gwtsoftware · 4 years
Best Cosmetic Surgery For The Nose in Hyderabad
The world focuses on how a person looks! Physical appearances have become important even in job interviews. This is not to say that the world is shallow, but in some jobs, it is required to look presentable and perfect. When we go into the hospitality industry, there are hotels where the management gives grooming sessions to the team. Women are clad up in the best attire and the men wear smart clothing. Tattooing is not allowed for air hostesses and models need to have flawless skin.
When your job demands these physical prerequisites, it becomes important to visit a cosmetic surgery clinic. If you are in acting or modelling field, having the perfect nose and skin is important. Speaking of nose, you can opt for rhinoplasty in Hyderabad.
Typically known as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a type of surgery that helps in changing the shape of the nose. The goal is to improve the shape and give it the perfect look. Rhinoplasty is not just beneficial for aesthetics but also improves the breathing.
If you are having trouble with breathing then this is procedure that you should opt for. Since you are living in a wonderful city called Hyderabad, you have access to Dr. YV Rao's clinic. He is known as one of the best cosmetic surgeons in India. No matter where you are in this world, booking an appointment and getting the nose surgery done under his supervision is the best decision.
He understands the need of the patient and works carefully. The key is not to rush the procedure, he will understand the shape of your nose and the concerns. After discussing the procedure with you, there is an option to go for the surgery or wait for the right time.
If your desire is to enhance the facial features then there is no better place than Dr. YV Rao's clinic. He is a certified professional and has several years of expertise in the field of cosmetic surgery. Getting a nose job is a big decision and choosing the right cosmetic surgery is important.
Don't take the risk and opt for the best clinic in India - Dr. YV Rao's Clinic is waiting to change the shape of your nose and enhance it beautifully.
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gwtsoftware · 4 years
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure wherein the hair surgeon extracts the healthy hair follicles from the posterior part of the scalp and transfers them to the bald areas. It helps the patient to get back the lost hair. Hair transplant is an ideal solution for people suffering from hair thinning, hair loss, and partial to complete baldness. 
What is the need for a hair transplant?
Hair loss, especially at a young age, could become a highly embarrassing condition for some people. It drastically lowers down the self-confidence of a person. At the same time, it negatively affects the professional as well as personal life. 
Reasons for hair loss
Multiple reasons may cause hair loss like-
Certain medical conditions
Hormonal changes
Poor nutritional uptake
Deprivation of protein in the     diet
Using low-grade hair products
Something that starts with receding hairline leads to complete baldness after a few years. Therefore, it is very important to consult the best hair transplant doctor. It will help to conceal the hair thinning or baldness and get back the lost confidence. 
Out of so many solutions to cover up the baldness, hair transplantation is a permanent one. The two most effective procedures are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). 
What is Follicular Unit Transplantation?
FUT, also called a strip procedure, is an effective hair restoration technique in which a strip is removed from the scalp's posterior part. It is then dissected into individual follicular units or grafts that are transplanted in the bald areas one by one. 
The hair surgeon uses special medical equipment for the removal and insertion of the hair follicles. Tiny holes are made with the help of fine needles in the bald areas for inserting the extracted hair follicles. Local anesthesia is given prior to reducing the level of discomfort or pain during the surgery. 
What is Follicular Unit Extraction?
FUE is similar to FUT with the only difference that in FUE, individual follicles are extracted instead of the entire strip. Herein, the scalp is made numb with the help of local anesthesia. Later with the help of special instruments, hair follicles are extracted one by one and transplanted in the bald areas. 
The seven steps involved in the hair transplantation include the following-
1.      Consultation with the doctor regarding hair loss solutions 
The hair surgeon will consult you regarding the hair loss issues. At the time of consultation, the doctor will provide detailed information about the hair transplantation procedures, its outcomes, and the possible side effects. During the consultation, you can discuss all your dilemmas with the hair surgeon. The doctor will analyze your scalp and hair quality and find out your suitability for hair transplantation based on your previous medical records. 
2.      Scalp preparation for the hair transplant surgery 
On the day of surgery, you need to shave your head either partially or completely. The shaved head allows the hair surgeon to get a closer look at the natural angle and direction of the hair. It will give a more effective outcome of hair restoration surgery. 
3.      Anesthesia to numb the scalp for preventing discomfort
Giving an anesthetic shot is very important before the surgery. It will numb the scalp and therefore reduce the pain and the level of discomfort. Extraction and grafting of hair follicles will become easy for the patient. The length of the surgery depends upon the number of follicles to be grafted. Therefore, if you feel any discomfort or want to take a short break, you can tell your doctor the same.  
4.      Extraction of follicular units from the scalp
A special punch device is used for extracting the follicular units. It punctures the skin around the hair follicle, which is subsequently extracted from the surface. The hair follicle bulb is then removed with the help of fine forceps and kept in a glass tray with a solution that maintains its hydration, temperature, and humidity.
5.      Harvesting of grafts for a more precise result
Once the follicle extraction completes, the hair surgeons examine the hair follicle bulbs. They sort them based on their thickness, size, diameter, etc., to ensure which follicular unit will give the best and most natural-looking result. 
6.      Implanting the extracted grafts into the bald areas 
Implanting the extracted grafts is the most crucial step in the Follicular Unit Extraction procedure. Once the hair surgeon has selected the healthy and suitable grafts, he will start implanting them one by one on the bald areas. You might be given another dose of anesthesia for a pain-free procedure. 
A special implanter is used for penetrating the scalp. The hair follicle bulb is placed 1 mm below the scalp's surface for the proper imposition. The entire procedure of hair implantation may last from 2 hours to more than two days as it completely depends upon the number of hair follicles to be grafted. 
7.      Aftercare of hair transplant surgery
Once the process of implantation completes, the surgeon will bandage the head and provide you with the aftercare instructions. Some of them are as follows-
Do not touch the operated area     or the newly grafted hair for at least three days of the surgery. You may     need to wear a hat.
Keep your new hair follicles     well hydrated by spraying after regular intervals. It will also prevent     scab formation in the treated areas.
Take all the medications and     use the ointments as prescribed by the doctor.
Visit your hair surgeon in     every prescribed post-surgery appointment for regular checkups. 
So these are the steps that are involved in successful hair restoration surgery. It takes about 6 to 12 months to get noticeable results in the treated areas. Hair will start growing normally, and you will get a fuller scalp. 
Hair transplantation is an effective solution for male pattern baldness. It is important to visit an experienced doctor to get the best result. Dr. Y V Rao is the best hair surgeon in Hyderabad. The hair transplantation cost at Dr. Y V Rao Clinic is affordable that largely depends upon the number of follicles to be grafted. 
Visit Dr. Y V Rao Clinic for a potential and long-lasting result of hair transplant surgery!
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