greenoutfit · 7 days
The thing about Moshang is because his actions look like abuse to humans Mobei looks awful. Because we mostly see from Airplane and Shen Qingqiu's viewpoint
But from Mobei's viewpoint he's being gentle
He's being thoughtful and restrained even when he should distrust Shang Qinghua at the inn after they first meet. From his point of view he's vulnerable and gentle with this stranger who:
1. Is a Human Cultivator- something he has no reason to be such things with and every reason to have fear of
2. Has kidnapped him- something that has happened to him before under much less nice circumstances
And yeah he leashes him and is demanding and spoiled like a prince would be and is rough....
But he doesn't really hurt him badly. He doesn't beat him and more crucially doesn't kill him
From Mobei's pov he's being extremely vulnerable and soft and almost demure and helpless seeming in front of someone who could hurt him very much. Who he knows could have, and probably should have, killed him
Someone he knows he himself should have killed when he killed the others
But he let him live and this human cultivatior risked himself to save him
From a demon culture standpoint this is a tender nursing an injured stranger back to health and slowly falling in love tale
And then the human just left
After Mobei trusted him! Was soft with him!
Ok so he was found by his sect and led them away from Mobei
That's also romantic and heroic
And he keeps letting Mobei be vulnerable around him. Sleeping on his bed, sharing his space unguarded
And Shang Qinghua keeps protecting their shared space
So of course he starts courting him by beating him three times a day! How else is supposed to show the depths of his affections
But while Shang Qinghua keeps sharing his space and seeking him out and staring with him naked attraction he never responds to the courting. Always putting space between them by calling himself a servant. It's a painful hot and cold of playing with his emotions that's gotta be extermely painful.
Like a guy who flirts with you unless his friends are around
Mobei Jun doesn't know whether he's coming or going
So while from a human prospective Mobei was cruel and abusive from a demon perspective Shang Qinghua has been stringing along Mobei since they were teenagers
The miscommunication of cultural differences and both of them hurting each other while trying to show their devotion in their own way is really remarkable
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greenoutfit · 7 days
Shang Qinghua strikes me as the type who would only pursue a particular cultivation skill if it had some utility to making his everyday life easier or some specific task more doable, not even register that he'd achieved anything impressive with his cultivation in the process, and then carry on firm in the belief that this is a normal skill that every other cultivator has probably already acquired. Because if it's useful, why wouldn't they?
Like he thinks cultivation is cool and all, but (as can be evidenced by some of his writing choices) he's not really interested in it for its own sake. So everything he chooses to pursue has a reason. Usually that reason is "letting him be done with this tedious task so that he can possibly scrape together some free time, or at least more time to do other tasks."
This is why, despite sword arts being very cool and dashing and all, Shang Qinghua doesn't really bother learning a lot of swordsmanship or fighting skills. There are pretty few situations where wielding a sword is useful, most of those situations are ones which Shang Qinghua doesn't want to be involved in, and nearly all of his martial siblings are better at and more interested in fighting anyway.
He knows that martial prowess is popular and attractive, but it's boring. Sword drills? Dull as hell. There's a reason he came up with a super cursed sword that let his protagonist immediately win almost any fight, with consequences that just led to more interesting drama or conflicts to write about. His fight scenes were at least as boring and repetitive as his sex scenes, let's be real.
The end result is that Shang Qinghua's cultivation is probably deeply weird.
Like he's done muscle-reinforcement but not for combat, it's so that if he needs to he can literally pick up a recalcitrant ox and move it. He mastered inedia because remembering to eat and finding a moment to do it during An Ding's inventory week was harder. He introduced flying carpets to the setting after he transmigrated because figuring out how to transport items on some compatible spiritual device that was bigger than a sword blade, and could thus hold like a chest of goods or baskets of supplies, was way too convenient to pass up. He has selective knowledge of various skills, like alchemy, medicine, smithing, etc, things that are usually only brought up at the master level (thanks to his author knowledge cheat) but he doesn't know most of the basics of those skills, and he only deploys his knowledge for like, hyper specific tasks largely unrelated to the field.
He probably drives Mu Qingfang and Wei Qingwei crazy because he'll drop expert niche knowledge that they know is expert niche knowledge into a random discussion out of the blue, but then can't actually sustain a conversation about it because he doesn't know all the usual accompanying information. Mu Qingfang counting slowly backwards from ten because somehow Shang Qinghua knows that a super rare tonic made from a believed-to-be-extinct plant can bestow temporarily telekinesis to those who imbibe it, but doesn't know anything else about the medicinal uses of the plant, the history of the tonic, or other tonics that can achieve similar results with varying side-effects. But he knows what this one hyper-specific thing will do and he knows, very very vaguely, how to make it. Somehow.
Which would be less weird if it was just one thing, because people do pick up odd bits of knowledge or skills from unexpected places now and again. But it happens all the time. Seemingly at complete random! He also, as said, doesn't just do it with knowledge but with skills. No idea of basic leveling up, Shang Qinghua singles out what he wants from a process and then just does enough to get it and skips everything else that usually goes with it.
I bet he's like thirty before it comes to light that he has no idea how to actually do basic meditation, or something, and Yue Qingyuan does that thing where he smiles placidly while dying inside because how? Shang-shidi is a peak lord! How does a peak lord not know how to meditate properly?!
(In Shang Qinghua's defense, meditating involves spending a lot of time just focusing on one's self and not doing anything else, and he is a busy man! And he actually has mastered a form of meditation, but it's a kind Cang Qiong doesn't usually teach and that you do while also performing repetitive tasks. Usually those repetitive tasks are things like "repeatedly punching the exact same spot on a tree until the tree topples" but Shang Qinghua's are more like "reviewing a thousand nearly identical requisition forms and eating melon seeds at a steady rate" type stuff. When other people expect him to meditate he just sits quietly for a minute until they leave.)
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greenoutfit · 7 days
binghe fights sqh and he gives no indication at being powerful or with martial ability. he realises his mistake in approach. sqh makes himself small, pathetic, and easy to bully so that he is underestimated and ignored. fighting a PERSON will only increase that. well thats fine. mobei he's gonna toss ur human into a deathmatch against beasts rq ok? u wanna watch? if he gets too out of his depth you can step in he wont stop you but he knows you ALSO want to know what that little THANG is capeable of. nature doc mobei and binghe watching sqh in some demon forest. the wild qinghua, pressured out of its natural habitat. without greater predators to form symbiotic relationships with he must fend for himself. there comes the sunburst scorpion tailed bear goat- we shall soon see how the qinghua- OH HOLY SHIT HE RIPPED ITS HEAD OFF MOBEI YOUR SCRUNKLY RIPPED ITS GODDAMN HEAD OFF
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He didn't know he was capable of it either
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greenoutfit · 7 days
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Third prompt for @/SVSSSAction 🍉
Prompt by @/FrozenHamhua: God/System Shang Qinghua saving Mobei Jun.
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greenoutfit · 7 days
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greenoutfit · 7 days
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More moshang from from the archive
Mbj has never seen sqh's tail so he assumes his cowardly servant must be a bunny (he's not, he's actually a desert fox)
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greenoutfit · 7 days
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"For a few beautiful seconds, Shang Qinghua dared to hope that he’d been completely forgotten. He hoped that his unmemorable face had been permanently put out of mind as soon as he had fled Mobei-Jun’s sight all those years ago.
And then, fuck, Mobei-Jun’s eyes went wide with recognition. Fuck!"
Finally the posting date is now! This is my first piece based on @tossawary's AMAZING fanfic for the moshang big bang @moshangevents!
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greenoutfit · 7 days
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🌈 happy pride month
Hetalia x funger stuff yeah
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greenoutfit · 11 days
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cang qiong sect peak lord meetings
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greenoutfit · 18 days
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they're all gonna wake up with neck pains smh 🙄
Idk what compels me to draw them in a train, but here we are
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greenoutfit · 20 days
Illustration for chapter 4 of “Health Related, Life Entrusted” by Ehann
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greenoutfit · 20 days
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HONHONHON it be comic drop time! I did this one well over a year ago for the DLC zine, so I'm happy I finally get to share!
For those who might be interested, the edict in the cover reads as follows:
It is on this day of the 20th year of the Black Dragon¹, that your majesty Mobei Jun informs all of the most joyous news: The Northern Kingdom is to receive it's new consort, the most excellent and virtuous An Ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua. And decrees that on this very day, in all years to come, all shall learn to celebrate as the Day of the Midnight Sun, in honor of all the new glory brought fort to the North by this fated union.
¹.The 'Black Dragon' is the emperor title I give lbh -so every time I use it in comics, it's in reference to how long he's been in power as the emperor hehe
Enjoy, lovelies!
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greenoutfit · 20 days
svsss shitpost
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greenoutfit · 20 days
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The tiny human and his king🩹
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greenoutfit · 28 days
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so, I got the dollar
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greenoutfit · 29 days
I want fics that are outsider perspectives on cumplane post their deaths because like can you imagine. Like forget what our boys think on the scenario, think of the public. Think of the yt essays. The drama vlogs and makeup tutorials paired with. Like I want that perspective. An author and his anti die potentially minutes apart and you're telling me the internet didn't explode??? That there wasn't documentataries made by amateur sluthes investigating their private lives and pissing off the families??? You think this wouldn't be the fandom scandal that gets international release??? And like if Airplane is just in a coma isn't that even more sus?????!!! Like it's insane my dudes. Give me like fake yt video essays on this. Give me fanfic from random peoples perspective. Tell me all the pidw fandom conspiracies.
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greenoutfit · 29 days
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