greenhound · 1 month
I have such bad reading comprehension
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greenhound · 1 month
McDonald’s has said it will buy its 30-year-old #Israel franchise from Alonyal, taking back ownership of 225 outlets that employ more than 5,000 people." from Al Jazeera English, 05/Apr/2024:
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greenhound · 1 month
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1 March. Displaced Palestinians in Rafah perform Friday prayers on the rubble of Al Farouq mosque, which was bombarded by Israel's military
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greenhound · 1 month
Israelis set up a jumping castle and organized a picnic with popcorn and cotton candy at Karem Abu Salem border crossing to prevent trucks of humanitarian aid from entering Gaza.
Meanwhile, more reports have been surfacing regarding deaths from starvation in Gaza, especially among children and infants.
Source: Quds News Network.
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greenhound · 1 month
Don’t fucking look away from Rafah, don’t look away, if you are willfully looking away then you should be ashamed of yourself.
Fuck the Met Gala, it means nothing but a distraction for those of you who are willingly looking away.
The Palestinians need our attention, they need our support, they need us to witness and remember and help when it is asked for and when we can.
All Eyes on Rafah, All Eyes on Palestine!
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greenhound · 1 month
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greenhound · 1 month
Please do not contribute to the demonization of Palestinian boys and men by erasing them from your pro-Palestinian posts. Innocent civilians have been killed and others have survived and have to endure survivor's guilt and an indescribable amount of grief and fear. That includes men, women, and children. Palestinian men and boys are innocent too. They've been humiliated, subjected to sexual violence at the hands of the occupation, had to carry the remains of their loved ones, and a lot of them have been killed during carpet bombings or by Israeli snipers.
Please do not exclude them!
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greenhound · 1 month
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greenhound · 1 month
Going from “celebrations on the streets of Rafah as Hamas accepts ceasefire deal” to “Israel chooses to continue offensive in Rafah and is currently carrying out targeted attacks” within the span of an hour is the most viscerally heartbroken I’ve been throughout the past months
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greenhound · 1 month
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If you're feeling helpless, boost/share these links. Donate if you can
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greenhound · 1 month
I've watched the people boosting this gofundme become more and more desperate as the Rafah invasion draws near:
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This baby was born during this genocide and has only ever known this genocide. If you can donate to help her family evacuate, please do.
If you were thinking about donating to any evacuation, now is the time. They don't have much left.
Edited (2024-05-01):
The target has been reached so I've gone ahead and locked this post
I really do want to express my thanks to everyone who donated and boosted:
Edited (2024-05-03):
I've unlocked this post because I guess not only do Gazans have to deal with needing to crowdfund to leave their home to escape bombs and bullets and starvation, not only do sites like gofundme and PayPal not support them and arbitrarily lock or cancel accounts unless you find someone abroad you can trust or you get scammed, NOT ONLY do you then have to successfully complete a campaign which relies on popularity, marketing ability, timing, grasp of English, access to tech (what's going to happen to all the people who simply can't manage all this?), BUT you also get charged an exorbitant fee to then be able to withdraw the money so you can pay to cross into Egypt.
The gofundme is open again with the target raised 15,000 to account for the fee, a little less than 1,800 needed at the moment:
Edited (2024-05-04):
Thank you so much, everyone, we reached this secondary target as well! I'll leave this post unlocked for a while since every bit of additional money will go to their life in Egypt.
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greenhound · 1 month
East of Rafah now
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greenhound · 1 month
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Genocide before our eyes, and we can do nothing but depend on leaders who are proven to be useless and heartless 💔
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greenhound · 1 month
For everyone who keeps saying “wHaT aBoUt ThE hOsTaGeS?!?! ReLeAsE tHe HoStAgEs!!1!”
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greenhound · 1 month
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greenhound · 1 month
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Ahmed Saad or @/90-ghost's brother in law is currently doing his best to organise the evacuation of his family from Gaza. This family suffers from a combination of ailments that all require medical attention. This is the description on their GFM page:
Hello, I hope you all are doing well!
My name is Mohamed Monir Ahmad Mahmoud, I’m a hemophilia patient from Gaza. I decided to start this campaign with all the hope that you could support me in evacuating Gaza to do surgery for me and my daughter and start a fresh life with my 5 kids out of the ongoing genocide in Gaza [...] I was supposed to go out at the end of 2023 to have surgery on my knees but since 7 October, I had no chance due to the procedures on Rafah crossing, the gate of Gazans to the world. Now, my knees and elbows are bleeding with no access to any type of care and if things stand as they are in Gaza, I won’t be able to walk or make any effort because of the bleeding (currently I am barely able to set up a small fire in front of the tent to prepare food for my kids).
What I ask is 60,000, for travel costs because each one would need to pay 5,000-8,000$ to be allowed to leave Gaza through Rafah crossing and we need around 3000$ more in Egypt for our stay and to obtain visas. We will be heading to Brazil where my brother Diaa lives and there is a huge chance to do the surgeries and access health care as the health care for Hemophilia patients in Brazil is one of the most advanced in the world.
please give generously!!
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greenhound · 1 month
"BREAKING: The UN Security Council has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the month of Ramadan. The resolution passed 14-0, with the US abstaining for the first time."
from BreakThrough News, 25/Mar/2024: caption cont under video
In response, Netanyahu immediately said he was cancelling his trip to the US.
The resolution, put forward by Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, South Korea and Switzerland, calls for an unconditional release of all hostages on all sides.
Russia attempted to put the word “permanent” into the ceasefire language but the US voted against it.
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