halfpigeon · 2 days
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halfpigeon · 3 days
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currently obsessed with that squilf reincarnation au/theory.
There's just something delicious about her having memories of killing a cat that looks exactly like her husband, also the blue eye undertone could be so cool during the possessed bramble arc since both squilf and bramble would have it during a confrontation scene.
(Also inspired by the "mary. squirrelstar au pmv." by lycanthropy)
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halfpigeon · 3 days
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halfpigeon · 3 days
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ms paint longtail
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halfpigeon · 4 days
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firestar, graystripe, and ravenpaw pixels!
please credit if you use them :]
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halfpigeon · 4 days
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What's that? A clan cat?
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halfpigeon · 4 days
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I wanted to add more, but the canvas got corrupted.
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halfpigeon · 5 days
Bonefall’s Clan Culture Expansions Masterpost
Last update: 4/21/2023
What is this?
I’m making open-source guides that expand on the culture of the warrior cat clans, staying within the capability of cats with human-level intelligence living in Northwestern England. To do this, I research a lot of bushcraft, stone age technology, the flora and fauna of the British Isles, and the effects of different plants on cats.
The regions I model are Clwyd, Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, and Lancashire.
Can I use these for my projects?
Yes! I make these guides exactly to help and inspire those looking to make their own warriors projects. I love being @’d so I can see what you create with my stuff.
Yes, it’s still okay to use these if your project is original or diverges very far from WC. These guides are all open source.
Mr. Bonefall, do you use these for YOUR projects?
Yes! I use these for the Better Bones AU, a project that rewrites warrior cats to give the series a conclusive theme, consistent individual politics, and a more fleshed out culture.
You will probably notice references to my AU’s changes in some entries, such as Sorreltail becoming head of ThunderClan’s kitchen patrol, or Birchfall being a co-inventor of Paw Soup!
The List of Running Clan Culture Projects
Clanmew, a Warrior Cats Conlanguage
Warrior Bites, expanded food culture and meal guides
Herb Guides, how to treat and medicate everything from Color Coughs to Epilepsy to HRT.
Cat Customs, miscellaneous entries on folklore, law, and traditions.
Tribe and Beyond, overhauls of the surrounding groups to give them full cultures and specialty powers all their own.
Each section will be sorted into the ‘big posts‘ I’ve made, plus a second list of answered questions and such.
This project is so large it has its own MASTERPOST!
Glyphic writing system
Warrior Bites
The Rules
The Tools
Dried Minnows
Lesser List;
What’s the advantage of cooking, anyway?
“Bones did you know you can make flour out of (strange non-grain object)“ I’m sorry to tell you that you can’t.
Paw Soup
Who makes the most soup?
The value of eggs
Why milk, cheese, and butter won’t be in Warrior Bites entries
Dipping sauces
But SkyClan loves to steal a butter snack
The TNP journey and its impacts on diet
The importance of fat supplement in a WindClan diet
3. Herb Guides, how to treat and medicate beyond the color coughs
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Transgender Warriors
Epilepsy (includes non-medicinal treatments)
Hygiene 101
All About Fennel
Treating eye infections
What sorts of physical changes would a trans warrior experience?
Medicinal marijuana. Specifically for a person who wanted a Smokeweed.
On Neurodivergency
Health concerns of hygiene
How to do a deep cleaning
Nightshade poisoning vs Yew poisoning, trivia about TPB
Medicinal maggots
On cat diabetes; why any future Herb Guide on it will closely resemble human diabetes instead of the feline type.
Chronic pain
Gastrointestinal problems
The 4 types of Color Cough I use
Joint pain
“Skincare routine“ but it’s actually about glossy fur
Funeral herbs
4. Cat Customs
Broad guide to how I approach each Clan culturally
Fading Kits
Secondary Apprenticeship
Patrolling, Trinary Gender
New jobs and the role of leaders and deputies
Parenting and Honor Siring
Shellfur’s Lake Gathering (In fic style)
The Historical Evolution of the Aftergathering
Kitten Stealing
Lesser list;
yes the leaders know about aftergatherings
It is not the debauchery fest that some cats think it is
Why Clerics are the only cat who interpret omens
Stash Etiquette
On currency; I don’t use this but here are suggestions for good coins.
A single kit litter with a fading kit
How aware the cats are of humans
Building materials
Scars and the Forest Four’s reverence of them
Beauty Standards: Ugliness
SkyClan Beauty Standards
Brightheart is the singular most beautiful cat by Forest Four standards now
Pearl necklace
SkyClan’s oddness
SkyClan vs ShadowClan sense of humor
SkyClan’s politeness demonstrated with tunnelbuns
A huge dump on killings, maulings, the sharpness of claws, etc
Light pollution
Harbor Porpoises, the only cetacean they know about
Guy Fawkes Night
Some parables
5. Tribe and Beyond
A Plan for WarriorClan
BloodClan REDUX
BloodClan’s Claw Extenders
(The Tribe has been left out for now because I want to make a new post for them)
And here’s some more stuff I’ve done that’s cool but unorganized because they were done before I was actually running a series.
Beekeeping: The utility of honey and wax
Domestication (insects, goldfish, and the practicality of keeping mice)
Speculative evolution for Clan cats, if you fancy that
WIP Bio survey of ThunderClan
If you like anything I’m running here, feel free to drop me a suggestion or ask me a question!
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halfpigeon · 5 days
Speaking of bugs, another idea i saw before was how medicine cats have access to honey, yet we never see how they get it. So it could be cool that, since shadowclan is knowledgeable on bugs, or windclan, since they live on the moors, the cats could take care of bees, or at least know how to locate and carefully extract honey when needed, without getting stung. Imagine, cat bee keepers. Though i dont know what else the bees could be used for.
Oh you have no idea what you've done
You're about to get like 3 months of my previous hyperfixation dumped on you I hope you're ready
In a world building project that started as just a fanclan and got so bulky it ended up as a whole warrior-inspired fantasy speculative evolution story, I got so obsessed with bees that I ended up having to hunt down the wikipedia references and use sci-hub because there wasn't enough information there on vulture bees. Anyway, I'll just be talking about common european honeybees.
So, honey is made of pollen making it a plant-based product, meaning that honey has basically no nutritious value to cats. Not to mention the fact that cats can't taste sweet to begin with. This doesn't mean that bee-keeping would be of no value though; bees make all sorts of useful things
Ok, what could a Warrior do with bees?
For one, you'd be able to use beeswax for all sorts of things. In construction it's a decent binding agent (not as good as pitch though) and water-repellent. You can make trinkets out of it, like wax-based natural crayons, modeling clay. In medicine, it makes a balm for cracked skin, and is an excellent ingredient for ointments or 'capsules' to help other herbs get swallowed. RiverClan warriors could use wax to smooth their fur and swim twice as fast.
And that's not to mention honey as well. It's not widely known that honey is an excellent antibacterial agent; and it's far, far more valuable that way than wasted on soothing throats. Glucose oxidase in honey actually reacts with open wounds in a way that chemically produces hydrogen peroxide. Rubbing alcohol. How cool is that??
And, if all else fails... the cats can just eat bees. They're packed with protein. In larval form or just, killing then pulling the stinger out of a worker.
The harder part is extracting honey
Beecause, the easiest way to avoid getting stung while harvesting bees (before modern smoking tools ofc) was to burn animal dung. Cow chips were the one I read about. Can your Warriors have fire? If not, we'll have to get more creative.
Another method mentioned in medieval beekeeping texts is a specific mixture of mallow, fenugreek, and oil. The cats would have access to those things, and they don't need to have dedicated beehives to figure out such a mixture would pacify wild beehives for harvest.
There's also old beekeeping outfits which are nightmarish in a cool way. Those can be made from wicker (willow and reeds) and thick cloth (flax). That would depend on how far you're willing to allow a Warrior cat to be technologically; flax cloth and rope is pretty advanced to create
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halfpigeon · 5 days
I saw your post on Warriors HRT, and and was wondering what kind of changes a cat might expect if they started taking medication? I.e. what would their transition look like if they were transitioning MtF vs. FtM using herbs?
There aren't too many noteworthy physical differences between male and female cats! But there are two to play with:
Male hormones means more muscle mass; generally they will bulk up on FtM herbs, and thin out on MtF
They would start to smell different to other cats.
Male hormones create fat, stiff cheeks, making a rounder face. These are called "tomcat jowls."
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For behavioral changes, a FtM tom is also less likely to use the 'dirtplace' as he transitions, preferring to mark on patrol and generally leaving camp more often.
A MtF molly may suddenly find herself much less restless, and braver in battle despite her loss of muscle mass as she becomes more protective of her Clan.
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halfpigeon · 5 days
Warrior Bites: Dried Minnows
Requested by @troutfur!
A series for those who would like their Warriors to have some more advanced culinary abilities.
The art here was provided by my partner!! (thank you for engaging in my research journeys boo <;3)
Dried Minnows
Clan of Origin: RiverClan Occasion: Travel ration, food storage
“StarClan forbid a RiverClan cat go 2 hours without eating,” says the other, very jealous Clans.
One of the most common meals prepared by RiverClan warriors, dried minnows are easy to prepare, can be stored for weeks, and are easily kept in bunches with a small string of peeled willowbark.
One minnow on its own won’t feed more than a small kit; but they’re easily captured in whole schools and processed in bulk to make lots of food. Marinated in rosemary for taste and valerian for a boost of energy, these are usually carried around as travel rations.
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[Image ID: Three common minnows strung together through the gills with willowbark twine. They are lightly dusted with spice.]
There’s two ways RiverClan cats would dry fish; a Greenleaf method, and a Leafbare method.
In Greenleaf, when it’s hot and humid, the fish will be sun-dried. Starting on a clear morning, the fish will be laid out on a rock and left sitting in direct sunlight. This method requires a watchcat, else foxes may steal the food.
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[Image ID: Grasswhisker, a brown tabby RiverClan warrior cat, crouches in a ‘loaf’ position on a large rock. She is watching minnows dry.]
In Leafbare, the fish will be strung together and threaded through the gills with willowbark strips, the same as they were being carried. They’re brought to a high branch and left there, the wind drying them out naturally over a few hours.
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[Image ID: Two batches of minnows are hanging up in a tree that has a single leaf in the middle of winter. The landscape is snowy and the lake in the distance appears frozen. The meeting island is visible in the corner.]
Because of the easy nature of dried minnows, they’re faaar from considered a delicacy. Apprentices going through their first leafbare are tempted to complain about eating these night after night, only for their elders to launch off into long-winded lectures about the nutritional value of minnows, appreciation of the food StarClan gives them, and how there’s starving kits in ShadowClan who would kill for a good meal right now.
Is there any truth to that last part? Well, the valerian spices ARE quite tempting, to be fair. It has a similar effect to dried catnip.
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halfpigeon · 5 days
A cruel fate that can befall a shattered pantheon, and the enemies of Firestar's Quietus
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With SkyClan homeless and exiled at the end of the Skyfall Era, StarClan itself was in chaos. 1/5th of their ranks broke from the sky to walk with their descendants into exile, with only some of the most powerful ancestors staying behind.
Skystar himself, Patron of War, was one of them. He scoffed that a Clan that couldn't hold even a sliver of land had failed his teachings, and deserved nothing.
Scores of cats died in exile, starved, exposed, killed by predators. Cloudstar desperately tried to keep his cats together as SkyClan dwindled. Soon, there were barely enough cats to maintain a Clan, let alone such a large pantheon.
When Cloudstar died, his successor Spiderstar found herself facing a new threat. One she couldn't defeat.
Over and over, there were rats who would attack the camp. Horrible, twisted creatures of many colors, with sharp claws like a cat and jaws full of needle teeth. They swirled like a storm around a central point, wound so tightly that it was impossible to see what lay at the eye.
While watching baby spiders fly away from their mother on little silk balloons, Spiderstar devised a Great Plan. SkyClan would live apart but connected, loosely, like a web. The Rats could not kill what they could not find.
As she watched her Clan disperse, some to humans homes, some to live as rogues, the blood roared in her ears. It pounded, throbbed into a rythmn, until the words of a prophecy became overwhelming,
[Rat ancestors disastrous-they-will-kill]
Could this be true? Would their ancestors save them from the rats, someday?
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(Below the cut; a guide to Ancestor Rats and how they are dealt with in Firestar's Quietus. CONTENT WARNING: BODY HORROR, GORE.)
Firestar's Quietus; The Secret of the Rats
Exactly as before, when Firestar and the spirit of Brokenstar gathered the SkyClan web together, the rats had one point of attack. They washed over the soon-to-be warriors in a wave, but they were able to fight them off.
Skywatcher laid on his side in the clearing, trembling and wide eyed, covered in horrible bites. At first they could barely get a word out of him, too shaken to speak. When he was finally able to force a word out, he could only mumble;
"I saw Lowbranch. That was my mother..."
And then, someone else came forward, sharing that one rat had the same stripes as their brother. Another recognized their son's tufts on another's ears. The camp buzzed with tension as the stories bubbled forth.
Everyone recognized something in the rats.
Something had happened to their ancestors. Something terrible. It became clear why they had never answered their prayers or sent a hero to save them. Brokenstar tried to reach them, but he could only hear a command echoing in the darkness.
"Neek urrspeekorreen urrsnyarhak, karrl urrsnakochya." "THAT WHICH CANNOT BE FIXED, MUST BE BROKEN"
It was only later, when they went to confront the rats once and for all, that they realized what those words meant. Stumbling out into the dim light out of the barn, they saw them.
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Those weren't just rats!
And the most horrible thing of all was the atrocity behind it all, the creature at the center of the swirling, agonized mass, the eye of the storm...
The Rat Leader; Cloudstar
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He promised to keep his Clan together. So he did.
As each life wasted away and his Clan dwindled, smaller and smaller, as their heaven crumbled above them and became too tiny to hold their ancestors, Cloudstar kept them in one piece.
When he died, that mission continued. Trapped as this cursed creature, Cloudstar was mindlessly commanding his cats like a storm around him, dragging in both the dead and the living in a desperate attempt to save the Clan he'd vowed to protect.
SkyClan could not mend until this curse was broken. These fallen angels needed to be released, by force, to rejoin a new heaven of modern making. Slipping into the body of Firestar, Brokenstar was able to lend all of his talents for one final fight. It was just like being back at Carrionplace.
With his purpose as the fallen 5th tree, a guardian spirit, fulfilled and the rats freed from their prisons, Brokenstar's soul grew sleepy with peace. Firestar buried the acorn necklace that he had used to channel him overlooking the gorge, where it quickly sprouted into a new oak.
Rat Ancestors; Tome of Beasts
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When an afterlife is destroyed, through mass death or supernatural attack, and the spirits within it cannot peacefully fade away or join a new pantheon, all of its souls can become earth-bound.
There are many types of entities and curses in this world, each one completely unique. Ancestor Rats are the form that this pantheon took.
From a distance, an Ancestor Rat could be mistaken for an odd, escaped domestic rodent. Their faces were an unsettling mix of rat and cat, with teeth laid out like a cat's but endlessly growing like a rat. They had the blade-like claws of a Clan cat, tearing through the skin and laying at various angles.
They had no physical needs, but were unable to handle being separated from their leader. Cloudstar himself, however, did need to rest in some way, returning to the barn where he died every day.
When one was killed, it would flash blue as if briefly turning into a shard of the sky, before leaving a completely standard rat corpse in its place. As long as Cloudstar was alive, the pulsar of each spirit would simply be dragged back into another rat after some time.
There was no escape until he was killed.
After the defeat of the Ancestor Rats, the spirits moved on to SkyClan's special heaven; Skypelt. Even after moving to the lake, Skypelt maintains its independence from Silverpelt, judging its own souls and staying separate (but connected) to StarClan-Prime.
With an abundance of rat bodies on their paws, SkyClan started a morbid tradition for a very special celebration. "The New Day" is celebrated every year with a grand feast, where a traditional rat meat dish called "Roasted Grandpaw" is served.
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halfpigeon · 5 days
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my ten millionth cindy design
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halfpigeon · 5 days
been told I'd be an orange cat by a friend, now I wanna make a Warriorsona
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halfpigeon · 5 days
Hi! That was from me and that is the right symbol! Thank you!!
would you be able to make a box that says 'This user is a SkyClan Daylight Warrior'?
hi! i assume you're referencing warrior cats? i don't know much about warrior cats and I'm not familiar with the symbols, so i hope this is okay!! lmk if you want me to change anything!
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feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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halfpigeon · 5 days
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And after many moons, with your sacrifice still plaguing your mind, you once again become a mother
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halfpigeon · 5 days
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miss Moon do you kiss your reflection like Narcissus?
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