the last box of Kellogg's when he's interrupted by an upsetting groan behind him. Robin turns around, to see a heartbroken looking, heavily pregnant brunette looking sadly at the last box of cereal he just put into his basket.
"Seems like this store is out of everything," she sighs, before sending a tight smile over to him.
"It is… Uh… You wanted the Kellogg's?"
She's pretty, practically glowing. Shiny dark her, full red painted lips and dark chocolate brown eyes. Her coat is only buttoned halfway, revealing part of her belly which is covered by a thick wool shirt.
"I don't… he does."
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
A Fresh Start
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Prompt 31 for @oqpromptparty Henry decides to throw the author’s rules over board and rewrites his mom’s happy ending.  
On the day they bury him it’s cold, raining. They’re standing there clad in charcoal black, holding umbrellas, roses, and arrows. There is no sound, no mumbling as one after another they walk toward the coffin to pay their last respects to their friend. Leader. Father. Lover. Soulmate.
She’s only cried a single tear, that’s all she allowed herself while staring at the wooden coffin, which bears his lifeless body. But Regina isn’t registering it, not really. Instead, her gloved hand clenches the arrow as her mind plays the moment over and over when his soul turned around and looked at her one last time before it vanished. Before it was erased from existence. Unfair. It’s all so unfair. It’s a nightmare she cannot wake up from, and Regina wishes more than anything he wouldn’t have tried to protect her. Then he’d be still here… and Roland wouldn’t have to bury his father at the soft age of four. He deserves so much better. They deserve so much better.
A hand on her shoulder brings her back to reality. It’s Zelena, tight expression on her face as her head nods over to the coffin. All eyes are on her, waiting for her turn to put down the arrow with the rose so they can start making their way over to the small wake at Granny’s.
She catches Roland looking over at her, tear streaked face and red puffy eyes, but Tuck lifts him up, shielding his face from her gaze. He must hate her. His father is dead because of her… All because of her… and she wishes so much she could turn back time to shove him away, to save his life. Sadly, there is no benefit in turning back time though. They’ve been there. They’ve done that.
Even though she tries not to, her eyes wander over to Emma and the damn pirate who stand on the left far edge of the funeral crowd, arm in arm. The blonde is trying to keep her expression blank but she can’t keep the hint of a smile off her face while she snuggles into the pirate’s shoulder. Regina has never loathed them more.
It’s unfair to think that way. Deep down she knows this, but honestly, how can she overlook everything that has happened in the past few years? First Henry, then Pan’s curse, Marian, Zelena, Camelot, the Underworld, now this. All because of Emma Swan.
“They’re waiting for you,” Zelena mumbles and she knows, knows they want to leave because the weight of what happened is just too depressing. She doesn’t want her damn sister to talk to her either. Zelena carries as much blame as Emma in this case. If it weren’t for the baby - named Robyn of all possible damn names - Regina wouldn’t even look at her.
Angrily, Regina shakes her sister’s hand off and steps forward in order to put the arrow down next to the others. Tears fill her eyes as she lets every good moment replay before she whispers her goodbyes and steps aside… to just stop in her tracks when the arrow she just put onto the coffin starts waggling and falls down into the grass.
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
A Promise For Eternity
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DAY 2: Prompt 135 “All OutlawQueen wedding scenarios.” for @oqpromptparty
A Promise for Eternity
That he’s nervous today of all days is clearly an understatement. He’s absolutely terrified, but happy at the same time. Today is the day, the one he’s been waiting for since that night several weeks ago when he finally had the guts to ask her. It had been a decision he’d made on a whim with not much planned except for using his grandmother’s ring which he’d found in Gold’s shop after the second curse had been broken. He’d intended to give it to her, but then… things happened and then he died and… the fact they… no, she, it had been her, managed to resurrect him from a place that was worse than hell, a place he refers to as the Nothing is still very present in every fiber of his being. It gives him nightmares, makes him a bit paranoid sometimes and has him feeling uncomfortable in pitch-dark places now. How the Evil Queen had done it, they still don’t know. But she did. Robin will never forget her face, the relief; the happiness when she kissed him (much to Regina’s protest and his own surprise) and told him her deed was done here. It was only moments after, when she turned around to her better half and asked her to ’never split us again’ before merging back into Regina. He’d caught her as she fell, her body overwhelmed from the magic of what had just happened.
Robin had been so worried when she’d cried; clinging to him like a lifeboat to never let go. So only two nights after, when they were lying in bed, limbs tangled and sheets wrapped around them - the night light on, because he didn’t like it completely dark - he’d looked down at her, pressed a kiss onto her temple and asked her. And she’d said yes with a single tear rolling down her cheek. Beautiful, she’d been so beautiful and she was going to be his wife. His true love, his soul mate… bound together forever.
That’s why he’s so anxious now, that why he’s nervously looking from David to Snow, to the guests, to the end of the aisle which is beautifully set up in Regina’s front yard and then up to the bedroom. Snow has outdone herself. One could truly describe it as a fairytale wedding with only one piece missing. His bride. He can hear the clock tower strike twelve in the far distance. It’s time. Music starts playing, David grins and their friends get up from their chairs, waiting for Henry to guide his mother down the aisle. Snow giggles, says something about not being too nervous, the worst thing that can happen is her waltzing in saying ‘Sorry I’m late.’ - which makes the rest of the wedding crowd laugh nervously.
Roland makes his way down the aisle, carrying a little pillow with the two golden rings they’d picked out together. He proudly gives the pillow to Tuck, who compliments him on doing a good job, before he hugs his father’s legs and makes his way down to Tink to take his seat just like they rehearsed it. Then they wait. They wait for her to come down, to take her place beside him. The front door opens; the crowd holds its breath. Robin grins so hard it’s almost hurting his cheeks. He can see Henry in his navy blue suit with an eggshell blue tie, looking so grown up and dressed up, it makes Robin’s heart swell with pride. They’d gone to pick out their suits together, him, Henry and Roland and all ended up with a matching one, except that Robin had a white orchid in his chest pocket which would match Regina’s bouquet.
Henry seems nervous as he makes his way down the aisle without his mother, all eyes on him. Robin’s smile falters when he sees his son’s face, the way his teeth are tightly pressed together and his brows are furrowed. Something is wrong. He knows the second he sees Henry take in a deep breath, but whatever it is, he knows they can handle it.
“Where’s Regina, Henry?” Snow asks anxiously.
His eyes search for Robin’s. “She’s locked herself inside your bedroom and doesn’t want to come out. I… I think you should talk to her. She’s freaking out.”
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