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Running: Start at 5km; run for 2 minutes, rest 1 minute. Each time, run for an extra minute while keeping the rests the same.
Yoga: Follow “30 days of Yoga” by Yoga with Adriene on youtube, do two days of videos per session.
Zumba/Cycling: Follow class led in Goodlife Fitness
Meditation: Follow meditation playlist on Spotify and do deep breathing exercises.
GYM 1,3,5,7,9: Leg Press (3 sets of 12 reps) Start at 220lbs, add 10lbs each session
Hip Abductor (2 sets of 11 reps) Start at 50 lbs add 10 lbs every other session.
Hip Adductor (2 sets of 11 reps) Start at 50 lbs add 10 lbs every other session.
Wall Sit begin at 1 minute, ass 10 seconds each session.
Push ups begin with 25, add 5 each session.
Plank start with 30 seconds, add 10 seconds each session.
Squats with body bar (24 lbs) start at 25, add 10 each session.
Lunges with body bar (24 lbs) start at 25 per side, add 5 each session.
Skipping (5 minutes)
GYM 2,4,6,8: Bicep curls (2 sets of 9 reps) Start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every other session.
Tricep Extension (2 sets of 9 reps) Start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every other session.
Chin ups (just as many as possible, so like 3)
Bench press (2 sets of 8 reps) Start with just the bar, add 5 lbs each session.
Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets of 9 reps) Start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every other session.
Crunches with ball (3 sets of 10 reps) Use 10 lb ball.
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Current Level of Fitness
My level of fitness has increased since the beginning of the semester, not drastically, but i have noticed changes in my strength. From the beginning of the semester, i have gone from being able to do 22 pushups in one minute, to 34 in a minute. This may not seem like a huge improvement, but i feel like it has been one of the biggest noticeable changes in my upper body strength. Another improvement in relation to upper body strength is that i am now able to do one more chin up than before, which literally sounds like almost no improvement but chin ups require a lot of strength as you are pulling your entire weight. Overall, the most drastic difference is my bioelectric impedance %, at the start of the semester, while i had been doing almost zero athletic activity, i was at 18.2%, and after i have spent five months working hard to improve my fitness, i am at 9.6%.
a. Cardiorespiratory
I would like to improve in cardiorespiratory, specifically, i would like to decrease my time in the mile run, which is currently at 9:00 minutes, in order to do this, i intend to run over the summer. By the end of summer break, my goal is to be able to run a mile in 7:00 minutes. This knocks two minutes off of my current time which i think is reasonable within 8 weeks. Also, i want to improve my endurance regarding cardio, taking, less breaks, and the breaks that i do take, will hopefully be shorter. I would like to be able to run 5k as well.
b. Flexibility
After i quit gymnastics, my flexibility has gotten a lot worse than it once was. My goal regarding flexibility is to be able to do the splits again. I feel like this goal is achievable but may take longer as rushing results on flexibility can cause injury.
c. Muscle Strength
In regards to muscular strength, i have a lot to improve on. Specifically in my arms, which are basically peach coloured noodles. I actually used to be very strong because during the year that i worked at a restaurant, i was constantly carrying heavy boxes of food, buckets of ice, and garbage that quite literally weighed more than i do. Now that i work as a barista, there is significantly less heavy lifting. I would like to improve and go back to the strength i was while at the restaurant. Where my leg strength is concerned, i would like to think that my current level is relatively impressive as i can go up to roughly 230 lbs on the leg press, which is double my weight. (Also pretty sure it’s better than a lot of the guys so that’s pretty rad) While i already feel that my current level is impressive, i would like to continue to working on my legs because not only do i enjoy it, but i feel like leg muscle is an important part of physical fitness. My goal is to be able to lift 280lbs on the leg press.
d. Muscle Endurance
Repetitive action is a component of physical activity that i am relatively good at because i find repeating the same motion over and over again very relaxing. In regards to specific goals for muscle endurance, i would like to be able to increase the number of reps i am able to do. I currently rep between 8 and 11, and i would like to increase that to at least 13 for everything.
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Destroy the bad energy cycle, don’t let shitty situations/people control you.
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Oakville Gymnastics Club: I chose this organization due to the fact that I went to gymnastics lessons at this club for almost eight years. Growing up, this was the only active thing i was allowed to do that i actually enjoyed. I tried dance, and figure skating but neither fit my personality, and while i always wanted to join hockey, to be like my brother, i was never allowed because it “was too dangerous”. I feel as though this club could help me maintain my current level of fitness, as well as even increase it, due to the fact that i enjoyed this sport immensely and have been considering rejoining it.
 Goodlife Fitness: Over the summer, my sister and i are planning on getting gym memberships at goodlife fitness in order to continue working out over the summer. We both enjoy yoga and cardio so we will definitely be doing a lot of that as well as my sister has wanted to begin lifting weights but does not want to do it alone. This will allow for me to keep up athletic activity, while spending time with my sister, which will further give me a reason to work out, thus maintaining my personal fitness.
 YMCA: The YMCA offers many commodities like a swimming pool, a workout room, different classes, and a rock climbing wall at an affordable price. This would allow for me to have a way to actually enjoy fitness instead of just forcing myself through a dull, intense workout. Also, swimming in particular is something i haven’t done in a while and the YMCA would be the perfect place to start again.
 Halton Sexual Health Clinic: While my other community organizations relate to physical fitness, the health clinic allows for the spread (awful phrase to use in this but still works) of information regarding sexual health and the best forms of contraceptives while also offering these things along with testing, free condoms, and lower prices of other contraceptives. I chose this community organization because i strongly believe in the fact that sexual health is just as important as physical health. This organization allows for me to remain both informed and safe which i feel will be important for my future.
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    1. Individual and Family Health
Nutrition wise, other than the fact that i often forget to eat, i am a relatively healthy person. In regards to physicality, i have back issues that started in the ninth grade, which is not uncommon in my family, as both my mom and brother have back problems as well. Along with this, my family has a history of cancer; my mom with early stage ovarian cancer before i was born, my nanny with throat and lung cancer, and my grandpa with lung cancer, as well as multiple other family members. Mentally, some of the older members of my family have dementia, and some of the younger members have been diagnosed with depression, with one of my family members committing suicide before i ever met her.
     2. Organized Fitness
I consider myself a highly unathletic person but i enjoy doing yoga classes with my mom and aunt. Other than that, the majority of my physical activity is unorganized, such as running, and at home workouts as well as volleyball, tennis, badminton, swimming, hiking, and football with my family.
     3. Long term Goals
     A. Education
My goals in regards to my education, particularly after graduating high school, is to major in english literature and get a bachelor, preferably from Queen’s University, University of British Columbia, or University of Toronto. In order to reach this goal, i intend to work hard through the twelfth grade and hopefully earn a good enough mark for some scholarships.
     B. Sports/Fitness
I would really like to increase the level of my athleticism in order to become the best possible version of myself. In order to do so, my sister and i are getting gym memberships for the summer and i would like to go at very least 2-3 times a week. In the long run, i would like to go through university and life after as healthy as possible and i also have an interest in running marathons in the future.
     C. Career
My goal in life is to become a writer, either a travel journalist or an author. I am interested in journalism because of my love for writing and because i’m very opinionated. I feel like travel journalism would be good for me because i have always wanted to explore and travel the world, learning as much as possible about other cultures and experiences. Along with this, I have no intention of settling down with a family and house in the near future, which would make it difficult to have a job with that much travel. If i do not become a travel journalist, an author makes the most sense as an alternative because i love creating stories and characters, and developing an interesting plot line that makes sense. This would allow for me to create worlds of my own, which in a way, relates to travel journalism but instead of travelling to other places, i would be making them for other people.
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I’m going to keep working to break out of my unhealthy habits and cycles.
Affirmation of the day. (via riffatmatinpoetry)
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Healthy Eating
Forgetting to eat
Eating food that has no nutritional value
Counting calories
Eating lots of fruit/veg
Cooking my own food
Remembering that eating isn’t a bad thing
Planning meals in order to remember and keep track of nutrition
Focusing on health and less on weight
Stress Management
Making a huge deal about little things while ignoring important issues
Bottling up emotions
Surrounding myself with toxic people who put me in stressful situations
Focusing on the negative parts of life
Trusting people who have proven that they can be trusted
Not caring about how random people see you/ what they think of you
Taking naps
Taking bubble baths
Writing to relieve stress
Stress relieving activities (starting pottery)
Talk to someone about the situations that make me feel stressed
Focusing on the positive parts of life
Physical Activity
Making excuses to not work out
Acting as if i’m incapable of working out
Caring more about losing weight than strength
Running, especially now that it’s getting warmer
Doing anything but basketball, basically
Learn how to ride a bike (yes, that’s serious)
Join a zumba class
Lifting weights at home
Join a gym for the summer ✓
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