How to Choose the Right Color of the Wig?
Looking for a wig to match your natural hair color? Or do you want to wear an exotic color to get all the attention? Whatever the goal is, the color should look flattering on you. Of course, you can pick whatever you want, but what if it comes out as a disaster? Skin-tone, eye-color, age, there is a list of things you need to keep in mind, not to regret your investment.  
Rule 1: Don't choose anything that is more than two shades lighter or darker than your natural hair color:
Every deserving hair-stylist in this world will not recommend you to choose a wig color two shades lighter or darker than your skin. And it applies to wigs as well as hair dye. If you want to bring a drastic new change with dramatically different hair colors, the chances of regretting the purchase are very high.
The first time wig users, and those who have never dyed their hair, you need to be cautious before buying a shockingly different color. Trying a wig for the first time is enough for a new experiment, you don't want to make it more complicated.
Rule 2: Your hair color should complement your skin tone:
Pick a shade that complements your skin color, and most of the job is done. To find out your skin tone, sit under bright light, and observe your wrist. If you see all green veins, you have warm-toned skin. If you find blue veins, you are cool-toned.
·       Shades for cool-skin tone: Shiny black, ashy blonde, cool browns, platinum blonde, fawn light brown. Honey, taupe for highlights. Avoid golden/ yellow browns.
·       Shades for warm tone: Golden browns, golden blonds, dark warm browns, chestnut, brass red. Any color with a reddish hint suit you. Avoid jet-blacks, white and ash-based colors, very light blonds.
Rule 3: Choose the wig color that contrasts with your eye color:
To look the best with your wig, pick a shade that contrasts with your eyes. If your eyes are green-blue,  yellow-green, hazel, honey, dark brown, choose a warm-toned wig anything with red or orange undertones.
For eyes like ashy blue, icy-blue, turquoise blue, hazel-white, or anything with a whitish undertone, pick a cool-toned shade. It's essential to create a balance between your eyer and hair and not washed out.
Rule 4: Choose an age-appropriate wig:
This could go without saying, but you will lose your skin pigments age you age. Choosing a lighter color or the color close to your natural hair will brighten up your outlook. Where darker and deeper shades will bring more focus to the areas of concern.
Rule 5: Don't choose something that can fade in the sun:
Women who live in hotter climates already know this, but it's worth a rehearse. Hair color usually fades under the sun. Darker color fades faster. So, if you are living in a sunny weather environment, try to use a human hair wig that can be dyed and re-dyed after fading. Or choose one lighter shade that will not disappear so quickly.
If you are still confused, ask a hair-stylist to recommend a shade. And remember, you are not experimenting with your original hair, it's a wig, and you can always buy a new one, dye it, bleach it( if its a human hair wig). Don't be afraid to
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