gothamradiokid · 11 months
Great, macho. I'm gonna do this on my own.
G.F. out
Missing Person
Reporter Robin Falcone most known as “Robin Iero” was today reported as missing. 
The neighborhoods reported to hear screams and crashing sounds. Here Misses Fagg, the owner of the building said:
“It was approximately 10:45 pm, I was about to go to bed but then I heard a harsh scream and constant crashing sounds. We were scared, we thought someone may be robbing us. But then, silence. After a few hours we forgot about the matter completely. By next morning, we saw Robin’s door open and a complete mess!”
If you have any news or if you ever see the woman please contact the authorities.  This is just another loss person, of all the others in Gotham City
With other news, a wave of ho…
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gothamradiokid · 11 months
Yeah you see my guy, I don't give a fuck. I hacked your friend account. Let's say I was a fan. Do you where she could be?
Missing Person
Reporter Robin Falcone most known as “Robin Iero” was today reported as missing. 
The neighborhoods reported to hear screams and crashing sounds. Here Misses Fagg, the owner of the building said:
“It was approximately 10:45 pm, I was about to go to bed but then I heard a harsh scream and constant crashing sounds. We were scared, we thought someone may be robbing us. But then, silence. After a few hours we forgot about the matter completely. By next morning, we saw Robin’s door open and a complete mess!”
If you have any news or if you ever see the woman please contact the authorities.  This is just another loss person, of all the others in Gotham City
With other news, a wave of ho…
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gothamradiokid · 1 year
Hey, hey! You kiss your mom with that mouth?
Missing Person
Reporter Robin Falcone most known as “Robin Iero” was today reported as missing. 
The neighborhoods reported to hear screams and crashing sounds. Here Misses Fagg, the owner of the building said:
“It was approximately 10:45 pm, I was about to go to bed but then I heard a harsh scream and constant crashing sounds. We were scared, we thought someone may be robbing us. But then, silence. After a few hours we forgot about the matter completely. By next morning, we saw Robin’s door open and a complete mess!”
If you have any news or if you ever see the woman please contact the authorities.  This is just another loss person, of all the others in Gotham City
With other news, a wave of ho…
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gothamradiokid · 1 year
Missing Person
Reporter Robin Falcone most known as “Robin Iero” was today reported as missing. 
The neighborhoods reported to hear screams and crashing sounds. Here Misses Fagg, the owner of the building said:
“It was approximately 10:45 pm, I was about to go to bed but then I heard a harsh scream and constant crashing sounds. We were scared, we thought someone may be robbing us. But then, silence. After a few hours we forgot about the matter completely. By next morning, we saw Robin’s door open and a complete mess!”
If you have any news or if you ever see the woman please contact the authorities.  This is just another loss person, of all the others in Gotham City
With other news, a wave of ho…
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gothamradiokid · 1 year
Rises the moon
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As we know we are part of a system, a practically perfect one where the calculations and conditions are exact for life and a life that makes us realize the thousands of systems to which we belong. A family, a society, a group of friends, an intrapersonal relationship, a food chain, a solar system and a million galaxies that expand without stopping. Isn't it beautiful to know that in the end, as small as we are, we are part of something, something that is constantly changing as much as in personal lives, falling in love, working, eating, crying, all these parts of our life.
And everything within our reach, it is enough to get out of that routine that implies other priorities or all this contamination. The sun is our main star, the one that gives us as many as the seasons.  Or what about the moon and its curious rabbit spot that functions as a natural satellite for us and with this division so polar that we see our days and nights…something that as easy as it is already implies a rotation for us.
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gothamradiokid · 1 year
The subtle art of now giving a f... by Mark Manson
In a short summary, the point of the book is teaching the reader of how not to give a fuck about the things you don’t have control , understand that problems and suffering is necessary in everyones life, you may not always win and you are not special in any way; but all these things are perfectly fine, because seeing it from Manson’s theory all of the aforementioned are part of the biology an need of the human being to develop and participate within a society.
The author does not give as response about what giving a fuck, in fact I perceived this book as a public diary from the author itself, because if you pay attention he is just telling you what has worked for him or giving examples that make sense in his reality. This book was the second book from Mark Manson, an american writer who writes book that can be denominated as “self-improvement” and by the omoent he has sonly published 3 book, hte first one “Models: how to attract women through honesty”, then “The subtle art of not giinv a fuck”  and finally “Everything is Fucked’ a book about Hope” wich is a sequel to his previous book
In my personal opinion about the book, it is actually very nice to read as well as boring, but I dare to say it was  a good book  that I personally enjoyed while reading it.
On the other hand there were some aspects  I did not enjoy, the first of it  was the excessive use of the word “fuck” but I will admit I found it hilarious. Another aspect is how slow the author was while explaining something which became quite tedious and that caused me to get bored while reading and therefore I stopped reading or I lost motivation and concentration.
With all of its positive and negatives characteristic, I would still share an recommend the book  to anyone, regardless of their age or gender because it is always good to have another point of view or to simply relax with an easy lecture like this one.
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gothamradiokid · 1 year
I’m bored, ask me anything 
-Robin Iero
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gothamradiokid · 1 year
I’m still alive motherfuckers
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
Life can change in seconds. Am I right?
People be careful!
A traffic light fell on the head of a lady from Gotham City . The lady is recovering in the hospital
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
Oh great Heavens...I’m so sorry for her Wayne
People be careful!
A traffic light fell on the head of a lady from Gotham City . The lady is recovering in the hospital
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
When was even the last time I possted something as the Gotham Radio Kid...even tho I’m not longer a kid...Gotta update my bio dudes
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
Good morning Gotham. If you know someone who forgot their pets, be sure to email me so that a group of volunteers we'll help to care the animal. If you want to get more information or volunteer be sure to send an email to : [email protected]
 As always stay alive, with love... Robin Falcone singing off
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
To all my fellow students... We are very close to finishing the semester! ass already seq you can with this and even more. And it doesn't matter if the scarecrow destroys the university, you have to keep studying.
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
People be careful!
A traffic light fell on the head of a lady from Gotham City . The lady is recovering in the hospital
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
Alright people I’ll need an abstract of what has happened all this time!
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
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giftober prompt three: scenery/location → gotham city: batman arkham knight
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gothamradiokid · 2 years
I have more homework than life
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