goatfactsofficial · 13 hours
Its crazy how so quickly, people from the pro palestine crowd are moving to silence the joy of the hostages being brought home.
I have gotten about 10 asks going "what about the dead civilians you probably don't care that they are dead"
And the thing is, it is bad and a tradegy that more palestinians civlians are dead. It also is not a bad thing for people to be happy that the hostages are brought home.
Since people are seeming to want a more nuanced take, here it is.
The hostages were found in civilian homes. That doesn't tell us much as whilst they are civilian homes, we have no clue who was occupying those homes with the hostages. There are 3 options
Civilians who conspire with Hamas
Civilians who were forced by Hamas to keep the hostages
In all 3 cases, Hamas has committed a war crime by turning a civilian area into a military base/base adjacent by having the hostages kept there. Like it is literally against international law. The UN has even said before that Hamas does this and it is a war crime.
In the eyes of international law, Hamas is at fault for every civilian death due to the hostages being brought home. Why? Because it is expected as a fact of war, that it is pretty much impossible to carry out a military operation around civilians and not have any civilian casulties.
It also begs the question, whose life is more valuable, palestinian lives or jewish lives? and the answer is none. They are both equally as valuable. Which brings in more nuance of the fact that a country is responsible to do everything it can within reason, to protect its civilians, which is what Israel is doing with its military operations. It is very sad that Hamas is not doing the same as if they did, there would be less civilian deaths.
This is not me saying "the deaths were needed or good" as that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is that it is a complicated topic as for there to be no civilian deaths at the hands of the IDF, the hostages have to remain in captivity and likely end up being killed. If the IDF did nothing, the hostages would be dead due to inaction and if they did do something (which they did) palestinian civilians are now dead.
Essentially it is a horrible situation to be in for all parties involved and due to the nuance in it, I do have mixed feelings. Ideally I wish the hostages were brought home without any deaths. I wish no palestinians have died due to the war, however frankly that is not realistic and is actually something I struggle with which is why I have only limited my posts about the joy of the hostages being brought home as out of all of this, what I am happy about, is that the hostages are now home safe.
What i will say last is, it is truly terrible the situation we are in with having to sacrifce one groups lives over another and it is also truly terrible that palestinian civilians have been killed.
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goatfactsofficial · 16 hours
why am getting into a debate with a facebook memepage admin about why taking hostages is a bad thing, and that blaming Britain for all the troubles in the middle east is true, but not actually helping free anyone
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goatfactsofficial · 17 hours
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goatfactsofficial · 17 hours
2024 tumblr: yea im jackin it to this clown vore video but im only into these kinks ironically
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goatfactsofficial · 18 hours
Israeli Special Forces Rescue Four Hostages from Hamas in Central Gaza Raid
Four Israeli hostages were rescued identified as Almog Meir Jan (21 years old), Noa Argamani (25), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40)
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goatfactsofficial · 18 hours
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Found an interesting Twitter thread on some of the historical forerunners of the ""anti Zionist"" tropes and totalizing claims we're seeing in leftist antisemitism/antisemitism on the left today. The poster also has a more in-depth article up on their substack.
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goatfactsofficial · 18 hours
How interesting that you fail to speak on the fact that they disguised IDF members as humanitarian workers and proceeded to massacre 200+ Palestinians, but of course not you don’t ever talk about the wrongs of the IDF or Israel you simply are not capable of talking down on either and simply just hide behind the whole “oh the hostages” excuse when each ceasefire deal that would GUARANTEE the hostages to be returned is rejected,
I have said multiple times that i do not like the Israeli government and do not agree with their actions or the IDFs actions. If you want someone to go more in depth with that type of stuff, go to someone else blog. You are not entitled to every thought from my brain about the war. Just because I focus on one thing does not mean I endorse another thing.
Hamas is the one who has rejected most ceasefire deals. Hamas is also the one who breaks ceasefire deals. if you are going to come into my inbox, at least have correct information
The IDF being dressed in humanitarian aid uniforms is tik tok fannon and has no basis in real life. The most i could fine is Al Jazeera talking about how they used trucks, kinda in a trojan horse situation, however you should take Al Jazeera with a grain of salt considering they lie all the time. Throw back to the post I made sharing a video about them lying which started my blog getting attention. Also no other news agency has reported such claims besides using Al Jazeera as a source which also speaks to the lack of probability of it being true. Happy to eat my words if it is verrified by reputable news orgs but until then, its likely to be a false claim. Again, at least have all the information correct before coming into my inbox.
I will not let you silence my joy that 4 hostages have been brought home.
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goatfactsofficial · 19 hours
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This is the money Marge. Reblog for good fortune
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goatfactsofficial · 22 hours
Didn’t 100+ Palestinians died from the rescues? It feels wrong to celebrate it when that was the cost of it. I would feel so much guilt that my rescue cause so many deaths.
No you wouldn't. Neither would anyone else in the world ever.
But don't worry, it has long since been obvious that the numbers coming out of Gaza are lies. And even if any Palestinians were killed during today's heroic and miraculous rescue, the circumstances of that many hostages held so closely together means they would have mostly been surrounded by captors and guards.
I'd say this is what punch-a-Nazi actually looks like, were it not for how restrained Israel has been.
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goatfactsofficial · 23 hours
all goofing aside I genuinely don't understand the urge to reimagine Taylor Allison Swift as a secretly queer icon when the pop music scene(TM) is like. literally overflowing with women who actually like women. Gaga and Kesha and Miley and Halsey are right there. Rina Sawayama and Hayley Kiyoko and Rebecca Black and Kehlani and Victoria Monét and Miya Folick if you're willing to get slightly less top 100. Janelle and Demi for them nonbinary takes on liking girls. like what are we doing here. like I'm not even saying you can't enjoy Taylor but why would you hang all your little gay hopes on her.
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goatfactsofficial · 24 hours
Noa Argemani's mother has stage four brain cancer; the one thing she wanted most was to hug her daughter one more time. And she's going to get to do it.
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goatfactsofficial · 24 hours
since the post I want to add a comment to isn’t rebloggable, I’ll just say this:
the hostages are not responsible for the death toll. if you want to lay the blame at someone’s feet, I’d start with Hamas embedding hostages where there are civilians.
but to have the absolute gall to imply that the hostages should or do feel even slightly responsible for the deaths — when they were kidnapped off the streets while attending a fucking music festival —no. blame the Israeli government, blame Hamas, but not these innocent people.
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goatfactsofficial · 24 hours
hey why are you rbing stuff from someone who supports a government that has repeatedly ignored demands to stop committing genocide and is denying it /gen
I don't knowingly reblog from anyone who actually supports genocide.
I do, however, reblog from people who share demographics with genocidal governments and have made many many posts stating that they advocate for a peaceful solution and an end to the violence and suffering.
Much like how I do, because I also share demographics with a genocidal government and have made many many posts stating that I advocate for peaceful solutions and an end to violence and suffering.
It's really interesting to me how people see this as an attack on "the other side". I want no one else to die. I'm anti-war. I don't know why I have to keep saying that.
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goatfactsofficial · 2 days
tumblr consensus is that i am a zionist, despite my claims not to be one. so i'm curious,
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goatfactsofficial · 2 days
Try replacing “Zionists” with “80% of Jews” and repeat your sentences that way before you say them.
“Zionists are incorrect.” —> “80% of Jews are incorrect.” Okay, sure.
“Zionists are evil.” —> “80% of Jews are evil.” Unless you think 80% of the world is evil, that’s a messed-up (and bizarre) belief to have.
“I wish all Zionists a very painful death.” —> “I wish 80% of Jews a very painful death.” That’s really gross, don’t you think?
Hope this helps.
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goatfactsofficial · 2 days
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Just_ chai _talks on Instagram and X .
This makes my heart smile 😄
Welcome home Noa , Shlomi,Almog,and Andrey 🙏🇮🇱💙
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goatfactsofficial · 2 days
4 news casts watching experiences that are utterly unexplainable to outsiders:
reporters in their pajamas, pale faced, being at a complete loss of words trying to report from home on the morning of october 7th
reporters happy crying when ori megidish was rescued barely 3 weeks after october 7th
the ongoing nervewreck that was the reports of the november exchange deal
reporters happy crying for two hours straight during reporting on today's rescue operation
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