gwiow0817 · 3 years
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BAKI 🐶🐶🐶
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gwiow0817 · 3 years
5 steps to be a responsible tourist while travelling.
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Did you know that every year there are estimated to be eight billion tonnes of plastic waste floating in the ocean?  According to One planet network organization, the tourism industry in every country contributes at least eighty percent of it and while forty percent for peak seasons are in the Mediterranean regions. Which causes millions of deaths to the marine animals, wherein by 2050 there are estimated that the ocean will contain more plastic than fish. There are other factors that the tourism industry can create pollution but what can we do as normal tourists visiting a destination? Here are the five simple steps to become a responsible tourist while travelling. 
● Promote Local Products and Services
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Courtesy: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/01/vietnam-tourism-rush-development-conservation & https://debiko.org.mk/en/open-days-for-promotion-of-local-products
First is to promote the local products and services in the destination, this is to help the locals in the area in their livelihood. Purchasing their goods can be helpful for them as most of these locals usually depend on the tourists who are visiting them. Through this it can also help us to be more familiar or have a glimpse in the culture of that destination. It can also give us an experience that we never encounter in our original home town, that will urge us to continuously visit that specific destination. 
● Interact with indigenous tribe in the area
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Courtesy:https://smile.cebupacificair.com/mangyan-mindoro/  , https://mnlop.com.ph/2019/09/11/mangyans-life-and-culture/ 
Interacting with local tribes that are present to the destination can teach us new things that we never knew were possible.  Since they have different traditions, culture and norms it can show how unique their tribe is. We can also acquire new knowledge that can be about survival or livelihood that their ancestors already did when they were alive. 
● Reduce waste
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As a tourist visiting the place we must have this goal of zero waste before, during and after the traveling. We can achieve this goal by following the basic procedures such as properly throwing our trash, using eco-friendly materials and avoiding consumption of any plastic wrappers. This is because the plastic cannot be recycled, which is harmful to our environment. 
● Avoid patronizing animal souvenirs
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Courtesy: https://www.tourismconcern.org.uk/campaign/buy-animal-souvenirs/ 
Being a first time tourist in a destination we usually buy souvenirs that will commemorate the place, but we must avoid buying animal souvenirs. This is because these animals were the product of illegal poaching who targeted endangered species in the wild. According to the Tourism concern organization in the United Kingdom most of these souvenirs were believed to be used as medicine, charms, clothes and accessories. 
● Drive less 
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Lastly, is to reduce our carbon footprint while traveling. In some vehicles they mostly use gas that contributes to the air pollution of a destination. Therefore, we can walk if the place is near or rent a bike. We can also rent a rechargeable car in your traveling as using a normal vehicle can harm the environment of the destination. 
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