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Dumping this here because I typed it all out and was gonna post it to my 'Close Friends' list on Facebook but kinda chickened out...
[trusted friends]
[TW: Religious Trauma]
Folks might have noticed that I'm kind of engaging with religion, which might seem odd since I very loudly declared that I was an atheist years ago, and kind of haven't been religious at all since then. To say that I'm deconstructing my fundie upbringing years late would be the understatement of the century. I'm taking on this massive project of kind of un-learning everything I was taught as a child about what it means to be a Christian - the idea that you have to rigidly cling onto a literal interpretation of the KJV, that hell awaits anyone not following that exact path, that the main point of it all is to worship and be reverent to God, etc; I'm un-learning all of that and trying to instead learn about Christianity from all kind of different angles. Like, did you know there are Christians who believe that there is no hell? and Christians who believe that through Jesus's sacrifice, all are redeemed, regardless of their belief or lack thereof?
But the important thing for me isn't the theology (although I am definitely interested in learning different theologies and different ways of interpreting the Bible in all its versions, and eventually branching out and learning about different religions), but just a difference in how I approach religion now. First of all, the churches I've kind of trepidatiously looked at and attended live-streamed online services with are all very openly socially progressive, and I think it's important to understand that I think that's central to the teachings of Christ, which should be central to Christianity. But also important in my approach now is that I'm not really dogmatic and that my belief in a deity isn't even central to the whole thing, what's central is how you apply the teachings to your life and how they can help and heal your soul, and make you better able to help and heal others.
Like, honestly, I'm still agnostic - I think there might or might not be a God(ess) or God(esse)s, and I'll probably never know for sure. My "prayers" aren't necessarily specifically to one God most of the time, but they're more of a "If anyone's listening" or "to whom it may concern" type of thing.
And… what I pray for and about are different. I think maybe this comes from some time I spent doing meditation and more reflective work in my occultism years ago, but my prayers aren't for a deity to change things around me or change my circumstances as much as they're like "Give me peace with this" or "give me strength to deal with this" or "Give me patience" or whatever. Really, my prayers are just meditations where I'm talking to someone else who may or may not be there, but really just giving myself subconscious orders. "Give me peace" might as well be an inward command to myself of "Claire, settle down and be at peace!"
Anyways, I do legitimately think it helps somewhat, and I also didn't realize how deeply ingrained some of that stuff I learned as a kid was - like, the dozenth time that I thought "God actually loves and accepts me despite the fact that I'm trans and stuff", it actually sunk in and connected with a brand-new thought of "I'm… worthy of love. Unconditionally, just like anyone else. I can be loved." and next thing I knew, I was crying. But not ugly-crying like I did in the altar as an actual child, when I was praying that God would "fix" me and make me "normal". This was something new. When it really connected that I could be worthy of a God's love exactly the way I am, I was actually, like, crying happy tears, which had never been part of a religious experience for me before.
So yeah, I guess that's that. I don't know how I really feel about the label "Christian" and how it'd connect me with so many disparate belief systems that openly peddle hate, so I think I'd rather avoid that label or any other religious labels, but if I'm going to pick a label, I guess I'm a Universalist. I've attended some services virtually (the closest congregation to me is over an hour away currently) and really feel like I'd not only be welcomed and allowed to question and challenge and disbelieve and struggle to understand beliefs there, but would actually be encouraged to do all of that exploration.
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I'm wishing for my upcoming interview to result in success
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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‘mystery of love’ by sufjan stevens but you’re picking flowers in your countryside backyard while your neighbor who you’re secretly in love with plays music you can hear through their open window. (headphones recommended) (youtube)
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Quick Guide to Celebrating the Sabbats 🌻
🧀Fruit & veg, herbed bread, cheese, honey cakes, chicken, pork, sunflower seeds, lemonade, ice tea.
🍋Lemon, orange, cinnamon, rose oils.
🔮Moonstone, tigers eye, amethyst, flourite, agate. {Or any crystals in warm colours}.
🌞See the sun rise & set, eat outdoors, make or buy a sun catcher, bake a sweet cake, let sunlight cleanse your rooms, clear cobwebs, wear a flower crown, make honey/sugar scrub, wear warm tones.
🎬Peter Pan, Fairy Tale, Ferngully, Stardust, Tinkerbell, Maleficent.
🌽Multi grain bread, corn on the cob, bbq meats, fried chicken, potatoes, soup, rice, nuts, black current juice, beer, peppermint tea.
🌹Rose, chamomile, passion fruit, all spice oils/scents.
🔮Citrine, clear quartz, tigers eye.
📖Finish a project, make a bread to share, enjoy nature, take care of plants, decorate or craft, acknowledge what you are grateful for, journal future hopes.
🎬Parent Trap, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, Cheaper by the Dozen.
🍇Pies, nuts, smoked or roast poultry [bbq chicken with smoky bbq sauce], soup, corn, apples, plums, grapes, cinnamon donuts, caramel popcorn, peanut butter, butterscotch.
🌲Sage, pine, cinnamon oils/scents.
🔮Amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, yellow agate.
🌾Make scented pinecones, spend time under the stars, donate food or goods [RSPCA], burn bad habits, visit the deceased, harvest take care of plants, bask in nature, meditate.
🎬Open Season, Brother Bear, Spirit, Pocahontas, Brave.
🎃Pumpkins, toffee apples, ginger bread, chai, nutmeg or cinnamon spiced foods, hazelnuts, sweets.
🌰Nutmeg, cinnamon scents.
🔮Obsidian, onyx, bloodstone, amber, fossils.
🕯Cook a family recipe, light a fire, remember & honour the deceased.
🎬Hocus Pocus, Addams Family, Monsters Inc, Little Vampire, Corpse Bride, Casper, Hansel Gretel Witch Hunters, Underworld, Van Helsing.
🍪Cookies, fruit cake, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea.
🕎Cedar, frankincense, myrrh oils.
🔮Bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz.
❄Give or volunteer, bake shortbread or sugar cookies, share a meal with loved ones.
🎬Santa Clause, Rise of the Guardians, 101 Dalmatians, Frozen, Snow White Winters War, Narnia.
🍩Poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, bread butter pudding, scones, muffins, garlic, onions.
☕Vanilla, cinnamon oil.
🔮Amethyst, bloodstone, onyx.
🕯Light white candles, plant seeds, bless your pets, declutter & clean your living space, bake orange and poppy seed muffins or cake.
🎬Mr Poppers Penguins, Happy Feet, Balto, Ice Age, Mirror Mirror.
🍌Roast ham & pineapple, eggs, milk, seeds & nuts, banana bread, chocolate milk, green vegetables.
🌹Jasmine, light florals, sweet garden, wild flowers.
🔮Amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
🌹Light candles, plant seeds, share a roast ham with loved ones, bake banana bread, finish spring cleaning, lay tumbled stones in your garden bed, take deep breaths [inhale new energy & exhale old energies], wear spring colours whites & florals, collect wildflowers or buy flowers that call to you & research what they mean, walk through nature.
🎬Epic, Strange Magic, The Secret Garden, Spiderwick, A Bugs Life, Barbie Fairies.
🍞Breads, cakes, honey, leafy greens, fruit & veg, seafood, iced tea, lemonade, milk.
🌼Florals, sweet garden, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose.
🔮Amber, citrine, moonstone, red jasper, rose quartz.
🌼Wear a flower crown or flowers in your hair, dress in red or white, make a bonfire & roast marshmallows, garden, take a walk, spend time in nature, pick fresh flowers to decorate.
🎬Moana, Arthur Trilogy, Avatar, Jungle Book, Tinkerbell, Barbie.
☾Sage cleanse the house, light candles, diffuse oils.
☾Clean sheets/bedding/pillowcases/towels.
☾Eat at least one traditional food.
☾Watch a relevant movie.
☾Take notes in my BOS of how I celebrated the Sabbat to look back on next year.
☾Charge my crystals & tarot decks in the full moonlight.
☾Do a tarot reading relevant to the Sabbat.
☾Spend time outside with my dogs 🐶
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Poems for Beginning Witches
Masterpost for the complete series of poems so far, designed to aid learning for beginning witches. Most are theory, and a one or two are conceptual. The reason for this masterpost is that they’re all poorly tagged
Moon Phases
Color Magic
Water Magics
Charging Objects
Fire (element)*
Witch Tools*
Kitchen Witchcraft*
Air (element)*
Tea Magics*
Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) requested by @fish-egs
Cleansing (an area) requested anonymously
Calling Circle requested by @dragonrhapsody
Spell Types requested anonymously
*with thanks to @lazywitchling, who helped inspire the second wave!
If there is something you would be willing to see in poetry form, send me an ask or drop me a message! As of 10/3/17, I am all out and no more are queued. 
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website | patreon
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Do you believe that I’m a good person? That I deserve love just like everybody else? LEGION S03E02 “CHAPTER 21”
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Updated Resource Masterpost
Astral Projection
Are you over-complicating astral travel?
Beginner Witchcraft
9 ingredients every aspiring witch needs
A witch’s library
Grimoire organization ideas
Cleansing and charging items
Basic herbs
Grimoire vs Book of Shadows ask 
This is just good for beginners to see imho
Cast out evil incense
Book recommendations
Candle magic
Candle magic omens
Candle magic guide
50 simple charms
Magical Metals: The Basics
Incense Uses and meanings
Herb magic: rose colors and magic
Magical correspondences of food
Yankee candle theoi associations
More incense correspondences
More incense by use
Cosmic Witchcraft
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Tips for beginners
Cosmic witch tip
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Lunar magic
How to make moon water
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Solar Magic
Cosmic witchcraft altar and room ideas
Cleansing and Charging crystals
Cultural Appropriation
On Smudging
Reminder about the term spirit animal
On the word “Gypsy”
Common culturally appropriative terms
Cursing 101
Why hexing is the answer
“Just don’t curse” (pro-cursing)
Deity Related (not Pantheon specific)
Mythological book recommendations
Devotional acts don’t have to be high maintenance
Alternative Altars and devotions
A friendly gentle reminder
Modern ways to worship
Domino divination
How to read tea leaves
Divination symbolism
Ways to tell fortunes
Green Witchcraft
Study tips for herbalists
Ways to help save bees
Herbal amulets
Herbs to use in sleep magic
Herb craft
Hellenic Polytheism
Veiling and binding
Hair and hair binding in Pre-classical Greece
Breif deity prayers
Basic Hellenic supplies
Basic Hellenic offering ritual
Hellenic crafts for kids
Small things about the Theoi
2016 Hellenion Calendar
Little Devotional Acts for Gods
Theoi crafts: Poseidon
Theoi crafts: Demeter
Kemetic Polytheism
Some Kickass papercrafts
Kemetic holidays
Goddesses and Gods of the Ancient Egyptians
Shrine Basics
Daily Ritual Basics
Saying “Hi” to Netjeru
An informative post
Shoutout to kemetics…
What’s the lettuce thing about?
Kitchen Witchcraft
Moon cakes
Using soda in witchcraft
Magic pies
Magical uses for kitchen tools
An ask about soda in witchcraft
Ideas for kitchen witchcraft
Norse Paganism
Altars (possibly helpful for people who aren’t Norse pagans also)
Offerings and Devotion for Specific Deities [Mostly Hellenic ATM]
Offerings for Haides
Devotional acts for Hermes
Offerings/Devotional acts for Aphrodite
Persephone Offerings
Hymn for Helios
More devotional act for Hermes
Other Masterposts
A Spirit-workers holy grail
DIY Witchery masterpost
A huge masterpot !!Great for beginners!!
Cosmic witch masterpost
Protecting and shielding masterpost
Astral travel/projection masterpost
A masterpost for space witches
Resources for Hellenismos
Pie’s Hellenic Polytheism Resource page
Cursing masterpost
The master list of lists
Limited witchcraft masterpost
“Give Me Sunshine” Potion for happiness
Secret witches
How to hide an altar (Also: Altoid tin travel kits)
Discrete witch tip: charge your toothbrush
Herbal and floral waters (Also good as offerings to deities/lots of other things)
Sigil Magic
3 Sigils by witchofthunder
Homophobes cannot see me
Sigil FAQ
Banish the bullshitter spell
Jar spell to attract love
Herbal sleep and dream pillows
Spirit work/Necromancy
Herbs associated with the dead
The planchette did a spooky thing
Tarot cards
Twelve Olympians spread
Is an entity contacting me spread
I’m fucking perfect spread
Deity identification spread
Am I worth much spread
Ways to recharge your tarot deck
Using tarot for more than divination
Urban witchcraft
A post
Witch Tips
Witch Tip: Disabled tip
Making your room magical
Witchling tips
Witch tip (if you crochet)
A witchy tip (if you’re having guests)
Incense tips
Alternatives to lavender
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Classic French apartment with historic details in Lyon - photography by Felix Forest
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War in Ukraine.
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