grcveyacd · 1 hour
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“ yeah — huge day. “ she nods slowly, feeling her chest tighten from the anxiety of having to walk down the aisle to greet a man that she couldn't help but think wasn’t the one. what if she was making a mistake? what if this wasn’t how this wasn’t supposed to go? what if she fiance wasn’t her meant to be? brows furrow when she looks up at henry, throat tightening when she meets his warm gaze. “ no. “ she swallows thickly, feeling herself become overwhelmed by all the thoughts running through her mind. “ i want you to stay. “ she can feel her eyes start to water, causing her to quickly avert her gaze from him, not wanting him to see. “ please. “
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he's unsure if he should step closer in a way of comforting her or just leave her alone. staying put, he licks his lips -- nodding ever so slightly. "yeah, no -- i get it. it's a huge day," he mumbles softly, warm eyes glancing over towards the female's features. "do you want to be left alone?"
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grcveyacd · 6 hours
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“ look, i didn’t intentionally blow you off. i just — “ he takes a breath, running his fingers through his short locks. “ — had to deal with some family matters. “ and by family, he really meant his step sister guinevere, who was notorious for pulling him into her chaotic life. though this time he was able to get away within a week, instead of a month like last time. “ i’m sure you know how it is. “ or maybe she didn’t, neither of them really discussed their personal lives the last time they were together. in fact, they didn’t really discuss much at all. “ but, yeah — i am glad that you agreed to meet me for a drink. “ a small smirk graces his lips, brows lifting slightly in response to her question. “ why wouldn’t i want to see you again? “ he lifts his drink up to his lips, taking a small sip. “ the night we spent together was fun and i don’t know, maybe i liked how casual it was the morning after? “ he shrugs, setting his glass back down on the counter. “ the last girl i slept with made me meet her parents for breakfast the next morning so, needless to say, our night together was a little more memorable than that one. “ 
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Celine's shoulders pulled up into a light shrug, displaying to him how she felt about the topic of conversation. Sure, their night together had been fun and all, and she really didn't expect the connection between them two to grow into something bigger. She liked casual relationships, but she wasn't really used to getting ignored like he had ignored her. Men usually ran after her, begging for more from her, and she was the one to turn them down.
"You're sorry? You should be glad I agreed to see you again," she replied, words laced with a playful undertone. "What made you change your mind?" Celine was asking out of curiousity, interested to hear why he suddenly had reached out and invited her for a drink. Perhaps it was out of pure desire, which would flatter her in some bisarre way.
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grcveyacd · 11 hours
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he sucks in a breath, feeling the warmth of the other male's body envelop him completely. he’s struggling to keep his distance from dante, feeling the need to pull him closer to his chest but he refrains, not wanting to slip back into old habits so easily. his fingers curl around the edge of his blanket, pulling it up over himself and then opening it further to drape it over the other male as well, wanting to ensure that they were both warm throughout the night. aiden sucks in a breath when he hears his words, brows furrowing while he allows his forehead to press against his, closing his eyes from the tender moment. “ is there ever going to be a day where we don’t miss each other? “ his voice is softer than before, and deep down he knows the answer. but, he still can’t help but ask. his fingers curl into the small of dante’s back, gripping lightly into the fabric of his shirt in response to his next question. “ just one kiss — “ he pauses, brushing his nose against his. “ — that’s it. “ 
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dante's eyes follow aiden's movements, his body shifting closer as soon as the other boy is settled in next to him. "mm, okay.." he doesn't care who holds whom, as long as he gets to be close to him, though with his arm draped over aiden's waist they're both technically holding each other. legs tangled together, dante presses his forehead to aiden's, eyes drifting closed as he releases a soft sigh. "missed you," he whispers, feeling the pull of sleep heavily now. still, he fights it off as best as he can, wanting to have as much time as possible with the other because he knows that tomorrow, in the light of day, things will be different. right now, though.. right now aiden is his again. "aren't you gonna kiss me goodnight?"
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grcveyacd · 21 hours
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“ oh, i’ll do more than just yell at you. “ he mutters, fingers moving through his unkempt locks. deep down he knew that she didn’t have it in her, and that he wouldn’t have to worry about her getting into anything too hard. his sister on the other hand? he was always worried that he’d catch her doing something she wasn’t supposed to. but hopefully, with iridescent in her life, she wouldn’t go down that path. “ honestly, i haven’t really thought about it. though, i’ve heard greece is nice. “ he’s never really been overseas before but, he’s always wanted to go somewhere that he could really experience and immerse himself in. and greece kind of seemed like that kind of place. or at least that’s what he gathered from what he’s read. gabe doesn’t really say anything in reply to her begging nor her puppy dog eyes, preferring to stay silent as he walked through the party and to the sliding glass doors, opening it up and stepping outside. he closed it once she had crossed over the threshold and took a seat on the little makeshift bench that opheila had begged him to by months ago. “ where would you travel? “ he asks, continuing their conversation from before as he slides his hand down into his pocket, pulling out a joint he had rolled earlier in the evening. “ promise me if it’s too much that you’ll tell me, yeah? “ 
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iridescent wasn’t sure if he entirely believes her, but she was glad that he wasn’t going to question her any further. it wasn’t like she was actively seeing if he would bring anyone into his room, it was more so because she’s left in the corner — being a wallflower as she observed the drunk people, finding her own entertainment there. as he stumbles back, she laughs ever so slightly — nose scrunching up in the process. “if i ever do hard core drugs, i’m going to need you to yell at me in my face.” and even if it probably won’t occur, it was a precaution. she tries not to make a sour expression as she intakes the contents of what was in the cup. but it was better than any random cup laying around. “traveling is exciting and all, but it’s also exhausting.. don’t get me wrong, i’d choose traveling any day… but i’m still young and i could travel the world whenever. i feel like i won’t be able to party like this when i’m old.” she points out, eyes flickering over towards him. “where would you like to travel to.. if you can?” iridescent’s eyes remain on the male, bottom lip stuck out as her eyes got all big, gleaming — hand stuck out on his chest. “please? just this once… what’s the worst thing that could happen?” maybe it was manipulative of her to puppy-dog her way in. as he pauses mid-sentence, brows furrows awaiting for what was next, but nothing came. instead he takes the drink back, following him towards the sliding doors.
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grcveyacd · 1 day
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📸 Lorenzo Zurzolo for The Italian Revê Magazine
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grcveyacd · 1 day
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“ i thought you liked trouble, noah. “ she smirks, head tilting as her dark hues scan his features. “ so… “ she hums, reaching forward to rest her palm against his chest, fingers playing with the buttons of his shirt. “ …does that mean you’re interested or am i gonna’ have to drink alone? “ 
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it was difficult to resist, she did have a point after all... she was no longer with his friend, but feeling as if it'll cross the line between bro code or whatever. licking his lips, he chuckles lightly. "you, aria -- going to get me in trouble."
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grcveyacd · 1 day
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grcveyacd · 1 day
“Your sibling, after all, is the only other person in the world who understands how fucked up your parents made you.”
— Deb Caletti, The Nature of Jade (via bookhag)
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grcveyacd · 1 day
CAN I GET A BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS PLOT ?? like not even an instant one, but like one with the gradual build up. like MUSE A comes to them after a fight with their significant. MUSE B knocks on their window after a horrible date. no one gets me like you. inside jokes no one understand. maybe even a secret handshake ?? just chemistry so strong it melts your heart. so innocent & pure. bonus points if people used to say they’d get married one day and they both laughed at the idea. but here they are. laughing about what their lives have become. how at the end of the day they’ve always had each other. and now they can’t help but wonder.
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grcveyacd · 1 day
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“ maybe because when you say it, it sounds so mean. “ nose scrunches slightly in response. “ oh c’mon vin, just admit that i’m your favorite person so we can move on to bigger and better things. “ she teases, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. “ i mean, you could’ve picked anyone at the office to be your fake date but, you chose me. and i don’t know about you but that reeks of favoritism. “ she wasn’t even going to mention the nights she spent drinking expensive scotch in his office when everyone else had gone home for the night. just talking, and eating take out from a restaurant she could barely pronounce. sure, she was his assistant so it came with a territory but, she hadn’t been close to any of her other bosses like she had been with him. “ what if it’s a bonded pair of kittens? could i get two for the price or one or… “ lips pressed together as she looks up, hearing the sudden intrusion of a knock on the door. “ oh look, they’re early — looks like no one is getting fired today. “ 
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"what so you can threaten to quit anytime, but when i threaten to fire it's a problem now?" he jokes, rolling his eyes as well -- followed along with a shake of his head. "mm, those are bold accusations, roni." he continues the teasing, laughter pouring from his lips. although, she was right about one thing he would never fire her. "right.. kitten. whatever i'll still have you pick the one that speaks to you." vincent concludes before glancing at his watch. "should be here within the next five minutes -- if not someone's getting fired." he continues on with their joking from earlier.
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grcveyacd · 1 day
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“ you call embarrassing me in front of everyone, help? “ she huffs, arms folding across her chest. “ i just had a little bit too much to drink and i stumbled. it’s not that big of a deal. “ 
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"you clearly did not have it under control. i was trying to help — you can't be mad at me for that."
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grcveyacd · 2 days
ANYONE BUT YOU (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you still live at 28 fuckboy lane?
there's a reason why you're alone. no one can trust you.
i still think about the night we spent together.
these last few days really made me realize how much i miss you.
that night at your place, no matter how it ended, it was still pretty amazing.
so... you gonna kiss me now?
you'll always be my rock bottom.
okay, nuzzle my neck. get in there.
we are not together. we were faking it the whole time.
we have to kick it up a notch. make it feel like we're in the ga-ga stage.
you know, i feel really bad about that.
did you catch him measuring his dick with a ruler app?
you scared the shit out of me.
we're getting pretty good at faking it.
it doesn't matter how we found out.
permission to put my left hand on your right buttock?
okay, not in circles. it's not a magic lamp.
are you not wearing underwear?
we do not inherit the earth. we just borrow it from our creatures.
i have a better idea. you just let me do everything.
thanks for being so cool about all of this.
you want a coffee? it's the best n the world.
there's only one bed, but we hung a shower curtain in the middle.
hi. where's your bathroom?
i could have done it myself, but whatever. thanks.
thanks for not stealing my coat.
is that really a two person job?
you would let me die?
they think i'm throwing my life away.
no, that was rude. i apologize to anyone that was listening.
i don't know. i'm not good at this, sorry.
i'm from a different generation.
i'm not talking about love. i'm talking about dick.
all that matters is that we're together.
that's not me anymore. i'm free now. i'm deprogrammed.
no way, that man does not have a heart.
well, that didn't take long.
if i never ask you for anything ever again, can you please just lay off of me this weekend?
let's just have a moment to calm ourselves.
no one cares. no one can see us.
we were on a break, asshole.
either way, someone's lying to someone.
i must have really gotten under your skin.
you used none of those terms properly.
i cannot believe i just said that out loud.
i'm sorry. my life is a disaster right now.
look at this place. it looks like every serial killer reenactment documentary.
no matter how broken something is, there's always a way to fix it.
this whole thing is so new to me.
i don't really like labels, but i like you a whole bunch.
so are you going to ask me out now?
so if we were getting attacked by giant spiders, you would not be able to protect us?
you two know each other?
i'm going to go grab a drink. door's that way if you're looking to sneak out. i know that's your thing.
i'm going to get a drink and toast to never seeing you again.
how crazy is it that we're on the same plane?
why do so many of us feel stuck?
you don't even play tennis.
we're fine if he just stays away from me.
you're such a romantic.
i was hoping you'd come. i wanted to message you, but i didn't know how you'd feel about hearing from me.
they're also a little worried how you're gonna react to all this.
you have a little something in your teeth.
we need to come up with a game plan.
you are so terrible at this.
it's harder than you think.
they know i would never go out with a guy like you.
we just suck face in front of everybody.
you're calling me a fuckboy like it's an insult? i own that shit.
let's just be affectionate. i know it's a foreign concept for you.
you were the one who said there's a thin line between love and hate.
i think it was more of a euphemism for crying alone.
i definitely didn't hate you.
last night was the first thing i haven't regretted in a long time.
i love the weird way you stick your hand down my pants.
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grcveyacd · 2 days
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CALLUM TURNER the boys in the boat
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grcveyacd · 2 days
/ i will also be here tomorrow after work to get to drafts / meme responses. all or at least most will go into my queue... which i did unpause when i got home.
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grcveyacd · 2 days
/ the fact that i didn't unpause my queue last night before bed... 🤦‍♀️ whoops, replies will post tomorrow then lol
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grcveyacd · 3 days
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“ you regret it. “ he repeats her words, brows furrowing ever so slightly. “ funny, cause you didn’t seem full of regret that night. “ arms fold across his chest as he looks at her, dark gaze sweeping over her features, memories of that night slowly resurfacing. " never said i wanted to erase what happened. “ he admits with a sigh. “ i just — “ a pause. “ - wish the circumstances were different, i guess. “ 
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arms cross over chest, "yes, it happened.. but i regret it." she mutters softly, knowing deep down that she didn't. if it were the case she wouldn't of fallen into bed with him. his words throws her off a bit, unsure if it was a good or bad thing, her stomach flops uncomfortably. "well, what do you want me to do about it? we can't erase what we did!"
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grcveyacd · 3 days
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“ that’s not weird or anything. “ she mutters, teeth still pulling at her bottom lip. she wants to ask him more about what was said about her friend, and see why gabe would even mention her to begin with. because again, she didn’t think they were friends and kind of had been under the impression that they didn’t like each other very much. then again, she thought gabe hated everyone she interacted with. “ what? no — you’re lying, they aren’t friends. “ she lets out a sigh, nose scrunching at the thought. maybe iridescent only talked to gabe to distract him from finding out about his sister hooking up with his best friend? that made more sense than them just randomly being friends all of a sudden. she didn’t buy that at all. “ oh, stop being dramatic. just take a couple pain relievers, and eat a big breakfast tomorrow. you’ll be fine. “ dark hues roll up at him, smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, her previous thoughts no longer plaguing her mind. “ c’mon, carter – i thought you were smart. “ she sits up just enough to nip his jaw playfully. “ hm? “ ophelia murmurs in response, fingers lazily traveling down his chest. “ oh, no one in particular. “
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suddenly, carter pauses -- realizing that ophelia's been unaware of the sudden formed friendship. "she was brought up like once or twice," shrugging his shoulders, in hopes of her not questioning him furthermore -- deciding to not give out more information than he should. that was between the siblings, "i think they're somewhat friends, think they hung out few times when you were busy being preoccupied by yours truly." smirk dances across his lips, trying to reflect the topic back upon them. "going to be terrible, i could already see myself with a headache in the morning," one that he'll try to reverse by consuming tons of water before bed. her finger against his chest was enough to already distract him, "hm, i'm not too good at figuring things out, might need you to show it to me." hand wraps around the bottle, taking another swing at it -- this time consuming much more.. knowing that she didn't need much herself. "showing off to who?"
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