gyrkin-blog · 9 years
thank u ;w; (and unrelated, but i rly love the lil punpun on ur theme)
I had just finished reading punpun when I made this blog, and I don’t think I’ve ever emotionally identified with somebody quite as much as I have with punpun. Thank you though and I hope you feel better! Don’t be afraid to ask more questions or just strike up a convo !
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
is it bad not to be vegan/vegetarian. like. i had someone yell at me for eating steak and they ripped into me so hard i had a breakdown and ???
It is not bad at all to not have a veg*n (vegan/vegetarian) diet, and people who give you grief for not sharing that diet are often the least educated on the matters they claim to defend.
I’m a vegan, yes, (AVAP to be specific) but I more than understand that lots of people physically or emotionally cannot be veg*n, and I am not going to delegitimase those for something as petty as not sharing the same diet.
In short, you are perfectly fine! People will be mean, but there are many worse things that vegans promote, trust me. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
this was actually disproved. It all came (with absolutely no evidence) from somebody who disliked the blog so much that she lied about one of the mods. 
notactuallycute is kinda a pedophile. mayb yyou shouldnt have anything to do with them
how so? just asking to be informed, sorry i didn’t know!
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
How so? :o
Notactuallycute is so annoying imo
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Hiya ! Fatanyeros from NAC here ! 
Around here, I’ve seen 56 acres go for anything between $2,000,000 USD (I don’t know why) and just $200,000. I’m looking at several 72-123 acre plots, and most of them haven’t been established of built on but go for around $500,000 / $900,000. Since my goal is to build five or more structures (one big one as a home, one big one as a clinic, one small one as an extra quarantine, the rest as medium station houses) I figured I’d about double that price, then add a bit for fencing, paving, and other modifications. Does it sound about right, or should I up/lower my goal?
Thanks !
I’ve doubled the goal price of my rescue’s fundraiser. It may seem like an extreme number, but the land I’m looking for (approximately 100 acres, near water or with a lake on property) is rather expensive and I’m trying to start up as smoothly and quickly as possible. 100% of the money gathered my fundraiser will go to the building up and maintenance of the property, including the purchase of equipment, tools, and building/renovation costs. 
There are special prizes for all who follow this blog and donate, as can be seen on the tip page, and anybody who donates over $100 USD will get their name written as a special thanks upon establishing. Message gyrkin for more details on that front. 
Have a great day,  Fatanyeros
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Hey! I've been playing with retired greyhounds at a shelter and they're really nice, but I notice that when I'm petting them they do a lot of lip-licking and like to turn their head completely away from me. What might this mean? Thanks!
That sounds like avoidance to me! They may not be too keen on the interaction!
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Best "bird poop on you" story?
Golden eagles are projectile poopers and they tend to go the moment they hop off to fly.
That’s all I’m going to say. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Do birds sneeze? My macaw "sneezes" but im sure he is just imitating and being silly
Birds can sneeze, yeah! They do it for the same reason humans do!
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Are Siberian cats really hypoallergenic? And what are the pros and cons of having one?
Hoh, that is where my knowledge ends. I couldn’t tell you any better than a google search could, sorry !
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Hey have you checked out the babyanimalposts blog?? Like I don't know if they post safe pictures of animals or not, because I love having pictures of baby animals on my dash but I don't want to reblog a bad pic - for ex) a stressed puppy - by accident.
A short browse through shows nothing too concerning to me, but I’m wary of those types of blogs, so just proceed with high caution! 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
do you have any silly stories involving birds to share?
I have so many! Just give me a bird species and/or a word and I can tell you something.
Perhaps one of my favourite stories is when I had to battle a pelican for a child’s shoe. It involved me wading into waist-deep water and wrestling with giant birds over a plastic sandal. 
That’s my job, everyone. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
what is your favorite species of bird and what is your least favorite species of bird?
Most favourite species? The Sanderling!
And, hm, least favourite species.... Maybe Yellow-Crowned Night heron? I’ve never had good experiences with them. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
what is your favorite leg?
The left one! The ankle on the right one isn’t too functional. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
What's your favourite breed of dog? :) P.s mine is Shiba Inu xxx
Hmm, I’m rather fond of Whippets!
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
What made you interested in birds?
Oh gee, this is a super long story.
I think the thing that started it all was when I was very little and fell into a lake. That sounds silly, and I barely remember it, but I distinctly remember a duck. I think it was a Muscovy duck? Something very bulky. But when I left the lake, I’m pretty sure she (?) followed me home. 
It was weird, and I’m sure time has made that memory spotty, but yeah. A duck that seemed to always be there when I fell into a frozen pond. That sparked my interest in birds. 
What sparked the obsession, though?One time, I was walking through a sanctuary at the age of about eight, and an old macaw looked me dead in the eyes and said “you’re next.” Rather chilling and ominous, yes but I think I contracted bird fever in that moment, because shortly afterwards, I was hooked. He infected me. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
hello hi i hope ur having an amazing day thats all i want to say lots of love!!!!!
Oh thank you! I actually had a pretty nifty day. I met up with an old bird of mine who proceeded to fly into my face. Good times, good times. 
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gyrkin-blog · 9 years
Hi, sorry idk if we're supposed to be asking questions related to animals and nac, but I read stuff on how you're not supposed to smoke weed around your animals and I don't remember why, just that it makes them rly sick; so I stopped smoking around my dog. Anyway I tried explaining this to my friends and they think I'm just being uptight and they're convinced some animals actually like getting high.How do I explain to them it's actually really bad without sounding like a have a stick up my butt?
You can ask whatever you like, friend, so don’t fret it at all! 
Now, your question is actually one we’ve been asked many times, and I think the best solution to the answer is by saying that, for one, animals can’t consent like humans can (even if they crawl into your lap and seem excited about the smoke) due to a lack of proper and full communication between the species. Perhaps more importantly, though, most animals aren’t built in the same way that humans are, and the drugs may prove to be fatal to them! Many people will breathe smoke into their birds’ or reptiles’ faces, and that’s just about a surefire way of killing them. 
This is a super good source that breaks everything down, including short and long term risks for dogs.
Best of luck!Fatanyeros. 
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