grimes-fcp · 1 year
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The Harry Potter reunion got me feeling some kind of way (hideously sobbing)
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grimes-fcp · 1 year
movie ron: i’ll heh go easy on you. even though you have consistently showed us how proficient you are at spellcasting and how hyper confident you are at magic. i’m the Man so i’ll go easy, don’t worry my overwhelming manliness will not allow me to disarm a poor defenceless girl
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grimes-fcp · 1 year
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laura’s 11k celebration (top 40 characters as voted by my followers) ✵ 37 ➳ ron weasley
↳ “Yes…” said Ron softly, “it’s the only way… I’ve got to be taken.” “NO!” Harry and Hermione shouted. “That’s chess!” snapped Ron. “You’ve got to make some sacrifices! I take one step forward and she’ll take me–that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!”
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grimes-fcp · 1 year
Ron: *sneaking back into his dorm late at night*
Harry, turning around in his chair: Where have you been?
Ron, sweating nervously: I- I was with Ginny
Ginny, turning around in another chair: Try again
Ron: Wait… what the fuck are you doing here?
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grimes-fcp · 1 year
daily reminder that at the age of thirteen ron weasley was dragged inside what he believed to be the most haunted place in the entire britain by somebody he believed to be a mass murderer on the loose and stood on a broken leg to shield harry from said murderer. he was thirteen absolutely terrified and injured and he stood up to a convicted murderer to protect harry. i have never in my life doubted why he was the person harry would miss most
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
Enid: This year, I lost my dear friend Carl.
Carl, from a distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD
Enid, choking up: Sometimes, I can still hear his voice.
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
If only
Carl, driving up to Hilltop after dying in Season 8 with a half-empty bottle of wine in hand: Sorry I didn’t come back immediately, I wasn’t in the mood to exist.
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
This scene still has me in a chokehold
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Heartstopper | 1.08
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
Honestly, the slicked back look isn’t doing him any favors
Okay we can all agree that comic!carl is superior, but what the fuck is up with his hair?
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
If I see another person making fun of Nick Nelson about his “am I gay?” Quiz and the fact that he cries I will lose it.
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
I’m not kidding I think that was the exact result I got
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he's just like me
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
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heartstopper cast icons
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
i love how in the song ‘colours of you’ theres the lyrics ‘i used to see the world in black and white now im covered in the colours of you’ which could be a reference to the webcomic (only in black and white shading) being adapted to screen (in colour) AND it could be a reference to realising you’re not cishet and embracing your queer identity. omg
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
No I totally get that bc the fact that not only do we see Nick happy for Tara and Darcy. We see him yearn for that ability to be with the person he loves and not be scared. It’s almost like he’s inspired by them being authentically them that he’s able to come quicker to terms about the fact that he’s not straight and it reminds me of myself if I’m out in public and I see a queer couple. Like it makes me so happy and excited to see a queer couple in public being a couple and it makes you feel seen (whether or not they’re lesbian or gay)
I can’t stop thinking about the scene where Nick stares at Tara and Darcy kissing
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I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this scene of the Heartstopper TV show (that released yesterday on Netflix, so WATCH IT. PLEASE.), but as I haven’t seen anyone rambling about it in a way that makes justice to the way I’m looking at it, I decided to write the damn post myself.
Initially, my reaction was the good, old “Nick Nelson, lesbian protector!”, that made my heart stop burst with joy, as a lesbian. Heck yeah, my perfect golden retriever boy supports my existence! Canonically! Staring at people like me in a “good for them! I’m so proud!” way. That alone not only is enough, but also makes this an important scene. But it’s an important show, in general, so I guess it goes without saying? 
Anyways. The second thing I’ve noticed was the envy/jealousy; in this moment, Nick realises he wants to express his sexuality the same way Tara and Darcy are doing, and admires them for it. He longs for it. It also shows that lesbians and queer men aren’t as far as people make it out to be. We share some experiences, in the way we look at society as queer people, but there’s this idiotic ‘rivalry’ between lesbians and gay men, that plays into the ‘gay best friend’ trope, as if gay men could connect more with straight women than with lesbians, because of their common attraction to men. And this scene, with a boy who likes boys (too), seeing a lesbian couple kissing and recognising his own queerness like a mirror is so important! 
In a more personal note, rather than a general experience, I’ve seen myself in Nick. It felt a bit of a circle, a lesbian feeling seen through a bisexual character who feels seen through two lesbians. I’ve had contact with queerness mainly around the internet, just like many queer kids of the same generation as me, and while I know some queer people (who I can count on my fingers), I’ve never personally seen queer affection in front of me, in real life. I’ve seen it in movies and photographs, I’ve written about it and expressed it myself to several partners I had, but it’s always been virtual, long distance. And watching this scene, I got it. Nick standing there in a party, and while he knew what gay people were, and probably had seen a picture or a video of queer affection, he was now seeing it, in front of him. Those were two people he knew, people from his social circle. 
I don’t know whether I’m making sense here, but I had to ramble about it, because after watching this scene so many times and feeling a thing or two in my stomach each time I played it, it was time to recognise that it needed to be addressed. Well. I’ve had this feeling in my chest, and now I’ve done something with it. Feels refreshing! (And you probably haven’t heard the last of me rambling about Heartstopper!)
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
Not a thought behind those eyes
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Forgot how much I love Heartstopper. Look at this little himbo 💜
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Head empty.
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grimes-fcp · 2 years
when isaac isn’t busy reading or being done with everyone he’s just shipping nick and charlie and I think that makes him the most relatable character
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