gothlucinda · 26 days
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mystreet doodles 🏡
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gothlucinda · 1 month
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gothlucinda · 4 months
I think Zoeymau is criminally underrated and should have been canon. She gives up IMMORTALITY for Aph!!!!
THATS WHAT IM SAYING. BC ZOEY WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE WILLING TO GIVE UP ANYTHING TO HAVE APHMAU BACK. they already lived together and zoey was basically malachi and levin's second mom why are they not one of the default ships idgi!!!!!!!!!!!
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gothlucinda · 4 months
mcd out of context (part 3)
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gothlucinda · 4 months
not going to lie this community has got a serious racism problem crazy how it's "racism is bad" until the conversation is uncomfortable for YOU and then everyone is happy to brush over it and move on, crazy how it's "whitewashing is bad" until an artist draws dark skinned or even tan characters with a gray, barely darker complexion but you're willing to let it slide because you like their style, crazy how "diversity in characters is important" until you admit you do it because you're afraid of being cancelled instead of out of genuine want to represent people, crazy how easily people brush off concerns from black and brown people in the fandom please reflect and change for the better for fuck sake
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gothlucinda · 4 months
ONCE AGAIN so tired of the 'turning female love interest abusive to give the two male characters an excuse to get together' trope you are annoying af actually why are we still doing this in 2024.
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gothlucinda · 4 months
Some things we may have forgotten
I've been rewatching MCD and taking extensive notes on it in hopes that I'll never have to watch it again and this is just a list of things that I don't see mentioned or brought up very often/ever that we should talk about and think about more
In the first episode Garroth tries to attack Vylad (angst potential) and Vylad literally just combat locks him by logging out of the game. This is objectively funny and should not be rewritten in any capacity. This should be canon as it is in every universe.
Aphmau's cat Meowki gets randomly killed in Episode 12 by a skeleton while Kiki is right upstairs. Just saying, there's some angst potential there.
In episode 11 Garroth reveals that he knows some medicine. Pretty sure this is never brought up again, but we could always bring it up.
Logan is apparently good with a bow while Zenix is trash at it despite being a self proclaimed "expert archer" which I think is very funny (I know this is part of Zenix's cover but what if we took it seriously it would be so funny)
Zoey is originally from the river village, as is Donna. Pretty sure they retcon that for Zoey, but I like to think the two of them could have been friends before Phoenix Drop.
Garroth actually almost dies in episode 15. Like Dr. Doctor says he will probably die soon at the start of the episode. And he doesn't get healed until episode 20. He literally spends 5 episodes laid up in bed dying.
Brendan's at his side probably angsting the entire time I'm just saying if you want sad gay fanfics, it's sitting right there!
Azura and Garroth were friends as kids??? Hello???? I think this is just a massive plot hole considering what Garroth's actual backstory ends up being asjfgshjdfgjk
Okay but if we twist it a little bit, they were friends as kids as in like at the guard academy??? Bc they're like vaguely teenage/young adult so maybe that's what she means? In which case I wanna think about that more because childhood friends to lovers is one of my favorite romance arcs ever. But is it really childhood friends if you met when you were like... 18?? And you're in your like mid to late twenties probably, I wouldn't really classify that as childhood friends.
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I don't... I don't even have a joke here, this is just a massive plot hole. Like all of this is just not true to Garroth's backstory as we know it. Grew up in the same village? You mean O'Khasis?? Where Garroth also FAKED HIS DEATH????
I literally don't know what to say to this I was just trying to find silly little facts to try and incorporate into my rewrite and instead I found a massive gaping plot hole
Moving on, in episode 19 when Aphmau confronts Zenix and they fight, he actually apologizes to her. As if he regrets having to hurt her for the sake of his/the Shadow King's goals.
The Lord of Brightport says the Shadow King "used to be a lord". Which like... Okay, I can bend backwards a few ways to say that he could be referring to how Shad started Falcon Claw, but how the fuck does this dude know that??? I feel like Laurance constantly just stumbling into plot holes by complete accident
Dale is apparently a Garmau shipper, going as far as to ask Aphmau if she plans on hooking up with Garroth. I like to think that he and Molly have a bet going for how long it takes for one of the two of them to finally fess up.
Raven's mom tried to eat him??
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Okay then.
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gothlucinda · 4 months
Aphblr: What is your favorite thing about MCD?
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gothlucinda · 4 months
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Redesigns of the disguises from the slumber party episode in the pre mystreet side stories
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gothlucinda · 5 months
obsessed with how mouthy dante can get in season 1. backchat king. i love awkward, chatty dante who never knows when to shut his mouth - even when it gets him into trouble. he talks when everyone is silent. runs his mouth when its inappropriate but is too quiet when it counts. dante who feels out of his depth in a conversation. dante who doesn't know when to stop, who has grown up having to question everything, have to be on the offensive because he can't afford to be caught unawares. dante who has that bit of sass to him when he opens up. dante who is scared shitless of lucinda but still has the nerve to go all 'no offense but r u a medical witch' . . just. him
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gothlucinda · 5 months
girls be like “i know a spot” and then take you here
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gothlucinda · 5 months
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my LOVES *goes insane*
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gothlucinda · 5 months
yea the "nana is a bad name" crowd are annoying
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gothlucinda · 6 months
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laury and malachi (aka father n son .. tell me im wrong i dare you)
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gothlucinda · 6 months
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see how can laurance say something like this then 30 ish eps later throw his lil hissy fit and cry and be all jealous n shit
either stop writing inconsistent characters for the sake of making AARON look good OR at the very least make his decent into madness make more sense
it completely comes out of nowhere. like yes they hint at it (like here) but that’s all it ever is. hinting and hinting while nothings changing then BOOM larry’s all emo one day. it should’ve at least been more clear it was going to happen when it did
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gothlucinda · 6 months
Mystreet should have never become this dramatic thrill series and crossover to MCD. The drama should’ve been about highschool exes and taxes not people dying and a giant world ending cannon.
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gothlucinda · 6 months
rewatching mcd (currently at mcd s2-ep70ish) and im really dissapointed how s2 lacks the lord conflicts that s1 had. sure mcd has the all mightly and all beloved love triangle, but id argue a huge part of the series identity is the political side of being a lord and navigating the system. seeing the different villages, seeing the different lords, the different problems was geuinenly my favourite part of s1 and it just SUCKS how the later half of s2 is so disconnected.
i loved meeting new lords, i loved learning more about how the world worked and the lord system, i love how o'khasis being an oppressive military power strong arming other villages into an alliance, because it all tied really well with the cast. we'd have characters from these vilages, we learn lore from them cus they are natives o'khasis gets invaded oh no, theres the wedding as a nice breather yay, but oh no the war of tua'la that gets kicked to the back bench, they adopt a baby, they end up on a new cool island of irene cus magical oooo, oh look lets relocate phoenix drop here ahahahaha disconnected to ru'an and all the other villages and.... man it sucks. honestly i wished we had more arcs like the thieves guild arc of travelling to a new village, because it was legitimately entertaining. the best part was actually going to o'khasis and seeing peoples lives there, seeing the mystical o'khasis from the pov of a civilian. instead of relocating phoenix drop, s2 honestly should've either had the war with tua'la arc (focusing on the consequences of o'khasis getting invaded) or a civil war arc where people are rioting against the lord system because of all of the corruption from s1. i just really miss the political thriller of mcd lol
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