gosorsomething · 7 days
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gosorsomething · 9 days
I’ve always wanted to go to a house party like you see in movies but I never found out about any. Was too busy in the monastery where I was trained to kill
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gosorsomething · 11 days
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gosorsomething · 14 days
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I watched warrior nun
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gosorsomething · 16 days
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
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gosorsomething · 16 days
avatrice AU concept proposal
lmk if this is anything lol i was struck with an idea for an avatrice museum curator/time travel AU based on my job working as a curator for a historic home
Concept Summary: 2024 -- Ava, a classical archaeologist with a unique supernatural gift, is offered a position as a museum curator at a historic country estate in England for the summer touring season. She is hesitant to accept as it's not really her field, but her research money has dried up, and she takes the job. 1874 -- Beatrice, the daughter of a wealthy baron, reckons with a gnawing suspicion that there is more to her family's livelihood than meets the eye. She becomes distracted from her investigation by strange happenings in her home.
Scene: Camilla, the daycamp director for the museum, is helping Ava to clean her office and go through old records.
Dialogue sneak peek (based on a conversation with my coworker):
Ava squints at the budget ledger.
“I’m not usually in charge of this stuff.” She flips a page. “I don’t think Jillian would want to leave me in charge of the finances if she saw how I was funding my research.”
Camila laughs, leaning over the desk to help Ava find the right numbers.
“Here.” She points at a column. “This was our account for last season, and the camps got by. You can propose the same amount this year and I’ll survive.” She shrugs.
Ava sighs and closes the ledger. “Thanks.” She knits her brows together and studies Camilla’s face for a second.
“You know, I’m really glad you’re here, I don’t know if I’d survive the season if it was just Lilith.”
Camilla laughs again, brighter.  “Lilith is just...” She ponders. “You know those conservator types. They don’t want just anyone touching their artifacts.”
Ava smirks. “I don’t know, maybe if she let someone get all up in her artifacts she could loosen up a little.”
“I’m getting the distinct feeling someone wouldn’t mind sorting through her filing cabinet—”
Camilla turns red and covers her ears. “Stop it! Right now—”
“What was it that you said? ‘Sure Lilith, I can help you move the textiles to acid-free boxes, actually, I’m kind of a box expert myself—'”
“I will leave you down here to peel the dead mice off the floor on your own.” Camilla threatens, stepping toward the door.
“Alright, I’m done, I’m done. Please don’t go.” Ava begs for her to come back into the office. They both look around at the mess.
“I can’t believe the pests have wrecked this place so much since our last tours.” Camilla says.
Ava swipes a finger through dust on a shelf. She wrinkles her nose at the mouse droppings on the windowsill and bends over to look at the dried mouse carcass underneath the couch.
“You’re telling me. I might have to burn most of this paper.” Ava stands to gesture at a stack of disorganized records. She pulls a latex glove over her hand. “Can’t keep it if it's contaminated.”
“Yuck. Well, I’d rather deal with the mice and the kids than the ghosts any day.” Camilla casually picks up a dustpan and crouches to poke at the mouse.
Ava freezes. “...the what?”
Camilla looks up at her. “Haven’t you heard all of the stories?”
Ava throws up her hands. “No! Jillian told me this place wasn’t haunted.”
“Oh.” Camilla clears her throat. “Just kidding then.”
lmk if you would read more i guess bc i have such a great idea cooking up idk if it's lame or not
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gosorsomething · 25 days
“You remember too much, my mother said to me recently. Why hold onto all that? And I said, Where can I put it down?”
― Anne Carson, Glass, Irony and God
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gosorsomething · 1 month
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gosorsomething · 1 month
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gosorsomething · 1 month
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Round 3
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gosorsomething · 1 month
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Brother Gregor never spoke and often spooked the neophytes with his appearance, but he was a gentle soul and a phenomenal cook and knew more ways to prepare a fish than the abbot knew hymns
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gosorsomething · 1 month
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gosorsomething · 1 month
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gosorsomething · 1 month
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gosorsomething · 2 months
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gosorsomething · 2 months
There’s a fic on fanfiction(.)net that I’ve kept tabs on for years to see if it’s been updated or not. While I’m no longer even in the fandom it’s written for, it just has one of the greatest storylines I’ve ever read. Last time it was updated was 2011.
The other day, I decided to reread the entire thing and leave a very in-depth review of what I thought of each chapter. I also mentioned how I started reading it when I was 13 and am now 21, but always came back to see if it was ever finished because I loved it so dearly.
Today, said author sent me a private message saying that her analytics showed that the story was still getting views even after all these years, but no one ever bothered to leave reviews other than “update soon!!!”, so she never felt motivated enough to finish it. She said that me reviewing every single chapter with lengthy paragraphs made her cry and meant the world to her. She also mentioned that she felt encouraged to write the two remaining chapters needed to complete the story and that she would send me a message the night before she updates the fic.
I’m literally sobbing. I’m so excited :’)
Please always remember to leave a review when reading fanfiction!!! It means a lot to a writer.
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gosorsomething · 2 months
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starting a collection
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