hi! i'm a new witch and don't know much, i hi! Im a new witch and i was gonna research wicca but now im having second thoughts, could you elaborate on why you don't like it or why people should avoid it? i'm genuinely curious, i don't want my practice to accidentally involve somthing bad
Well it depends on the approach. Wicca as a spiritual or religious practice is (mostly) harmless. From this perspective the worst aspect of it is the cultural appropriation. But I would say that all of it is bad. It just contains some unnatural religious syncretism.
That said, as a tradition or practice of witchcraft it is simply put wholly ineffective and downright harmful. As a occult practice, it is pretty much a 1:1 duplication of Crowley- who was not only a piece of shit, but was also batshit. As an occult practice, it relies nearly entirely on correspondences and visualization. Like Crowley’s work, it contains just enough stuff that sounds and feels right (appropriated) that it seems like it could work- but it’s a mashing of metaphysics and magical ideas without any of the important contexts that made the ideas functional. Like Reiki and The Law of Attraction, it’s basically just make believe. I am writing an article about this where I’ll go more in depth and provide sources but I have no timeline for its completion. Maybe this summer.
I wouldnt say Wicca is bad. It’s just ineffective. Magically speaking the worst thing is that publishers like Llewelyn have made Wiccan magic so prominent that finding other practices becomes difficult.
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A reminder!
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Witchy Assignments Masterpost
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A list of all of the witchy assignments I've created!
Witchy Assignment #1 Diy Deity Deep Dive
Witchy Assignment #2 Misc
Witchy Assignment #3 Native Plant Research
Witchy Assignment #4 Pick a Topic
Witchy Assignment #5 Sigils
Witchy Assignment #6 (Deleted???)
Witchy Assignment #7 Witchy Book Report
Witchy Assignment #8 Reflection
Witchy Assignment #9 Spell Powders
updated as I create more!
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Spirit Work
Working with spirits was popularized and developed in the 1840’s to the 1920’s. Spirit work has also been known as “Necromancy.”
The term necromancy as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
1: Conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events
Some may define that any working, communication, or magic involving the dead (and therefore spirits) is a form of necromancy.
By necromancy, I don’t mean to physically raise the dead. If that was truly possible, then I believe there would be a lot of skeletons and rotting corpses lurking around.
A spirit is a being that does not exist in our physical world. Many spirits can project messages into our world, but they cannot manifest into a solid, physical form here. Most spirits will reside within the astral – which is a separate dimensional plane from our own.
When someone works with spirits it is called spirit work and can take many different forms. Some people want to learn, and keep it strictly business, while others want to be friends or even more in some scenarios.
Deities, Spirits, or Ghosts
Deities are spirits who are seen as divine. They draw their powers from faith and being worshipped in a particular religion.
Spirits generally are entities with many other subcategories, but they tend to draw their powers essentially from the elements of nature and from peoples’ beliefs.
Ghosts were once humans or animals who have died and sometimes, they can remain in our world.
Religion and Spirit Work
Lots of people use spirit work to become closer to their faith or desired path working.
Abrahamic religions use spirit work to commune with God. While there are other individuals who only commune with the Angels or even better, those that commune with the Demons.
Pagans, on the other hand, use spirit work to commune with the various deities and spirits alike. Some people are aligned to a sole practice of religion or single pathworking, while other people are not tied down to any particular practice.
Building Spiritual Connections
Everyone is different in their approach on building relationships. These relationships can be started by either you or the spirit. Some people keep things strictly as business while others build friendships. However, they should not be a direct replacement for mundane relationships, especially not romantic ones.
Remember that spirit work takes effort.
Do the research. Sharpen your mind. Trial and Error.
Don’t let people play translator. No one should be the dedicated “interpreter.” Sometimes it’s okay to use a third party, but do not make it a habit. People can lie. Your relationship is between you and the spirit.
You can say “No.” Spirits can be held accountable for their actions, and you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.
Spirits can say “No.” Spirits are like people, and they aren’t playthings. They’re autonomous beings capable of making their own decisions.
Incompatibility. Sometimes a personality, method, and antics might not work very well with you. Recognize when it happens. This may mean taking a break or going separate ways.
The process of discernment is interpreting and vetting metaphysical experiences. It helps you build what’s known as UPG or Unverified Personal Gnosis.
UPG is your direct experiences with a spirit or deity. If someone else has the same UPG as you they got all by themselves without help, then that UPG can be considered SPG, or Shared Personal Gnosis.
Your experiences don’t have to match other people’s.
Don’t tailor your UPG to match others. Many people fall into this trap simply because they want to belong to a community or be recognized by authority figures or in some cases both.
Spirit Communications And Synchronicities
When spirits try to get your attention, they will do it in a way you will understand.
They’ll show rather than tell who they are. However, some aren’t as forthcoming because names can give power.
Sometimes the spirits will gauge you and wait for you to come to your own conclusions before giving away their name.
Sometimes the spirits will want to know more about you before giving away their name. Sometimes the give and take relationship must be further established before names are given.
For example, we had consistent communications with a certain Fae entity that did not give away any maliciousness, but at first, they failed to give a proper name. Instead of turning this spirit away we both decided to ask for the Fae to give a name we can call it, until trust could be further established.
The name they gave us was Charles the fox. So, we called him that, but we didn’t believe him to be a simple, ordinary fox. He’s a Fae after all, and it took us roughly one year or so for him to give us his names. Even now, I had to ask permission for this to be included within the writing itself.
… And people tend to forget that sometimes spirits are like this.
…And then there are those ones that aren’t forthcoming about showing much of anything at all because they probably may be imposters – and have malevolent intentions.
One half of this tricky puzzle includes examination of coincidences being too much of an experience to be just coincidences.
Omens are a sign that appears in the physical world, and they can be good or bad omens. Most often, omens will directly relate to the spirit’s associations. Omens tend to be “gut feeling” experiences and not every unique thing you see may be one. When you’re unsure about a spirit making contact, you can ask for signs. Don’t look everywhere for a sign, though. Not everything is.
Spirits can send messages through dreams, and it’s up to you to determine whether a dream is significant based on what happened and why. Analyze things from a logical and psychological manner before delving into spiritual territory. Record whatever makes the most sense to you and any repeating dreams as necessary.
The Astral
The Astral is whenever you are communing with a spirit by projecting and speaking with them. This requires Clairaudience or Claircognizance to be able to recognize and comprehend messages being received. Many people also need to make sure that the experience is not your imagination. Learning the differences from internal thoughts and external thoughts outside your own can be a challenge.
The astral is a dimensional plane that exists outside the physical world. The only way to communicate there is by learning how to project your consciousness.
There are many different dimensional planes, and an infinite number of places and people. One of the astral planes corresponds to earth, however it is hard to discern this. One would have to do research and examine other peoples’ experiences, coming to a well-rounded conclusion. 
Divination Methods
Divination is whenever you are communing with a spirit through methods of divination, such as pendulum, cartomancy, scrying, etc.
However, not all forms of divination are guaranteed results. Pendulums are swayed easily by subconscious influence. It’s important to have an open mind and factor in repetitive results as a sign.
Telepath Linking
Telepathy is whenever you are directing thoughts towards the spirit in question. This method can be difficult to achieve due to the mind and imagination wanting the results. Sometimes, desired results will redirect your mind to fill in the result most wanted versus actual spirit communications taking place.
Rule of Three
Repetition is key to the rule of three, as it is a measurement that can help you decipher potential signs from everyday mundane activities. Most signs will show up in different ways around the same time if a spirit is eager to meet you. If you aren’t sure, ask for more before making any solid conclusions.
Confirmation Bias
“This is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms or supports one’s prior personal beliefs or values.”
The more you work against this, the more authentic interactions will potentially be. Use different methods of discernment to help assist you. Don’t try to push things together, that just don’t stick and eventually fall apart.
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Spirit Work II
Spiritual Imposters
Before committing yourself to a deity or spirit one must communicate by learning about the entity in question, making certain they are who they say they are. Discovery of a spirit you thought you were working with is something else that leaves one feeling betrayed, upset, and oftentimes empty. Knowing the signs can really help discern things.
Mental Sock Puppets
A mental sock puppet is the result of talking to yourself and concluding self-talks as something else. The ego talks, you listen to yourself. Not a spirit. Or you establish contact but are incredibly biased hearing your thoughts. Not theirs.
It acts in accordance to your expectations.
You received no new information.
It’s only as knowledgeable as you are.
It only abides by your will. No one else.
It gives no signs unless you’re looking for them.
These are easy to get rid of if you identify the problem, recognize the problem, and let the narrative and ego go. No one needs to hear it. No one wants too either. You only end up hurting yourself and other people if things get too out of hand.
Lying Spirits
Some spirits are opportunists. They can portray an illusion pretending to be someone they’re not in order to gain loyalty and trust. They can take the form of a deity, guide, companion, or anything else that you would be most receptive to. This is why it’s good to know the basics to energy work and magick. Remember to learn different energies and how they feel to you. Remember to analyze the situation, yourself, the spirit, the environment, and working before proceeding forward. A lot of these malevolent entities like to feed off you or cause more drama that’s not necessarily needed.
Spirit Work and Continued Relationships
Veneration and Practice
This is about worshipping the deities or spirits you work with and highly depends on your practices and influences you choose to use and construct.
Most times there will be an altar setup or shrine dedicated to these spirits. Offerings of food, drink, incense, and trinkets would be a way of showing your dedication and interests of the spirits. There are other forms of interaction I have seen before.
Connection through art, music, nature, and meditation are just some of these other mediums. You don’t have to make this complex, and sometimes people have busy schedules making veneration hard to come by.
Try to keep things simple and remember it’s always okay to take a break due to circumstances. Spirits understand life comes first.
Patrons and Matrons
A Patron and Matron are deities that a devotee has a connection to. Its beyond standard devotional relations and is the main contact point for guidance and protection. It’s important to recognize that these types of relationships are built. They are not assigned.
Wicca is known for the patron and matron concept where duo theistic practices entail encouraging practitioners to seek out two divinities. The patron and matron would represent the divine masculine and divine feminine.
This is not a requirement in most practices, but in Wicca it is recognized in many circles.
Fallow Times
There are times where communication between you and the spirits can be difficult, and that’s okay. It happens with everyone. It doesn’t mean a spirit has left or that you’ve lost your ability to communicate. This feeling is temporary, and it’s a reminder that whenever this does happen, you need to take care of yourself first. Get the rest you deserve and try again later. Remember, this is normal due to circumstances – including stress, environmental factors, and any sort of disturbances one may have.
Oaths and Vows
There are many reasons why an individual would take an oath and vow. That’s between the practitioner and the spirit. This promise can come about for many different reasons, and even sometimes at the request of the spirit. However, this isn’t required if you are just working with them. It doesn’t mean control or status either. You can’t parade this around to get your way in certain situations. It doesn’t look good or help. Be aware of that. Remember why you did this, and what does it mean for you. That’s the most important part.
Displeasing Spirits
Those that are new to Spirit Work sometimes worry about displeasing the spirits. Repeat after me, deities and spirits who choose to work with you won’t get mad at you for being a human.
They will know there will be shortcomings, quirks, and variations.
You have NO obligation to listen to ANY person on this subject otherwise.
IF you do upset a spirit or make it angry question yourself as to why. Remember, communication is the key, and sometimes frictions can happen.
IF the behavior seems off and out of place, you may be dealing with an imposter. Check your sources and confirmation methods before determining the circumstances.
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Basic Ancestor Veneration
I have essentially been away for a few months to take care of the recently dead and also my own ancestors, so I thought I would share what I do for myself because it is very simple and very accessible for anyone who has been wanting to take care of their family line and doesn't know where to start or doesn't have a great deal of time.
I lived in Asia for several years, so this basic structure is similar to how I saw and learned it while living there. The way it was conveyed to me is that you don't necessarily need to have ties to Asia to do things this way- it is so basic at its core anyone can benefit.
I will now detail a simple ancestor veneration setup in a temporary style and share some more permanent alternatives if you decide you would like it to be more permanent.
First please pick out a nice sheet of paper. You can fold it into a neat square or thick strip for either horizontal or vertical writing. Please do not use scissors to trim anything on the paper, please crease and tear cleanly if you must resize without folding. If you choose to do this and accidentally make a large rip or chunk, please start over.
On this paper now write "The Temporary* Place For The Ancestors of X X" (the X's being your own first and last name) very neatly. If you make a mistake, start over completely with fresh paper- marking or scribbling out is unacceptable. (*If you decide later on to make this a permanent thing, I recommend using a thin piece of wood in the same shape, and writing or carving the words onto it, or using a nice piece of board. At which point you may omit the word 'temporary' from the signage.). This paper will act as the anchor for your ancestors to come to.
Please create a stand of some sort for this paper to go on; the idea being that the paper should be able to stand as straight up as possible without leaning or falling over, but without the paper standing like a greeting card with the folded paper open to do so. Do not poke holes or pin the paper to anything. You could fashion something out of cardboard, or if you are especially handy the preferable, more permanent choice is out of wood with fitted pieces if you are looking to make something more permanent (no nails used please).
Once the paper goes onto the stand, please refrain from touching it with bare hands as much as possible. Move it by its stand if it must be moved, or take a piece of cloth in your hand to pick it up.
Once your paper is sitting straight up in its stand in a dedicated place, please choose a nice bowl, preferably a plain white, that fits neatly between your hands. Fill it about half way with clean, fresh water. Place this bowl, with its water, before the upright paper.
With the offering of water made before the paper, you have essentially finished the foundation of this veneration and may speak to/call/interact with your ancestors as feels best to you. The most basic thing I personally do is bow, but if there is a bigger occasion I will do other things.
Replace the water in the bowl every day with fresh water. I pour out the previous day's water onto my plants so that it does not go to waste and can also feed something alive. After replacing the water each day, I will do my desired interactions.
If you have written on your paper that this is a 'temporary' place for your ancestors- perhaps the time you have allotted has now come to an end or you have decided on a more permanent setup that is more sturdy than paper and cardboard, etc- then there will come a time to clean up the space. Here is how I do things.
Take the last bowl of water and carry it outside. Toss the water forward to empty the bowl and point it away from your house. Go back inside and retrieve the paper- this time you may carry it with your bare hands, but please show respect. You may say some parting words, or just keep to a reverent silence. Once you are ready, light the paper on fire to dissolve the anchor and send them on their way. Please make sure the paper has wholly burned to ash- this may require re-lighting some pieces. You can also collect any remaining ash in your hands and rub them between your fingers to break up the larger pieces and send them along on the wind.
The stand you made you can either keep for next time or toss, it no longer serves any function or has any relevance.
I hope this has been useful. I think our ancestors are some of our strongest supporters- remember that they don't just go back to people you know or knew, but far beyond that. I hope we can take the time to recognize them throughout the year.
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Today's Study Plan/Setup
Study with me!
nordic study session ~ chill lofi beats by Cozy Nordic
nordic workspace ~ chill lofi beats by Cozy Nordic
nordic cabin ~ chill lofi beats by Cozy Nordic
Study With Me Aesthetic Pomodoro Timer > 25/5 with a 30 min break in between > will study as long as the playlists go
Study Topics
Folk cures for curses
Victorian occultism
Sympathetic magic
The goal is to study each topic for the duration of one of the videos linked above.
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My "Researching Responsibly" slideshow is available on my ko-fi for $1+ (starts at $1 but feel free to give me more money lmao).
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Product Description: 14 page pdf slideshow
Originally part of my Crit Witch Con presentation, here is my pdf slideshow about how to research witchcraft responsibly! Complete with research resources, tips, and tricks, all in a beautiful antique botanical-style presentation. As part of your purchase, feel free to send me a message and ask me to elaborate on anything in the PowerPoint!
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gremlinmysticaljournal · 10 months
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Witchy Research Tips
As you may know, I do a lot of research for my posts, to the point of adding referenced and citations. So I know very well that occult and witchy history is murky at best and full of nazis at worst. Here are some tips I've come up with for those of you who want to do your own research.
Cross reference. Especially when you're looking into something that isn't widely accepted as fact or truth. For example, correspondences vary by region and culture, but a lot of times you'll be able to find similarities in the meanings of correspondences by looking at multiple sources. Cross referencing also helps keep biases in check!
Use Wikipedia as a starting point. High School may have scared you away from using Wiki as a source, but it can be really helpful! Go to the citations and reference sections at the bottom of the pages and you'll see a few, and some times a lot, of references that you can go off to read!
Check for references and citations, and then check those references and citations. There can be dozens of links in someone's reference section or on their blog, but if none of them are valid or have any historical relevance to the post, then they're useless.
Look for reputable sites. These are often sites created by experts or they consult experts. (Check below for resources)
Look into the author. Sadly the occult has a long history of bigots weaseling their way in, be sure you know who you're reading from.
Know that researching a bad person and why they're bad is not a bad thing and you are not bad for doing it.
Look for credentials. Why should you believe this author? What cultures and circles are they apart of? Are they an academic, scholar, or historian? Find the credentials needed for whatever you're researching.
Fact check. Especially if it's your first time seeing the statement somewhere, see if there are other credible sources that back this statement up.
Ask for references. This really only goes for blogs or social media. No one who researches and writes about it should be offended by you asking for references.
Ask around. If you're looking into something but don't know where to start, ask your witchy friends! You can also send me an ask and I'll do my best to send you resources if I can find them.
Talk to people who actually practice what you're looking into. If you're researching a culture or practice, talk to practitioners and see what they have to say before proceeding further.
This doesn't just go for those of us that love research, at some point in everyone's path they will stumble across something that needs to be looked into. You can also use these tips for casual research!
Here are a few of my favorite resources:
Your local library
@s-n-arly shared a list in this post of useful research sites such as:
If you're a person who also loves to research witchcraft and the occult, please add your favorite sources and tips in a comment or reblog!
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The Wheel of the Year: A Comprehensive Guide.
The Wheel of the Year is a popular concept in neo-pagan circles and for beginner witches, but how much do you really know about it?
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If you're doing research on the Wheel of the Year (WotY) you should know that it is mostly made up by Gerald Gardner and a few others based on a proposed wheel of the year from Jacob Grimm (a mythologist, folklorist, and scholar) in the mid-1800s. The holidays are set on solstices, equinoxes, and at the mid-points of these celestial events throughout the year.
The holidays aren't fake, per se, but some of their names and traditions are, at least in the context of the WoTY.
I urge you to research these holidays in their own original context and learn about their cultural relevance.
A Short History
The WoTY holidays are based on actual holidays, many of them with their original (or close to their original) names such as Samhain, Bealtaine, Lughnasadh, and Imbolc which were celebrated by the Celts, specifically the Irish. The spelling of these holidays varies depending on where they were celebrated.
Lughnasadh is often wrongly conflated with the English holiday Lammas, another name that the Wiccans call the holiday. Lammas, however, is a holiday in its own right just as Lughnasadh is.
Yule was celebrated by Germanic people (and later Anglo-Saxons) and went by the name Old Norse jól or Old English geol. We don't know exactly when it was celebrated but it was eventually assimilated into the Christian holidays and it would be rescheduled to around that time as well after the Christianization of Norway.
Ostara is the name given to the spring equinox, named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (who is a can of worms in and of herself whether she existed pre-Christianization or not). Ostara is another name coined by Jacob Grimm in his book Teutonic Mythology.
Litha takes place on the summer solstice and is conflated too often with Midsummer, a holiday celebrated widely (though very differently) around the world. The name comes from a book by Bede which describes a 12-month lunisolar Saxon calendar. Aidan Kelly, who named the holiday along with Mabon and Ostara, writes about this in his post "About Naming Ostara, Litha, and Mabon".
Mabon is made up, named after a Welsh god, but the date is that of the Autumnal equinox which was actually celebrated or at least observed by various cultures.
So what now?
No one is saying that you can't celebrate these holidays, but if you're going to do so then it's only respectful to learn about their history and original cultural context. You can add your own traditions to these holidays and incorporate them into your life and into your craft, but keep in mind where they originate and be respectful of their history.
Also, if you don't want to celebrate the Wiccan versions of the holiday, consider calling them by their other/original names; Mabon being the fall or autumnal equinox, Ostara being the spring or vernal equinox, and Litha being the summer solstice.
How do I research them?
Honestly, Wikipedia is a great place to start, it gives you a general idea and a bunch of sources and references at the end of each post. If you're looking for research tips check out my post on witchy research tips!
To my fellow occultists and witches: If you have anything to add to this feel free to comment or reblog with your info.
Edit: If you're looking for an Irish-accurate Wheel of the Year, check out this post by @fiagai-cnuasaitheoir !
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Hello! Baby witch here. A lot of witchcraft I've seen is 'Everyday Witchcraft', like putting a sigil in your phone case or similar, or advanced stuff like working with deities. Do you have any ideas of spells and such between these two extremes(?) that can be done? (Hopefully I worded this right)
I saw this ask yesterday but waited until I had enough juice to follow through with a thorough post for you.
First I wanna get out of the way that deity work doesn't have to be advanced, in fact, most people in ancient times "worked" with a deity. I see a lot of posts discouraging beginners from working with deities but I rarely see a good reason for it.
Here are some more posts on the topic so that I don't go on too much of a tangent:
Deity Work
Deity tip - Offerings
Deity Tip - Reaching Out
"All or Nothing" Myth
ANYWAY, not to derail my own post too much, let's talk about some ways to regularly practice that are a little more in-depth but not quite advanced:
Talk to nature. If you aren't comfortable delving into deity work then just talk to the world around you. Even if you live in a highly populated city-like truly a concrete jungle-you are surrounded by nature. Talk to the wildflowers, the weeds, the trees, the wind, etc.
You could try out this 7-day spell creation practice I posted not too long ago to help you get in the practice of crafting spells.
Be present. Get used to practicing mindfulness.
Research! Something that I feel like a lot of beginner witches struggle with is research, mostly because they don't know where to start. Simply pick something you're interested in (there are lots of lists out there that you can choose from that are often labeled "beginner witch" or something similar) and start at the Wikipedia page (blasphemy, I know, but hear me out) then scroll to their reference page and see if you can find any good sources there. Often these good sources will be books or articles published by historians, researchers, or known occultists. Even if they are outdated sources, they're still relevant to the history of the topic!
Learn different forms of divination, if that's your vibe. There are a lot of types out there, I'm sure you'll find one that clicks!
Get to know your tools better. Tarot, oracle, runes, etc. get to know them like you would a new type of paintbrush, computer program, or what have you. Learn how you like to use them, how you don't like to use them, and even how others use them.
Reach out to a deity and just say hi
Here are some spell ideas:
Spells to help you in classes.
Spells to support your loved ones through rough times
Hexes for the bastards in your life (not as advanced as you might think--also not required if you don't feel comfy doing a hex lol)
Spells related to confidence
Glamor spells that go past just charming your lip balm (no hate, charming your lip balm is still helpful for those who use glamor spells!!)
Simple wards for your home like
And just remember that you don't have to do something magical every day if you don't want to or you simply can't.
There is magic in the mundane.
If anyone else has suggestions please leave them in the comments or in a reblog!
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Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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Suggested Reading
*- Highly suggested for beginners
What is Witchcraft?* Fundamentals of Energy Work* Spell Design* Basics of Warding* Basics of Binding Basics of Banishing Introduction to Gnosis* Spell Dictation Anchors Paths of Least Resistance* Conceptualization Vs. Visualization* Research Tips*
Threshold Theory
When first stepping onto the long winding path of witchcraft and mystical understanding it can be very intimidating, especially when it comes to casting your first few spells. The catch is that designing and casting spells is the only way to advance forward in your practice. It's a case of knowledge Vs. experience. Sadly, there isn’t much in the way of educational media on the topic of spell design, magic theory, and casting processes. This causes most practitioners to turn to Wiccan or Ceremonial sources for their initial research, neither of which are viable foundations for a well-rounded, effective and efficient craft. 
Trinity of Spellcasting
Intent, Headspace/Focus, Passion are the cornerstones of spellcasting. These elements create the network or threshold in which spells pass through to their target. These concepts are also the root of what constitutes a spell. Intent is the designation of the target for the spell. Headspace is the sight in which the spell is aimed. Passion is the fuel that fires the spell towards the target. Without pure intent, the spell will apply broadly, lowering its potency and lead to potential unwanted side effects.  Without a honed headspace, the spell will flicker out or lead to unpredictable results. A lack of Passion will cause a spell to be weak, ineffective, or latent. 
Spellcasting Process
Before casting a spell, there are some preparations to be made, especially when first starting out.
Decide on what spellcasting method you’d like to use.
Find and gather any representations, correspondences, and environmental boons for your spell. (Enviromental boons being things like candles, music, incense, or a physically clean space.) If you are using incantations, be sure to memorize them to the best of your ability.
Set aside time and energy for casting. Try to ensure that you will not be interrupted.
Cleanse all tools and components that are going to be used.
Enter into a state of gnosis or trance.
Prepare your subtle body and energetically prepare all tools and representations.
Take your actions for casting, being sure to consciously do energy work as you do.
Calm or center yourself and do a physical movement that helps take you out of the headspace. (Ex. snapping, clapping, jumping, ringing a bell, etc)
Cleanse yourself, tools, representations, and the space.
Beginner Friendly Spellcasting Methods
Here are some methods for casting. They can be used in any combination, if desired. I often use all three in my spells.
Sympathetic Casting: Method of casting through items, herbs, crystals, taglocks, etc that are representative of your target, headspace, passion, and correspondences. These items create a mental network of concepts in order to cast. 
Energetic Casting: Utilizing energy work to build constructs that contain all necessary components for a spell and then delivering it to the target.
Gestures: Using gestures to program the naturally existing energy into the components for a spell before delivering it to the target.
Intent, Desire, & Goals
Intent and desire are very different concepts. Intent is an inner truth, while desire is something that is wanted. Goals are an expectation of an outcome. For example, I am vehemently against capitalism and the notion of another’s loss for my benefit. Because of this inner truth, I struggle immensely with casting money magic, no matter how strong my desire is. No matter how clear my goal is.
Headspace, Aesthetics, & Visualization
Witchcraft and spellwork cannot be reliant on visualization and aesthetics. They are useful tools for constructing a strong headspace; but, using them alone will result in a spell not working, being ineffective, unpredictable, and/or weak. Using aesthetics to build yourself up will result in your spells working much better. Visualization isn’t energy work, but a tool to aid in planning and casting a spell, much like a wand. Aesthetics are an environmental boon. It helps build confidence, and assurance. 
Focus, Trance, & Gnosis
Focus is another word for headspace. When spellcasting, trances and states of gnosis can be extremely useful practices. Trances may be induced with *substances, music, self-hypnosis, etc. Trance makes it easier to be of one mind about the spell you’re casting. Gnosis is a meditation-like state in which one embodies the very concepts that make up a spell. In a state of gnosis you become the working, allowing the mind to become of a singular essence. *-I am not suggesting using substances, nor condoning it. Merely stating that it is possible and is used by some practitioners.
Passion, Channeling, & Mental Health
When casting, it is in good practice and easy to get swept up in whatever emotions are involved in your spell. Emotions are channeled from the caster into the essence of the spell, empowering it. Depending on the working, this can be unhealthy or even dangerous if not done within reason and self-awareness. Channeling certain emotions can lead to triggering trauma responses or even cause trauma. Remain mindful of yourself and what emotions, memories, and/or actions may lead to worsening or feeding into mental-illness. 
The Importance of Keeping a Spell Log, Critical Thinking & Objectivity
Especially when taking your first steps, keeping a log of your workings will allow you to remain objective and aware of your past casting. If a spell backfires, or has unwanted results, having a detailed log of your workings can make the canceling process much easier. Keeping a log will also aid in studying your craft as objectively as possible. Recording an estimation of when the spell should take effect, the specific goal, and qualifications of success will allow you to judge whether a spell was successful or not. When a spell isn’t successful it becomes a learning opportunity. Figuring out which components worked, what processes could be improved, etc. will help advance your craft rapidly if you cast regularly. When doing these studies, you are conceptualizing aspects of magical theory, or a critical approach to magic. 
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Hi friend, how are you doing? I hope you're day/week is going well!
I was wondering if you had any podcasts recommendations for good witchcraft, magic, paganism content, or anything of the sort?
I have a really hard time with searching for stuff because since I'm super new to all this I'm always afraid to end up learning things from bad sources without realizing it's happening, so if you know anyone who's a good resource for learning via podcasts that would be great!! Thank you in advance, regardless if you can help me or not. 🧡
Despite listening to many podcasts, I don't actually listen to any witchy podcasts. I have heard good things about Hex Positive and BS-Free Witchcraft but I haven't given them a listen.
If anyone has any other recommendations please leave them in the comments or reblog for our friend here!
Just remember that most sources online, when talking about witchcraft, are coming from the witch's own experiences. Learning from others' practices is a good way to help create your own. If you're looking for historical references on witchy things then it can be a bit harder.
There is no pressure to get everything right all of the time. We've all slipped up dozens of times and we've learned from it.
That being said, I really like the following podcasts when it comes to myths, legends, and folklore, though:
Lore - "Lore exposes the darker side of history, exploring the creatures, people, and places of our wildest nightmares."
This podcast can be a bit spooky, focusing on a more "scary stories around the campfire" vibe but that's the fun of it! The creator, Aaron Mahnke, also wrote a few books inspired by his podcast.
Spirits - "a boozy podcast about mythology, legends, and folklore."
This show has hundreds of episodes and has been running for years. Not only do they talk about folklore and mythology, but they talk about alcohol and try to match up their beverages to whatever the topic of the episode is! The hosts are very fun and their bff chemistry is pleasant to listen to~
Myths and Legends - "This show brings you folklore that has shaped our world. Some are incredibly popular stories you think you know, but with surprising origins."
Exactly as it sounds, this show talks about myths and legends from all around the world. It's engaging and a genuine joy to listen to.
I also suggest the youtube channel Overly Sarcastic Productions as they have both mythology and history. You can listen to them without actually watching the videos, though the art in the episodes is very cute!
There is no pressure to get everything right all of the time. We've all slipped up dozens of times and we've learned from it.
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Beltane (May Day)
Spring officially sprung back in March...now what?
Well, if you follow witchy holidays you may already know this, but Beltane and May Day are approaching!
Read to find out about what these holidays are, aren't, and how you can celebrate!
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Photo Cred: Aniketv Bhattacharya
Let’s talk about the difference between May Day and Beltane first. May Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries in many different ways while Beltane is a specifically Celtic* Holiday celebrate 
What is May Day?
May Day is a widely celebrated holiday that marks the beginning of summer for many. Though it’s not the first day of summer meteorologically–that’s between June 20th and 22nd, which aligns with the Summer Solstice. In the past, however, many cultures considered the first of May as the first day of Summer.
May Day is a vastly secular holiday since it's celebrated in many different cultures as the changing of seasons rather than it being a religious holiday. Though some religions include a version of May Day into their theology.
The countries known to celebrate May Day are Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, England, Scotland, Wales, North America. There are other countries and cultures that celebrate similar holidays in May, though they may not call it May Day.
Since it marks the beginning of Summer, May Day was celebrated by folks in the Northern Hemisphere, since in the Southern Hemisphere it would mark the start of winter.
What is Beltane?
Though the name will differ by location, Beltane is a Celtic holiday that marks and celebrates the beginning of Summer. It falls in between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Beltane is part of four major Old Celtic holidays that also include Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Imbolc.
Beltane is celebrated at the opposite point in the year for those in the southern hemisphere, when those in the Northern Hemisphere are celebrating Samhain (October 31-November 1st)
The name of the holiday translates to "Fires of Bel", and the likely comes from the widely worshipped deity Belenos.
In Ireland it’s called Lá Bealtaine, in Scottish Gaelic it’s Latha Bealltainn, and in Manx Gaelic Laa Boaltinn (or Boaldyn) and it’s similar to the Welsh Calan Mai–the Welsh May Day. 
Beltane is the anglicized version of the holiday often used by neopagans and witches.
History, Lore, and Tradition
History tells us that the Celts believed in two season, Summer and Winter. Samhain would mark the beginning of Winter, while Beltane marked the beginning of Summer. 
The earliest record we have of Beltane is in Irish literature where they talk about it being the beginning of summer. 
Traditions of May Day will differ depending on where you were located. Many places celebrated similarly, though, including things like carols, rituals, and parties. 
Young girls, doorways, gateways, and windows were adorned with flowers, and bonfires were had. Milk and honey were left out for the Fae Occasionally there may have been an animal sacrifice used as an offering.
Holy wells were visited and people would pray and leave offerings–often coins.
Lora O’Brien has a great article about Irish traditions for Bealtaine.
Who is Belenos?
Belenos/Belinus is often misconstrued as a Sun God, though there is no evidence of the Celtic people having a specific solar deity. He is the god of light, amongst other things such as pastoral work. This is due to the Roman's interpreting Belenos to be like Apollo--the Greek god of the Sun.
(A/N: The deity Lugh is also misidentified as a Sun God)
Modern Day
We’ve gone over the history and lore of Beltane and May Days days past, but what about the present? Depending on your path, you may find it more comfortable to take a reconstructionist approach and celebrate based on traditions and folklore. However, if you would like to practice more modern traditions, here are a few things you can look at. 
Since Beltane is a Celtic holiday, it makes sense for it to correspond with Celtic Deities such as Belenos, Brighid, and Áine. That being said, since Beltane has somewhat moved into a more secular celebration you could also celebrate any deity associated with Summer, fertility, prosperity, etc.
Practices and Rituals
I have done some poking around as usual, and chosen things that I had seen on many posts of modern May Day and Beltane tradition. 
All of these are optional, of course, you are free to celebrate however you please. Just make sure you are aware of the history of the holiday you celebrate in order to honor and respect it.
Shout out to this post: Breeland Walker's Secular Celebrations for Beltane
Have a bonfire
Bake pastries associated with summer
Clean your house 
Have a feast
Drink with your friends and family
Tend to your garden/houseplants
Be/get pregnant (I’m half-joking)
Have Sex (again, only semi-serious)
Pick flowers (primrose, rowan, hawthorn, gorse, hazel, and marsh marigold) and use the to decorate your doorway
Participate in a May Pole Dance
If you’d like to be more traditional, you could offer milk and honey to the Fae, put out green branches or blooming flowers (ethically picked, thank the plants you take from) and dress yourself in flowers.
Otherwise you could do devotional acts like gardening, clean your house, do a spell, etc.
Sharing your meal with the spirits by setting out a plate for them is a good way to celebrate. You may have specific spirits in mind or maybe you just want any passing spirits to feel like they can celebrate the holiday as well.
These are general correspondences that I've found while looking through and cross-referencing various resources. Cows, sheep, flowers, fertility, love, prosperity.
Belenos, Áine, Brighid, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Apollo, Flora, Venus, Summer Related Deities or Solar Deities.
Yellow, blue, pink, orange, violet, rainbow (not technically a color but still), green.
Herbs and Plants
White and yellow flowers. More traditionally primrose, rowan, hawthorn, gorse, hazel, and marsh marigold.
Gold, jade, emerald, sapphire, quartz (any color associated with the holiday would work).
Of course the strongest associations will be the ones that you associate with the holiday in your personal practice. These are just a few options I have compiled for your reading pleasure.
~~ *Celtic used here as a broad term for a group of ancient people generally located in the Celtic nations of Ireland, Wales, Iles of Man, Cornwall, Brittany, and Scotland.
A/N: Beltane specifically was celebrated by Gaelic-speaking Celts. The other Celtic nations may have, or still have, a similar holiday or the same holiday but under a different name and with different lore.
As always, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns about this post please let me know by replying or sending me a message. 
Extra Sources:
Lora O'Brien's website
Breelandwalker's 2022 Witch's Calendar
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