grliverson · 2 months
6 years later in march 2024…
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reblogged from april 2018....
it’s been exactly a year and a half and i still feel like this
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grliverson · 1 year
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My affirmations rapidly become my reality.
I can affirm something for just a short while and suddenly it becomes true in my outer world.
Imagine it! Remind yourself of this when you're affirming!
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grliverson · 1 year
Your ideal partner would understand you and appreciate you fully, not just parts of you, but all of you.
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grliverson · 3 years
can people drop out yet this class is too big
too chaotic
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grliverson · 4 years
Date a boy who makes sure you make it home okay from the late shift at work and won't go to sleep until he tells you goodnight and sweet dreams
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grliverson · 4 years
date a boy who tells you he loves you, randomly, during moments you wouldn’t think he would.
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grliverson · 4 years
date a boy who tells you he loves you, randomly, during moments you wouldn’t think he would.
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grliverson · 4 years
Date a boy with a rough past but the heart of an angel.
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grliverson · 4 years
date a boy who looks at you like youre a work of art
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grliverson · 4 years
date a boy who treats you like a piece of art and doesn't understand how people didn't do that before
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grliverson · 4 years
kiss me!!!! please!!! all the time!!
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grliverson · 4 years
the way that you looked at me changed my life and i don’t think i will ever be the same
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grliverson · 4 years
Resolutions that You Will Follow
As we start with new beginnings in the upcoming year, I want to take a moment to talk about the resolutions we made in the previous years. Very few people end up sticking to their resolutions longer than the first month. This isn’t always because of the lack of willpower, but because the resolutions were not practical, or were practical but vague. So, I’m here to show you how to make smart resolutions that you can actually follow and track throughout the year.
Step One: Look back
Looking at the past can be daunting for some, but it is an important part of creating the future you want.
Find out what worked. What made it work?
Look at what didn’t work. Why not
What were some things you were sure you wanted but didn’t like when the time came?
What were things you had dreamt of as a child and managed to accomplish, even partly?
What prevented you from accomplishing more of your goals? Is there anything you can do to overcome those barriers?
Step Two: Look forward (long term goals)
This is where we look into the far off future and get imaginative. Define what success means to you. This step is important because it invokes the law of attraction, in which you can manifest your reality based on how you latch onto your desires. The more detailed you get and the more you focus on your aspirations, the more likely they are to come true. You can set this up in a list of things that mean success to you or create a vision board and place it somewhere you can see every day.
What are your career goals? What’s your dream job?
What’s your ideal health/fitness goal? Is it a certain weight? Certain workout regime? Certain diet? Changes to your lifestyle? (i.e. Biking everywhere or going vegan)
What’s your ideal situation with your family and friends? Is there an abusive household you dream to be free of? Do you finally patch things up with that friend? Do you have a ton of friends in the far off future or do you stay close to your current tight circle? Pets?
Where do you live? Get as specific as you can. What kind of house? Who do you live with? What city? How would you set up the house? Go room to room and focus on each room separately.
What’s your overall lifestyle like? What will you do in your free time? How would you spend extra money? What kind of life would you be living when you don’t have to worry about money or other mundane restrictions?
Step Three: 5 year plan (short term goals)
Short term goals can range from 6 months to a couple years. I like to think of my short term goals as something I can accomplish in the next five years. You can also create a list or vision board for this too. But in these goals, you’re not dreaming as wildly. You’re constructively looking at where your life will be at in five years and how to use that time to get closer to accomplishing your dreams.
Look at your answers in the previous step. How many of those things can you accomplish in the next five years?
There will be more stuff than you think but it won’t everything. What smaller steps can you take in the next five years to start the long-term goals? (For instance, if your dream job is to be an astronaut at NASA and you’re 18, that’s not going to happen in five years obviously. So in the next five years you may have gotten the bachelor’s degree you need and maybe a job or internship in a field. You may need to keep a certain health regime and other lifestyle elements so that you can be an astronaut later on)
What other things do you want to get out of the way in the next five years? Maybe you can overcome some of the things that were holding you back in the past.
Step Four: 1 year plan (immediate goals)
This is where most people make their resolutions. But first, we need to dissect the previous step even further. How many of those five year goals can we accomplish this year?
Will you get a job this year? Will you stay at your current job?
What will you do in terms of education?
What are your financial goals? Is there something you need to buy? This is a good time to create an overall budget but you’d be better off creating monthly budgets instead.
Do you want to spend a certain amount of time with family or friends? Any special plans that you need to prepare for in advance?
Step Five: Create S.M.A.R.T. Resolutions
Now you can finally write your resolutions. But don’t you dare write things like “get straight A’s” or “eat healthier”. That doesn’t mean anything. You may have heard of S.M.A.R.T. Goals but if you haven’t, it’s basically goals that you make that check the following list:
Specific: getting straight A’s is a result, not a step. Your specific goals would be something like going to the library every Saturday for two hours and completing every assignment on time.
Measurable: your accomplished goal should be measurable. In the example of the grades, the A’s would be how you’d know you were successful because that’s the measure of the goal you set.
Attainable: maybe it’s not a good idea to aim for straight A’s when you’ve failed every course last semester. Straight A’s may be a better goal once you can get at least one A. If you set goals that you personally can’t achieve, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Realistic: Becoming an Olympic athlete if you’ve never been to a gym is just not realistic. It doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. It just means that maybe your goal this year should be to get more physically active and join a sport before you consider competing in the Olympics.
Time: you need to set a time limit that you need to accomplish these goals by. Since we are talking about new years resolutions, the time limit can technically be by December. However, some of your goals may have their own time limits. Your grades may come in semi-annually so the time limit for that could be June.
Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions! 
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grliverson · 4 years
I will be everything I long to be
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grliverson · 4 years
i want to visit sunflower fields and rose gardens with you
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grliverson · 5 years
What one man won’t do for you another will. Believe that
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grliverson · 5 years
Hoetips for a perfect fragrance
Perfume can definately add to your style and your pleasantness to be around, but it has to be done right or it can be a distraction from what really counts. Find your perfect fragrance and then read my special hoetip masterpost on how wear it in more seductive and attractive ways than you could imagine.
If you are typically attracted to… Floral- Strong: Gardenia / Jasmine / Ylangylang Soft: Rose / Lotus / Mimosa / Chamomile
Animalic- Rich: Musk / Ambroxan / Castoreum / Labdanum / Civet / Ambergris
Aquatic- Soft: Cascalone / Seaweed / Hints of tropical fruits
Green- Strong: Basil / Lavender / Fennel / Anise Soft: Mint / Grass / Greentea
Citrus- Sweet: Orange / Blood Orange / Lemon Verbena Pungent: Lemon / Lime / Grapefruit
Fruity- Sweet: Apple / Plum / Peach Pungent: Pineapple / Lychee / Berries
Edible- Liquer: Cognac / Whiskey / Coffee / Black tea Soft: Vanilla / Cocoa / Brown Sugar / Honey
Earthy- Strong: Vetiver / Pachouli / Labdanum / Amber Soft: Blonde Tobacco / Hay / Leather
Woody- Pungent: Agarwood(oud) / Pine / Sandalwood / Cedar / Amyris / Myrrh
Spicy- Fresh: Ginger / Cilantro / Pink Pepper Sweet: Cinnamon / Nutmeg / Clove
• Spray your hairbrush with perfume before you blow-dry to transfer the scent to your hair and make it smelling good all day long.
• To make your clothes smell like your perfume without having to spray each outfit, spray your perfume on pieces of tissue paper and line your drawers with them.
• When youre applying your perfume dont rub it in because that will be breaking down the molecules causing it to wear off faster.
• Before spraying your perfume, apply some vaseline to the areas where you wear your perfume. This should help the spray “stick” so you stay smelling beautiful the whole day.
• Apply perfume on you “pulse points” neck and neckline, wrists, inside your elbows and knees..ect
• The best time to apply perfume is right after you hop out of the shower. Spritz some on your skin after drying off and putting on your clothes, your skin will absorb the scent better. If you dont have enough time to hop in the shower, apply a small amount of unscented lotion before you spray. Perfume lasts longer on hydrated skin.
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