glitteryfiremiracle · 8 months
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An arched gateway into the garden.
🦋 Fairycore month on @mynocturnality
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How did this book deal all come about?    
“Open! Open mouth, lady. Sake. Open lady. Sake sake.” I know it sounds corny, but I love this Hibachi restaurant. I am currently sitting with my family, plus my main spirit guide, Kariss and secondary guide Rodger Liberman.  Yep. You’ve read that correctly. I officially channel acclaimed actor, screenwriter, animal rights activist, humanitarian, he’s looking at me that way again, Rodger Liberman. Although no one really knows its him. I like to keep things under wraps because if the world found out, they’d never believe me. And I also keep it to myself out of respect for his wife and family. You wouldn’t believe the things his stands write about on Bmbler these days. And dudes old enough to be their dad! Anyway, I am listening in on a conversation between Kariss and Rodger and I’ll admit its pretty difficult to focus, what, with all of the merriment going on in the background. The next table over is celebrating two birthdays! Cousins and their entire family. That investment banker looks bored. 
“Sake! Sake, sake lady!!!” 
“No more, thanks” I say while motioning to the chef, with my hands around my throat. “But I would love more tea please. Thank you”
 I hold my cup up and our waitress pours piping hot liquid. She’s leaning through Rodger who stops speaking momentarily, long enough to wait for my tea refill. That's how it is for me. In fact many of the people here tonight aren’t really visible to most at all! Investment banker included. I find myself staring at the large tree in the middle of the room yet again when Rodger leans in and says, 
“You should really consider writing a book.”
“ About what?” I wonder. 
“About your ghost adventures.” he says. “You see them all around, all of the time.”
 I don’t reply because I don’t want to look like I am just talking to myself in public, so I solemnly put on my jacket and get ready to leave. 
“Everyone got everything?” I ask my husband and daughter. 
“Yep.” she chirps in affirmative. 
“Great” I respond and we make our way to the door. 
“Sake sake, lady. Man. Sake sake, ooooh! Good. Man!”
I really do love this place, I think to myself once again. Their kitsch never gets old. 
“Now before you deglaze your skillet, add you some chopped onion and cook em til they get all soft like…”
“Do you ever shut that phone off?” Rodger wonders half to me and half in disgust. I am lying in bed watching one of my favorite influencers Pepperfire Tex, fix his old grand daddy’s pot roast. I press the side phone button and shut the video off. 
“What did you want to talk about?” I ask. 
He looks at me before responding, “I really think you should give it some serious thought and finish that book we started writing a couple of years ago. Listen, you've tried the ViewYou thing and it didn’t pan out. I am just saying, maybe chronicling your adventures is a better way to reach your target audience?” 
“Since when are you a marketing mastermind?” I quip. 
“I’m not.” He says. “I am just saying that if you write a book, maybe it will gain more traction. Maybe Flickflax will pick it up and make it into a series. And, besides you have the connections. All of the people you connect with….from the great beyond. Look, alls I’m saying is with me on your side, divinely guiding you, how can you go wrong?” 
Actually Rodger does have connections. And a lot of them. Most don’t like to discuss it, they have their reasons and others, well, the others just don’t believe in it, the afterlife and all. I know that his closest confidants would absolutely laugh me out of any attempt I’d make.
“..And just how do you know that?” He asks, interrupting my train of thought. Rodger is always doing things like that. Interpreting. “Suggesting”, he calls it. “I’m just suggesting.”
“I am all ears, dear.” I say, hoping he’ll point me to where I should start. 
So, how does one begin to tell the story of how I became a medium? Do I start at the beginning? Like that one time when I was four? 
“...No. Just tell them about your dream.” He says interrupting my train of thought again.
 “My dream?”
“Yes.  Tell them about that one dream you were having, during lock down. Or safer at home, or whatever it was called….” He’s looking at me that way again.
Before I begin, I think its fair to say that this will involve many flashbacks to how this all came about. And the trick is to outline everything so it flows and there is little confusion but still retains interest. I don’t know if I should just keep recounting my adventures or just focus on how we met and came to be in contact with one another? Or? 
“The dream, honey.”
Oh yes. The Italy dream.
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The mediumship, where it all began…..
I have been able to see things since I was 4 years old but the mediumship didn’t really take off until I was in my early twenties. It was the summer of 2000 and both my then boyfriend and a mutual friend of ours had just lost their respective best friends in tragic accidents. Now as I begin this story, I think its fair to note that my spirit guide Kariss keeps asking me if I want to go through with it because there is a lot of emotion and energy attached to this story due to a lot of what I will call, unresolved issues with both of these friends. I now realize they were in my life for a reason and a season and I wish them nothing but the best.
When I first started writing about my experiences in a file I named brain dump, I immediately heard one of the departed barking in my other ear
“I TOLD YOU!!!! You are NOT allowed to tell MY story!!! You know why. You know exactly what you did!”
Yes, she is right, but I need closure and at the expense of sounding like a delusional jackass, here we go. It was late May, 2000 and I was riding home in the back seat of my parents’ car listening to music on my walkman while drifting in and out of sleep when she appeared to me. I brushed it off at first, but the energy from this girl, we’ll call her Molly, was overwhelming. I couldn’t wait to get out of the car and get inside my house, away from her but she followed me like a shadow through the kitchen and down the hall,into my bedroom.  I was going about my nightly routine of getting ready for bed, all the while telling myself, I must be crazy. 
“Would you look at me?!” She’d say. “Would you at least listen to me?!”
“No!” I answered quickly. “Mindy is going to think I am crazy. No one is ever going to believe me.”
I had good reason to feel this way because Mindy and my then boyfriend Joel didn’t know me in this light. They had no clue I could see spirits, let alone talk to them. I didn’t have much choice because Molly was being very persistent, so I sat down on my bed and listened to what she had to say. She didn’t just tell me, she began showing me the final scenes of her life. I saw Mindy driving in her car through the parking garage trying to find a parking spot, hopeful that she could at least say goodbye to Molly before it was too late. She also told me the most important message that I needed to relay to her parents, family and even Mindy.  Her message was that she was at peace and that she was ok. She didn’t feel any pain, and although they were going to be sad she didn’t want them carrying grief around with them for the rest of their lives. This was especially true for Molly’s parents who were grappling with the fact that she had died so suddenly and so young. 
Over the course of the days that followed I was incredibly withdrawn from Mindy because I had never experienced anything like this before so how do I even go about telling her this information? I was a pretty insecure young adult and it has never been in my nature to just spring information onto someone, especially when its wo-wo supernatural. Like I had said, Mindy didn’t know this side of me but when she finally confronted me one day I told her what I had experienced. She was relieved because she wanted to know if I was mad at her since I had been avoiding her ever since Molly died. I told her what had happened and the visions that I had. It was around 10 pm at night that Molly had come to me and I later found out that she had passed around that time - it was a powerful validation.
As I write this passage and reflect on it, I wish I would have had the courage to put this message out there for her parents to hear because let's face it, grief can be an absolutely debilitating thing to go through. It's absolutely unbearable at times and losing a young adult so suddenly makes it that much harder to grapple with. Then Molly showed up. This is the part of the story that really takes off. These events had taken place over twenty years ago at this point and in that time Mindy and I had a series of fights, you could say. I think it was more or less me deciding that I didn’t appreciate how she was treating me and I began to set boundaries with her. I originally wrote the synopsis of what had happened with Molly while on vacation when I suddenly heard a very angry women’s voice demand “How DARE you use MY story in YOUR book?”
“I’m sorry?” I say
“You know what you did.” She sneered
“Uhm, no. I’m sorry, I don’t”. 
“Well….you can’t use my story” Molly shot back. 
At this point. I am completely baffled and I have no idea what she is talking about. It took a lot of reflecting but as I was recounting a story about Mindy and her now husband Andrew it suddenly dawned on me. I didn’t ask Mindy to stand up in my wedding. In fact I avoided her for months because I absolutely dreaded the thought of asking her to participate in a very important milestone event in my life. I was worried that she’d absolutely dominate everything, because unfortunately, this girl had developed a reputation as being extremely self centered and making every single event that I hosted about her. Andrew wasn’t much better. He deliberately tried to sabotage her fake surprise birthday party which was actually for one of her parents. But after all, “It was a joke. Can’t you take a joke, Jen?”  Personally, I thought it was very distasteful and rude to do something like that to your future Mother in law. During my efforts to lie low she had been calling me pretty regularly and wasn’t going to let me avoid her forever. She had wanted me to stand up in her own wedding - which took place several weeks before mine. Dear gentle reader, as bad as this sounds, it felt like I had dodged a huge bullet. But there it was - Molly was angry that I snubbed Mindy. As a bride and a bridesmaid as well. Aren’t spirits supposed to see all sides of the story and not just one? 
Joel’s dearly departed friend also had a message for me to deliver but that was a lot more tricky. He was Joel’s oldest and dearest friend and since I am airing laundry in this chapter lets keep it rolling, shall we? The long and the short of it was that Joel’s buddy had a very complicated relationship with his then girlfriend and mother of his only child. Here is the part that I couldn’t bring myself to tell Joel; his buddy always felt that he and girlfriend would have made a better couple and he wanted Joel to step into his place as boyfriend and father to his child. Wow! That is a loaded message. I never delivered it. Unlike Mindy, and I truly wish her the best in life, but please, don’t talk to me ever again, Joel was a stand up guy. He was very kind and thoughtful and always put others before himself. He was a very sensitive soul and well, I told his friend under no circumstances am I relaying such a message as it would have absolutely destroyed him at the time. I often wonder if they ever got together, because he had felt a strong sense of duty at the time to watch over his buddy’s child like his own. I hope so. 
I’d post a song but the people who know me are going to know the people whose names have been changed, and aw ef it. I have so many more stories like this and I was told in order to to clear the blockages in my throat chakra, its time my truth come out so - 
I truly do wish everyone involved in this story nothing but peace, love and light!
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He wants me to write fan fic about him….
“It was all sex drugs and rock and roll, until it wasn’t.” I am really challenged to write about this because so much of what I have been shown over the years is very secretive and exclusive. They don’t want you to know who they are, but if you know, you know. For everyone else, the world becomes a little less secretive every day and well, someday secretive things won’t be so secretive anymore. I was at work one day going about my business and doing daily tasks when I suddenly had a vision. That is the way it typically works, I am in the middle of a mundane task and then I see it. He was at a party, and not just any party, the type that seems innocent enough but it isn’t until excessive alcohol has been consumed and the right drugs have been taken. Not everyone is allowed access to these types of parties, but once you’re in, they don’t let you leave. You effectively become theirs for good. It was one such party that was blurred between what the average person would consider wild and ever so slightly edging into the material featured in Kubrick’s last film (google it). I saw myself begin to float down surrounded by a group of celestial beings and we were cloaked in a cloud of purple. I slowly wafted down from the ceiling, my hair floating around me as if I were underwater. This haze grew thicker and thicker until it engulfed him. I gently took his face into my palms and said “Someday I will rescue you from all of this. I promise.” He stood there in silence not really sure what to make of it and I slowly floated away from him;, back into the ceiling. Back into the purple cloud which dissipated along with the celestial beings and myself. 
They controlled him for so many years as they do with most celebrities. It is highly guarded, extremely convoluted, not to mention nuanced and not for the faint of heart. We as a modern society had been made aware of it, as it became quite mainstream throughout 2020 during shelter in place. It was quickly dismissed as a series of conspiracy theories. Belief is a strange thing. Sometimes we can be shown occult subjects, occult meaning hidden, and still our fragile egos need to be validated almost constantly due to naysayers belittling what we know to be true. I know I struggle with this almost daily. I can see him appear to me, have him communicating with me via animals, billboards, license plates, music we hear on the radio or piped into stores. Gentle readers let me assure you these phenomena are not happening by some accident or coincidence, it is Spirit communicating with you. It is your spirit team: guides, loved ones who have passed, ancestors, Archangels, Ascended Masters. Please stop allowing critics and people of other belief systems to bully you into believing there isn’t any such thing because they run and cower from the fear of the unknown. Fear is what keeps us locked in place, uncertain and unable to evolve. Love is what truly sets us free. 
The Killers - Run For Cover
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Virgo Full Moon (and Saturn goes into Pisces!) – Mar. 7th, 2023:
The energy of this full moon is very creative and intuitive. This is a wonderful time for creative projects/expression. Make the most of the magic! However, the energy of confusion, illusion, and projection are also very strong at this time. We may feel unsure about what is real and what is false. 
The key is to trust our intuition in the midst of the fog – the more we try to analyze, the more confused we will become. Let go of the details for now and focus on the bigger picture. We may have difficulty expressing or even making sense of what we are feeling, so don’t even try. Just trust your intuitive instincts. 
Amazing insights and visions for the future are coming through at this time. We have strong support for making our dreams real and for making positive change in our lives. Saturn enters Pisces just about an hour after the Virgo full moon is exact! This can bring big reality checks that reveal the truth. But it may take a while for the confusion to clear. Or it may feel even more disorienting at first if we don’t want to believe/would rather avoid the truth that is revealed.
Anger and upset may occur around this time as well. It’s important to remember that we are probably not seeing situations clearly right now; even more so than usual, it would be best to avoid speaking or making decisions from a place of intense emotion. Wait until you feel calmer and can see the situation more clearly. 
There has been and continues to be beautiful support for deep soul healing. We are uncovering and releasing old beliefs and patterns that keep us tied to past pain. All full moons are times of letting go, but this is especially true of this one. There are big endings underway, which are making way for bright new beginnings. 
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Since I tend to shit post on here anyway I might as well focus on the positives in my life rather than the negatives. Tonight at the cardio kick class so near and dear to my heart that I used to teach for dlso many years, we did a song tonight. I've done this song as a participant here and there for a long time but it was this one event in particular when I shadowed my coworker who was presenting it to a crowd of runners and families about to take part in a 5K fun run/walk. At the time, it was just a day but in the years since I've come to realize the significance of this day. It was a conversation I had with coworkers, during the car ride home after we warmed up the runners that I realized that I was going to go after my dream. I wanted to become a professional presenter for the "canned choreography" company that produced the cardio kick program that I taught. The company isn't important, its the fact that I decided right then and there that I wasn't going to allow naysayers to keep talking me down and holding me back. I have really been struggling with this whole mediumship thing lately. And I am working through unresolved childhood trauma, undoing years of damage due to purity culture, dealing with religious zealot family members discrediting me, the list goes on. Here I decide to go to this class tonight, which I almost didn't make it there in time, but I went anyway and wouldn't you know it, the instructor has this particular song. It was like my spirit guide was speaking loud and clear to me- ignore your naysayers and go for it! (It was also the "day after" and because of this song, thats the only reason I remember where I was and what I was doing) #shitposting #hairspray #release35
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If you're an adult...
You are allowed to read comic books. You are allowed to write fanfiction. You are allowed to play video games. You are allowed to collect stuffed animals, dolls, Funko Pops and whatever else. You are allowed to go to cons. You are allowed to cosplay. You are allowed to have a comfort show, even if it's not popular, or hasn't been "on the air" for decades. You are allowed to have anime crushes. You are allowed to have fun. You are allowed to pursue hobbies, even if you can't monetize them or turn them into a career or a "side hustle." You are allowed to take time out for yourself; that's not the same as totally neglecting all your responsibilities to their detriment. You are allowed to write your own life script, instead of following the one your parents and culture mapped out for you at birth. You are allowed to decide you don't want to have children, or don't want to get married. (Or that you'd like to do those things someday, but not today.) You are allowed to go at your own pace, on your own path. You're allowed to have a life that's not all bills and back pain, fatigue and drudgery. You are allowed to play, as well as work.
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The power of water.
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