hanopka · 3 years
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hanopka · 4 years
Hatori Sohma Icons pt.1
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100 Icons of Hatori Sohma from Fruits Basket Please like or reblog if you take any Please do not edit these icons
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
► Kim Yong Guk/Jin  Long Guo   Rp Icons
Under the cut you will find #114  icons  of Jin Long Guo aka Kim Yong Guk  (1996), a member of Sihyun and Longguo and upcoming group JBJ  .  All icons  were  screencapped and edited by made by me so please don’t repost. If you are using these it would be nice if you could like/reblog!
Notes:  Youngguk  is biracial, Chinese and Korean   Please cast him to the best of your ability.
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hanopka · 4 years
Under the cut you will find #150 rp icons of Yoo Seungho (1993), an actor known for his role in The Magician. Icons were captured, cropped and edited by Mack. Please do not claim as your own or repost them, and if you are using it would be nice if you could like/reblog!
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
 aft -  butts
-  audial, audio receptor - ear
-  berth, recharge slab - bed, a place to recharge
-  bond - marry. Involves  "spark merging" and possibly a ceremony, or at least personal vows of devotion.
-  cables - muscles. Sometimes refers to an interface cable.
-  calipers - (look up a diagram) a channel of internal “muscles” inside of intakes and valves.
-  chassis - main body, torso
-  CPU - attention span, memory capacity
- coolant - runs through fuel lines (or something?) to reduce overheating. -  cooling fans activate when flustered, like blushing. Used to expel excess heat from the frame and moderate internal temperature.
-  circuits/circuitry - circulatory or cardiovascular system
-  communication link (“comm link” or “comm”) - wireless communications system in which mechs choose a specific radio frequency and use it like a phone line. Can be privately or inclusively broadcasted.
-  cord - a cable with a jack at the end, used for interfacing.
-  digit - finger
-  dentae -  teeth
-  derma, dermal plating - skin, outer armor
-  electromagnetic field (EM field) - (definitely research this, its cool stuff!) An aura. Simply put, it’s the charged particles (electrons) surrounding an object which conducts electricity. When different EM fields come into contact, they slightly alter each other, causing interference of sorts. Using your imagination, you can presume Cybertronians use fields to communicate. Different levels, intensities, amount of charge etc are likely associated with different moods and emotions. EM fields likely expand and contract depending on social and emotional situations. They are essentially someone’s “bubble.” One can feel disturbances in the air around them if another mech brushes against or stands in their field. In a way they are like whiskers, judging spacial awareness and reading energy currents/air currents. It’s fun to make them into a method of emotional communication akin to body language.
-  engine - will rev when excited. Can also growl when angry, sputter when exasperated, etc.
-  frag - v. or n. (opposite of “defragment”) Crude word for “interface.” Also an interjection.
-  frame - whole body
-  frame type - overall shape and style of the Cybertronian’s model. Examples include jet, race car, truck, helicopter, etc
-  fuel pump -  Pumps fuel throughout the body the same way a heart circulates blood.
-  glossa - tongue
-  helm - head
- host/carrier - a frame type which relies on a symbiotic relationship to other mechs (i.e, Soundwave and Blaster).
-  intake, fuel intake - throat
-  interface - v. Two or more mechanisms connecting either physically or mentally, in a manner that is generally perceived to be sexual. (Depends on personal interpretation!)
There are 3 main categories for interfacing, “sticky,”  "plug n’ play,“ and “tactile”.
Sticky interface uses concepts analogous to human anatomy (spike, valve, fluids)
Plug n’ play focuses on a cord/port connection, along with the transfer of energy, files, emotions, and memories.
Tactile interface focuses on physical (and sometimes electrical) touch
Personal suggestion: combine all three!
Colloquial terms for interface include: jack in, plug in, link up, fileshare.
-  interface housing - an area of the body (your choice!) that houses interface equipment, be it cables/ports or spikes/valves). Generally the equipment is kept safe behind separate panels (one for spike/cord, one for valve/port)
-  olfactory sensors, chemoreceptors/chemosensors - sense of smell. Detects chemical stimuli in the environment.
-  optics/optical sensors - eyes
-  offline - unconscious, asleep. Sometimes means “dead.” (I don’t use it that way).
-  online  - conscious, awake, alive.
-  oral cavity, oral component - mouth
-  oral lubricant - saliva
-  overheating - body becomes uncomfortably warm, possibly to a harmful degree. Causes of overheating include embarrassment, anger, arousal, etc
-  overload - the climax of interfacing (orgasm), achieved by excessive electrical charge within the frame. May involve shorted circuits, being knocked offline, systems crashing, blacking out, temporarily shutting down, rebooting in some form.
-  panel, interface panel, interface hatch/manual hatch - the panel behind which lies the interface equipment. May be automatically or manually operated (or both!)
-  pede - foot, leg
-  port - receptive end for an interface cable.
-  processor - brain
-  recharge  - sleep
-  sealed/factory sealed - Essentially a virgin. One who retains the protective seals over their interface equipment they were constructed with. Most will agree that seals should be medically removed, but some mechs romanticize “breaking their lover’s seals.”
-  sensory input modules - nerves (things that relay information to the processor)
-  slag - basically “shit”.
-  spark - heart/soul/lifeforce. Located in the chest.
-  spark merging - a profusely intimate act in which mechs open their chest compartments, revealing their sparks, and press together until the sparks resonate at the same frequency, pulse in synchronicity, etc. Likely this leads to overloading. Generally spark merging is an act reserved for bonded mechs, as it involves one to expose themselves to absolute vulnerability.
-  spike - phallus component utilized in sexual interface. Upon arousal, spikes will “come online” by heating up, extending from interface housing, stiffen by means of magnetism or hydraulics (probably?), and likely will self-lubricate. Connecting to a valve forms a circuit between mechs and energy can be shared in a feedback loop. Thrusting in-and-out movements stimulate internal tactile and electrical sensors, accumulating electrical charge.  
- struts/spinal struts - back
-  symbiote/symbiont - a mech smaller than a mini which lives on or inside its designated host/carrier mech. (i.e., the cassetticons)
-  valve - interface equipment resembling a vagina. Internal components include calipers, a ceiling node, various tactile sensory nodes, various electrical nodes. Outer components include a rim and at least one external node resembling a clitoris. Valves will “come online” and start to heat and self-lubricate upon arousal.
-  ventilation - breathing
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hanopka · 4 years
edward’s new fc. 
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
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hanopka · 4 years
Under the cut you will find 165 Icons of Sam Drake from Uncharted 4. Feel free to use for your roleplaying needs! :)
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hanopka · 4 years
Under the cut you will find 60+ Icons of Sam Drake from Uncharted : The Lost Legacy. Feel free to use for your roleplaying needs! :)
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hanopka · 4 years
70 Kagome Higurashi Icons
All the icons are from chapter one ! Please like or reblog if you plan on using these, but other then that go wild.
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