gravityvampire · 3 months
Boop my muse’s nose! Send 👉!
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gravityvampire · 3 months
{ offline - just got bad news & have to be with the wife }
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gravityvampire · 3 months
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Being able to see through solid objects is making things- difficult. Such as enjoying a good video game, cooking, organizing records at Double Groove...
She's grumpy- but at least today is the last day of this thing.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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gravityvampire · 3 months
One gram cracker
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ Oh. S-Sure. Here's the box. ❞
Sets down a box of unopened gram crackers in their weird little circle. Glad that she kept the box around in her apartment's tiny kitchen. You never know when you'll need them for s'mores.... or to sacrifice them to tiny menacing creatures
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gravityvampire · 3 months
Naomi is surrounded! The Furbies demand sacrifice!!!
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ A-A sacrifice of w-what? ❞
She will not hesitate to launch these things into the stratosphere. Cute as they are they are also....... menacing.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
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This glass eye is giving her a headache as her mind tries to process both seeing the world as it normally is and seeing through objects at the same time.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ S-Something with the s-sand that stranger threw into my eyes. ❞
A soft hiss escapes as her eyes are flushed with water. Besides the amount of blood, the only difference in her eye once it's cleaned off is it's color- and being made of glass of course. An ambulance wouldn't be needed it seemed.
|| 🌙 ||: ❝ I-- S-Sort of? ❞
She carefully pats dry that side of her face. Squinting and blinking, closing one eye, then swapping them. Doing that a few times as she tried to process that eye's new manner of seeing.
|| 🌙 ||: ❝ I-It's like... I-I can see through things. ❞
@gravityvampire from here
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Sooo much blood... "Oh Satan that looks bad.... What the heck happened?! Can you even see out of that eye any more?!" Cali has a habit of worrying and fretting over things like this even if she doesn't know a person well. Right now she's worried about whether or not to call an ambulance...
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gravityvampire · 3 months
LOOK! It's a Wild Naomi! Pokeball GO! (It's not even a real pokeball, it's just a beanbag shaped like one)
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Gravity power uno reverse. Sending the beanbag pokeball right back at the anon with enough force to knock them right on their ass.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
|| 🌙 ||: ❝ I-I guess so... ❞
She wipes off her face with her hands and stands back upright. Flicking some of the water from her skin and brushing away strands of hair that had been doused when Eerie helped her. Much better. She could see now, though her eyes still hurt and were a tad bloodshot.
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ I-I'm okay, t-to be honest I've dealt with worse b-before. B-But that still hurt- a lot.... T-Thanks for kicking them in the face. ❞
They let go of her once all of that was rinsed up nicely.
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❝  People are always gonna be assholes, even if you mind your business ❞
They looked up.
❝ Are you okay? ❞
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gravityvampire · 3 months
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He is quite satisfied. Pantry Tuna... how exquisite. He begins to feast greedily.
Yunae may keep their joints, this time.
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‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ They set down an opened can of tuna they got from the pantry and leave it on the patio for him. Please be appeased, your Most Unholy Weirdness.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
They decide to be a bit extra to impress her by temolo picking on their mandolin.
She's very impressed, staying quiet as she listens to Yunae play their tune. It made her wish she could play an instrument.
They'd be greeted with some applause from the bright eyed woman when the song concludes, a wide smile on her lips.
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ T-That was amazing! Where did you learn t-to play? ❞
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gravityvampire · 3 months
There's a bit of an embarrassing "eep" sound when grabbed by the scruff, but she does let Eerie turn her head and start washing her eyes out with their water bottle. That instantly felt better.
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ I-I don't know w-what their problem was- ❞
Probably just her existing, knowing her luck.
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Grabs her by the scruff, tilts her head and splashes some water from their water bottle onto her eyes.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ Purple? ❞
She's going to have to get herself in front of a mirror the second they're able to get back to the apartment. Her new eye squeezing shut as Roe wipes it again. Getting the last bits of blood off her face.
God, she hated how smelling it made her crave.
|| 🌙 ||: ❝ U-Uh- ❞
She blinks a few times, brows knitting,
|| 🌙 ||: ❝ Yes? S-Sort of I can see-- ❞
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ Through.... t-things? ❞
Roe pointed to her own blue eye. "Yeah, pretty similar, I'd say. Purple is a nice color for you." She's still cleaning up Naomi's face.
"Can you see out of it?"
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gravityvampire · 3 months
look out people are handing your cat fish dinners!!!
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ W-Well.... M-Monty is resourceful.... ❞
She know she's can't fully control that beast.
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gravityvampire · 3 months
Cali shall help clear out Naomi's eyes with water. Gotta flush them properly without rubbing them so there's no damage!
A wee bit late for the damage bit, but she appreciates getting any remaining sand out and cleaning her up.
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ T-Thank you Cali- ❞
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gravityvampire · 3 months
Being meaner throwing scorpions!
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She has a gravity shield around her now. Nope. Not dealing with any more anons. Come back later.
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