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via  davidgmcafee
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“i wish pokemon were real!”
beedrill is three feet tall
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$6.5 TRILLION in billionaire welfare at a time when Wall St. is at historic highs, and corporate profits are setting records.
The middle and lower classes are paying for all if it with austerity. The rich are making no sacrifices.
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What really sucks about the way Joss Whedon writes is that he sort of has this idea that if he writes about women being strong and confident, that is all it takes for women to appreciate his work. Like, even if the villain constantly belittles a woman for being a woman and people are constantly harassing her and sexualizing her, it’s okay because she’s strong and she can take it.
The biggest difference between Whedon’s version of Wonder Woman and Jenkins is that in Whedon’s version Wonder Woman is A Woman. She (and the audience) must be constantly aware that she is a Woman, that she is Sexy, that she is overcoming incredible odds because she has the terrible disadvantage of Being Born A Woman.
Whereas in Jenkins’ film Diana simply exists. There are some points made by other characters about her being a woman, like when Steve won’t sleep with her because he feels it’s improper, or when his secretary says, “Oh yes, put specs on her, like after that she won’t be the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen”, but Diana is almost completely unaware of her status as a Dreaded Woman. Her excitement over a baby? She’s literally never seen one before. Her little makeover seen? Spends the whole thing looking for something comfortable she can fight in. She basically never mentions the difference between men and women, never even says that women are better or whatever because she was raised by them. 
Joss Whedon would have never let Wonder Woman forget she was a Woman. She would have constantly been making comments about it, wether positive or negative, as would everyone around her. In Whedon’s heyday that might have flown a lot better, but now women seem to be a little sick of grrrrl power. They just want power. They just want to exist, both on screen and in life, without constant reminders that they are Women and that they must pay for that at every turn.
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Ohio Republicans create winnable electoral districts by siting nonvoting prisons near friendly voters
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91% of the prisoners in Ohio are in Republican districts: they aren’t allowed to vote, but they are counted in the census, creating winnable districts with tiny voting populations that would otherwise be included with large groups of nearby Democratic voters.
It’s a little-understood bit of gerrymandering beyond the usual packing and cracking tactics – more like the early 18th century English rotten boroughs, abolished in 1832.
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A New Hampshire Republican State Representative anonymously created the “Red Pill” subreddit.
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Ok but there is still hope for us. There are still people that love us and aren't driven away. It's fucking difficult having this disorder but with a metric shit ton of therapy/effort progress can be made.
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Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental illness that causes impulsive behaviors, intense mood swings, and issues with self-worth. More common in women than in men, one of the biggest hallmarks of BPD is an extreme fear of abandonment. They can take extreme measures to avoid real or imagined abandonment. On top of this fear, their markedly disturbed sense of identity, ongoing feelings of emptiness, and uncontrollable emotional outbursts often leads to unstable and chaotic relationships with others. It  is common for sufferers of this personality disorder to engage in frequent self-harm and risky behaviors such as unsafe sex, gambling, reckless driving, drug use, binge-eating, and spending sprees. Due to their stormy attachments to people, mood swings, and anger, they often find that their behavior tends to drive others away. People with this disorder also have a very black and white way of thinking, called ‘’splitting’’. They can go from idealizing someone one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn’t care enough or is cruel. 
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Reblog to make someone’s day!
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Republicans had seven years to put something together, then cobbled a bunch of tax cuts for the wealthy, with no hearings and no analysis.
“The big question should be, why do any of this? Ryan used to claim that his plans were about reducing the budget deficit, but he has now given up that pretense.
And why should tax cuts even be on the table? We have budget deficits, not surpluses, and lots of unmet needs for future spending. U.S. taxes are low, not high, compared with other wealthy countries. Predictions that tax cuts will lead to rapid economic growth have been wrong time and again. And by large margins, voters want taxes on corporations and the wealthy to go up, not down.” - Paul Krugman, NYT
This tax bill will add $1.5 TRILLION to the deficit. That’s if everything goes the way Republicans predict, and when was the last time their economic predictions were ever even close?
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My friend Mario (IG: @masprine) started this nice little tag and created the manifesto below after several events that happened the last week of plain ol’ Mexican fetishization. We’re kinda tired of your shit, buddies.
My dear foreign friends and brothers. I know Mexican culture is a beautiful one, and I know that the appeal of living it in your own flesh is even greater. Nonetheless, after these past years of travels, fake news, alt facts and Trumpism, I’ve seen so many expressions of bigotry and racism towards me and my brothers from people I never expected, that I just had to create this post.
While you’re allowed to enjoy Mexican culture and the greatness it has to offer, always remember you’re a guest in this bandwagon, always remember that Mexico is a country deprived of greatness by the inequity of our politicians, and the benefiting of interests that don’t reflect our own.
- Please stop opening shops and bars that are Mexican themed, stop profiting from our culture while you won’t lift a finger towards immigration issues.
- Stop moving away from your countries because Trump or Brexit won, I appreciate the sentiment, but not many Mexicans had the choice of living in another country after EPN won the elections. Realize the privilege you have.
- Stop posing in sombreros in your travel photos with fake moustaches while screaming AYAYAY… It’s absurd, annoying and quite disrespectful
- Stop asking white Mexicans why are they white if they’re Mexican, stop asking mexicans why they speak english, or comment on their height and physical appearance as to praise their lack of brownness or latinx features.
- Stop hashtagging the whole CINCODEDRINKO bullshit while sipping on drinks NO ONE DRINKS here… Stop celebrating what we don’t
The privilege y'all have is way different than the one of ANY of my nationals who are trying to seek a better life in your countries, they aren’t being heard, they’re abused, they’re fetishized, they’re being appropriated and displaced by gentrification. So use that privilege to positively affect the lives of many, who actually need it. Stop supporting white owned mexican themed places who segregate latinxs, stop eating at that fancy mexican restaurant who’s owned by no mexican and treats it’s mexican employees like shit.
Support immigrants, be kind to their struggle, and help them achieve a better life.
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Source: Comic Redesigns the Autism Spectrum to Crush Stereotypes: http://themighty.com/2016/05/rebecca-burgess-comic-redesigns-the-autism-spectrum
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There is nothing in this plan that suggests that they intend to reform the tax system. This is simply the oligarchs of America reaching into the pockets of the middle class, and especially the upper middle class and the moderately prosperous, the people in America who make $100,000 a year up to about a million dollars a year, and taking money out of their pockets. People who make $100,000 to $250,000 a year would actually see their taxes rise under this plan, based on what we know so far. This is simply a huge redistribution scheme by the rich, for the rich and paid for by everybody who is not already rich.
Reporter David Cay Johnston on Trump’s planned tax overhaul. See the full story: Trump’s Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump & Cabinet While Sparking Global “Tax War” (via randomactsofchaos)
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The Radical Democratic Socialism of Martin Luther King
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mutuals if i like your negative posts please just imagine me patting u on the back comforting you, not like i actually like that you’re hurt
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