guswalkcr · 6 years
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guswalkcr · 6 years
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guswalkcr · 6 years
It had been a very long time since she had seen the man she had once loved face to face. Maria had understood why he left, but pushing her aside was the last thing she thought he would do. She probably would’ve been there for him as long as he needed until he was feeling better about everything that had happened in his life. But it had never even reached that point. Gus had just been gone without a trace to her. Hell, he even looked different. But she would never forget that face even if she would have liked to. Words seemed to be hard for her at the moment, but she got out whatever she came to her mind. “Wow, it’s like seeing a ghost. I started to think maybe you died.” @guswalkcr
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        Augustus usually had a lot more composure in situations that required heightened emotions, particularly when seeing ghosts from the past upon his return to his home town. But not this one; not Maria Silva, the sole person he’d ever loved, if anything at all. His heart raced at the sight of her now, near dropping the glass of whiskey in his hands as he took her in after all this time. Memories and moments flashed in his mind, a sense of nostalgia and heartbreak blanketing his core as he noted how beautiful she was, perhaps even more so than he remembered. It’d been so long — surely they were both over the fact that he’d just up and left her behind without a word, right? Clearing his throat and reminding himself of the utter silence and gaping jaw he’d left as a response to her words, the lawyer reminded himself to maintain composure, or at least find any shred of it right now. “Maria Silva, as I live and breathe.. time seems to have done you well,” he adds as his gaze flickers over her features, before taking another sip of that whiskey which was hella needed now.
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guswalkcr · 6 years
We’ve become echoes, but echoes that fade away We fall into the dark as we dive under the wave
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guswalkcr · 6 years
Her milkshake and whatever meal she’d decided on in her anxious haste made it to the window first, though she found her frame glued to the stool as she twirled it a few degrees to face him. Her fingers clenching the sack now, entertaining at least a hint of her attention and wavering it away from his striking features. They’d been easier to ignore in the dim light of that blasted hotel room. The blonde would be lying entirely if she said she wasn’t the slightest bit curious at the enigma seated before her who’d made it all the way back to her home, of all places - so why not play his game for a beat? Amber narrowed her eyes for a brief moment, wondering how far she could take this, way out of her element and way out of her normal. She didn’t spend a night with a strange man. She didn’t - let things get especially out of control. But with him, she’d slipped. “The Park Hyatt hotel, Room 432. You ordered some atrocious looking dish from the restaurant and I think I was stuck begging for anything resembling chicken fingers,” Amber replied back under her breath, another raise of an eyebrow in his direction, a quirk of a grin. “Mr. Walker, pardon my surprise and my dismissal of you but forgotten is one thing you are not.” Resting a hand on his shoulder before standing to take her leave, she flashed a small grin, wandering towards the door and leaving the next move in his court.
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       Gus was rendered speechless as she recalled details of that night without hesitation, but yet, not at all surprised considering he knew she remembered him. So, the real question was, why did she leave? In awe of the sudden frankness bellowing from her core, he’s left there, stunned and speechless for a while as the blonde exited. And it was only when his name was called to collect his coffee that he swiftly picked it up and ran outside in the direction she’d headed, all of those ‘feelings’, one could say, resurfacing within him all at once. At first he couldn’t spot her, but once he weaved his way through a crowd on the sidewalk, he spotted her blonde head of hair, propelling him to move forward faster, careful not to spill his coffee. Coming to slow as he near reached her, Augustus heaved a weighted sigh, weighted with years and years of wonder. “So, why’d you do it then?” He calls out, making slowed steps towards Amber now. “Why’d you up and leave without a word?” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
                   She drew a blank, standing there, completely dumbfounded. Isabelle wasn’t sure which emotion to jump on first. Anger, resentment, anger, anger, anger… so many choices, so little time. It was clear what this so called ‘Augustus’ was capable of– and while he might’ve found this encounter ‘cute’ or ‘charming’, Isabelle did not. Playing games were a thing of the past, and for the slightest second, she was mad at herself. To think, just seconds before, the brunette had felt peace thanks to him. Now, only to realize that this was all some sort of sick joke, she couldn’t bare to forgive him. She takes his hand begrudgingly, bearing a thin grin in order to please her real boss, Patrick Wallace. “—Pleasure,” she returns, grip strong but quick. She hated being called sweetheart. At least, now she did. She turns to Mr. Wallace, her hand falling back to her side. “I’ll be excited to work with Mr. Walker,” she adds, sure that only ‘Gus’ would note the sarcasm in her tone. “Every office needs a class clown, don’t they?” she smiles sweetly, clasping her hands together. “Anyway!” She quickly adds, not wanting either of them to chime in. “I’ve still got a few things in my car, I’ll just be back up in a second!” She tells them, gesturing behind her as she quickly exits the room, heading for the elavator. Isabelle needed to get away before she blew her top off completely, truly needeing a moment to let off some steam. She was pissed, but her boss didn’t need to know that. 
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       If it wasn’t the bitter undertone to her voice, or the glare he could practically feel piercing into his skin, it was most certainly the instant she shook hands with him that he saw her true fire. A fire he suddenly wanted to get to know. He’d expected surprise, perhaps even annoyance.. but not this. Further proof that getting under people’s skin showed their true colours. Her handshake was firm, quick, a taste of just how feisty she was. Isabelle was angry, rage practically radiating from her core, so much so he fell silent. And he certainly caught on to her sarcasm, which only defined those dimples of his further. He couldn’t help but stare at her in a mixture of awe and amusement, lips parting as she excused herself, Mr Wallace, as always, entirely unaware of what had just happened. “As will I,” he murmurs to himself after a moment, unable to help where his gaze falls as she exits the room. It’s only seconds later that the young lawyer’s excused himself from Patrick after bidding him goodbye, running down the hall to catch up with said Isabelle Flores. Like a moth to a flame, Augustus couldn’t help himself as his hand falls between the doors of the elevator, preventing them from closing before Isabelle could get away. With brightly amused heterochromatic eyes, Gus meets her gaze again, this time donning a grin so wide, it was sure as hell to piss her off. He says nothing as he enters the elevator and stands beside her, clasping his hand around his wrist as the elevator doors finally closes. The air between them is intense, at least for him, but that does nothing to waver the humour residing in his core. The brunet dared to look at her now, presenting himself as even more audacious as he presses her further with stupid questions. “So, I figured since we’re likely going to be working together I could at least help you bring up your things. Or we could totally hit up a bar and get to know each other better. —What d'ya say, Houston?” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
Eleanor looked up once a voice startled her from the doodles on now about five sticky notes she had planned to stick around the office. It wouldn’t be right in her annoying little sister ways to not mess with Gus’s stuff. “Well, you clearly didn’t tell her about me.” And how she would get what she wanted sooner or later out of the woman. “So really it’s your own fault in not warning her about how stubborn your family can be.” She put the pen down now, a smile almost as big as his threatening to completely take over from the smug little grin she currently had in surprising him. It wouldn’t be until she got out of the chair and into his opened arms for a long over due hug that the smile broke free. “uh hello, my schedule is booked full of lounging by the pool to be ready for the wedding. I also had to update my store for the summer fashions. Those girls would’ve ruined everything again if I wasn’t there.” She was thankful the ones she hired were either too scared of her or did pay attention that they kept up with the layout once she was finished with it.
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       “Guess I can’t fire her this time. I will be having the Walker family chat, though..” He grins, grateful for the mere sight of his little sister after all this time. And now that he was permanently residing in Westport, for now, he couldn’t help but feel like maybe they could fall into old times, the way they always did whenever he visited home, or she visited the city. Holding the back of her head as they embrace, he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit emotional. Slightest, before pulling back to take a good look at her. “Did you grow again? Or did I just shrink? —And I bet it is. Did you include me in those plans, ‘cause you know how antsy I get at commitment celebrations..” He shudders, then, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. “You look good, little sis. How is that business of yours going?” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
                    Isabelle smiled at his words of affirmation, feeling at peace, finally. It was needless to mention, but she couldn’t seem to find a single strain of comfort in her big move. Evidently,=, she felt lost and without direction. She figured everyone felt that way when they moved away from home, which made her no different. The very words ‘That’s the exact kind of person this firm needs’ made her feel so incredibly welcomed, Isabelle instantly knew she’d like it here. “Thank you, I hope that’s the case when I start,” she falls into a soft chuckle, pulling a few strands of loose hair behind her right ear. Hearing footsteps approach from behind, the brunette turns in her seat to lay her eyes on another male entering, but freezes when the person before her calls out his own name. Her brow quriks instantly, but waits until they finish theirconversation before speaking up again. “I’m sorry… — what’s gong on here?” she chuckles nervously, “….Who’s Gus?”
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       “Patrick Wallace,” The guy reached forth, holding out a hand to Isabelle, the introduction only making Augustus smirk that much more considering it’s reveal. “So you’re our newest addition to the family, aside from Augustus, of course,” the man added, turning around to place a hand on Gus’ shoulders, who was now standing up beside him. “Well, that hasn’t been decided just yet, Pat, but you’ll hear from me in the morning, I promise. —Oh, and uh.. I’m so sorry,” he breathes out exasperatedly, shaking his head as his gaze trails back over to the brunette, humour underlying his very tone of voice — all unnoticed by Mr Wallace, of course. Instead, he resorted to being entirely charming and seemingly sincere, clutching his very chest with his free hand. “I just realised I never introduced myself the entire time we spoke. How rude of me.. Gus, Gus Walker.” And with that he holds out his own hand towards her now, awaiting her response, one that would certainly be ingrained in his memory forever. “Pleasure to meet you, sweetheart.” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
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guswalkcr · 6 years
                     Isabelle quirked a brow at the random spew of facts escaping him. She let out a soft chuckle, smiling as she takes a seat. “Yes—- but you did forget to mention we have the world’s largest rodeo….that is, if we’re fact checking,” she decided to play along, though quickly realizing it was silly. She shakes her head, sitting up straight as she brushes her hair off her shoulders. “Why Westport…” she breathes in, already playing with her hands. “Well, I needed a change of scenery.” Which wasn’t a total lie. Isabelle wasn’t much of a liar, but she was well aware she needed to appear genuine when talking about her move. Surely, it would’ve come up plenty of times, but mentioning your dead husband was never part of the plan. In fact, Isabelle hopes she could steer clear of it as best as she can. “I’ve lived in Houston all my life and I wanted to something brave and… impulsive. I mean, in all honesty, sir… the world’s enormous and I’ve only seen a few parts of it.” Contrary to the intent behind her words, Isabelle really did want to travel the world. She had an extreme hunger for wanderlust and truly loved exploring what mother nature had to offer. “Also— peaches,” she added innocently, though intending for it to be a lighthearted joke. “I love peaches.”
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       Gus was silent a moment or two too long after she her response, appearing stunned at the fact that he’d apparently missed. But, really, he just couldn’t help but stare at her; if it wasn’t for her undeniable beauty, than it was most certainly her demeanour. The guy was intrigued, to say the very least. “And so I did..” She seemed nervous now, he noted, observing the way she fumbled with her fingers. It was alarming, to say the least, considering she’d walked in exuding such confidence. But, something told him he might’ve hit a soft spot, one she wasn’t willing to disclose. “Well, moving to a different state might be impulsive, and it sure as hell might be brave, but.. it’s also spontaneous and crazy as hell. I love it. And I’d sure like to think that’s the exact kind of person this firm needs,” he adds casually with a grin easing effortlessly unto his features. Augustus was damn good at spinning bullshit, he’d almost lost track of maintaining this ‘identity’ she’d given him. He’d been so immersed in her statement regarding peaches, finding it so utterly endearing it rendered him speechless, that he almost hadn’t noticed one of the head partners of the firm enter the office. “Wallace,” Augustus conveyed nothing but one of his telltale grins as he connected eyes with the guy who’s office he was currently invading.He doesn’t budge from his chair, instead spinning to the left slightly to face said partner, not daring to look Isabelle’s way just yet. Mr Wallace was making his way over to the desk, throwing a bunch of papers in the centre, when he asked, “And who’s this we have here, Gus?” It was in that moment, the younger lawyer dared to shift his gaze over to the brunette, reading every detail of her expression, his tone of voice not faltering once despite it. If anything, the mischievous grin that had settled upon his features surely annoyed her now. “I’d like you to meet Isabelle Flores from Houston, Texas. I’m assuming you’ve already been acquainted via the phone?” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
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guswalkcr · 6 years
When someone holds a gun to your head, you take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one. Or, you call their bluff. Or, you do any one of a hundred and forty six other things.
Harvey Specter, Suits
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guswalkcr · 6 years
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guswalkcr · 6 years
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There was already an intense disliking for the male settled next to her — and the more he allowed words to leave his lips, the stronger the emotion would overcome her. His pompous, slightly arrogant, demeanor making it quite difficult to resist the urge of karate chopping him where he breeds. But instead, Sage inhaled deeply. Eyes fluttering shut as a sarcastic grin made home on her lips. “Why — little ole’ me can hardly digest such a large command. This brain of mine is far too clouded by videos of cute puppies and rainbows and world peace.” Simultaneously, the brunette sunk deeper into the chair. Making the task of seizing the male’s suit jacket far more inconvenient. Hazel orbs locking onto his as she allowed her chin to rest within her palm. “Maybe try dumbing it down?”
       “Oh, sweetheart,” he says with ease, dimples prominent as his smirk deepens, eyes practically boring into her own now, rather enjoying the sarcastic, bitter tone to her response. Resting his elbow upon the counter top, the proximity between them closes as Gus leans in. “I would never insult anyone’s intelligence. It’s just that, this suit costs $5000 and you’re murdering it with your ass. Let’s avoid a crime scene here; so, if you could kindly sit up so I can retrieve it, we can both walk away happy. I’ll have my jacket, and you can go back to watching your cute little videos of puppies, rainbows, world peace, and whatever else you’re into.” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
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guswalkcr · 6 years
     Micah hardly needed to look up to put a face to the voice speaking to him, A smile instantaneously spreading over usually stoic features. “I’m not one of your fan girls Gus, it’s gonna take more than that award winning smile of yours to get me to cave in….” he began, ditching his notepad on the half wiped counter to approach his unexpected guest. “I also need a hug. Get your ass over here, Walker.” Since the accident that derailed his football career, the middle Hale sibling had lost much of his desire for random acts of physical contact. Personal space was important to him and he preferred for it to not be invaded when he could help it but there was a major difference between random people touching him and his best friend. “What, you come to my neck of the woods and don’t even the decency to call first? I would have at least tried to look a little better for your arrival.” Micah joked, playfully gesturing toward his very modest attire. “Now you’re really gonna think you dress better than me and I’m never gonna hear the end of it.”
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       “You sure about that?” He asked, smile growing even wider, brow furrowed as he takes several steps towards the blond. Just the sight of his best friend after so long left him reeling with excitement. “Hey, you know I don’t do hugs, man.. c’mon..” Words contrasting his actions, Gus moved forth to give Micah a bro hug, unable to help himself as amusement settles upon his features. “Just kidding.. but if you ruin my suit, I will kill you. —Hey, listen. I only just rocked up in town, I swear. Came to check out this place first chance I could. Did well, I must admit. But the outfit..” The brunet shakes his head, pressing his lips together as he gives him a once over. “When are you just gonna admit I dress better than you, Hale? Don’t make me pull another Insta poll of ‘who wore it better’.” 
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guswalkcr · 6 years
Carson’s brows furrowed, finally setting her eyes down on what she had just picked up - her cheeks tainting a light pink from the embarrassment. She let out a nervous chuckle at the situation, holding the packet by its corner, trying her best to not touch it. “You sure?” she laughed for real this time, holding it out to him. “We’re the only two around here, and it’s definitely not mine.” she joked.
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       Augustus breathed a chuckle, amusement settling upon the curves of his dimples. “Sweetheart, one never jokes about his manhood.” He shook his head, finally lifting his gaze to meet the other’s, amused features not once faltering. “Maybe we should talk about the fact that you’re holding some random stranger’s condom? Luckily for you, I know a cafe not so far from here that’ll definitely have antibacterial soap.. if not, we can always sue them.” 
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