harleyquinn669-blog · 7 years
When i see you i smile and think i can do anything i did enjoy everything we did together even though we were not dating it was nice for once we didnt fight and able to be alone together now that you and i are not working it out it will be hard to do anything but i will keep going not for you but for my sons nothing will change i will keep going we had our chance now its time to move on i will not wait for you so im letting go and putting on a smile and saying im happy and nothing will bring me down
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harleyquinn669-blog · 7 years
Can't sleep
Can't sleep thinking of all the shit I'm dealing with an my demons telling me to do something I don't want to do I keep telling them I love him I don't want hurt him he makes me truly happy but they tell me do it just do it hurt him like he hurt you ugh these voices in my head wish they go away along with everything else I love you so much I need you keep the voices away
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harleyquinn669-blog · 7 years
Depression an anxiety
Having both depression an anxiety suck you get over whelmed by one thing an then the next your thinking about it an wondering what you could of done differently.trying keep the thoughts an feelings at by is hard you are to scared to make a single move what should I do what do I need to do
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harleyquinn669-blog · 7 years
Dear josh
Im writting this to you let you know how i feel and to let you know i know everything about you an how you lied to me about everything. Yes i did truly love you and cared for you i wanted to be with you i know what i did was wrong an i shouldn't have treated you that way im truly sry i would take it back if i could but i cant what hurts the most is that you lied to me about wanting to fix things and saying you still love an care for me if you didnt want talk to me anymore all you had to say was you didnt want talk to me anymore and i would if left for good but you had to go an make up big a lie that i knew was fake from the whole go jail an shit i know you are still with Olivia and went to her house you could if been honest with me i wouldnt have gotten mad i know while you were wuth me you still were doing things for sam an yall were getting two close and hiw yall still get undressed an dressed infront if each other im not mad at all im glad i know now how you are and the true man you are all you had to do was be honest and give me my stuff back i dont know why you didnt want to they are my stuff not yours ok we could of been friends but you fucked that up and now your gona wish you didnt fuck me over part of me will always love you but theres no way i can allow you back in my life you are now and forever out of my life i hope you delete the pictures of you an me on fb and in your phone this me saying goodbye im not coming back or taking you back not now not ever
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harleyquinn669-blog · 7 years
What comes around goes around
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harleyquinn669-blog · 7 years
I lay here thinking of you and everything i have learned about you i cant help it but think what i do for you to do this i loved an cared for you an you go an break my heart the girl your with does not know what you are doing to her you cheated on her twice an lying to her im so confused an hurt my heart says one thing an my head says other i just want the pain to go away and see you get what deserve i pray that one day someone does the samething to you as you did to me
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