gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Allison: She is considered enigmatic and mysterious
Lilith: She is the queen of the demons.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Morticia: She is implied to be a witch, enjoys pulling the buds off roses and keeping only the stems, making paper dolls that have three heads, she met Gomez and was proposed to at a funeral, and can speak with spirits. In the new Wednesday series she is also stated to be psychic.
Serenity: She was created by the concept artist behind Invader Zim, and is one of 57 witches in the world. She can also shapeshift, and uses this to give herself permanent eyeliner and blue hair. She’s also an artist who designs adorable little monsters. Her main insignia is also heart shaped scrolls.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Art credit for Death’s art goes to @/claudiasg4 on twitter
Death: She is the literal living embodiment of death.
Courtney: She is a coroner who is part of an organization called reaper
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Art credit for Rose’s art goes to hangotango on deviantart
Rose: She is a witch, and the design on her shirt resembles a skull slightly, and is meant to resemble a horrorterror, a type of eldritch monster. She also has a mutant cat.
Willow: While her character later becomes a witch, this version of her is a vampire. She only shows up for a single episode, but she’s great. She’s also the origin of the catchphrase later used by Dark Willow, “bored now”
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Ruby: She fights with a scythe.
Nico: She is a witch who uses dark magic, specifically the Staff of One, a magical staff that can only cast each spell once.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Magenta: She can turn into a guinea pig. This is not goth, its just fun.
Tabitha: She is a witch, and she is described as being macabre
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Hotaru: She has died and come back, and been possessed.
Nana: She is considered a goth-punk rocker, and sings in a band
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Vanessa: She has “always been fond of the goth crowd” and shares a voice actor with Marceline
Misery: She is a banshee, and has sung in a band called R.I.P.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Morrigan: She is a witch who uses a lot of dark magic, as well as some magic that many would apparently consider blood magic.
Nadja: She is a vampire, and the ghost of her human self lives in a doll. There is an image of her from the 80’s that is shown in the intro that imply that she (and her husband) may have been part of the goth scene at that time, but this is never confirmed, and the picture is a bit unclear, though it would match up with what we know of her.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Brigitte: She is a werewolf, and she loves “macabre studies”.
Celestia: Her execution shares similarities with a witch hunt, and she “wants to live in a castle with servants dressed as vampires”
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Wuxian: His birthday is on Halloween. He is a necromancer, who raises the dead by playing his flute, and who resurrected his dead best friend. He also pioneered a lot of dark magic harnessing techniques after losing his ability to perform normal magic. He spends a while living in a burial mound with mystical properties that, before him, no one had ever been known to return from. He’s died and come back.
Goth Girl: Little is known about her, but she does guess “mortality” while playing charades with another character
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Art credit for Ebony’s image goes to iamprikle on Facebook
Ebony: She is a vampire witch who listens to Good Charlotte and My Chemical Romance (which are definitely for sure goth bands) and looks just like Amy Lee (A/N if you dont know who she is get da hell out of here !!!). She also hates preps.
Lenore: She is inspired by an Edgar Allen Poe poem. She lives in a mansion near a cemetery in a town called Nevermore, and accidentally killed the Easter Bunny. She is also undead.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Sam: She is fascinated by the otherworldly, is a fan of Nine Inch Nails, and is interested in paranormal, gothic, or occult literature. Her favorite colors are black and purple
Onyx: Her favorite colors are also black and purple, and is also named for a black gemstone.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Harrow: She is a witch / nun in a cult devoted to the earth, who’s also a barbie doll. She is a necromancer and frequently raises the dead, and has earrings that are made of actual real life bone. She also always wears the skull fave paint depicted in the art used above.
Maria: She grew up falling asleep to detailed stories of autopsies, and her lullabies were funeral songs. When meeting the protagonist she asks her mom if she can cut him open. She is constantly sharpening her scalpels. She’s also a coroner who frequently wears a plague doctor mask.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Janis: While she used to be a plastic, after being disowned, began to explore her own sense of self and style and found much more. comfort in the way she presents herself now.
Noxia: She is a necromancer who can both summon spirits and assemble monsters from body parts. Most people are afraid of her.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Mai: She throws knives
Claire: She is a witch who constantly tries to summon various creatures and ultimately fails.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Art credit for Gerry’s image goes to Jugay on medibang.com
Gerry: He is currently dead and only appears in current scenes as a ghost, has his hair dyed black and “it’s canonically shitty”, and was a murder suspect.
Esmeralda: She is a witch and a wax sculptor, and tends to build morbid scenes and individuals.
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