harbingham · 4 years
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“It’s crazy, ever since the middle of the tenth grade all we’ve ever wanted was an empty house. We have two of them.”
“Yeah, our timing is shit.”
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harbingham · 4 years
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“It’s crazy, ever since the middle of the tenth grade all we’ve ever wanted was an empty house. We have two of them.”
“Yeah, our timing is shit.”
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harbingham · 5 years
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17K notes · View notes
harbingham · 5 years
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harbingham · 5 years
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with @harbingham
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harbingham · 5 years
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                    The steady, cooling wind of the promised night was SOOTHING as Harry sat at the gazebo. It was pointless he knew, but he couldn't stop refreshing snapchat, twitter, facebook — any && all apps that once seemed to easily connect everyone in the whole fucking world. Now, it connected no one — the internet ?? A thing of the past apparently. Nonetheless he went through each app on repeat, the smallest bit of hope ever present as that circle would try to load && load ... only to stop   /   the flash of RED ERROR keeping him a bit of company.
           Though as footsteps approached, cold gaze moved up — the usual greeting of a sigh && eye roll was all Vicky was gonna get. “You could literally go anywhere else ... && yet you still find me. Coincidence ?? I’m starting to doubt it.”  ・。・゜ @t-vickymoore​   /   VICKY * !!
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harbingham · 5 years
apressmangirl‌   /   ALLIE * !!
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she was staring at him. too hard. she knew she was and yet, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. they’d had sex. her sister was in a coma. they’d had sex and here he was checking in on her sister who he hated who was in a coma.
after the buses abandoning them here, allie had thought her life couldn’t get any stranger. yeah, right. she nodded slowly, biting the inside of her cheek. cass was okay. sort of okay. better than keiran, at least. god, that was a terrible thing to think.
allie barely noticed harry turn away, so wrapped up in whether it was immoral or realistic to use the boy who’d just died as a scale on which to judge her sister’s health. trying to rectify the damage she might’ve just done to her self-image by thinking such a thing. at least we found her heart meds. at least she isn’t badly hurt. at least she could wake up.
unsure what to do with her hands, she reached for the cup of tea, watching it steam. “yeah, thank you,” she said, meeting his eyes again. they surprised her. big, dark, focused—all as usual. but full of concern. for her. and cassandra. “i’m pretty sure the only food left in here is processed and bagged,” she offered with the smallest of shrugs. “but nobody can really screw up hot water.”
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                    The slight brush of their hands as Allie grabbed the mug caused gaze to finally land on her once again. It was nothing compared to last night, but it stirred up something. What that was, Harry couldn’t say. All of this would have been CONFUSING before the accident — now it still was, but seemed rather pointless. Which the the timeline of events it was. But selfishly ?? It didn’t feel inconsequential, as it usually did. && that’s what felt odd, made him feel all the more out of place in his own body.
          It was his turn to STARE — attempting to map out the scramble of his mind. His reaction was  s l o w  , a forced grin. “Oh, most definitely. A West Ham High meal, only the mystery meat might not even be meat.” He lightly jested with a bit of his usual sarcasm. He sucked in a long breath of air, tongue darting over lips out of nerves, UNSTEADY. 
“Look, I just wanted to —”
                ‘BINGHAM !!’ A deep voice broke apart his thought ; any warmth, concern that he held for only Allie to see vanished as raven gaze peered over his shoulder to the intruder. One of the ‘good guys’, someone coming to save the day, he supposed.
                      Harry didn’t pay much attention though the — ‘We all know how you feel about Cassandra’ message was CLEAR. AKA, get the fuck out. On another day, on other circumstances, he would have fought back — the anger always flickering within, threatening to build with each passing day, another kindling wood to the flame. But he didn’t, instead the guy was met with the usual roll of his eyes before they turned to once again meet blue. Let me know if you need anything. The moment brief, he forced a smirk as he spun on this heel, clapping a threatening hand over the dude’s shoulder. “Good talk.”  Ah — there’s the Harry sarcasm, back in full force.
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harbingham · 5 years
gwennhqs‌   /   GWEN * !!
her mouth fell open, before she let a laugh escape her lips. “i did not do that?” she asked, covering her mouth with her hand. she bit down on her bottom lip as she locked her eyes with his, searching for anything else that he may have been hiding from her about what may have happened. “what if i told you that i wanted to you to look, and that you don’t have to be a gentleman with me … all the time.” she replied in a joking manor, but she wasn’t sure whether she actually was joking.
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                      “The fact that you even QUESTION whether or not you could’ve done it only makes it that much more plausible, Gwen.” Eyes bright with mischief, she was good, he’d give her that. “Well I’d hate to have to DISAPPOINT. You see, I was raised to be nothing but — I could never do anything to hurt that, how would I live with myself ??” Tone dripped of sarcasm, eyes wide with feigned innocence before duplicitous smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Unless of course there was GOOD REASON to. Only then could I ever break a gentleman’s vow.”
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harbingham · 5 years
ninacelina‌   /   NINA * !!
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The raven hair of the girl jolted as her head whipped to look at him after the pause in this statement. Granted, it was true. People did used to fear her. She was more aware of that now, more than ever, that she was in this purgatory to ponder the area of her ways. Her furrowed brow softened and a smirk danced upon her face before fading. Compliments were still the way to her soul. “Oh shove it.” She stuck a middle finger out at him as he turned the moment into one big joke. Leave it to Harry to bring down your mood and not even acknowledge it. Leave it to Harry to try to pick it back up and not even acknowledge it either. “I think I’ve got plenty of eye candy around here, thank you very much.” She attempted to play along, though shaking the goosebumps were a lot harder. “You on the other hand should be thanking me for coming around this drab place.” She gestured back to his house where the un-welcomed house guests dwelled. She flashed him a smile and shook her head a bit. “Yeah that would be nice. But seriously, Harry…Do you think we’ll ever see the world again?”
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                    “Careful Nina, your emotions are showing ; && your crush on me is just getting EMBARRASSING.” Harry was quick to tease right back — brow arching in challenge. He was tempted to ask her to even name three, but it was easy, even for him, to see that she was still unsettled about something. Not that he could blame her, so was he, if he were HONEST. Though that adjective rarely was one to follow the Bingham name. His smile for once was GENUINE, a nod of thanks was all she was gonna get, but it was still there. It was too easy to get  l o n e l y  in this new world of theirs. To see a familiar face, one who’s company he actually didn’t hate, chipped at the usual facade. “It’s not what it used to be, is it ??” He mumbled, jaw tight as gaze studied each brick. What once gave off the illusion of perfectionism vanished, crumbling away just like everything else was seeming to. 
          Lips parted — a pause in thought as dark gaze met her own. A LIE he couldn’t find, brows instead furrowing with a long exhale. “Honestly ?? No. Not if this shit continues. I get it, we have to find means of survival — but no one is even trying to find a way out. We’re fucking stuck, Nina. Bullshit on top of more bullshit.” Selfishly, he was relieved to unlock inner thoughts —  but just add to the guilt. “But uh — you know maybe, one day. I just — I don’t think it’ll be soon.” Harry attempted to amend, gaze warily parting from her own. “Do you think they’re still out there ?? You know, our families ??”
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harbingham · 5 years
jcyvincee‌   /   jaiden * !!
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jaiden was on odd terms with the bingham boy. he seemed to be completely oblivious to his dealings with his father, but through it all, he kept his ego high and mighty, even after everything turned to shit. “ i ain’t stuck anywhere, bing boy. i was gonna go and play in the major leagues— leave your ass in the dust with the rest of ya. “ his words seemed to hold a punch, but his tone was light, airy. maybe it was the half-finished joint still burning between his fingers. maybe it was because he didn’t care what the other thought. who would ever know. 
“ bet you’d be surprised too if you were in front of the headlights. “
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                     Why his father chose him ?? Harry had no idea ; though he by no means didn’t try to figure it out. He’d asked his father before, only left with vague mumblings, quick brush offs. Why wasn’t he good enough ?? Hadn’t he proved himself time && time again ?? Jaiden’s work didn’t stop after his father’s ... yeah either, much to his utter annoyance. Harry’s usual smirk only widened, though russet hues remained cold. “A professional athlete. Again — cute. I suppose it’s good to have dreams, especially when you don’t have anything else.” A long drag — it wasn’t enough but it was something at least. 
          “I wouldn’t say surprised.” Relieved ?? Understandable ?? Shit, maybe a mixture of everything ?? “Guess I better hope my reflexes are just a bit faster. Especially if rumors are true.” Not a drunken mistake ?? Fuck, anything was possible. “One by one we’ll be gone.”
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harbingham · 5 years
beccagclbs‌   /   BECCA * !!
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no one could really explain what it was with becca and harry— no one knew what lied in their dark pasts, every tiny detail that had thrown them together in the most unusual ways. they were opposites, but they were more alike than anyone could ever know. 
her hand stayed clasped around the taller boy, eyes squeezed shut as she took in the feeling. there was something about a hug from someone who understood; it felt like home, if even for a moment. “ thank you for being there… for always being there for me. i just… i know i’ve said it a million times but i need you to know it. “ her brows furrowed and her eyes cracked open, her body peeling half way from his. 
“ well, good— live in spite, but live. “ the justness in her voice held no power, she had lost any and all of that last night, but there was a slight begging tone. she begged the world to keep him alive— all this grief and mourning wouldn’t be possible without him. 
he ushers her inside, and she stifles a small, broken laugh as her slipper-clad feet make their way to her living room, plopping down on the couch and clutching one of the many throw pillows in her arms. it gave her warmth, a now unfamiliar feeling. 
“ you’re lucky i’m too exhausted with a witty comeback for that one. “
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                      “Please, you’re one of the  f e w  I actually like to listen to.” Which was TRUE. It was easy to tune others out, the constant drama, the bickering, && the ‘words of advice.’ It was all fucking BULLSHIT from most people anyways; the echo of their on voice in the mind more  s o o t h i n g  than the actual meaning behind said locutions. 
          But not Becca. Weirdly enough, in this fucked up world Harry found someone who understood. From what he read he was lucky in that regard, most never do. It was UNEXPECTED in Becca Gelb — the one who’s words also tended to get her into trouble, but in the best sort of way. Advice from her didn’t follow with a roll of his eyes, it meant something ; she’d been there too.
                    Based solely from the tight grip of the pillow, he knew what kind of night it was. Sometimes touch was exhausting in itself, nothing more soothing than the idea of a mausoleum with nothing in it. But nights like this ?? One almost needed to feel claustrophobic to know that things are okay — or at least as okay enough to inhale, exhale.
          Long frame  t o p p l e d  over her, head on shoulder as a half-hearted chuckle emitted from his chest. “As if you could come up with one on a good day, Gelb ; but sure, we’ll go with that.” A pause, he never did well with the void  s i l e n c e — “You know pillows are multi-purposeful. Great for sleep of course, but also good for yelling, throwing — ripping even sometimes you know.” He rambled, dark gaze taking a quick peep at the other before falling to the floor. “—Or I would say I’d sing you to sleep, but I wouldn’t want to TORTURE you further.”
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harbingham · 5 years
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some harry moments in s1
requested by anon
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harbingham · 5 years
“It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. It’s like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark and thinking there is one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down through the air and there’s a sickly moment of dark surprise.”
— A Series of Unfortunate Events (Lemony Snicket)
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harbingham · 5 years
newhamwill‌   /   WILL * !!
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His eyes adjusted to focus on the mess brown hair that was familiar to him. The voice confirmed that it was the Bingham boy sitting by himself just a few feet away. He knew he could easily just turn around and exit the way he came, but he moved closer instead. The air reeked of booze. He said nothing. Just walked around the pew and sat beside Harry. “I can’t just do that.”, his tone hushed and soft. He held his hand out for the bottle. A sort of if you can’t beat them, join ‘em but mostly to get him to not down a whole bottle alone.
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                     AN INSTANT SCOFF, Harry  r o l l e d  his eyes before glaring at the other. “Actually, you fucking can. It’s pretty easy — just follow the yellow brick road right on home. Or should I say to the Pressman house, all things considered.” He was quick to mutter, tone HARSH as jaw clenched tight. Harry pointedly continued to stare in front of him, avoiding any ogling biblical figurines hung among the walls. Slight guilt flickering at heart as he noticed the other’s hand out of the peripheral of his gaze. Dammit. He sighed, begrudgingly passing Will the bottle. “That’s perfectly aged ; don’t fucking waste it.”
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harbingham · 5 years
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                    “So you don’t remember dancing on practically every table because the floor apparently, && I quote, ‘kept disappearing ??’” Harry managed to lie with ease, keeping a straight face for a lingering pause before lips inevitably curled up into their usual smirk. “Shame. But don’t worry, I was nothing but a gentleman ; looked away the whole time I helped you down to prove the floor was indeed REAL.”
   “okay so – i can’t remember a single thing from prom, not after arriving anyway. but from my camera roll, it looks like i had fun at least – i just want to apologise if i did anything to offend you, unless you deserved it of course and in that case haha.”    
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harbingham · 5 years
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                    To be truthful, he hadn’t thought about it much, couldn’t really. But the moment Lucas put it that way, it made sense. Mouth  d r y  , dread curling it’s claws around his chest. Fuck, what if it wasn’t an accident ?? Someone that drunk wouldn't have been able to drive much further, probably would’ve wreaked more HAVOC or have left a trail in their duress. It was just so much easier to think it’d been a mistake. Sure, people HATED Cassandra ( no thanks to him ), && he had his own qualms, demons he dealt with, but it was a whole other thing to purposefully ... yeah. Another long, much needed drag of the cigarette, he lightly laughed it off. “I know we’re all pretty fucked up, but murderers ?? I don’t fucking think so.” Ignorance is bliss.
          GRATEFUL for lighter topic, he flicked away ash as his usual smirk dawned his lips. “Noon ?? Fuck, man. New record. I didn’t think you could ever be so DOMESTIC. Hope you guys had a nice cuddle session, a deep talk about your true feelings,”  He dished right back, though not before flashing him a beloved middle finger in jest. A feigned pout, he grabbed the bottle of whiskey back, downing a bit of it with Bingham ease. “I don’t know, I guess about how the other’s are doing — or whatever. But we’ll probably find out soon enough ; shit still travels fast.” He sighed, finishing off the cigarette,  pointedly pressing the end into the ash tray. A low chuckle, he wouldn’t  l i e  , the idea of that was nerve-wracking, especially since he already had looks of SUSPICION, immediately deemed guilty by more than a few. “Let’s just say if they do get me, it’ll be a first ; something West Ham cops couldn’t even do.” He attempted to jest, rolling his eyes before downing anther gulp. “You gonna be my lawyer ?? Apparently no one needs training to do shit around here. Fuck, you might be good at it. No matter what though, just make sure they don’t fucking put me in anything orange.” A pause, dark gaze turning to the other. “If they do blame somebody, find the person who did it, what do you think they’re gonna do ??”
God, he was glad no one was there to hear them. Of course, Lucas didn’t really cared what anyone thought of him for that matter, but he was just not in the mood for teary-eyed people to tell him to ‘have some respect’. Why should he? It wasn’t as if either Kieran or Cassandra could hear them, anyway. “You don’t think it was on propose?” Lucas replied with a curious tone, as he let the ashes in the floor for the wind to take away. 
“She has been staying lately, bothering me until noon.” Turns out, Lucas discovered that it bothered him more when she left at dawn than when she left at 12 a.m. “And you know why she keeps coming back. Can you say the same about yourself?” Playful smirk resting in his lips, Harry had to know he wasn’t serious. If they didn’t tease each other back and forth, were they really friends? “Anything about what? Just the usual shit when one of your friends die and the other is in the hospital, I guess.” Shit, maybe he should’ve been there for her. Well, he was half asleep when she ran away, and to be fair, he didn’t know that there was one half dead, the other half in comma. “Can’t blame you. It was shit, I only went because blondie felt like we had to be there.” Hand reaching the bottle, Lucas put his cigarette in the ashtray of the table ( the one he hadn’t been using until now ) and took a drink of the whiskey. “Have they already pinned it on you?” It wasn’t hard to figure out who they was: Will, Allie, every person in town who thought to be oh so good. In Lucas’ experience, people like those were the ones with more skeletons in their closets, but then again, who was he to talk? 
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harbingham · 5 years
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