globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
2 helpful “D” in the world of Pharmaceutical Drugs
In this fast-moving world, everyone is so caught up with their work that people barely get the time to look after themselves and take care of their body. This, in turn, causes several diseases and illnesses. However, considering that the technology is growing rapidly and masses these days are trying to gain knowledge from everywhere and about everything. Thus, it is also quintessential to know about the world of Pharmaceutical Drugs to understand what goes into your body as a medicine.
Global Pharma has been into the Pharmaceutical business since years now. Ever since its establishment, Global Pharma has been the Exporters of API in India, Exporters of Pharmaceutical Raw Material in India, Psychotropic Drug Manufacturer in India and Anti-Fungal API Supplier in India.
Why is it important to know about Pharmaceutical Drugs?
Everyone these days is somehow dependent on Pharmaceutical Drugs. We consume it in some way or the other. For all our medical needs, we always prefer rushing to an expert which is also a sensible thing to do. However, considering that Pharmaceutical Drugs have become such an inseparable part of our life, we need to have a good amount of knowledge about how these Drugs work and what they do to your body. Global Pharma thus, took up the ask of educating its consumers about Pharmaceutical Drugs as it is one of the most trustworthy names in this business.
Getting into the topic here are 2 Ds of the Pharmaceutical World that can help several people out there:
1. Dicyclomine HCL
Global Pharma is a Supplier of Dicyclomine HCl in India. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a long-term condition of the digestive system, which further leads to cramps, bouts, bloating, etc. To get rid of this problem, Dicyclomine HCl can be of great use. What is does is relieves the spasms in the muscles of the stomach and intestines. 
2. Duloxetine HCL
Duloxetine HCL is basically a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant (SSNRI). During the condition of Depression and Anxiety, certain chemicals in the brain happen to be imbalanced. What Duloxetine HCL does is, it balances out these chemicals, in turn being a cure for Depression and Anxiety. The medicinal properties if this HCL goes a long way in treating the patients and thus, Global Pharma has recognized its importance. Therefore, without any doubt, Global Pharma is a Supplier of Duloxetine HCL is India. The company is also a Manufacturer of Duloxetine HCL in India and the Exporter of Duloxetine HCL in India.
Although these two Drugs have two divergent uses, they are still very helpful for concerned patients. Thus, next time you encounter any of the above-mentioned problems, you have a fair idea of what the solution is. This is exactly how the knowledge of Pharmaceutical Drugs can help you.
For more information, drop an email on [email protected]
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
What can you eat when you have Diabetes?
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Popularly known face, “India is known as the Diabetic Capital”. Which means, the highest number of Diabetes patients are in India. The most common question that arises in the minds of people is, ‘what can we eat if we have Diabetes?’
It is a common myth that having Diabetes means compromising on all your taste buds and having boring food. However, it is not the truth. Despite of having high sugar levels, you can still indulge in some delicious dishes and have a fulfilling meal that can satisfy your hunger as well as your taste buds. Global Pharma is a leading API Manufacturer in India, which has been providing the Diabetic patients with the best Pharmaceutical solutions ever since its establishment.
So, what are the food items that once can have during Diabetes?
1.    Non-starchy vegetables If you think you will not get enough nutrients as you will have to compromise of several veggies when you have Diabetes, you are wrong. The best way to consume nutrients is to include a variety of non-starchy vegetables in your diet which can be delicious too.
2.    Protein rich foods Proteins provide you with healthy fibers and fats. Thus, including items like Chicken, hummus, falafel, beans, lentils, etc. can help you with your diet. There are several delicious options you can opt for when it comes to including healthy proteins in your meal.
3.    Alcohol intake Keeping a check on your alcohol intake is very important. Do not drink on an empty stomach as you might higher the chance of having a high sugar level after that.
4.    Eating out Who says you will have to cancel n your friends for a lunch or dinner plan? Absolutely not. Even though you are eating out, you have to make sure that you eat on time and have only adequate amount of meal.
Apart from a healthy meal, you have to make sure that you have the right medicines as well. There is no better solution than Global Pharma when it comes to Pharmaceutical Drugs. Global Pharma is one of the leading Pharmaceutical Raw Material Supplier in India and Exporters of API in India. So, here are a helpful drug for all the Diabetic patients out there.
1. Glipizide Glipizide helps the pancreas in producing insulin in the body, thus controls the blood sugar levels.  It is a type of oral medication. Global Pharma is a Supplier of Glipizide in India. The company is also a Manufacturer of Glipizide in India and Exporter of Glipizide in India.
2.  Glimepiride
Global Pharma is the Manufacturer of Glimepiride in India. Glimepiride is used for the treatment of type-2 diabetes. However, the use of this drug is restricted only for the adults. Global Pharma is the Supplier of Glimepiride of India and also an Exporter of Glimepiride in India.
Despite of being diagnosed with Diabetes, it is not necessary for you to compromise on your diet. With proper diet, expert help and medications, you can always keep your sugar levels in control. For more information about the world of Pharmaceutical Drugs, you can drop a mail on: [email protected] or visit our website www.globalpharma.in
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
5 Foods to curb down your sweet craving if you have Diabetes
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Understanding your type of Diabetes:
Before we get into the description of what can you eat during your Diabetes, let’s understand which type you are suffering from. Most of the people don’t know the type of Diabetes they have due to which, understanding the root cause of the problem becomes difficult. However, Global Pharma, which is the leading Exporters of API in India, however firmly believes in educating in consumers. Global Pharma is also the Exporters of Pharmaceutical Raw Material in India.
So, there are 3 major types of Diabetes:
1.    Type-1 Diabetes
This is a condition where your pancreas produces very little or absolutely no insulin.
2.    Type-2 Diabetes
This is the case in which the body produces extremely high level of insulin more than the requirement.
3.    Gestational Diabetes
When a pregnant woman suffers from high sugar level, it is called as Gestational Diabetes.
Unlike earlier, Diabetes can be easily kept in control and the major tool here is a proper medication. Global Pharma is a leading Supplier of Diabetic Drug in India. The company, since its establishment has been an excellent role player in the world of API Manufacturer in India. Thus, they have been a trusted name as the Exporters of Diabetic Drug in India.
What can you eat?
Who doesn’t like to indulge into sweets? Be it chocolates, cakes, or our authentic Indian sweets? But once you are diagnosed with Diabetes, you have to unfortunately cut down on the sugar and say goodbye to all your favorite sweets. But however, Global Pharma who is a Manufacturer of Diabetic Drug in India, has shortlisted a few delicious foods that will help you satisfy your sweet tooth.
They are as follow:
1.    Greek Yogurt A sugar-free Greek yogurt can be a healthy snack to munch on. At the same time, you can make several dishes out of that one product.
2.    Berries Berries are excellent source of nutrients and taste delicious too. At the same time their sweet taste can satisfy your cravings.
3.    Dark Chocolate Chocolate is something that everyone loves. However, replacing your regular chocolate with rich Dark chocolate can be suitable for your diabetes.
4.    Dates Munching on dates can prove to be a healthy, delicious and filling snack.
5.    Sugar-free soda If you’re craving for a nice drink and worried about those Mojitos being extra sugary, a great alternative is a sugar-free soda.
So, these were the 5 healthy replacements put down for you by Global Pharma. During Diabetes it is extremely essential for you to take care of your sugar levels. Keep a proper check on what you consume, get your sugar level tested every 3 months and make sure you consult your doctor regularly. At the same time, the most important thing here is regular medication. For that, Global Pharma is the perfect answer.
For more details you can drop an email on: [email protected]
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
3 Drugs that will cure Depression
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“Are you depressed?” we often end up asking this question to people who look a little bit upset or stressed out in life. But, at the same time we are unaware of what exactly what “Depression” is and how serious it can get. Mental health is something we really tend to ignore in our day-to-day life. With so much going on every single day, we barely take the time to sit and think about how we feel emotionally. Also, as much as we are educated about physical health, we are not about our mental health. In all, we have the tendency to ignore what thought process, what behavioral change or what emotional shifts happen with us.
At times, people don’t even realize that they are going through Depression or any mental disorder for that matter. However, the phase of mental imbalance can be outgrown with the help of an expert and proper medications. Now, understanding the ignorance of the masses about mental health, Global Pharma which is a leading Exporters of Pharmaceutical Raw Material in India, Pharmaceutical Raw Material Supplier in India, Exporters of API in India and API Manufacturer in India took up the initiative to educate its consumers about the treatments that are available to cure the state of Depression.
So Global Pharma, came up with 3 Pharmaceutical Drugs that can cure Depression:
1.     Duloxetine HCL
Being a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant (SSNRI), Duloxetine HCL is used to treat Major Depression disorders in adults. However, it is also useful for treating Anxiety Disorders in youngsters and adults as well. Global Pharma is a Supplier of Duloxetine HCL in India. The company is also a Manufacturer of Duloxetine HCL in India. The use of this drug is not recommended for children under 7 years of age.
2.     Escitalopram Oxalate
The group of drugs in which Escitalopram Oxalate belongs to is called as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).  There are several chemicals in the brain the regulate the functioning, and an imbalance in them further leads to Depression or Anxiety. Escitalopram Oxalate, balances out these chemicals in our brain, helping in curing mental disorders. Global Pharma is Supplier of Escitalopram Oxalate in India. It is also a Manufacturer of Escitalopram Oxalate in India.
3.    Paroxetine HCL
Global Pharma is a Manufacturer of Paroxetine HCL in India. Paroxetine HCL is used to treat Depression, Obsessive compulsive Disorder and Anxiety. It is used, again to balance out the flow of chemicals in our brain to ensure harmonized functioning. Basically an antidepressant, Paroxetine HCL is useful to cure the state of Depression. Global Pharmais also a Supplier of Paroxetine HCL in India.
Depression or any mental disorder for that matter is a serious and rapidly growing problem and it should definitely not be ignored. Be vocal about the issues that you are facing, seek immediate help and give your mental health a priority. Global Pharma has been a Dermatology products  Supplier  - Exporter - Manufacturer in India, thus strives to ensure that the best quality and helpful products reach their masses.
For more information about the products you can drop an email on:
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
How Pharmaceutical Drugs can be your Best friends?
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With the hectic lifestyle that we all have these days, does anybody really have the time to invest hours and hours behind repairing our health every single day? Obviously, no. However, ignoring our health cannot be the solution. At such times, Pharmaceutical Drugs can be of great use.
We cannot overlook how helpful they can get at times, and if used in the right and ideal ways, Pharmaceutical Drugs can help you recover from your problems in no time.
Thus, Global Pharma a trusted brand when it comes to the world of Pharmaceutical Drugs always believes in serving the best to their consumers. Over these years they have created a legacy, be it as the Exporters of API in India or Exporters of Pharmaceutical Raw Material in India or as the API Manufacturer in India.
To educate their consumers about Pharmaceutical Drugs, the company also has listed a few Drugs that can be of great help to the masses:
1.    Glimepiride
The drug is known and used for curing Type-2 diabetes. It helps by controlling your blood sugar levels. As India is unfortunately also known as the “Diabetic Capital”, Global Pharmaunderstood the need of this particular drug and hence, it is a leading Manufacturer of Glimepiride in India and also a Supplier as well as Exporter of Glimepiride in India.
2.     Dicyclomine HCL
Global Pharmais a Supplierof Dicyclomine HCL in India. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a long-term condition of the digestive system, which further leads to cramps, bouts, bloating, etc. To get rid of this problem, Dicyclomine HCL can be of great use. What is does is relieves the spasms in the muscles of the stomach and intestines.Global Pharma is a Manufacturer & exporter of Dicyclomine HCL in India as well.
3.    Cetirizine HCL
Cetirizine HCL is a drug that reduces the level of histamine in the body. Histamine is basically able to produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes and runny nose. Global Pharmais a Manufacturer of Cetirizine HCL in India, and the drug is commonly used to treat cold and allergies. Global Pharmahowever, is also the Supplier & exporter of Cetirizine HCL in India.
4.    Escitalopram Oxalate
Global Pharma is a Manufacturer & Exporter of Escitalopram Oxalate in India.A lot of young adults, teenagers and even grown-up face the problem of depression and anxiety these days. Escitalopram Oxalate is hereby, used to cure the symptoms of these mental illnesses. Global Pharma is a leading Supplier of Escitalopram Oxalate in India.
Any issue with your health, Pharmaceutical Drugs can help you recover from it easily. With the growing and all expanding field of Pharmaceuticals, it is very essential as a consumer to make sure you get nothing less than the best. Because, health is something you shouldn’t be compromising on. During such situations, the leading, trusted and reliable brand is none other than Global Pharma. It is definitely a one stop destination for all your concerns regarding Pharmaceutical Drugs.
For more information, feel free to drop an email on: [email protected]
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
4 Pharmaceutical Drugs everyone should know About
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Most of the times when it comes to medicines and researching about the illness you are going through, what most of us do is rely on the doctors or go ahead with what your relatives ask you to do. Now, it is always preferable to look forward to an expert to know about your body, but at the same time it is equally important to have ample amount of knowledge about certain diseases and the treatment related to it. Global Pharma has been Exporters of Pharmaceutical Raw Material in India and the Exporters of API in India. The company has been providing their valued customers with the best quality products but at the same time it also believes in propagating knowledge about Pharmaceuticals amongst people so that they have a clear idea about how the treatment of their particular disease goes ahead.
The ocean of the Pharmaceutical world is vast, thus here, Global Pharma has picked up 4 Pharmaceutical Drugs everyone should be aware about:
1.    Glipizide
All the Diabetes patients can have a breath of relief with the help of this product. Glipizide, being an oral Diabetes medicine, helps in controlling the blood sugar levels. What the drug does is, it makes the pancreas produce insulin which in turn helps with the sugar levels. However, the drug cannot be used for the treatment of type-1 Diabetes. Global Pharma is a Manufacturer of Glipizide in India. The drug, along with adequate amount of exercises can treat type-2 Diabetes. Thus, considering how useful the product is, Global Pharma is a Supplier of Glipizide in India.
2.    Mefenamic Acid
Strictly for the use of people above 14 years of age, the dosage of Mefenamic acid can last up to a week. Global Pharma is a leading Supplier of Mefenamic acid in India. It is useful in treating certain types of pain in the body. The acid reduces the hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Global Pharma is also a Manufacturer of Mefenamic acid in India.
3.    Olanzapine
Olanzapine works in association with the chemicals of the brain. The dosage of this drug is strictly limited to people of more than 13 years of age. It is generally used to treat conditions like Schizophrenia and Bipolar diseases (manic depression).Global Pharma, understanding the benefits of this drug is a Supplier of Olanzapine in India. The company is also a Manufacturer of Olanzapine in India.
4.    Hydroquinone USP
Melanin is the pigment on the skin that gives it a hint of brown. What Hydroquinone USP does is reduces the level of melanin on our skin. Resulting to which, Hydroquinone USP helps in lightening the darkened skin due to sun damage, freckles, etc. Global Pharma is both, the Supplier of Hydroquinone USP in India and the Manufacturer of Hydroquinone USP in India.
It is always ideal to rely on an expert for all your health related issues, but it is equally important to be aware about it by your own self. A fair idea of Pharmaceutical Drugs can help you out in times of emergency. Also, with having said that, a trusted and reliable source for all your Pharmaceutical Supplies is Global Pharma.
For more details regarding our products you can drop us a mail on:
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
Signs that you’re a victim of Depression
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Traumatic events happen in everybody’s life. Some get through it, while some lingering around those incidences for a longer period of time. Failure, loss of someone really close, major health, issues and many other causes lead to depression. Also, contradictory to the earlier myth, depression is not at all age restricted. It can happen to 50 years old or even 5 years old. However, diagnosing if somebody is actually going through depression can get tricky sometimes. This is because depression victims don’t often open up about their miseries.
As serious as depression can get in several cases, it is also easily curable. Therapies and medications can bring anybody out of it. While there are several psychologists and psychiatrists out there, medications are handled by the leading brand Global Pharma. It is one of the most prominent Exporters of API in India. It is also a Supplier and Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Drugs in India.
Here are a few symptoms to know that one is suffering from depression:
1.    Loss of appetite:
Somebody who is suffering from depression will give up on eating food even if it their favorite. Loss of appetite is one of the major symptoms of depression.
2.    Panic attack:
Everything will be going smoothly and all of a sudden, the victim might start freaking out. They might throw things around them, or even attack somebody.
3.    Headaches or migraines:
Another symptom is a normal headache but can sometimes go up to migraine as well. Global Pharma, understanding this issue is a Supplier of Divalproex Sodium in India that helps in treating Migraines. Not only depression patients, but anybody can suffer from migraines. Thus, to resolve it for people Global Pharma is a Manufacture of Divalproex Sodium in India to make it easily available for everyone.
4.    Alcohol addiction:
Someone who is in serious grief will try to rely on alcohol or smoking to feel better. They will be severely addicted to alcohol.
5.    Sleeping problems:
Insomnia is one of the major issues for somebody who is going through depression. They will spend several sleepless nights thinking about the traumatic event or anything in general.
6.    Weight loss:
A depression victim is prone to suddenly lose a significant amount of weight. This is likely to happen because of the loss of appetite and insomnia. However, you will see immediate difference in someone’s weight if they are suffering from depression. Again here, Global Pharmawill be of great help as it is a leading Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Drugs in India.
7.    Negative thoughts
The most common symptom with these people is the thought of ‘being a failure’. They severely lack confidence in them and are mostly lost in their own.
There are several other symptoms of depression. Due to the increasing chronic stress amongst people, depression has targeted a lot of people. Yet solutions can be found for this by consulting the experts and of course the medications provided by Global Pharma. It is also a Supplier of Duloxetine HCL in India. Being a Manufacturer of Duloxetine HCL in India, Global Pharma provides this drug as it is helpful for curing depression.
For more information you can
Visit our website:  www.globalpharma.in or Call us on: 022-4505-4444 Or drop a mail: [email protected]
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
Quick hacks to your rescue when you have COLD
Isn’t it funny how we realize the value of both of our nostrils when one of it gets blocked? As winters are around, a lot of people easily catch cold due to the low temperature. Though, a normal cold vanishes in a span of 2-3 days, a blocked nose can even make that little span of time difficult for us. Here’s when you’ll need a few hacks to get rid of the “stuffy nose” problems.
With the help of a few hacks and obviously, the support of Global Pharma,one can easily tackle the issue easily. Global Pharma is a Supplier, Manufacturer and Exporter of Pharmaceutical Drugs in India.Blocked nose usually sounds like a small problem, is actually a small problem, but can create huge problems.
If you didn’t understand the Sanskrit word, ‘Pranayama’ is a form of yoga that focuses on the process of inhalation and exhalation. Yoga is widely known for its benefits which need not be mentioned, thus Pranayama can definitely help you out. Just sit calmly and inhale and exhale deeply for 2-3 minutes with your eyes closed. As soon as you open your eyes, you will have a free nose and it will also help to cure your cold.
Hot tea:
Now here, we are not talking about a regular hot tea, but any detoxifying fresh and infused tea. To make an infused tea you can use several ingredients like, ginger, lemon, honey, mint leaves, cardamom, hibiscus, etc. these freshly made all-natural teas give an instant boost of energy, detoxify your body and sets you free from a blocked nose instantly.
Now, there are times when home remedies do not work or are not accessible. That’s when your reliable brand Global Pharmasteps in. Global Pharmais a leadingManufacturer of Pharmaceutical Drugs in India.Oxymetazolineis used to makes nasal sprays that treat stuffy nose, irritation due to cold or allergies. It works by shrinking the blood vessels in the nasal passages, by acting as a decongestant. Global Pharmais aSupplier & Manufacturer of Oxymetazoline HCL in India.
Another helping hand by Global Pharma is Xylometazoline.It is available as a spray to treat again, congestion in the nose, sinus, hay fever and a few allergies. Just like the previous one, it works by reducing the breadth of the blood vessels in the nasal passages. Global Pharmais not just Manufacturer the Xylometazoline HCL but they do Export also.
Another very effective method of “unblocking” the nose is using a humidifier. The warm steam from the machine will instantly open up your nostrils to let you breathe freely and comfortably.
A lot of small issues can cause discomfort in our day-to-day life. Certain home remedies can cure them easily. But when those don’t work, Global Pharma is the most reliable source. An extremely loved company in India, Global Pharma has been a leading Supplier, Manufacturer and Exporter of Pharmaceutical Drugs in India.
For more information on these drugs or products, you can visit Global Pharma’s website: www.globalpharma.inor get in touch with them on [email protected].
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
Simple hacks that will help you get an Acne-free Skin
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Disturbed sleeping schedule, unhealthy diet, stress, pollution, etc. are the causes of acne on our skin. In midst of our hectic lifestyle, we barely get time to look after our skin and take care of it. Hence, this results in an unhealthy, dull and acne-prone skin. No matter how much people talk about “Loving your skin the way it is”, Acne is a result of our not-so-healthy habits and retoxification of our body. And who doesn’t want a glowing and flawless skin? So, we have got a few tips and tricks for you to get rid of your pimple/acne problems.
1.    CTM/CETM Method
CTM stands for Cleaning, Toning and Moisturizing. Whereas, CETM stands for Cleaning, Exfoliating, Toning and Moisturizing. Every single day you should follow the CTM method where you have to wash your face with a gentle facewash so clean all the clogged pores and get rid of the dirt. Invest in a good quality mild toner to remove the remaining dirt. A natural and soothing toner, which will also be light for your pocket is, Rose Water. Rose water is also known for being an anti-bacterial agent, thus helps to reduce acne.  Next step is to moisturize your face. No matter what season it is, moisturizing your skin is important to keep it hydrated. Every once or twice a week, you should follow the CETM process where you should exfoliate your skin. You can make you DIY scrub with sugar and coffee powder at home.
2.    Take Vitamins
When your acne problem doesn’t reduce after many tries, the trick is to rely of certain supplements for a flawless skin. Global Pharma is one of the leading Manufacturer of Dermatology product in India.It is also a Supplier and Exporter of Dermatology Product in India.
3.   Eat Right
Along with taking care of your skin from outside, you have to keep a check on what goes in your body. Avoid oily, processed and spicy foods. Consume fruits with a lot of water content in it, and drink plenty of water. Green leafy vegetables are also a good source to detoxify your body. Global Pharma is a leading Pharmaceutical Supplier of Raw Materials in India. They have been striving to provide you provide you the best quality effective pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements.
4.    Aloe Vera to the rescue
Aloe Vera is known for its anti-bacterial properties and thus is very effective for fighting your acne problems. Apply Aloe Vera gel every night to get rid of your pimples naturally. It can also be consumed directly to detoxify your body.
5.    Remove your makeup before going to bed
All the lazy girls out there will relate to this. Taking off your makeup after a long day is a tedious task. We often sleep with our making on without realizing how much harm it can cause to our skin. Makeup left overnight can be a breeding ground for bacteria which will lead to acne problems. So, no matter how boring it can get sometimes, always remember to be wash off your makeup before you sleep.
6.    Visit a Dermatologist
Sometimes it so happens that no matter how many home remedies you try, your acne problem keeps acting like a boomerang. In such cases it is ideal to visit a dermatologist. Another very reliable source for Dermatology Products is Global Pharma.It is a leading brand for Exporters and Manufacturers of API in India.
Acne might look like a never-ending problem but by following a healthy routine and diet you can get rid of it permanently. As a support, Global Pharma has been a supplier, exporter and manufacturer of Pharmaceutical drugs in India since 2003. They have a rich experience as Exporters of API in India and a legacy as API Manufacturers in India. For more details about our products, you can visit our website: www.globalpharma.in or you can also contact us on: 022-4505-4444
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
Fungal Infections
Fungal infection being widely spreading these days, it commonly occurs around moist areas of the body, genitals, buttocks, inner thighs etc. Once it starts displaying it’s symptoms, fungal infections can take quite a few months to heal. Redness, itching, chafing or burning are certain common symptoms of the infection.
A few fungal infections are:
Tinea Pedis:
Another name, Athlete’s Foot, is an infection that occurs on the skin of the feet. This infection as the name suggests is a very common threat to the athletes. This can spread through direct touch with an infected person or with contact to a contaminated area.
Tinea Corporis:
The infection is also called as Ring Worm which is cause by a mold like fungi. These generally occur on the skin, scalp, nails, etc. When it appears in between the medical toes, it is called Athlete’s Foot.
Another term for this infection is Tinea Unguium. Affected areas due to this infection are toe nails and fingernails. Symptoms include, thickening of nail bed, separation of the nail from the nail bed, discoloration of the nail and so on.
Cutaneous Candidiasis:
The most common symptom for this infection is a rash. It can appear on various parts of ourbody, but a common location is the fold of our body. It can also occur on the corners of or mouth.
There are several other fungal infections which merely occur because of contaminated areas, bacteria, etc. However, with medications and creams, we can see quick and effective results to kill the fungi which affect our skin. That’s when Antifungal APIs come to the rescue. Manufacturers of Antifungal API strive to produce medications that kill the infections in a shorter period of time.
Some of the common Antifungal APIs are:
Clotrimazole, an antifungal medication is used to treat oral thrush, diaper rash, vaginal yeast infection, etc. the medication generally takes 2-8 weeks to work. Because of its effective results, clotrimazole is considered to be one of the strongest Antifungal creams available in the market.
Butenafine is and Antifungal medication to get rid of infections like, Jock Itch, Ring Worm, Athlete’s Foot, etc. The medication is labeled to be safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well. The application of this cream is required for a prolonged period of time. This one is again one of the strongest Antifungal agents.
Miconazole Nitrate:
The medication is proven to be effective for infections like Candidiasis. It stops the growth of yeast on the body that further causes infections. The use of this cream is safe during pregnancy. It is labelled to be one of the most effective and safe medication of the health system.
This Antifungal agent is also effective on several common fungal infections. It is supplied in the form of a cream, powder, liquid or even sprays.
With so many APIs available, Global Pharma on of the leading Supplier, Manufacture & Exporter in India for Anti-fungal API have made the treatment for the fungal infections easily and widely available.
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
Winter Hacks for Glowing and Smooth Skin
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As winter approaches, we are often worried aboutour skin. Dry skin leads to many problemslike skin damage, rough skin, itchiness, pimples, and more. However, to avoid this everyday crisis, we have come up with some great hacks to protect your skin from harsh winters. Let’s have a look:
1.   Moisturize:
Our skin needs moisture to avoid dryness and roughness. Always choose a moisturizer that has glycerine or jelly in it. Moisturizers like Vaseline are suitable for all skin types and acts as a shield against harsh winters.
However, before choosing any kind of moisturizer, make sure you consult a dermatologist, i.e., a skin specialist and use the right kind of body lotion that suits your skin type.
2. Night Creams:
They work wonders, especially when your skin is at rest. Along with a beauty sleep, you need right kind of a night cream that suits your skin type and keep sit hydrated till morning.
3. Toner:
Make sure to use a good toner that suits your skin type after consulting your dermatologist. Toner helps balancing your skin tone and removes all the excess oil, keeping it fresh and healthy.
4. Lip Scrub:
This is some new trend that everyone has been following which is quite effective. Ask your skin expert to suggest you a good lip scrub and scrub our lips twice or thrice a day to avoid chapped or crooked lips. Exfoliate them and keep them nourished.
5. Face Cream:
Now this is different from the night cream. This acts as a heavy moisturizer for your face and keeps it hydrated throughout the day. Remember one thing, a body moisturizer is different from that of a face. Apply a face moisturizer that suits your skin type before applying the makeup to have a nourished and smooth skin.
One of the best tips to look good this winter is to feel good and have an adequate intake of water to be nourished and hydrated naturally.
If you’re wondering that where do all these skin or cosmetic companies bring their raw materials to make these gorgeous products from, it is one of India’s leading manufacturer and supplier and exporter of dermatologist products — Global Pharma. Global Pharma produces such skin care products that are thoroughly tested, and which do not cause any sort of harm to any skin type.
For further inquiries or details about the manufacturing and supplying dermatologist products, you can contact Global Pharma on 022 4504 4444.
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globalpharma03-blog · 5 years
Cetirizine: A Medicine that help you cure some regular Ill-ness / Allergies
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With this changing and unstable weather, we all attract some or the other illness or allergies. Either those are the allergies which our body is already prone to or things that our body reacts differently, causing another addition to the list of our allergies.
However, after some considerable amount of research and as per the leading drug Supplier, Manufacturer & Exporter in India Global Pharma says there are some medicines which are meant specially to cure your allergies. Cetirizine is one of those drugs/medications that help heal or reduce certain kinds of allergies or some regular illness.
As we mention about regular illness, we speak about conditions such as running nose, cough, sore throat, etc. These are some medical conditions caused due to smallest of the situations like a change in the weather.
Let us see how Cetirizine as a medication work for allergies, its uses and side effects.
1. What Conditions does Cetirizine HCL Treat?
·     Persistent Hives of unknown cause
·     Non-Seasonal allergic runny nose
·     A seasonal runny Nose
·     Inflammation of the nose due to an allergy
·      Hives
·     Allergic Conjunctivitis
·     Atopic Dermatitis
2. What is Cetirizine?
Cetirizine is an antihistamine that reduces the effects of natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose.
Cetirizine is used to treat cold or allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, or a runny nose. It is also used to treat itching and swelling caused by chronic urticaria (hives).
3. What should one avoid while taking Cetirizine?
This medication may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine.
4. What are the possible side effects of Cetirizine?
Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
Stop taking this medicine and call your doctor at once if you experience:
·     Fast, pounding, or uneven heartbeat;
·     Weakness, tremors (uncontrolled shaking), or sleep problems (insomnia);
·     Severe restless feeling, hyperactivity;
·     Confusion ;
·     Problems with vision; or
·     Little or no urination.
Common side effects may include:
·     Dizziness, drowsiness;
·     Dry mouth;
·     Nausea, constipation; or
·     Tired feeling.
5. Where can one get more information about the supply and manufacturing of this medication?
A leading manufacturer and supplier of drugs and medicines called Global Pharma are based in India. Being one of the largest in the industry, you cannot go wrong in trusting them.
Also, do not use cetirizine or any other medicine without your doctor’s prescription. Always consult your doctor before using this medicine. For more such blogs on everyday science, stay glued to this space.
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globalpharma03-blog · 6 years
Conjunctivitis Shouldn’t be Taken Lightly and Here’s Why
Conjunctivitis Shouldn’t be Taken Lightly and Here’s Why
Conjunctivitis is nothing but a small swelling in the eye. The bacteria affect the area around the eyes and causes redness, itchiness, and swelling which can be highly contagious. However, in growing problems such as pollution and other health issues, one should never take conjunctivitis lightly.
If you observe an unusual itchiness and increasing redness in or around your eyes, it is more than just conjunctivitis. It can be symptoms of Sympathetic Ophthalmia.
In a layman language, Sympathetic Ophthalmia is an intra-ocular inflammation that occurs after trauma to the eye. The disease is vision-threatening, and many patients still end up with significant vision loss especially if treatment is not instituted quickly. The onset can be insidious and slow or acute. Patients usually present with blurry vision, a red-eye, and decreased vision. The clinical exam is significant for mutton fat keratic precipitates, serous retinal detachments and pinpoints hyper-fluorescence seen on fluorescein angiography. Prevention is limited to urgent closure of the traumatized eye and enucleation within 10 days to 2 weeks after the traumatic event.
The disease appears to have no predilection towards any particular sex, race, or age, although some studies have found a higher incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia in males. With regards to age, sympathetic ophthalmia follows a normal distribution with some report of higher occurrence among children and individuals over 60 years of age, likely arising from increased ocular injury in young age and increased frequency of intraocular surgery in the older population.
There is no specific or an absolute cure for Ophthalmia. However, as per Global Pharma, India`s largest manufacturer and supplier of Ophthalmic products, the disease has certain management measures to be kept in mind. Let’s have a look:
Corticosteroids (any of a group of steroid hormones produced in the adrenal cortex or made synthetically) are the mainstay of treatment. Steroids should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis is made in the absence of other contraindications. Along with corticosteroids, immunomodulators such as cyclosporine or azathioprine can be used. Patients should be followed closely and may need to be admitted if they cannot follow up or take the medications as prescribed. Patients should be seen often until they begin to stabilize and improve at which point visits can be spread out.
In this growing world that is been dominated by Global Warming, one should be extremely cautious about their lifestyle and eating habits in order to prevent such life-threatening diseases. To know more about Ophthalmic products and their manufacturing, you can visit Global Pharma’s website: www.globalpharma.in.
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globalpharma03-blog · 6 years
Calcium Chloride - A Necessity in Our Daily Lives
Calcium Chloride, also known as CaCl2 by its chemical formula, has been a great inorganic compound to study about and conduct experiments on. However, did you know that Calcium Chloride is not just a compound, but is also used in our daily lives? In fact, at some point, it is a necessity of our day-to-day functions.
To start with, let us know what exactly Calcium Chloride is? An ionic compound of Calcium and Chloride, it’s a colorless crystalline solid and just like salt, behaves as a typical ionic halide, which means it is highly soluble in water. Being hygroscopic in nature, the compound attracts moisture from the air and its surroundings, making it useful for many applications in our everyday lives.
Here are some interesting and lesser-known ways of how we use Calcium Chloride on a daily basis:
1. At the Doctor’s Clinic & Hospitals:
One popular Calcium Chloride use in everyday life is to treat health problems such as high blood pressure during a blood transfusion. And it is used to help with magnesium sulphate overdoses. The compound helps reduce internal acid burns and can act as a channel blocker to reduce the harmful effects of some medications.
2. The Taste buds:
Calcium Chloride is used in foods to add a salty taste or preserve a product. For example, its added to canned vegetables, and helps soybean curbs become tofu — it gives tofu its shape. Calcium Chloride is also added to sports drinks, pickles, and chocolate bars. The compound is approved by the World Health Organization, it is absolutely safe to use in food.
However, a direct consumption of the same can be extremely harmful.
3. For The Pool:
Because Calcium Chloride is highly soluble in water, it’s also used to treat swimming pools and increase the hardness of the pool water. Adding the compound to the pool’s water helps reduce concrete erosion and sustain the foundation of the pool. When Calcium Chloride is added to the water, it increases the calcium in the water, which in turn protects the concrete.
4. In Your Tank:
Here, we refer to fish tanks. Marine aquariums also use the compound to help hard-bodied creatures who have Calcium in their shells get the Calcium they need to stay healthy.
5. Safety First:
Calcium Chloride has been used for many years on the roads and sidewalks. The compound acts like salt to de-ice icy highways and paths so we can drive and walk safely. A leading supplier and Manufacturer of Calcium Chloride based out of Mumbai named Global Pharma say it is also used as an additive in fire extinguishers as it not flammable, toxic and does not burn.
6. At Work:
The construction and oil and gas industry have been using Calcium Chloride for a long time. The construction industry uses it for concrete. When used in concrete, the compound accelerates the setting of the concrete and helps measure the moisture. It can also be added to scaffolding to control the scaffolding.
For the oil and gas industry, the compound is used to increase the density in solids-free mines and block the water in clay. Adding Calcium Chloride prevents the clay from swelling during the inverted phase of emulsion drilling of fluids.
From food to safety to work and in science, Calcium Chloride is a great compound with many uses. And there’s even more. Other types of Calcium Chloride are found in heating pads, for activating charcoal as well as added to fabric softener to thin the product. Who knew all the ways it could be used, and how important the compound is for our everyday living.
If you’re looking for an experienced Supplier and Manufacturer of the inorganic compound, there’s a leading Company in India — Global Pharma. For inquiries, you can drop them a mail on [email protected].
For more such interesting blogs about everyday science, stay glued to this space.
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globalpharma03-blog · 6 years
Chemicals Without which Your daily Life is Directly or Indirectly Incomplete
An individual’s routine is almost similar to any other individual - wake up, get ready for work, work day in and day out, come home, have food, and sleep. This is a vicious and a never-ending circle.
But have you ever wondered that in your everyday lives, you consume certain chemicals directly or indirectly which do not harm your body, but without these chemicals, our daily routine can be slightly affected. Wondering what are these chemicals and how do they affect our lives? A research by one of the leading Pharma companies Global Pharma which are specialized in producing such chemicals shows a detailed analysis of the same. Let’s have a look at it
The necessary chemicals or ingredients any makeup product requires, which Global Pharma manufactures it and supplies the same to the market. The shine and glow you see on your face after applying a certain product, like a foundation or a concealer, it is all because of these chemicals. They are absolutely harmless to any skin type.
Let us first understand what exactly is a Central Nervous System (CNS) and how does it work - CNS is nothing but the complex of nerve tissues that control the activities of the body. In vertebrates, it comprises the brain and spinal cord. It gathers information from all over the body and coordinates activity.
If your CNS is weak or affected due to any diseases, there are certain chemicals in form of medications that’ll help you balance it and bring it back on track. Again, Global Pharma is the leading suppliers of these kinds of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in the market.
These chemicals not only help you physically but also work a lot on balancing your everyday routine.
When one is diagnosed with Diabetes, it is not necessary that you are consuming an excessive amount of sweets. At times, Diabetes can also be hereditary. Hence, to prevent or cure Diabetes, there is a certain kind of drugs which helps bring it in control.
Global Pharma being the leading exporters of such kind of drugs in India, they target the right amount of insulin and keep you fit as a fiddle.
The drug for maintaining the water level in and around your eye area is known as Ophthalmic. Global Pharma being the leading manufacturer of the same, this product consists of ingredients such as neomycin, bacitracin, and polymyxin, antibiotics that are used to treat eye infections.
We are so engrossed in taking care of our physical appearance and the outer body that we often forget or neglect our mental health. It requires equal attention. A survey shows that almost 1 in 5 people suffer from a certain kind of addiction to something that causes a mental imbalance in our body.
This addiction could be major of drugs that are capable to affect the mind, emotions, and behavior of an individual. Illegal and harmful drugs like Cocaine, Marijuana, Weed, etc. are termed as Psychodynamic / Psychotropic drugs.
Some legal drugs, such as lithium for bipolar disorder, are psychotropic too. One needs to stay away from such drugs in order to maintain a mental balance.
Global Pharma is not only manufacturers and suppliers in one sector but also cater towards multiple fields. Being one of India’s top chemical manufacturers and suppliers, they provide with various chemicals such as:
Calcium Chloride
Cetirizine HCL
Dicyclomine HCL
Divalproex Sodium
Duloxetine HCL
Econazole Nitrate
Escitalopram Oxalate
Fexofenadine HCL
Glimepiride (Micronised)
With or without these drugs, your daily lives will definitely not be the same. For more information on these drugs or products, you can visit Global Pharma’s website: https://www.globalpharma.in or get in touch with them on [email protected].
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globalpharma03-blog · 6 years
Qualitative Study of Pharmaceutical Drugs
To manufacture a pharmaceutical raw material that should meet customer requirements using quality ingredients and correct materials is a daunting task. Whether producing small-molecule or biological drugs, pharmaceutical organizations have a burden to manage complex network of API’s that provide chemical materials including starting compounds, solvents, cell lines, intermediates, yeast, cell culture media, bacteria, excipients, desirable production materials, manufacturing equipment, technology and packaging materials.
Pharmaceutical exporters not only have to concentrate on product quality, but also its safety and efficacy. Contamination of materials is also an additional significant apprehension.
Rapidly varying market trends can be a further factor that motivates these organizations to manufacture, supply and export varied range of products to its customers to offer a high grade solution to the healthcare unit that include Psychotropic drugs, Cosmetic products, Rare molecules, Anti-Fungal and CNS API, Diabetic drug, Hormonal steroid, Ophthalmic and Neurological products, Veterinary drugs and many more.
Below discussed is a brief qualitative study of some pharmaceutical drugs:
Betamethasone Valerate
Betamethasone Valerate is a pharmaceutical drug prescribed for multiple problems. The drug is not only used for skin infections as an ointment but also as steroid to cure other disorders.
When advised as an ointment, this cream is applied to treat rashes, allergies, dermatitis and redness on skin, itching, skin irritation, swelling and eczema.
As a drug, it is used for asthma, rheumatic disorders such as systemic lupus erythematous , rheumatoid arthritis and preterm labour to improve the functioning of new born lungs.
Additionally, the medication is also used to treat certain cancers such as leukaemia along with adrenocortical insufficiency.
The drug can be taken orally or injected into muscles for quick results as advised by the doctor.
Trifluoperazine HCL
Trifluoperazine is usually prescribed as an antidepressant. It is a psychiatric medication and is very effective in diseases such as psychotic disorders, schizophrenia. It helps to improve mood/mental disorders thereby helping the patient to depict a positive approach towards life.
In addition, this pharmaceutical drug also helps to prevent hallucinations, aggressive behaviour, nervousness and desire to harm you.
The drug belongs to a particular class termed as phenothiazine antipsychotics that works by regulating certain natural chemical substances (serotonin) in the brain.
Client should verify all the related certificates of analysis (COA) and material data sheets (MSDS) of the drug before purchasing it from any pharmaceutical industry.
Valproic Acid
Valproic Acid is advised to the patients with mood/mental, seizure disorders. This drug relieves migraine headaches and bipolar disorders. Just as other antidepressants, valproic acid also helps to restore and regulate certain neurotransmitters in the brain.  
The medication should be strictly avoided without doctor’s advice and prescription.  
Amisulpride belongs to a particular class of antidepressants, termed as atypical antipsychotics. It is also recognized under the trade name Solian.
The medication is prescribed for schizophrenia, dysthymia and mental disorders. The drug results in increase of blood levels of prolactin hormone causing breast enlargement, irregular menses, breast pain and infertility.
Oxymetazoline HCL
Oxymetazoline is available in form of sprays and drops. The drug is mostly used during nasal blockages due to sinusitis, allergies, common cold, hay fever or increase in bone size inside the nose.
This medication once applied, narrows the blood vessels inside nasal areas and helps to reduce congestion and swelling.
However, the drug provides only temporary relief and should not be used for more than 3 days.
Beclomethasone Di Propionate
Beclomethasone medication is usually prescribed to patients with asthma problems. The drug helps to improve respiratory problems, shortness of breath and wheezing problems. This drug is associated to particular class of drugs termed as corticosteroids. It helps to improve the proper functioning of lungs by reducing the enlargement of lungs airways.
However, in case of emergency the drug is not desirable. To get immediate results and reduce asthma attacks and wheezing, inhalers and pumps are prescribed by the doctors.
Betahistine Dihydrochloride                            
Betahistine is an ant vertigo drug used to cure vertigo and dizziness problems in the patients suffering from Meniere’s disease. This drug induces a histamine modulatory action in the brain and the vestibular system.
Certificate of analysis (COA) document and Material and Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the pharmaceutical material can be verified from any recognized and renowned pharmaceutical industry.
Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate
This is the generic name of the drug. Betamethasone sodium phosphate is prescribed for multiple diseases. The medication is given in-vitro (injection) to the patients. The drug reduces irritation, inflammation or pain in the specific body part. The shots are given either in the joints, muscles or on the skin.
Additionally, the pharmaceutical drug is also advised for arthritis, skin infections and other joint, ligaments and tendon complications.
In case of preterm delivery, the drug plays a significant role. It also helps to resolve the respiratory problems of the new born and infants thereby increasing the expansion of lungs airways.
The drug can also be taken orally as advised by your doctor depending on the patient’s requirement.
Carbamazepine is available with the brand name Tegretol. The medication is primarily used for neuropathic pain and epilepsy problems. It is an anticonvulsant that is used to cure epilepsy, seizures and neural pains.
The drug is very effective in reducing abnormal seizures in the brain and balances certain chemicals in the brain to activate the neurotransmitters to normal functioning.
Carvedilol available under the trade name Coreg is used in congestive heart failure and high blood pressure problems. The drug helps in proper pumping of blood in your heart and thus reduces the chances of heart attacks, strokes and kidney problems.  
Irregular heartbeat can also be controlled with the help of this drug. It aims to block the action of certain chemical substances in the body blood vessels, termed as epinephrine. This action relaxes the heart vessels, dilates them and controls the blood pressure and heart rate in the body.
The medication belongs to particular category of drugs termed as alpha and beta-blockers.
The above discussed pharmaceutical drugs can also be used for other medicinal purposes as prescribed by your doctor that are not discussed here.
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globalpharma03-blog · 6 years
Essentials of Pharmaceutical Drugs
‘Life is a box of chocolates where you never know what you are going to get’.
In this box of chocolates (organs), you never know when a stale chocolate could lead to deadly consequences. To overcome and cure these deadly diseases, the pharmaceutical companies play a vital role wherein they research, develop and distribute drugs in context to the healthcare. They assist trained and skilled professionals to offer premium pharmaceutical raw materials and render services for living well.
Most of the pharmaceutical companies bring arguable better, competitive research and development facilities to the plate. They outreach patient’s requirement along with technological advancement and business growth. They aim to provide excellent advice along with service and support tailored with your needs.
These industries manufacture, supply and export APIs to their consumers with expedient solutions, personalized service, quality and timely delivery. They also focus on various laws and regulations regarding patenting, testing and marketing of drugs and indulge their complete efforts to improve drug efficacy as it may tend to fail several times during drug development.
The pharmaceutical exporters of API not only supply generic drugs for remedial purposes but also in many chemical and food industries. The industries are also recognized for ophthalmic drugs, hormonal steroids, psychotropic drugs, diabetic drugs, rare molecules, cosmetic products, anti-fungal API, neurological drugs, CNS API, beauty products and so on.  
Surprisingly, veterinary drugs are also manufactured, supplied and exported across India by these reputed firms with genuine certificate and authentication.
Types of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials
A brief introduction of few of the pharmaceutical raw materials supplied by our chemically trained and skilled representatives has been discussed below.  
Escitalopram Oxalate
Escitalopram drug is often used as an antidepressant. The drug is prescribed to treat major anxiety disorder or depressive disorder. The trade name of this drug is Lexapro. The drug regulates the flow of serotonin, a chemical transmitter thereby controlling the mood, appetite and sleep of the patient.
The drug helps to improve energy levels and reduces nervousness.
An authentic Certificate of Analysis (COA) document approves the drug and allows the patent owner to trade it exclusively.
Miconazole Base
Miconazole base, well-known with the trade name Monistat is widely used to treat antifungal infections. It helps to cure pityriasis versicolor, yeast infections under the skin, athlete’s foot and ringworm. The drug is in the form of ointment or cream and is applied externally over the affected areas.
This ointment reduces the occurrence of fungal infection and forms ergosterol, a significant part of cell membrane.
Olanzapine is a pharmaceutical drug prescribed by the doctors to treat bipolar disorders or schizophrenia in adults and children above 13 years of age. The drug helps to reduce mental stress, unusual thinking, and strong inappropriate emotions. This is an antipsychotic pill that regulates the chemicals in the brain.
However, the drug is not prescribed to treat dementia disorder, especially in old age patients.
The drug is also recognized as Zyprexa.
More details of the product can be collected from material and safety data sheet (MSDS) available at any pharmaceutical organization.
Sodium Valproate
Sodium valproate is a very effective pharmaceutical drug used as an anticonvulsant. The drug is prescribed:
1.     Sodium valproate is used to control migraine headaches and seizures. It is used to cure mental disorders, eye pain, vomiting, nausea and severe headaches.
2.     Sodium valproate is prescribed to treat Epilepsy, a brain disorder. Epilepsy results in loss of consciousness and uncontrolled jerking movements. This drug helps to control the repeated seizures.      
Ondansetron HCL
The drug can be taken by both children and adults to cure the symptoms of vomiting and nausea. This medication is also prescribed after surgery, radiation or chemotherapy to prevent vomiting and nausea. This pill reduces the formation of natural chemical serotonin in the body that causes vomiting.
All the pharmaceutical drugs are clinically tested at various stages in pharmaceutical industry which portrays the product quality and life funded by any pharmaceutical organization.
So, it is very significant to verify the certificate of analysis (COA) document before undergoing any deal.
Paroxetine Hydrochloride
Paroxetine is an antidepressant prescribed to patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, high depression disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
The drug regulates certain selective chemicals serotonin in the brain to reduce depression symptoms.
The brand name of this drug is commonly used in hot flashes that occur during menopause.
Potassium Chloride
Just like other minerals required by our body, potassium chloride is also a significant mineral supplement. It regulates potassium levels in the blood. This mineral can be obtained by having a balanced diet.
The compound is essential for the proper functioning of muscles, heart, nerves, digestive system and kidneys.
However, many diseases result in the deficiency of this mineral in the body. So, it is better to have a well-balanced diet to avoid this efficiency.
Risperidone is also an antidepressant, just like many other drugs. It is prescribed to balance mood/mental disorders such as bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and irritability due to autistic disorder.
The drug belongs to a particular category of drugs known as atypical antipsychotics. This works by balancing certain natural chemicals in the brain thereby helping the patient to lead a normal routine life.  
It can be taken orally or injected directly into the muscles for quick results.
Sodium Chloride
Sodium chloride is a significant salt required for the proper functioning of various organs of our body.  This mineral has many benefits in our body that includes:
1.     It helps to regulate blood pressure
2.     It helps to transmit nerve signals to different body parts
3.     It helps to transport and absorb nutrients
4.     Fluid and salt balance in the body
5.     Proper contraction and relaxation of muscles.
Apart from medicinal use, sodium is also used for cooking and cleansing purposes.
This is usually injected in the body to balance body salts.
Hydroquinone drug is prescribed for dermatology problems. Melanin pigment in the skin results in its darkening and gives it a dark brown colour.
Hydroquinone reduces this skin darkening thereby reducing the formation of melanin pigment.  
This pharmaceutical drug is very effective in reducing age spots, skin tan due to sun exposure (melasma), freckles or any darkened skin areas due to hormonal changes (chloasma).
People prone to allergies and breast feeding mommies are not advised to use this drug as this may harm their health.
All the above mentioned drugs may be used for other medicinal purposes not mentioned in this guide. Do not use these drugs without doctor’s diagnosis and advice.
Hence, pharmaceutical companies manufacture drugs with the solo motive to take care of patient’s health. These industries create customer friendly environment and use best equipped tools to efficiently deliver best services to their clients for a healthy lifestyle.
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